Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1528 161. Every Once In A While, The Dead Will Jump Up And Startle - Jia Geng [15/25]

Chapter 1528 161. Every once in a while, the dead will jump up and startle - Jia Geng【1525】

Of course, the issue of the kingdom governance of Suramar cannot be solved by a few words from Bu Laike.

Even if he is world-famous now, the legendary great pirate who can scare a little elf girl into tears cannot do this.

However, his appearance with the queen's decree and the authority of the governor has brought new ideas and strategies to this long power change that has no end in sight.

Especially for Lilith Yuejun, whose legitimacy was not sufficient after Elisande's death, the arrival of the majesty of the Braike elven empire undoubtedly gave this minister of state affairs who has been under a lot of pressure these days With sufficient confidence.

She immediately adjourned the meeting.

Everyone was given one day to prepare, and the meeting will be reopened tomorrow morning to determine the future development route of Suramar, whose future is currently unknown.

After the disgusting meeting was disrupted, the Minister of State also followed Laike to the hanging corridor of the Tower of Darkness.

She knew that Bo Laike was going to the Nightfountain where the magic power of the Nightwell essence was. This pirate came to Suramar this time for this purpose, and Sefiel's spirit body was still trapped in a certain timeline in the past.

As the most affectionate of the endless sea, Laike Shaw came to rescue his first mate and wife.

The Night Fortress, a landmark building in Suramar, was built in the bay outside the city, which made it easy to see the entire Suramar from the top of the tower.

Bo Laike looked towards the city with his pipe in his mouth. He could feel that the atmosphere in the city was somewhat depressing at this time, but he didn't see any signs of chaos.

It was as if Elisande's death and the failure of the expeditionary force did not change the city's living habits that had lasted for thousands of years. Even in the interlaced waterways of the city, you can still see those gondola boats carrying people swimming around.

However, in the most important area of ​​Suramar, that is, around the Night Fortress where the Nightwell is located, there are five steps, one post and ten steps and one sentry. The nobles who control all areas of Suramar city are leaving here.

They must be whining, maybe even secretly plotting something not so good.

But the pirates didn't care.

He has already passed the stage where he needs to fight wits with these guys. He has already installed many of his own people in this city. Isn't the existence of subordinates just for the needs of the boss to solve troublesome things?

Anaris's Nightborne pirate fleet is also heading back to Suramar across the endless sea. When she returns, her sister Lilith will have the support of force, and it will be a matter of course to take over the entire city at that time.

Just need to get a few difficult thorns in advance.

For example, the great astrologer Etraeus, and several moon priests sent by Kadorei to the city, and the representatives sent by Quel'Thalas to buy magic power.

But that's something Lilith needs to think about.

Bu Laike believes that the head of the Moon County family has enough political wisdom to solve these problems.

Now he was standing on the height of the Tower of Darkness, looking towards the civilian area of ​​Yongyue Market.

His good vision allowed him to see many Nightborne Assassins belonging to the Uncrowned in public, holding boxes of magic wine and distributing them to civilians.

The move made the pirate nod.

This proves that the "mass line" of the Uncrowned in Suramar is correct.

And these assassins hiding in various parts of the city also ensured that besides her sister's pirate fleet, Lilith would have another force to help her stabilize the country.

"These days, thanks to the Uncrowned, they have been maintaining everywhere. With extremely high efficiency and professionalism, they have eliminated many careerists who tried to subvert the city's political power through Elisande's death in battle."

Behind Bu Laike, Lilith held her large folder and whispered to Bu Laike as if reporting to Elisande:

"Thanks to their activity, coupled with the increased supply of magic wine, the lives of city residents have not been greatly affected.

My sister told me that she left the soldiers evacuated from Quel'Thalas on an island off the coast until I pacified the city before releasing them.

Well, my worry-free younger sister has finally grown into someone who can be trusted and relied on.

This is all well taught by you, Captain. "

"Perhaps you should thank Talisa. Although Anaris doesn't admit it, the chief arcanist is indeed the brains of her fleet. Without Talisa, the Nightborne Pirate faction would not have developed. It went so well."

Bo Laike took down his pipe, shook his head and said:

"Based on Talisa's command and management ability, I think that after you take power, you should give her the status of Minister of Military Affairs. She and her friends will not let you down."

While talking, the pirate handed Lilith his governor's scepter. This straightforward action made the Minister of State Affairs blink. She didn't take it immediately, but asked carefully:

"Will such a straightforward transfer of power be discussed by others? Will there be a sense of authority?"

"If you can't even handle this, Elisande won't trust you that much."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"You don't really think that a busy man like me would really take the time to run the kingdom of Suramar, do you? Can you afford to hire me as governor?

You have to learn to do your own things, Your Excellency Lilith, you are already a very mature elf politician, you should learn to make your own decisions and bear the price yourself.

I'll just say it straight, the purpose of my coming to Suramar this time is very simple, just to bring back my first mate. "

"Well, I guessed it."

Lilith covered her mouth with a chuckle, and she generously accepted the governor's scepter from Queen Azshara.

She caressed the delicate and authoritative gem scepter in her hand, feeling in her heart that the world is changing, and her father probably never imagined that in less than three years after his death, the Yuejun family became the control of Suramar. By.

And all of this stems from this magical human being in front of him.

From the results alone, perhaps Lilith and the entire Yuejun family should thank the pirates for kidnapping that night two years ago.

"Remember to marry Lilas early."

Bu Laike handed over his power. He took out a bottle of wine and took a sip, then ordered:

"The combination of the Windrunner family and the Moon County family will produce a very wonderful effect. I have already explained the inner meaning of this matter clearly to that innocent kid Lilas. responsibilities between them.

Of course, he needs you to teach him carefully in this regard.

Your sister must not be counted on, she struggles to fight herself, she should be a noble wife in Suramar honestly, maybe you can send her to engage in diplomacy? "

The pirate blinked and complained:

"Based on the 'language art' she has learned in my fleet for so long, she will definitely be a good diplomat. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing you should pay attention to.

Quel'Thalas sent Ah Qiang to communicate with you about the purchase of magic power."


Lilith asked in surprise:

"Who's that? Is that some kind of fancy nickname? As far as I know, the emissary from Quel'dorei is named Lor'themar Theron. That's a mouthful, especially if it's in the Salasian language. when."

"So you now know why I called him 'Aqiang'."

The pirate pouted and said:

"Believe me, he will be happier if you call him Aqiang, which means that you regard him as a friend. In short, remember that Aqiang is one of your own, and you don't need to hide some things from him."


Lilith was surprised again, she thought about it, and asked cautiously:

"Captain, the person you are talking about refers to Queen Azshara? Or you?"

"Of course it is our supreme queen."

Bu Laike lifted the bottle, poured all the wine in the bottle into his mouth, and after showing Lilith the 'unique skill' of showing off a bottle of wine in a second, he wiped his mouth and said:

"Ah Qiang is destined to become a big shot in the Second Elf Empire in the future, and so are you, so don't worry too much when talking to him, you can tell him your true thoughts.

Of course, the Quel'dorei need magic power to satisfy their people, so the magic wine is ready for export.

It just so happened that Little Xingxing got you the old magic crystal of the magic hub, which should be enough for people in this city to 'change their tastes'. "

Speaking of this, the pirate looked around, and after confirming that no one was eavesdropping, he explained the matter of Arcandor and the magic well to Lilith, and he seriously warned:

"This matter was finally announced with Queen Azshara's gesture of 'benevolence' to her subjects. At that time, you will have to decide whether to return to the embrace of the elf empire.

But I think the whole of Suramar will go wild if your people learn that allegiance to the Queen will get rid of their magic addiction, and as a politician, you should jump at the chance.

I won't go into details about specific actions, but I believe you can grasp them.

If the great astrologer Etraeus is really stubborn, you can also use this news to convince him."

"No, Captain."

Lilith shook her head and explained:

"I only recently learned that His Excellency Etraus, who has always been cold and aloof, is actually a senior admirer of the Queen in his heart.

This is actually quite normal, and elf spellcasters basically have this virtue.

I can persuade him in the name of the empress, but his stubborn character will definitely bring me some troubles, but that's okay, maybe I should ask the supreme empress to be an official court arcanist for the grand astrologer Title, this may make His Excellency Etraeus very happy.

I also knew that it was impossible to govern a country without trouble, and I was well prepared.

Whether it's the next negotiation with Quel'dorei or the diplomatic alliance with Kaldorei, I'm fully prepared. Speaking of which, Captain, Ms. Maiev is still in the city. "

The Minister of State Affairs flipped her hair and pointed to a quiet area on the edge of the noble district. She whispered:

"Her brother returned to Mount Hyjal, but she stayed, saying that the ladies Sephiel and Xal'atath owed her a supper, at the ancestral home of the Shadowsong family.

Need me to prepare food for your 'family dinner' in advance? "

"Just don't use the magic wine, I'm really not used to the taste."

Bo Laike felt a headache.

But he didn't say much, this kind of thing can't escape.

Seeing that Bu Laike frequently looked in the direction of the Dark Springs, Lilith took the initiative to leave with a wink, and handed over the key to the top hall of the Dark Springs to the pirates.

The latter strolled into the hall where he had been once before, but it was empty.

Only the strange altar that Elisande used to manipulate the magic of the Nightwell was placed in the center of the hall, where the echoing violet magic was tumbling, but the annoying figure of Elisande was no longer there.

The pirate sneered, turned and walked towards a higher platform.

But the moment he stepped on the floating ladder, Elisande's somewhat distorted voice sounded from behind him:

"You came back, but I didn't come back, so, have my ambitions been buried?"

"Do you dead people like to jump up so suddenly to scare people? Also, do you want me to show you the magic weapon I made with your skull?

It's really beautiful. "

Bu Laike stopped at the same place, and glanced back at the altar filled with magic light, where there was a figure like a "paper man" looming in the magic flow containing the power of time.

That's Elisande.

Elisande in a past timeline.

It has been said many times before that the great magister has been in contact with this magical flow full of time for 10,000 years, and her life form soaked in it has been completely changed.

This change gave her the same characteristics as a bronze dragon. Although she is dead now, she is still alive in the past, and can talk to Laike through time.

Of course, the Grand Magisters of the past have no way of knowing the present, especially since this timeline has already been muddied by Laike.

"Really sorry."

Hearing the pirate's provocation, Elisande in the past time stream did not show any anger. In fact, she was incredibly peaceful and seemed to have expected this ending.

The time phantom like the paper man didn't even take the time to discuss his own death, but changed the subject and said to Bo Laike:

"Are you going to the upper floor to activate the Eye of Aman'Thul and save your wife? Do you need me to remind you?"

"I want it, but I'm not sure I can afford it?"

Bo Laike picked up his pipe and said:

"Unless you tell me that the reminder you gave me is free and there are no traps, my dear Grand Magister, you should also know that once I master the Eye of Aman'Thul, I can kill the monsters hiding in the past in minutes. of you.

No more difficult than crushing a cockroach. "

"That's exactly what I want to say, Lord Bo Laike."

Elisande's time phantom said gently:

"Because my ambition has been buried, so I decided to talk to you in a more realistic and sincere way. I hope to keep this illusion of time so that I can see this city that I have protected for 10,000 years future direction.

I wish to see my civilization prosper.

Please don't laugh!

This is really my thinking at this time, and you should understand that no matter which path she takes, the woman named Elisande still has some thoughts of protecting her subjects in her heart.

but me

I was born out of that idea, as you can see, I don't have much power, and I just want to live in this ghostly way. "

"You're trouble! Elisande from the past."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"After Elisande was reborn as the Crow Lich, she will definitely come to retrieve you, I don't know how many secrets she has buried with you.

But my rationality tells me that it is best not to leave you as a hidden danger.

How can you convince me? "

"The bronze dragon named Toki left a trap for you in the past, Lord Bo Laike."

Elisande's time phantom said straightforwardly:

"Your first mate was imprisoned at the time when you first met. This behavior itself is the bait to lure you into the trap. That little bronze dragon is very cunning.

But I don't think she seems to have too much malice towards you.


Let me put it another way that will surprise you. "

Time Phantom organized the language, she said:

"Torchi sees you as a hopeful possibility, a treasure that must be obtained, she came to this timeline to find you, but she has the same bad habits as other dragons.

She doesn't seem to care about your own thoughts, and doesn't intend to give you any options.

She just wants you and takes you out of this timeline, so even if you get the Eye of Aman'Thul, you need my help, Lord Bu Laike.

I will be in charge of sending you and Ms. Sapphire back to this point of time safely, and help you get out of Torchi's trap.

Please believe me, in terms of time magic, I may be the only spellcaster in the world who can rival Queen Azshara, and you don't have to worry about my connection with the lich Elisande.

When she placed me in the past time stream, I was already a separate entity from her.

I just want to stay in my city and see my civilization flourish.

That's all. "

"Oh, every time someone says that to me, I hesitate for a long time. After all, giving trust is a luxury for a pirate."

Bu Laike nodded his head, and after a few seconds, he said as if he suddenly realized:

"Then swear it, gentle Elisande."

"Swear to the moon god, don't try to lie, my boss who is rich and beautiful will witness your oath."

(end of this chapter)

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