Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1530 163. Confirmed Again, Bronze Dragons Are Crazy! ---Add More【17/25】

Chapter 1530 163. Confirmed again, Bronze Dragons are crazy! ——Add more【1725】

The pirates had discovered Torchi's existence long ago, but since then he has had no connection with this mysterious bronze dragon from another timeline.

This is probably also because Laike has a lot of things to do, and he has no time to take care of the little evil Nefarian planned in Blackrock Mountain.

But through the information left by Sefiel before, Laike can be sure that the current Torch is still mixed with the Black Dragon Prince, helping Deathwing advance the production plan of the world-destroying monster Chromatus.

That thing is dangerous.

But if you compare it with some of the opponents that Laike is facing now, its threat is actually very average.

For example, the next thing the pirates will do is to go to Ulduar to destroy an ancient god, or after returning from Ulduar, they will go to Argus to fight the fallen Titan and so on.

In front of these guys, the threat of a brainless World Extinguishing Dragon Beast is just that.

Based on this conclusion, "Time Stowaway" Toki seems to be a marginal figure, and she can pose little threat to pirates.

But after actually meeting Toki, Bu Laike realized that maybe his previous guesses about this crazy short bronze dragon were all wrong.

This guy is just hiding in this timeline under the protection of Nefarian. Her real goal is not to help Deathwing destroy the world at all, but to find an opportunity to get this amazing guy, Braike Shaw, from this timeline. Abducted from an abandoned timeline.


Another magical girl is eyeing the magical pirate and trying to monopolize him. It is really a pity for Laike to become such a popular man.

"Hey, you are too talented to stay in this abandoned timeline expelled from the time network, you can obviously do more, and help those who really need help in the endless possibilities of endless time.

Constantly change fate, turn bad things into good things, and resolve disasters in advance! "

In the underground cage of Dunholde Castle with disordered time and space, Toki, who was dressed in a khaki time streamer and hung in the air with his hips crossed, pushed his big electric coil gun in his hand. Excessive goggles, yelling at Bo Laike:

"I have traversed all the past related to you in this timeline, and I found that you are simply a genius who deceives time! Every change you make to your destiny is just right, sometimes drastic, and sometimes carefully crafted.

What's even more rare is that you didn't abuse this ability, you just pushed your fate to divert when necessary, and you patiently changed it bit by bit, building up with small incidents until you completely reversed the flow of fate.

Although there is also a reason for the withdrawal of the bronze dragon army, so that you will not be hindered by the bronze dragon or the eternal dragon, but this is not the main reason. "

Time gnome Toki licked her lips, staring at Bo Laike with bright eyes, and said:

"I believe that even if the Time Legion does not leave this timeline, you can still find other ways to complete the reinterpretation of fate. There is no doubt that you are the only answer to the troubles I am facing now.

Come with me, Bo Laike Shaw, and don't make me violent.

I promise I'll send you back here when you save some of my timelines from doom.

I can even suspend the flow of time in this timeline, freezing it until you return.

Just do me a favor, okay? "

"Don't listen to her nonsense, Bo Laike."

Weak Sefiel grabbed Bu Laike's hand from behind, and she said firmly:

"She is just lying to you, she is indeed a member of the Quicksand Scale, but she has no ability to freeze a timeline, even an abandoned timeline.

And if you listen to her and follow her into other timelines, you will be found and hunted by the time army immediately, and what's more terrifying is that those eternal dragons will also try to get you and use you.

Once you step into the war of time, you will be drawn into an eternal dispute, and there is no way out.

The kinsman before us has undoubtedly gone mad. She has abandoned all the principles of being a guardian of time. I have reason to suspect that perhaps she is transforming into a chaotic eternal dragon. "

"Don't talk nonsense! Sefiel, you young dragon who doesn't know anything."

Toki waved the electric coil gun in her hand in an old-fashioned way, and she scolded:

"You should be glad that it's not me from the future who came to this timeline. I mean, I'm still an authentic, innocent bronze dragon.

But if I continue to watch those disasters happen again and again and I am forced to sit by all the time, then my becoming the eternal dragon is the destined end.

Such is the fate of us bronze dragons, my poor Sefiel.

from our birth.

No, before we were born, we have been fighting against our dark side, from eternity to the future, from the birth of the world to the end of the world, every minute and every second, countless of us die, countless of us Rebirth.

Being a bronze dragon is a curse.

And young you have no comprehension of the terrible weight we carry, driving even Nozdormu mad. Me? I'm just trying to save myself! "

"Ahem, this crazy Lord Bronze Dragon, please don't be so rude to my wife. Since you are still asking for my help, I think you should change your attitude."

Bu Laike spoke up.

He looked up and down at Toki in front of him, but he didn't have much dislike for this crazy little dwarf, even if the latter wanted to take him away forcibly.

Because Bu Laike is well aware of the so-called "curse of time" in Toki's mouth, there is probably no one in the world who knows more about the inside story of the bronze dragonflight than him.

That was indeed a tragedy.

But the pirate was concerned with something else now, and instead of asking a question right away, he dropped a scout on Toki, and the stowaway Keeper of Time sensed that Bo Laike was scrutinizing her in a strange way.

But she didn't resist.

Maybe she thought it was a way of showing kindness.

In the next moment, Tochi's personal entry appeared in front of the pirates. She is indeed a maverick time stowaway. Her personal information is different from others, full of indescribable joy:

Name: "Time Tinker" Toki

Race: Bronze Dragon [Descendant of Legend]

Occupation: Level 60 Time Mage Elite/Level 60 Watchmaker Elite

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Time Guardian Leader/Level 12 Quicksand Stalker Leader

Holds Artifact: Nozdormu's Pocket Watch of Time

Hobbies: Misuse of magical technology, dimension boxes, space-time jumps, anti-rust time machines, cats in boxes, uncertainty, circles on a plane, cyclic reproduction, and most importantly, negotiating terms with Nozdormu

Status: Time Stowaway · Eternal Mark【Locked】

Character description:

Turn left a bit, turn right half a turn, and oops! Oops! Well, we don't need that timeline anyway.


This slightly cheerful explanation made the pirate blink his eyes. From the descriptions of these entries, it can be seen that Tochi is definitely not a big villain, at least she is not now.

A girl with so many weird hobbies can't be a big bad.

The pirates also keenly grasped the troubles that Toki is currently facing, and he said suspiciously:

"You were locked by the Eternal Dragon? Or let me make a bold guess, you are being hunted down by your future self, so you escaped to this abandoned timeline?

Your purpose of looking for me may be exactly as you said, I hope that I can help you change the future of several timelines under your jurisdiction, but I think you have not stated your really important purpose.

You don't want yourself to die inexplicably, you need me to help you survive? "

"Huh huh?"

Bu Laike's words made Toki and Sefiel's eyes widen at the same time. The former was because the stinky pirate said it so accurately, and the latter was because her lover told about Toki's big trouble. She really didn't expect it The short "time bully" in front of him is actually a poor guy running for his life.

"How did you know?"

Torchi looked at Bu Laike suspiciously, and she said with some doubts:

"Are you really a prophet? Hey, you know, in our bronze dragon eyes, all the guys who call themselves prophets are potential time threats?"

"That's in other timelines, my poor little Torch."

Bu Laike moved his ears, he had heard Elisande's phantom of time calling him, and the time regression provided by the Eye of Aman'Thul was almost reaching its limit.

The pirates must take Sefiel out of this chaotic time and space.

So he stretched out his hand to hold Sefiel's slender waist, and said to Toki in front of him solemnly:

"Being a prophet in a timeline that has been abandoned by you does not violate the laws of the bronze dragons, after all, theoretically, you have abandoned us.

Also, you and Nefarian worked together to make Chromatus, also to use that world-destroying dragon beast to deal with your "evil twin" when necessary, right?

I'm curious, is Torch the Eternal really so powerful?

Need you to escape here alone to avoid its pursuit? "

Bu Laike stared at Toki, and he said seriously:

"If you need my help, little dwarf, you must learn to be more honest, and I must assess the threat, or I cannot make up my mind to help you.

After all, you appeared in front of me as a 'bad guy', right?

It is very difficult to make a decision to trust a villain. "


Torci seemed convinced.

She hesitated for a moment, took out a faded photo from her bosom, and put it in front of the pirate's eyes. On that photo was another Toki, exactly the same as the little Toki in front of her.

The only difference is that in the photo she has shed the clockwork armor that bronze dragons often wear and has replaced it with a set of black shadowy robes.

And in the photo, Torci has horrific scars on his cheeks and neck.

"Remember what she looks like, Bo Laike, and Safir."

Toki said seriously:

"After you are brought back to your time node by the Eye of Aman'Thul, you must be careful of her chasing, and I am not sure whether the dark me followed me to this timeline.

But that's only a matter of time.

Probably because I have discussed conditions with Nozdormu many times in the past and the future, so Nozdormu is still very 'valuable' to me even after he went crazy.

The evil me is endowed with terrible chaotic power, she has chased me and destroyed several timelines, and I can't even resist in front of her.

Countless me in the past have been killed. Every time the righteous me dies, the evil me will become stronger. If the present me also dies, then the Eternal Torchi will become unstoppable.

She is already the vanguard general of the eternal dragons, I can't imagine what kind of existence she will become after devouring me. Maybe it is more appropriate to describe her as a time tyrant.

You're right, amazing Bo Laike, I'm working with Nefarian for self-preservation, and if all else fails, I'll help him create the dreaded Chromatus.

No matter how powerful Torchi the Eternal is, he will never be a match for the Destroyer of All Dragons, but once Chromatus appears in this timeline, it means that your time will also enter the end of the Twilight Trial.

That's not what I want to see."

"You may be right, but it doesn't explain your attack and imprisoning Chromie!"

Seifel scolded:

"Chromie said that she and you are friends, how can you do such a trick to your friend?"

"You said I attacked her? No, you stupid dragon."

Torchi held his head and screamed:

"How could the Bronze Dragon Legion have such a fool like you! I was saving her. Although the method was a little strange, but believe me, I definitely had my reasons for imprisoning that troublemaker.

An Eternal version of me is tough enough, you don't want Chromie the Eternal to join in the fun.

That guy's dark body is much scarier than mine!

She is the number one time destroyer under the command of the Eternal Dragon King Mdozno, and I have seen countless scenes of her devouring the time network in countless futures.

Chromie is an out-and-out douchebag, but she cares about her friends, and she's been here longer than I have been, watching you when you're not looking.

But she didn't realize that the longer she stayed in this timeline, the easier it would be for the eternal dragons to target here.

Just imagine being attacked by the Legion of Eternity in a timeline without bronze dragons. Your history and world would crumble in an instant.

I am protecting you!

Well, it's almost time, let's talk next time. "

Toki took out a strange clock and looked at the hands. She sighed, waved to Bu Laike and Safiel who had been wrapped in the time flow of the Eye of Aman'Thul, and said:

"I hope we can chat more next time and get to know each other better, but remember what I said! Be careful of me! Also, take away that idiot Chromie.

Get her out of this timeline, as far away as possible!

Also, I saw a blue dragon with its head hidden and tail exposed on Nefarian's side to help it stitch up the monster. It should be Arygos, be careful. "


The moment the pirate waved goodbye, he and Sefiel disappeared into the dark cage.

The time stowaway Tochi shrugged. She glanced at Sal in the cage next to her, rolled her eyes a few times, and picked up a pen with a smirk to draw a little turtle on Sal's face. Only then was she satisfied. Jumping into the time stream disappears at this point in time.

But what she didn't realize was that less than ten seconds after she left, another Toki, who was exactly the same as her, but with a different costume and a terrible scar on his cheek, walked out of the darkness with a gloomy face.


Toki the Eternal cursed, reached out and wiped off the little turtle on Thrall's face, then turned around and tore a time gap and jumped out.

However, Toki the Eternal didn't notice that five seconds after she left, another dark version of Chromie with a weird bun and a cool Time Destroyer armor also came out of time with a confused smile. appears in .

The dark chrome pouted, took out the paintbrush, and re-drawn a little turtle on Thrall's face, then jumped into the time rift with a smirk.

A few minutes later, when Sal was about to wake up, the time tinkerer Toki who had left before jumped back in the time vortex. She sighed and reached out to wipe off the little turtle on Sal's face.

As a time traveler, she can't be unprofessional to leave her mark on important time nodes

This is the first principle of time travel.

(end of this chapter)

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