Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1538 171. Let's Call It The Well Of Destiny---Jiagen【25/25】

Chapter 1538 171. Let's call it "The Well of Destiny" - Gagen [2525]

The Naglfar has not been drifting on the sea for long, and has entered the sea area controlled by pirates with its super speed across the endless sea. It is not far from Tol Barad, but Laike is still busy. .

The main reason is that the treasures sent by Little Xingxing this time are very rare, and he needs to appreciate them carefully.

As for the little Xingxing himself who successfully bribed, this club has already happily ran to Mechagon with his appointment letter as first officer and his fans.

Although this guy is very unreliable in all aspects, the Evil of the World is still lying in the mechanical dock for upgrade and maintenance. It is conservatively estimated that he will not be able to sail for at least half a month.

Such a long time is enough for the little star to study on the mechanical spaceship.

And she's just "Executive First Mate".

During the battle, there will be a full-time combat mate to take command instead of her. In other words, Little Xingxing can only dominate the ship at other times.

However, the idiot Little Xingxing is still very good at her own command ability, so when Braike proposed this kind of jurisdiction, she did not put forward too much resistance.

To describe Little Xingxing's current state in one sentence:

I don't care who the captain is, or who the battle mate is, as long as I'm the mate.

And she also showed an extraordinary interest in that steel spaceship.

She is still eager to get some "internal materials" to use as a gimmick for her next autobiography. After all, according to the timeline, it is time to start giving "the epic Quel'Thalas naval battle that will determine the next sea age." "The autobiographical story is warming up.

In terms of writing, Xiao Xingxing is very clever, what foreshadowing and promotion, and what storyline is right is called accurate.

Even the pirates recently read Xiao Xingxing's autobiography when they have nothing to do, and they feel that their story has been "slightly polished" by Xiao Xingxing, and it suddenly becomes exciting.

If he hadn't known that he was the prototype of these stories, the pirates couldn't help but ask, where can they meet such a mighty protagonist?

But his happy time hiding in the captain's cabin and tasting treasures is always limited, and the nostalgic solitude always ends. After about twenty minutes, the Naglfar docked at the harbor of Tol Barad .

Following the shouts of the ghost sailors on the ship, there were special people on the pier to help put down the heavy ship planks, and Princess Calia Menethil, who was wearing a black nun dress and a hood to hide her identity, was also there. Accompanied by Seifel, he was about to walk onto the pier.

This was not her first visit to Tol Barad.

But compared to the last time I came two years ago, the island under the jurisdiction of the pirates in front of me has obviously become much more prosperous.

In particular, the South Island is huge and fortified, and the elf-style buildings like palaces add a lot of exotic flavor to the island.

However, a lot of guys with missing arms and legs have been added to the crowd on the pier, which makes the excitement here a little more surprising.

"What happened to them? Why are there so many disabled people here?"

Princess Calia asked in surprise:

"Is this a tradition of pirates? In the pirate stories I heard when I was young, the big pirates often attached pirate hooks or wooden legs to their severed limbs to show their strength.

Do you have this custom here too? "

"No, Your Royal Highness, those are just guys who came back alive from the naval battle of Quel'Thalas."

Safiel did not participate in the naval battle of Quel'Thalas, but the ship's doctor lady was the one who followed the Naglfar through the entire process. She treated more than two hundred people in the few hours of the naval battle.

Among them are not only pirates, but also marines who fell into the water.

Of course, no one dared to accuse Ms. Ship Doctor of rescuing the enemy. After all, as the undead pirates marched forward in the endless sea, the "Shadow of Light" Church presided over by Ms. Natalie has blossomed everywhere in this sea.

Her church is certainly not worth mentioning compared to the Order of the Holy Light and the Church of the Storm, but the size of nearly 2,000 people is already quite terrifying for a secret religion that does not care about preaching but about "fate".

That is, Natalie Serling is not a power-hungry person.

She just wants to simply spread her teachings, otherwise the number of people can at least be increased by five times.

Although the lady ship doctor is very low-key, the commanders inside the Undead Fleet know that the faction power of this lady in black in the fleet cannot be underestimated.

After all, no one would want to mess with a group of lunatics, especially those who not only believe in the Holy Light, but also believe in the void at the same time. This is too scary.

"I just heard that the sea battle was very cruel. The Lordaeron fleet only returned half of the ships and two-thirds of the navy. Although the pirates won, according to the battle report, they lost at least half of their people."

Princess Calia is a believer in the Holy Light. When she said this, she couldn't help drawing a religious symbol on her surprisingly large chest.

But the ship's doctor, who disembarked with her in a lady's sombrero and carried a suitcase, told her:

"Half loss means death, my dear little princess, and if you count injuries, that battle wiped out almost two-thirds of Bo Laike's pirate force.

But fortunately, our captain has always had the foresight, relying on Mechagon's gnome technology, these guys only have to wait a month or two for their turn to replace the mechanical prosthetics.

This will allow them to regain their former strength and even become stronger.

Of course, they had to pay for the operation and reconstruction fees themselves, and those who couldn't afford it had to try the wood carving skills of those old pirates.

Well, look, your future mother is waiting for you. "

Ms. Natalie pulled down the brim of her hat, and said to Princess Calia with a smile:

"I won't accompany you there. Say hello to Governor Catherine for me."

After finishing speaking, Ms. Ship Doctor walked in another direction under the protection of several members of the secret sect. There was a low-key carriage waiting for her. Princess Calia vaguely saw a familiar figure sitting in the carriage.

When the ship doctor passed by, the tall and silent man opened the car door for her, and the two hugged each other very intimately.

"That's the Grand Knight Dathrohan?"

Although it was far away, Princess Calia thought she had indeed recognized the identity of the man who was very close to the ship doctor lady.

She didn't expect that the Grand Knight Dathrohan, who was always known for his sincerity and silence in the church, would have a lover who could be called a "heretical" in the eyes of orthodox beliefs.

Well, that's right, a lover.

Although the Church of the Holy Light does not prohibit marriage, with the identities of Dathrohan and Ms. Natalie, it is obviously impossible for them to enter the marriage hall, unless one of them is willing to give up his belief.

But this is basically impossible.

"Come on, Calia, I heard that you were coming, so I prepared a comfortable room for you overnight, and even arranged a private prayer room for you in my official residence.

Let's relax on this island these days. I heard from Natalie that you are under a lot of pressure. I'll take you to hunt foxes tomorrow? Or we go sea fishing for octopus. "

Her Royal Highness took a few steps forward, and immediately saw the door of the black carriage opened in front of her, and Lady Catherine, who was wearing a heroic lady's hunting suit, was waving to her in the carriage.

The pirate governor's carriage was surrounded by eight heavily armed centaur heavy knight guards, and undead cavalry were guarding the periphery. This ostentation was really amazing.

"Thank you for your arrangement, Lady Catherine, I'm just a little tired."

Her Royal Highness got into the car, and she said to Catherine:

"I want to go to your official residence to take a rest, and then go to Nazaras College to meet the holy knights stationed in the seminary. You may not know it, Ms. Toohart who was transferred to the college to spread the faith not long ago She once served as my palace swordsmanship instructor, and she and I are very good friends."

"Well, that 'Judger', I've heard of her name."

Lady Catherine nodded with interest and said:

"She has already won ten consecutive victories in the Blade Fist Arena, which has greatly promoted the majesty of the Holy Light School and attracted many young people from other schools to switch to the seminary."


Upon hearing this news, Princess Jialia's eyes widened immediately, she covered her mouth and said in surprise:

"Knight Toohart went to the arena? Is there any arena on this island?"

"Yes, little Calia."

Mrs. Catherine had a kind look of "a mother-in-law looks at a daughter-in-law". She stretched out her hand to take Calia's hand, and said in a low voice:

"Let's go back to the mansion first, I'll cook myself, er, I'll invite the Pandaren chef from the academy to cook for you, and when you've rested, we'll go to the arena together at night.

Tonight there is a challenge for the Knights of Toohart. I heard that she will fight against a flame tauren from the druid school. This is the hottest match in recent days, and the tickets are sold out in advance.

But fortunately, I have some privileges as a pirate governor, you can enjoy this pleasing battle in my box.

Oh, right.

I just remembered when I saw you. Your younger brother also came to the island a few days ago. He seems to have participated in this season's competition as an unschooled one.

Although that kid has always declared that he wants to challenge powerful enemies and hone his martial arts skills, hehe. "

The pirate governor sneered and said:

"Isn't it just to let my Jaina see his bravery? I have already 'arranged' a very 'suitable' opponent for him, and I guarantee that he will not enter the third round!

What a brat! "

Seeing Madam Catherine's gritted teeth, Calia couldn't help but worry about her younger brother, but then she thought about the undecided future between herself and Drake.

This kind of thing is really tormenting people.

I don't know what His Royal Highness Drake is doing now?


What is Drake or Boo Laike doing?

He is being scolded.

"Are you crazy!"

In Dean Lanyue's office, the dean looked at the application for magic research submitted by Bu Laike, and the expression on Bingshan's face, which was always unchanged for thousands of years, was already very angry.

Pointing at the application form, she scolded:

"I won't agree!

Soul splitting magic is a taboo among taboos, not to mention that you have to use yourself as a test subject. Do you think your life is too good now?

So plan to add a little difficulty to yourself? "

"I have my own plan, Dean."

Bu Laike said helplessly:

"If you are really worried about me, help me complete this magic from Deathwing and reduce the danger as much as possible. I am not crazy to make this application. I have really thought it through.

I have to.

If you and the Grand Wizard Sharon don't help me, then I can only turn around and look for the help of His Majesty Azshara, I believe she will be willing to meet all the requests of her favorites. "

"You threatened me?"

The dean folded his arms and said coldly:

"You've got a lot of skills."

"I'm just telling the truth, and I think you are willing to help me, Dean, because I brought you a 'gift'!"

The pirate blinked, took out the blueprint of the Nightwell from his pocket, put it in front of the dean, and said:

"And I got a great idea from Elisande's Time Vision, instead of pressing the treasure on the bottle of Eternal Water, we can put the Eternal Water and the Tide Stone together, so that we can Can get a 'dual-core magic well'.

Queen Azshara has also promised that she will attend the next wizard seminar, and will not pursue our behavior of hiding the eternal well water, and will even take the initiative to help us complete this magic well!

Look, Dean, I've taken care of all our troubles in one run!

And I only need one reward, please help me with this, you and other spellcasters, I must entrust this matter to someone who is absolutely assured, no one is more suitable than you. "

As he spoke, he pushed forward his application for magic research.

Dean Lanyue stared at Bu Laike, and then looked at the application form in front of her. She hesitated and said:

"You must tell me your intentions, you can't lie! I must know why you did this, I have to assess the risks, you are very important to me, my disciple.

I can't just watch you commit suicide. "


The pirate scratched his head, and somewhat helplessly took out the anima container he had been keeping in his luggage.

The moment he opened the triple-sealed container of anima, the stone-born assassins who were performing protection tasks in a sculptured state turned their heads to look this way.

They smell unparalleled deliciousness.

That is definitely a super rare anima!

And as the inheritor of the power of death from the Shadow Realm, Dean Lanyue, who is a lich, also knows the existence of the power of heart energy. Although she cannot see it with the naked eye, she can feel the power of the heart through contact. The dangerous power contained in energy.

"That's why."

Bu Laike said in a voice only two people could hear:

"I thought I might have to choose a path among the six original forces and go on firmly. However, fate always seems to like to joke with me. It is always very generous in unexpected moments, and I found that I still have more. choose.

And I'm a greedy guy.

I really hate making choices I want them all! "

"So reason is power?"

Dean Lanyue said something disapprovingly.

But the pirate shook his head and explained seriously:

"It's not power, but something after gaining power. Just like when I was young, I didn't understand the meaning of my existence in this world. Now I can already understand those heavy things.

Maybe I want to gain strength not only to bully those rookies, but also to use them to challenge powerful enemies and protect God, I never thought that one day this word would come out of my mouth.

But I really do want to protect something.

I don't like tragic endings, and I don't like the meaning reflected in those tragedies. I like the joy and satisfaction of a happy reunion. I want to promote the birth of such an ending with my own hands.

So, mentor

please help me! "

Faced with such a formal request from the pirates, Dean Lanyue curled up into a smile. She reached out and took the application form on the table in her hand, and glanced at the smoke and dust rising from the back of the college.

It was the workmen of the Brotherhood of Masons already digging the foundation.

The dean didn't say good or bad.

She changed the subject and asked:

"What do you think we should call that well?"


Bo Laike shrugged, picked up his pipe and said:

"It's called the 'Well of Fate'. There are countless changed fates gathered together to promote the formation of magical miracles. I think there is nothing more appropriate than this name."

(end of this chapter)

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