Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1539 172. Bu Laike: I'm Going To Northrend To Order French Fries

Chapter 1539 172. Bu Laike: I'm going to Northrend to order French fries

Although Braike, reminded by Elisande's phantom of time, intends to make a dual-core magic well driven by water from the Eternal Well and the Tidal Stone is a great idea, it is not unacceptable in terms of conception, and it is also very theoretically possible Execution.

But the real problem is that the tidal stone in his hand is still broken and reshaped into the original embryo of an artifact by the sea titan demigod. It has not been shaped by the Titan furnace in the land of creation, so the tidal stone still does not have Power in its heyday.

Therefore, if pirates want to build a dual-core magic well, they must first reshape the Tidal Stone.

Luckily, the well doesn't have to wait until the Tidestone is reshaped before it can be built.

It can completely complete the precise internal structure first, and after the main body of the magic well is built, then put the eternal water and the tidal stone into the predetermined position.

At present, the senior leaders of the entire Nazaras College are sent by Dean Lanyue to monitor the construction site of the Brotherhood of Masons, always instructing the masons how to shape this magic well that must be very precise.

In the nasty words of the pirates, apart from daily teaching, the top executives all went to the construction site to collect ashes.

This is called experiencing life, lest they stay in the magic academy for too long and lose touch with the whole world.

However, after bringing back the blueprints of the Nightwell, the stinky pirate also took a break for a while. Currently, the matter at hand is being promoted step by step, and there is nothing that requires him to dispatch urgently.

The expected large-scale invasion of demons due to the explosion of the Sunwell's "fishing operation" is expected to be postponed again, and Kil'jaeden has seen Queen Azshara's "return to the rivers and lakes" with his own eyes. The invasion is more concerned, in other words, because the pirates' overly successful "strategic intimidation" will inevitably lead to the delayed arrival of the demonic invasion will be more dangerous.

But how do you say it?

Based on the combined power of Azeroth’s one world plus Dellano’s small world in terms of absolute strength, when facing the Burning Legion that spans the stars, it doesn’t matter whether the opponent gets serious after being beaten or tries his best from the very beginning. .

If there is no miracle, the two worlds will eventually be destroyed under the wrath of the dark titan.

So, that's what's next for Laike.

He's in charge of creating miracles with a bunch of guys who won't give up.

Well, it's kind of weird to entrust such a job to a notorious stinky pirate, but considering that there is probably no better guy in this world, so let's make do.

Bo Laike, who was free, was invited to dinner at Mama Catherine's mansion two days later. The smelly pirate didn't really want to go, because he probably guessed the real purpose of the meal.

However, with both Jaina and Fenner coming to persuade, the pirates couldn't refuse the family three times in a row.

He could only reluctantly put on a Kul Tiras-style men's dress, and arrived at the pirate governor's mansion on time in the evening with flowers and fine wine.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, Laike saw two other people besides the two mothers and sisters and the long-haired Tenred who was becoming more and more literary.

They were the old Dai Lin who was sitting at the table drinking alone and waiting for the meal, and Her Royal Highness Princess Calia who had just finished her daily prayers and came out of the prayer room.

"Well, sure enough."

Bo Laike murmured under his breath.

What kind of family banquet is this?

This is clearly a blind date meeting, and it is also a blind date meeting where the whole family gathers to watch.

The pirate couldn't help recalling what sin he did in his previous life to be treated like this in this life.

But fortunately, no matter what the situation is, the stinky pirates are always prepared.

He stood at the entrance of the mansion, coughed very gentlemanly, and made a "please" gesture sideways.

In the shadows of the evening, Maiev, who was wearing an elf dress, walked out expressionlessly, and walked into the mansion with the gracious support of Bu Laike.

Seeing Maiev appear, the joyful expressions on Fenner and Jaina's faces disappeared immediately.

Well, with this warden coming forward, the smelly brother/stinky big brother is determined to gag the mouths of others tonight.

This is also a kind of "identity proof" for pirates.

He wanted to convey that tonight he was still Laike Shaw, not Derek Proudmoore.

But unfortunately, his expression is meaningless to Madam Catherine. Madam Catherine likes Maiev and Calia very much.

Although Maiev and Boo Laike's age worries her somewhat, Lady Catherine secretly consults Lady Goldsword.

After learning that the Kaldorei's immortality allows them to conceive and give birth smoothly at any age, the pirate governor's last worries dissipated.

Instead, she felt sincere joy that the Proudmoore family would have a noble elven blood in the future.


Old Dai Lin, who was drinking, saw Maiev walk into the room, raised his brows, and said:

"You are that day."

"Your martial arts are good. From a human point of view, you are already an outstanding fighter."

Maiev knew what Dailin was going to say, she took the initiative to say "praise", but it was a bit harsh to the old Dailin's ears. What is outstanding?

Called outstanding by you shaving off half your beard and a third of your hair?


The stubborn king snorted and didn't answer.

But after Maiev was seated, he still fumbled in his pocket, and finally found a compass pocket watch that he had used for many years, and gave it to the warden as a meeting gift.

Then he took off the Amber ring on his finger, which can illuminate the direction in the dark, and gave it to Jialia.

The old man seemed to want to use this way to express his equal treatment of the two girls who were close to his son, but he was completely unaware of a terrible reality.

That is, Bu Laike and two other confidante, uh, if you count Miss Black Crow who is inseparable, there are three more.

This means that it is very likely that Old Dailin will need to prepare three more gifts of the same value, which will be given to Sefiel, Xalatas, and Thisalie Crow.

Especially Xalatath.

Miss Snake Beauty has an extraordinary obsession with this kind of "fairness among women".

If old Dai Lin didn't prepare a gift, he would have to be more careful when he went to sleep at night. Having nightmares for half a month would be very difficult for a warrior like him.

"What you did in Quel'Thalas really makes people want to slash you with a sword."

When Bu Laike passed by the kitchen, Mrs. Jin Jian's faint voice came from inside. It was not friendly, but there was not much hostility, after all, it was a family.

Faced with such helpless scolding, the pirate shrugged, turned his head and blinked at Mrs. Jinjian and said:

"You know, even if you hate me now and hate my toothache, one day you will praise my kindness like other elves. I'm not kidding, maybe Fenner kept a secret this time and didn't tell you our final plan .

But please have some faith in your cheap son, my dear golden sword mother.

In the end, when a fateful moment comes, those who think they have been hurt by me will thank me from the bottom of their hearts. Speaking of which, I heard some of your plans for the future from Fenner.

Are you going to die for the old man decades later? "

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Mrs. Jin Jian obviously did not intend to discuss this issue, she said with a straight face:

"Do your own thing, Bo Laike, your love life is much messier than our older generation, I warn you, don't let anything embarrassing happen to Fenner."

"Uh, what I mean is, Fenner is a fighter, and she's not very good at persuading others except for her fists."

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"But I'm different.

I will tell you in a prophetic gesture, the old man is destined to go to a world of the dead full of war and confrontation after his remarkable life, he will enjoy it, he will enjoy the eternal conflict and reign in it .

For him, death is not the end of the journey, at most it is a transit point.

And even if you die for love, you can't go to the same world with him.

The world of the dead has always been distinct, and after a long life you may go to the eternal kingdom of the elves, or to a glorious place full of dogma and order.

But you will meet again someday.

He will have countless hours to kill after death, a thousand years? a thousand years? This means nothing to him, but to you and Your Excellency Thalorian, if you miss this last chance, it will be the real farewell.

So, from a prophetic point of view, I would advise you not to do stupid things.

To put it bluntly, your death is only touching yourself, but it will hurt everyone who cares about you and loves you, including Dai Lin. If you believe me as a prophet, then don't make such rash decisions.


I mean if, if all goes well in the future, I promise, you can enjoy a perfect eternity with your loved ones in the world of the dead.

I will personally guarantee that everything will happen. "

"That idiot Fenner!"

When Mrs. Jinjian heard Bu Laike's persuasion, her teeth itched in anger, and she reprimanded in a low voice:

"Why can't that child control his mouth and say anything!"

"Well, that's a good thing."

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"This means that she absolutely trusts me, and it also means that she cares about you very much. Having such a stupid daughter who knows how to care about others shows that you have taught your children well.

Of course, ignoring the aspect of intellectual cultivation is still not qualified.

I have never been able to figure out why you can become an outstanding member of the Silver Moon Councilor, while Fenner's brain is full of muscles."

"Maybe it was because I happened to be separated from your father when I was pregnant, which caused me to drink too much and be sad? If Salorian hadn't been with me at that time, I would have died of a broken heart."

Mrs. Jin Jian made a joke in a bad tone.

"Oh, the male best friend is pitiful."

The pirate responded with a not-so-funny joke.

He left the kitchen with a pipe in his mouth and sat carelessly beside Maiev. Under Princess Calia's watchful eyes, he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Lady Warden's slender waist.

He wanted to do this to make Princess Calia hate him, but Maiev slapped his paw away.

"Ms. Maiev, I heard that you are the noble God of the Moon God. I think you must have a very deep understanding of the teachings of the Moon God. As a Holy Light Walker, I have many theological doubts. Could you please help me? answer?"

Seeing Maiev slapping Bo Laike's paw off, Princess Calia immediately covered her mouth with a chuckle, and then formally extended an invitation to Maiev.

Maiev, who was not interested in the family banquet at all, immediately got up and walked to the prayer room with Calia when she heard the invitation.

Probably because of the shadow brought by the plate of "fish head toast" last time, the fearless Ms. Warden was full of some kind of indescribable "awe" towards this mansion.

Rather than having an awkward chat with the faulty members of this family, Maiev is obviously willing to have a good discussion of theological doctrines with Princess Calia, who is also a priest.

Don't forget, he is also a real high-ranking priest.

As for the odd relationship between Calia and Boo Laike, Maiev said what the hell is going on with me?

She had said long ago that she had no interest in Bou Laike's private life in this day and age. She even hoped that the two of them were only spiritually in love, and hoped that the stinky pirates would not come to her to vent their desires.

Watching Maiev and Calia leave, Bu Laike covered his eyes with a wooden face, he made a mistake, he should have asked Xalatas to accompany him tonight.

That dark goblin with a strong desire to monopolize can definitely use various methods to make Princess Calia cry on the spot, and it is not impossible to even direct the scene of "Princess Nun's Fall".


The pirate Yuyu took a wine glass.

His father also threw a bottle of wine at this time, and the old man winked at Bo Laike and said:

"Having an elf wife is such an annoyance, isn't it? I still remember when Jin Jian and I first started dating, many of her habits were too much for me to bear."

"Are you going to teach me some experience of 'taming elf wives' as someone who has experienced it?"

Bu Laike squinted and said to Dai Lin:

"That. Let me remind you, old man, don't get too carried away."

"How do you talk to your father?"

Dai Lin was not happy.

But in the next moment, when Mrs. Jinjian put her hand on his shoulder, the anger on old Dai Lin's face suddenly froze.

It was only then that he realized what Bo Laike really meant when he told him not to get too carried away.

That's not a provocation, that's a warning to hell!

"What? You said that Tenred has been getting close to a little Quel'dorei girl recently? Tell me who it is? Maybe I still know her."

A few minutes later, Fenner's exclamation suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Amid Tanred's screams with flushed cheeks, only Dai Lin and Bo Laike looked at each other meaningfully, um, confirmed, this kid is indeed the real Proudmoore.

But just when the pirate was about to join in the questioning of Tanred with a malicious smile, a sudden news was interrupted by the Uncrowned who knocked on the door at this time.

Bu Laike opened the door, and saw Valeera standing in front of him, holding the Warden's helmet. His disciple seemed to have just completed a mission, and his body exuded a fighting atmosphere that had not yet dissipated.

She handed a letter to Bo Laike, saying:

"Teacher, this is the news I brought back from the North Sea. Captain Anne Bonn captured a dwarven cargo ship in the frozen sea and caught an important person in it.

And found this letter from him, Captain Anne felt it necessary to tell you this news. "

"Well, I probably guessed it."

The pirate opened the letter, glanced at it, and nodded to Valeera, who took a few steps back and disappeared into the night.

This promising elf girl is now not only a senior uncrowned person, but also officially joined the Overwatch. Recently, she is running around the world helping the new warden, Ms. Nasa, to deal with frequent demon infiltration incidents in various places, and her life is fulfilling. Stimulate.

And Bu Laike walked into the living room with the letter, and handed the letter to Dai Lin who was opening the third bottle of wine amidst the laughter of the family. The latter took a look and frowned.

He looked at the pirate and said:

"When are you going to leave?"

"I'm not with you, you have to go to the Hall of Valor to report first."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I may leave tonight, I will go to scout the way for you first, but Fenna can drop by with you, this is also the war she must participate in.

Remember to protect her. "

(end of this chapter)

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