Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1543 176. Good News: We Didn't Do It

Chapter 1543 176. Good News: We Didn't Do It

Cyanne, a blue dragon of Coldarra who is just starting to grow red, said that the spellweaver was crazy.

So it seems that the poor old blue dragon Malygos still failed to escape the fate of doomed madness, but this is somewhat different from Braike's "prophecy".

Although the results are similar, the process and time are too different.

It's hard not to remind people of some conspiracy theories, so when he followed Sianni to the cave where the spellweaver was, Bu Laike began to ask Sianni about the changes of the blue dragon army during this period.

Before, because of Sefiel, Bu Laike entrusted Sienni to return to Coldara to search for the classics about time magic in the magic hub, but Sianni has stayed on Coldarra since that time.

She still kept in touch with Little Xingxing, but obviously, Sienni didn't tell Little Xingxing everything that happened to the Demon Nexus.

"I can't tell His Highness these things. Although she is careless, she still has a lot of affection for the Blue Dragon Legion. Once she knows what happened to the Demon Hub, she will rush back desperately.

But the situation there is too bad, I can't imagine what His Royal Highness Little Xingxing will encounter if he is involved. "

On the snowy plains of the snowy storm crags, Seanne led the way, and whispered to Bu Laike beside her:

"Before you told me that there might be a conspiracy against His Royal Highness Little Xingxing in the Magic Legion, I didn't believe it at the time, but now I believe more and more that your conclusion is probably correct.

Although the spearhead of the contradiction has not yet been aimed at His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, I think it will happen sooner or later. "

"Don't worry, you should at least tell me what happened to the Demon Hub during this time?"

The pirate looked around, and the blue dragon dragonmen along the way and the spellcasters of all races who surrendered to the blue dragon army all looked at him with vigilant and hostile eyes.

This look made Bu Laike aware of the seriousness of the matter.

He smoked his pipe and asked:

"Why did the law weaver suddenly go crazy? What is the situation like when it goes crazy?"

"No one knows what happened, but since the inexplicable first casualty in the Nexus, the spellweaver's temper has become more and more eccentric."

Seianne clenched the hilt of the sword at her waist and said in a low voice:

"That was three months ago, when I had just returned to the Nexus to search for time magic tomes in the Blue Dragon's library, I heard that Telegosa, who had always had a good relationship with Kalec, encountered a attacked.

Poor Telegosa was almost killed instantly, but Kalec was quick to save her life.

She is not awake yet.

But the perpetrator undoubtedly went for the purpose of killing her, and we suspect that Telegosa may be involved in some conspiracy related to "sacrifice".

Because we found an unfinished altar of darkness in the valley near Methoril's lair.

This incident made the spellweaver furious. As you know, the number of adult pureblood blue dragons is small, and each member is very important to the clan and the spellweaver.

Therefore, after the attack on Telegosa, the Spellweaver personally ordered General Sapphiron to start patrolling the various areas of the Magic Legion, vowing to find the murderer.

However, less than five days after Telegosa was attacked, the second wounded appeared again, this time it was poor Mattigosa, who was going to change defense at the Blue Dragon Sanctuary in Dragonblight, but ended up in Wintergrasp. The sky was attacked by mysterious people.

When General Sapphiron rushed over, part of the essence of Maticigosa had already been extracted."

Speaking of this, Sienni's fingers holding the hilt of the sword turned white, and she said:

"That bastard is obviously attacking female blue dragons, perhaps because we are slightly weaker in strength than males, but what I don't understand is, why blue dragons?

Obviously there are more red dragons and green dragons.

We are miserable enough, but this fate has to befall us. "

Bu Laike didn't make a sound, he looked at the Focusing Rainbow that was getting closer and closer in front of him, which was suspended in the low sky with the attitude of several blue dragons infused with magic power.

That thing looks like a transparent blue glass ball from a distance, with pure magic light shining in it.

But as the pirates got closer and closer, he even felt the suppression of magic power similar to the brilliance of the Sunwell. Within a thousand yards of the Focusing Rainbow, the posture of the violent storm flying in the sky became strange and chaotic.

This means that a huge amount of arcane magic power has been infused into the magical holy object, and it has become a super-large "magic nuclear bomb" that can be used at any time.

These blue dragons are really crazy.

Such things dare to be taken out and used casually.

"Just because the members of the group were attacked, the spell weaver went insane?"

Bu Laike looked away from the Focusing Iris and said:

"Although I have always known that Malygos has some old psychological problems that cannot be healed, I don't think it is so fragile, right? It must have encountered some difficult things to accept."


Sai Anni looked around and whispered:

"Just half a month ago, Lord Malygos's wife, whom Lord Malygos loved so much ten thousand years ago but was killed by Deathwing in the war, the blue dragon mother Sindragosa's cemetery was desecrated in Icecrown Glacier. .

Someone has used dark magic to taint Lord Sindragosa's bones frozen under the ice, tormenting her already tormented and desperate soul.

That evil bastard must have done it on purpose.

It deliberately let a blue dragon passing by Icecrown discover the terrifying evil. When the news was sent back to Coldarra, the Spellweaver's mournful cry resounded throughout the sky that day.

Both Kalec and Eldagosa suspect that the Spellweaver's paranoid madness has something to do with it.

Just a few days ago, after we received information about Ulduar from a dwarf messenger, the Spellweaver asked us to prepare the Focusing Iris.

It claims to rid the world of the deep ancient darkness.

General Sapphiron said that when it was protecting the Spellweaver, he heard that the Spellweaver was alone in the Eye of Eternity, swearing to Lord Sindragosa's dead soul that it would punish those villains from the abyss .

Lord Malygos seems to believe that all these evils are caused by the darkness that emanates from the land of creation.

After it made the decision to blow up Ulduar, the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen rushed to dissuade it, but the Spellweaver was too stubborn. moved here.


Nor can we disobey the orders of the Spellweaver. "

"You just said that the weaver was talking to himself alone in the Eye of Eternity?"

Bo Laike captures a very crucial message in Cyanne's words when he says:

"Can you confirm?"

"This is what General Sapphiron told Kalec in secret. As the most trusted guard of the Spellweaver, the general should not lie about this kind of thing."

Seianne looked at Bo Laike, and she said:

"Captain, have you come to any conclusion?"

"I just feel that a dragon king suddenly changed his temperament, started talking to himself again, and then stubbornly did dangerous things, claiming that he was saving the world"

Bu Laike pursed his lips, looked at Seianne, and said:

"Don't you think this plot is a bit familiar?"

"You mean, Deathwing? N'Zoth?"

Sienni's eyes widened.

But as Bu Laike reminded her, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was very possible. This also made Lan Longji very panic, mainly because the prophet status on Bu Laike was too bluffing, which made Sai Anne have to seriously consider Every word he uttered.

"It should indeed be related to the void, but it's not necessarily N'Zoth."

Bu Laike shook his head. He looked at the huge and mysterious city of Titans in the distance against the background of the silhouette of night, and said:

"After all, in the current situation, it seems that Yogg Saron also has enough reasons to attack and seduce the spellweaver mind, so as to manipulate the spellweaver to use the focusing rainbow to destroy the ground buildings of Ulduar, to Help it escape from the impending doom of Stargazer.

But past experience tells me that in this kind of matter, it is very inappropriate to judge who is behind the scenes simply by considering the gains and losses of interests.

Perhaps this time, N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron are just the "blame-blame men" chosen by the mastermind behind the scenes, just like I always like to choose the Burning Legion as my blame-blame man.

It seems that at this sinister moment, the poor Spellweaver has been tricked again.

Sienni, you go to meet Little Xingxing immediately, let her go to Coldarra to join forces with the five slags and Eldagosa first, and gather your group of blue dragons together, so as not to disperse and be attacked again.

Also, where is Prince Arygos? "

"It's with the Spellweaver, Captain."

Sai Anne whispered:

"During this period, since the temperament of the law-weaver changed, Arygos has been close to it. It declares that the law-weaver needs its care, and prohibits all uninvited people from visiting the Eye of Eternity in the name of safety. Spellweaver.

Kalec quarreled with it once because of this, but the Spellweaver came forward and agreed with Arygos.

In this operation, it also specially appointed Arygos as its adjutant.

This appointment should have been made by General Sapphiron, but this time the Spellweaver asked Sapphiron to stay in Coldarra to protect the wounded and the wyrmlings.

This appointment caused quite a stir in the Magic Legion, and many blue dragons believed that this was basically equivalent to the Spellweaver choosing Arygos to inherit his throne.

However, Arygos, as the dragon hero who helped mortals seal the Qiraji Empire a thousand years ago, it is appropriate to have such treatment, what a pity, Your Highness Little Star.

She obviously worked so hard."

"Ahem, I can understand you talking for Little Xingxing, but did you work hard to see Little Xingxing with that eye?"

Bu Laike said in a strange tone:

"I didn't say that that guy was eating and waiting to die, it was already giving her face. In my opinion, Little Xingxing said that she wanted to be the Queen of the Blue Dragon, but she actually prefers to lie down and go about her life.

Well, let's not talk about her.

So, these guys here who are very hostile to me are all supporters of Prince Arygos? "

"No, they are all loyal to the Spellweaver."

Sai Anne said with some embarrassment:

"Captain, they are not targeting you, it's just that these guys are only loyal to the law weavers, so they treat everyone with this indifferent attitude.

Don't be angry, our blue dragon is actually not as proud as the legend says. "

"I can understand this kind of condescension, after all, it is a giant dragon."

Bu Laike squinted his eyes and looked around again. In his void vision, he could see that several guys were covered with strange purple streamers.

He whispered like complaining:

"But when did Void Believers and Faceless Pretenders begin to pledge their allegiance to the Spellweaver? Your Blue Dragon Legion is really a big problem.

Go ahead and inform the Spellweaver for me that his old friend has come to see him, and if he needs it, Lord Boo Laike, the great detective, is willing to help him catch that bastard who desecrated his wife's graveyard and dead souls. "

Cianni nodded, adjusted her clothes outside the cave where the spell weaver was, and strode into it.

The pirate waited patiently on the spot, marking the blue dragon servants with the air of void that he caught in the crowd one by one.

Just like playing a shooting game, easy and simple.

But a few minutes later, Sienne walked out of the cave with a gloomy face. She came to Bu Laike and said:

"The Spellweaver refuses to see you. It claims that it is preparing to bury Ulduar's dark power. It is not a good time to see guests."


Bu Laike was surprised by this answer.

Since he became famous all over the world, how long has it been since he was rejected?

And it's such a bad reason, you really don't even plan to make it up, right?

The pirate said in surprise:

"Did you tell it that I am the messenger of Lord Odin?"

"I said it, but the spellweaver said that the power of the guardian dragons also comes from the pantheon, and they are equal to the guardians in terms of authority.

The Blue Dragon Legion has no obligation to accept the command of the Hall of Valor. "

Sai Anne said embarrassingly:

"Look, I've said it all, the spellweaver has gone mad, it's been overwhelmed by grief, and now it can't listen to any dissuasion. But this really doesn't mean what the blue dragon army wants."

"I understand, old man, it's all like this."

Bu Laike was not particularly angry. He took off his pipe, revived his body, and said to Sienne:

"You come with me, there is no point in staying here, the old dragon's move to blow up Ulduar with the Focusing Rainbow is obviously unacceptable to us.

In other words, the negotiation broke down, and then the Hall of Valor is ready to attack. "

The smelly pirate grinned, showing a cold smile.

Sienni turned into a giant dragon helplessly and carried Braike to leave this place, but when the dragon was lifted into the sky, the pirate suddenly took out the bow of Thoridar Stars Fury from his luggage, and as he summoned the power of the bright moon, The war bow in his hand quickly transformed into a bright moon war blade surrounded by moonlight.

He whispered:

"But if you think about it carefully, it's not my style to leave in such a disgraceful way. Let's leave a little 'memory' for the blue dragons."

In the next moment, Bu Laike drew his war bow, and as the bowstring was pulled, water-white arrows of moonlight swayed and converged between the pirate's fingers and the bow arm, and then swept like a burst of arrows under the deadly combat skills of rapid shooting. The rain pierced through all the Void believers who had been spiritually marked by the pirates in less than two seconds.

The camouflage of those guys was impossible to resist the divinity from the moon god. They were pierced by the scorching arrows and were nailed to the ground screaming, and the terrifying true face of the void creatures was exposed in the flowing shadows.

Not only Sai Anni, but even the dragon people patrolling around were taken aback.

But someone reacts faster than them.

"Servants of the dark things have infiltrated our position! Warriors of the blue dragon! In the name of the Spellweaver! Slay them all!"

The roar of Prince Arygos sounded from the cave where the spellweaver was. Under his decisive order, those void creatures pierced by Laike with the arrow of the moon god were immediately hacked to death by the blue dragon and dragon people. land.

"Lord Bo Laike!"

Afterwards, the phantom of the blue dragon prince was projected in front of Sienni, and he politely invited in the form of a dwarf:

"My royal father is aware of its previous rudeness and arrogance, please come back now, we really need to talk to you about the invasion and penetration of void power."

"Thank you for your invitation, but I really have nothing to say with you, Arygos, I already know the news that you secretly helped Nefarian stitch up the world-destroying dragon beast."

Bo Laike stood between Seanne's dragon horns, reaching out and tugging on the Warden's cloak behind him.

He said casually:

"I'm not even interested in acting with you, throw the Focusing Iris into Ulduar now if you dare, and free Yogg-Saron.

Kindness is not pure enough, bad and evil is not thorough enough young people, let me advise you as a senior in the business of doing bad things.

This really is your last chance. "

(end of this chapter)

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