Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1546 179. Dog Red Is Really Tired, Watch Me Go Back And Whip Him!

Chapter 1546 179. Dog Red is really tired, watch me go back and whip him!

"The power of the void is not as omnipotent as you think. Although it has the first-class corrosion and infection properties in this group of stars, every parasitism requires an intermediary carrier.

Just like you won't get sick easily if you don't touch dirty things, Void can't plant the seeds of corruption in you with just one look.

Especially for a creature as powerful as Malygos.

Even if it is the corruption of the ancient gods, under the protection of the power of the titans, it is very difficult to lure it to degenerate. "

In the Ice Crystal Cave where the Spellweaver was, Braike watched Xal'atath smash the corrupted thoughts that had been extracted from Malygos' soul and will, and he said to Ysera and Senegos with a smoke ring :

"Even though Master Malygos has terrible pain and suffering in his heart as flaws that can be exploited, it still needs long-term exposure to infected things before it can be corroded to this point in a short period of time.

The fall of Deathwing back then was because its underground lair was too close to the seal of the ancient gods, and Lord Malygos was infected in the void because there was a 'living bomb' beside him.

Do you guys understand what I mean? "

Ysera and Senegos nodded, knowing that Laike was referring to Arygos.

But Ysera still had doubts, and she frowned and said:

"After Arygos and Karen, and my daughter Melinthra were rescued by you from the temple of the bug people, I personally checked them in both real and dream dimensions.

Although they showed signs of spiritual corruption due to long-term imprisonment by C'Thun, they were not infected by the void, I can be sure of this!

When did Arygos fall into the embrace of the void again?

If it's all over, then my daughter and Karen aren't either."

"No, it won't."

Braike and Xalatas almost vetoed Ysera's terrible conjecture with one voice. The ancient venerable leaned against Braike's arms in the attitude of a little bird, and while she was playing with the little master's long golden hair, With a drawn voice said:

"The dark power of C'Thun just showed another way to the three giant dragons, but they resisted the corruption of the dark god with their own will.

However, after getting out of the predicament, some people choose to forget the past and embrace the future, while others are immersed in pain and cannot extricate themselves.

Your daughter is the former, Arygos the latter.

Perhaps this is because of the "neurotic" tradition inherited by the blue dragons, or because the blue dragons are too emotional. In short, I guess that Arygos has never emerged from the shadow of being captured by the void.

It even began to actively study the power that imprisoned it after it was freed, perhaps because of its desire for power, or because it wanted to use knowledge to overcome fear.

But there is no doubt that it has chosen a field that it simply cannot control.

I think the spell weaver should be well aware of this. You can tell by its decadent appearance that it has put itself in a terrible situation. "

Xal'atath's words made Ysera look at the depressed Malygos.

The spellweaver lay on the ground with eyes closed. It seemed to feel Ysera's gaze. After a long silence, it whispered:

"Yes, Arygos asked me for help, my son told me that it could not forget the days and nights it was imprisoned in the darkness, and it wanted me to help it overcome that shadow.

So, I gave it the authority to learn the power of the void in the magic hub. My son became more cheerful day by day. I am very relieved. I feel that I have saved my relatives.

But I didn't expect that it was just the beginning of the nightmare. "

"Although C'Thun is dead, I can't confirm whether the fragment of the will of the ancient god is still there, but I guess Arygos may have secretly returned to the Silithus Desert.

Fortunately or unfortunately, it found something there it shouldn't have found. "

Bu Laike hugged Xal'atath and whispered:

"My little dark lover told me that not only the seduction of N'Zoth exists in the spirit of Lord Malygos, but also the ghost voice of Yogg Saron and the vision of C'Thun.

In other words, this is the collaborative effort of the three ancient gods, just like 10,000 years ago.

They were indeed trying to make a second deathwing and they almost made it if you guys hadn't found me in time

Let's make a bold guess. I even think that Arygos may have been taught by a "teacher" during the process of falling into the void.

After all, even with the blue dragon's talent in magic, I don't think such a short time is enough for Arygos to master this kind of void magic that can seduce the Dragon King. "

Bo Laike let out a strange laugh, and he said meaningfully:

"Who else in this world is proficient in the weaknesses of giant dragons and deeply studies the power of the void?"


Ysera uttered the name in horror, and Bo Laike shrugged and said:

"It's possible, I actually had some black material about Arygos before I came here, for example, I know that the black dragon prince Nefarian has been secretly making terrible things for his father.

As a consultant, Arygos helped it solve many research problems.

But I did not choose to share this information with you. On the one hand, I have no real evidence. On the other hand, I think you have to see the facts with your own eyes, so that you can believe that I am not the one who framed you.

After all, my close relationship with Little Xingxing will be misunderstood by many people that I am framing Arygos to help Little Xingxing get the throne of the blue dragon king.

whispering sound.

If a conspirator of my level really wants to help my blue dragon friend obtain the title of Spellweaver, why would he need to use such a low-level method? "

After finishing speaking, the stinky pirate laughed, picked up his snake beauty, and let the latter's tail wrap around him.

He turned to the depressed and weary Spellweaver and said:

"Students gain wisdom, Lord Malygos, the facts have proved who is more trustworthy, and perhaps the inheritance of the King of Magic should also be put on the agenda.

I'm not urging you.

But I think that in your current state, it is really not suitable for you to shoulder such a heavy mission. I think you may need a long conversation.

So, you continue to chat, I will go first. "

The pirate waved his hand and left the cave with Xalatas in his arms. Amidst the ambiguous laughter of the dark essence, he turned his head and said to the two dragon kings:

"The next attack on Ulduar will be taken over by the Legion of Heroic Spirits. If you are willing to help, you must obey the command. If you do not plan to intervene, then evacuate quickly.

Odin has not been kind to you, and you should understand that.

And if the Lord of War sees Lord Malygos in such a mess, he will definitely ridicule the dragons as a group of weak and unreliable guys.

Believe me, he can absolutely say that, and he'd be more than happy to do it. "

The moment Bo Laike left the cave, the Spellweaver said to him in a weary voice:

"Thank you, pirate, I have one last request, I hope you can help me, about Arygos

I don't want to see it anymore, after it desecrated its mother's mausoleum with its own hands in order to crush my heart, I have completely despaired of it.

Give it a decent go.

You want the future chosen by the blue dragon walk, I will arrange it as soon as possible. "


The pirate said without looking back:

"The Uncrowned is serving you wholeheartedly, my dear lawweaver, rest, because of your wise choice, your group will surely prosper in the future, I have already predicted that scene."

In the next moment, the figures of Laike and Xalatath disappeared in the snow flow plain, leaving only a sad old blue dragon and its compatriots.

But when the pirates left the plain, they accidentally saw something "good".

In a cedar forest at the edge of the Snowflow Plain, the Red Dragon Queen and her favorite consort are engaged in some blushing and heart-pounding affairs.

However, the two human-shaped giant dragons immersed in desire did not realize that they actually had two "bystanders".

"I said, why on earth are you being so vicious to Ah Laikestraza?"

The pirate hid in the shadows, looked at the wonderful "scenery" in front of him, and said to the ancient venerable who began to breathe rapidly:

"She didn't provoke you, did she?"

"I just hate her arrogance, no one can talk like that in front of me except you!"

Xal'atath's tail was wrapped around Laike's neck, and she whispered into the pirate's ear:

"And there is indeed a terrible shadow in the heart of this female dragon. If you don't take advantage of it, you will be sorry for my status as an ancient venerable. I am a villain.

Do bad guys need a reason to do bad things?

Let's find a place too. After the Ulduar thing is over, I'm leaving too. I don't want to leave Azeroth with emptiness and nostalgia. "

"It's not forever."

Bu Laike touched his waist, sighed and said:

"You can come whenever you want. Well, well, I won't say anything."

The stinky pirate took out the scepter of Sargeras, and sent himself and the ancient venerable away from this snow-capped land in the space teleportation, but before leaving, he deliberately made some movements, so that the happy red dragon queen and her The favorite spouse is simultaneously startled in horror.

After realizing that someone seemed to be peeking, the two dragons ended hastily like thieves, put on their clothes and went back to the dragon's position.

Uh, this kind of behavior is really too hateful.


Several hours later, Bo Laike returned to Frostfort.

He first reported the result of the trip to Odin, saying that the dragon army would no longer hinder the march of the heroic spirits, and would help the army of the heroic spirits capture the outer city wall of Ulduar.

This result satisfied the Lord of War very much.

And as the time of attack approached, the sky fortress Valagar had also reached the sky above the storm cliffs. The appearance of this golden fortress dispelled the perennial dark clouds in these mountainous areas, allowing the rare sunshine to have a good time. weather.

While the heroic spirits are gathering, the dwarves who will appear as the servant army are also making urgent preparations.

The King's Guard of the Bronzebeards, the elite Gryphon Riders of the Wildhammers, and the Mad Sappers of the Dark Irons are stationed in different areas of Frostfort with their drilling machines.

This dwarf city shaped in the interlayer of glaciers will be very lively, and the enthusiasm of the flesh and blood compatriots has also infected those strange frost dwarves shaped by ice and rock.

They also began to assemble their giant eagle cavalry, intending to take this rare opportunity to return to the origin of all dwarves with their ancient compatriots and follow the heroic spirits.

Of course, although the Three Hammers joined forces for this war for a short period of time, it did not mean that the blood feud between the three clans was healed.

There are Bronzebeards and Black Irons fighting together because of small things everywhere in Frost Castle. Often, Bronzebeard and Wildhammer beat Black Irons together, but the cunning Black Irons will also hide in the dark alleys outside the tavern to ambush those drunken people. Bronzebeard and Wildhammer.

All in all, it's a total "joy" attitude that Laike enjoys so much.

However, just when Laike was about to relax in the Frost Dwarves' tavern, an "old friend" found him at this time.

Escorted by two Dark Iron royal ambassadors, Laike came to a house on the edge of Frostfort, where he saw the Iron Queen, the Bronzebeard Princess Moira, disguised in a cloak.

"How did you come here?"

Bu Laike said in surprise:

"You're gone, isn't there no one in Darkforge City to host? Are you afraid that Red will take this opportunity to attack your city with the orthodox tribe?"

"If Red's brain can come up with such a brilliant plan, he won't be fooled around by you, Mr. Laike."

Facing the pirate's question, Princess Moira responded with a confident smile.

Compared with the last time we met, the dwarf princess's face was a little less melancholy and more calm. The self-doubt that had been bred by her father's doubts had completely disappeared, replaced by a stable and majestic look in power .

It seems that the rumors about Moira secretly deposing Emperor Thaurissan and becoming the actual controller of Darkforge City are not groundless. Her Royal Highness really used love as a shackle, and turned the Black Iron Emperor who was deeply in love with her into her own. The minister under the skirt.

From another point of view, the elder Magni's doubts about his daughter have been proven wrong.

Judging from Moira's current political skills, if she stays in Ironforge to inherit her father's throne, she will definitely become a very good ruler.

"I should thank you for your advice back then, Your Majesty the Prophet, it was your seemingly deviant proposal that allowed me to find my true self and allow me to pursue the life I want by myself.

It is you who changed my life.

Both me and my kids should thank you. "

The Black Iron Queen thanked Bo Laike with a very respectful attitude, but considering that the woman in front of her was already a pregnant woman, the pirate reached out and stopped her from saluting.

Although for the female dwarves, they can still easily smash the head of the beast with a big hammer when they are pregnant. The exaggerated physical fitness of these muscular pier is really not covered.

They are true children of the earth and are basically not prone to illness.

"Stop talking about these scenes, Your Majesty Moira, tell me, what are you going to do all the way here?"

Bo Laike glanced at Moira, shook his head, took off his pipe and extinguished the tobacco, he asked seriously. Moira inherited the vigorous and resolute actions of the blood of the Bronzebeard royal family, and she did not stop being polite, but raised her head and said seriously:

"I've come to see you, Lord Laike, about the Black Dragon at Blackrock Spire.

Chief Red's wisdom is obviously not enough to deal with the plots of the black dragons, because the orthodox tribe has been withdrawing power to support the Dellano world recently, causing them to ignore the monitoring and suppression of the black dragons.

Some of my people have secretly turned to Nefarian, and have performed strange missions for the cunning black dragon.

They're gathering some material here and there, and it worries me a lot.

Perhaps, it is time to solve the problem of the black dragon. "

There was a ruthless and decisive light in the eyes of the Black Iron Queen, she said:

"I can't allow a bomb that doesn't know when to detonate above my country. I have ordered the artisans of Darkforge City to secretly build a ballista that can injure black dragons.

We can take care of those difficult dragonmen, but the black dragons."

"No problem, leave them to me."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"By the way, you can help me send a letter back to Red, so that the bastard can take some light on the situation of Blackrock Mountain! Also, I remember that a group of servants of the Lord of Fire were imprisoned in the prison of Darkforge City?"

"Yes, those guys are the source of turmoil for the Dark Iron Clan."

Moira said with a look of disdain:

"I've convinced my husband to return to his true faith in Khaz'goros, God of Blacksmithing, and those damn shamans will be executed by me soon!

When my husband returns to Shadowforge, I will give him a clean kingdom.

My child will also be born in a clean kingdom. "

"Anyway, it's waste utilization"

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"Release them. If they have nowhere to go, introduce them to the undead pirates. I lost a group of useless subordinates before, and now I am short of cannon fodder."

(end of this chapter)

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