Chapter 1548

"Hey, who are those two titans? Why haven't I seen them in the Hall of Valor before?"

At noon the next day, the idiot Fenner, who was wearing a shiny Heroic Spirit armor and carried almost all his weapons, triumphantly crossed the Rainbow Bridge to the Storm Cliff, just appeared. Curious stuff.

The high-level guardian Talos, who was previously "removed" by Odin and Lai in Odile, was re-given the body of Thundercast, and this will be guarding the Virgin of Purity with a mechanical warhammer.

But beside the "big three" of the Lord of War, the Great Guardian, and the Virgin of Purity, there are still two rock titans that no one has ever seen.

Compared with high-level guardians like Talos, these two titans look a bit "petite", and seeing that they are not wearing armor but robes, they don't seem to be combatants.

"That's the two adults, Azadas and Elonaya."

Muradin Bronzebeard, the dwarf prince who came to greet his companions, took the initiative to explain to Fina:

"The two of them are friends and followers of God Tyr. In the battle when God Tyr died, it was they who escorted the family members of God Tyr to escape from the evil pursuit, and they were the ones who protected the dwarves. The ancestors of the dwarves lived through ages in the underground palaces of Uldaman.

When Brian was excavating Uldaman before, he accidentally discovered two adults. They were both delirious due to the erosion of the void. It was only after we contacted the Hall of Valor that we rescued them.

These two masters are not fighters, so they have been cultivating in the Hall of Valor, and this time they will follow us to fight against the dark and evil in Ulduar. "

"Wow, is that so?"

Fenner looked at the two serious titans.

She felt that she should go forward and say hello to those two titans. After all, she has the divine power of Tyr in her body, and she can be regarded as the successor of God Tyr in the material world.

Rounding it up, it should be my own.

"I heard you dwarves are planning to forge a powerful weapon?"

Beside Fina, Dai Lin, who was also wearing the unified Heroic Spirit Armor, looked around with the shield of Aggramar on his back. The Odin God Chosen whispered to Muradin:

"Are you interested in forging another weapon for me?"


This request made Muradin frowned, and the dwarf prince stroked his well-groomed majestic beard while frowning and said:

"Didn't you forge a legendary weapon for you before? Don't tell me that the weapon that I put my heart and soul into was broken by you?"

"Well, that's not true."

Dai Lin coughed twice in embarrassment, and said:

"I gave it away to someone else."

"Huh? You gave away my carefully crafted weapon? You bastard!"

Muradin became anxious when he heard that.

The big dwarf blacksmith picked up his warhammer and wanted to fight Dai Lin, but was stopped by Fenner. The stupid warrior whistled proudly, took Dai Lin's command knife from his bag, played with it and said:

"Don't listen to the old man's nonsense, I snatched this from him as a trophy. That's right, I beat him, hahaha."

Fenna laughed with her arms crossed, then threw the command knife to Dai Lin, yawned and said:

"I lent it to you. Remember to return it to me after the war. I'm going to play with my stinky brother. Call me when the war starts."

After finishing speaking, Fenner jumped out from the spot with a whoosh.

Dai Lin and Muradin fell into awkward silence. The old dwarf looked at the gloomy general, and regretted why he had to ask the end?

A few seconds later, the kind old dwarf sighed, patted Dai Lin's thigh, and said:

"Okay, I get it, I'll make you a knife when I'm free. Speaking of which, having such a daughter is really a headache, right? Plus your son, tsk tsk, what have you been through What are the days?

Fortunately, I have made up my mind to be single for the rest of my life, and I don't have so many troubles anymore. "

"You can shut up."

Dai Lin cursed and said nothing more.

Heroes of all races who have participated in the battle for supreme warriors have all been recruited as heroic commanders this time, and they will bring the heroic spirits into Ulduar to fight in order to fully utilize the power advantages of the Hall of Valor.

Not long after Dailin and Muradin met, the old cow Kane also walked out of the rainbow bridge with the orc warrior Locke Saurfang. Seeing these two figures, Muradin, who was polishing his weapons next to the camp, said in a low voice:

"I heard that old orc, Bu Rocks, has done great things in the world of Dellano, and the paladins couldn't help but praise him for his bravery?"

"Well, it is said that he faced the Fallen Titan and proved his courage, thus preserving his world in front of the gods."

Dai Lin took a sip of wine and said:

"But that guy is also dead. It's a pity that we haven't decided the outcome with him yet."

"Perhaps this is the destination of the warriors. To die at the hands of a real god, tsk tsk, is such a great and insurmountable epic, I even feel a little jealous of him."

The old dwarf Muradin said something with a sigh, but then asked:

"The Burning Blade master is cutting demons in Dellano, so I can understand why he can't come, but why isn't that lunatic Grom missing? Doesn't he always miss a fight?"

Muradin's question was heard by the old bull Kane who came to greet them. The powerful tauren chief sighed. He sat down on the stone beside Dai Lin and said in a sad tone:

"Grom is sick, he is very sick, and the blood disease is eroding his body and will, but he is not a coward, and he has good reasons for rejecting Odin's call.

Before I came, he told me that the next fight would be his last.

But he would not tell me who his enemy was. "

"Who else?"

Dai Lin had a good impression of Lao Niu. He threw a bottle of wine to Lao Niu and said:

"Anyone who knows the history of the green skins knows that the green skins can only declare that they have found themselves from the cruelty of the devil's blood by defeating the demons by themselves.

Hehe, it's just asking for trouble.

This is a calamity they have brought upon themselves, and of course they have to pay for it themselves.

Not to mention the green skins, everything about them makes me feel disgusted.

Tell me about this battle. "

Dai Lin took a sip of her wine and whispered:

"According to the information I got, this battle to enter the land of creation is just a preview of another great war. I learned from some very secret channels that the Lord of War is planning a battle that goes deep into the stars."

"Tch, what a secret channel!"

Muradin curled his lips in disdain and said:

"Why don't you just say that your son gave you the information? We won't laugh at you. Go ahead and tell us all the secrets Bo Laike told you.

You'll be our best spy on the evil faction we're breaking into Boo Laike. "

"Shut up, you!"


Odin has summoned his mortal warriors, which means that the Lord of War is no longer willing to wait.

As the last of Ra-den's pure mogu warriors entered the Storm Peaks, led by his servant and lieutenant Norusha, the Legion of Heroes began a full-scale attack.

Odin, Lai, and Pure Holy Mother led the main force across the vast snow-capped mountains of the stormy cliffs and marched towards the main body of Ulduar. Heimdall and Al, who were trusted by him, took a partial and loyal dwarves and vrykul to attack the Storm Temple in the center of the Storm Peak, guarding the Forge of Will.

Uh, here's an extra clarification.

Ulduar's main building complex is located on a land island that is not connected to the Storm Peak, but this does not mean that there are only so many places in Ulduar's creation.

In fact, the entire Storm Cliff can see various Titan buildings and towers frozen in glaciers, as well as four temples scattered throughout the mountains.

This means that the entire Storm Peaks is actually part of the Creation Grounds, which would explain why the Storm Peaks are physically cut off from the entire world.

There were titan machines all over the land, most shut down, but a few still working, so Bo Laike had to draw many mechagnomes from Mechagon to join the dwarven and vrykul minions.

Lest they accidentally touch something they shouldn't.

The reason why Odin had to divide his troops was because not all the bewitched guardians stayed in Ulduar, and the storm guardian Thorim stayed in his storm temple for hundreds of thousands of years.

While defending the Forge of Will, he mourned the death of his wife Sif.

This guy is the "big love" among Titan Guardians.

Because of his wife's death, he has been in a Buddhist emo state for hundreds of thousands of years. The problem is that Thorim is the most capable guardian besides Odin and Rai, the two top combatants.

So before entering Ulduar, Odin must first get rid of Thorim.

The relationship between these two guys is also very complicated. According to Odin, the core of Thorim's thinking comes from his thinking template, so from an "ethical" point of view, Thorim calls him "father" .

"They don't need to defeat Thorim, they just need to entangle him, and don't let him come to the Lightning Hall to make trouble."

As the army advances, the Valagar Fortress in the sky also serves as a command platform and troop carrier, following the Heroic Spirits on the ground.

On the watchtower of the Hall of Valor, Odin, leaning on the lightning spear, said to the others:

"If you want to enter Ulduar, you must first remove the outer defenses of the city of Titans. The two consoles are located in the Hall of Lightning and the Hall of Rocks. According to the information provided by Azadas, that shameful traitor Loken has been hiding all these years. Attempts to cover up his scandal in the Halls of Lightning.

This is really good news! "

Golden lightning flashed on the body of the King of War, representing his uncontrollable anger at this time. He looked indifferently at the city of Titans in front of him, and said:

"Before resuscitating our lost brothers and sisters, we may complete a hearty traitor execution first!"

"I have no opinion!"

Layden also agreed with a cold tone:

"It was Loken who killed our bravest and most upright brother Tyr, and he single-handedly guided Ulduar's fall. It was with his assistance and indulgence that Yogg-Saron wantonly used his dark power All over Northrend.

Such traitors must be punished!

I would gladly carry out the punishment myself. "

"No, great Raiden, this matter should be left to me!"

After Raiden finished speaking, Fenner, the idiot standing on the edge of the platform, waved his weapon and shouted:

"I inherited God Tyr's courage and supernatural power, so it is my mission and duty to help God Tyr get rid of the murderer who killed him. I am willing to be the vanguard and capture the Hall of Lightning for the Heroic Spirit Legion!

I will bring the cowardly traitorous capture before you.

Swear on my honor!

I will do it! "

This initiative to ask for a fight made Raiden and Odin look at each other. The King of War looked at the courage and supernatural power shining on Fenner. He thought for a few seconds, nodded and said:

"Okay! I allow such a request."

However, Odin glanced at Fenner who was full of fighting spirit with strange eyes, and emphasized:

"But you have to act with Azadas and Elonaya.

They used to be Tire's adjutants, and they also have grievances that must be resolved with Loken, and they can also provide you with military advice when necessary."

"No, I have my stinky brother as my staff."

Fenner heard the meaning behind the words of the Lord of War.

Probably because of being ridiculed by Laike too many times, her brain is all muscles, which made her very sensitive to these words that said she was stupid.

The stupid soldier snorted unhappily and didn't say anything to the annoying Odindo. He jumped down from the viewing platform of the Hall of Valor, and she was accurately caught by the flying golden Valkyrie in the air while cheering.

Escorted by a group of Valkyries, they galloped in the direction of the Lightning Hall.

The heroic warriors commanded by Emperor Thoradin have already arrived there, and they will break in as the vanguard, opening the passage for the heroic army to enter Ulduar.

"This mortal who inherited Lord Tyre's power is really brave and fearless, she reminds me of Lord Tyre who is always full of fighting spirit and sticks to justice.

No wonder the courage and supernatural power can bloom so brightly on her body. "

Beside Odin, the blacksmith Azadas wearing a titan robe couldn't help but sigh with emotion while leaning on his carved stone hammer.

"It just doesn't look very smart."

The female titan Elonaya, who was wearing a yellow ceremonial robe beside Azadas, curled her lips and said in a low voice:

"This is exactly the same as God Tyr.

To be honest, I still can't figure out why Lord Tyre used his arm to block the teeth of the evil spirit dragon when he was fighting Galakrond.

He clearly had a weapon in his hand at the time. "

"Ah Choo!"

Fenna, who fell gracefully from the Valkyrie's arms to the ground, sneezed suddenly.

She rubbed her nose and doubted that someone was speaking ill of her behind her back, but looking at the huge palace full of thunder and steel soldiers created by Titans in front of her, this majestic creation like a myth soon made Fenner full of fighting spirit.

She glanced at the heroic warriors driving the storm dragon flying into the sky to suppress the firepower of the temple in front of her, and then glanced at Emperor Thoradin who led the giant wolf Fenrir to break through the defense line of the steel army for her. Upward, he pulled out two Dragon Forged Blades with his backhand and was ready to fight forward.

But as soon as it started, two figures appeared in front of Fenner.

Bo Laike waved the head of a steel vrykul general with a severed neck and wide eyes, and waved the Titan oil dripping from the Saramani blade in his hand.

Maiev behind him was holding the knife wheel, as silent and reliable as ever.

"Hey, you're too late, aren't you?"

The stinky pirate wearing the black moon night armor complained:

"I almost killed all the big monsters inside. If you hadn't reminded me to have some fun for you, my wives and I would have almost hacked Loken to death by mistake."


Fenner widened her eyes in surprise, and said:

"He is a guardian anyway, how can he be hacked to death by you so easily? Is he really that weak?"

"The former Loken may be very powerful, but the former king of wisdom has long been corroded by the void."

Maiev said hoarsely:

"The conflict between the arcane and the void force did not make him stronger, but destroyed his original mind. He has the title of guardian, but now he is not as strong as you think."

"What's more, that guy is almost scared to death by the powerful combination of Odin and Raiden."

Bu Laike sneered and said:

"He thought he could hide the murder of Tire, but when he saw that Azadas and Elonaya, who were almost killed by him, were also on Odin's side, he knew what he had done in the past Can't hide the scandal.

He was the one who took the initiative to join forces with Hela to banish Odin and the Valagar fortress for hundreds of thousands of years. This guy almost offended everyone he could offend.

Now he is hiding in his throne room like a frightened mouse, praying to his 'god' for salvation.

But Yogg-Saron, who knew he was in big trouble, didn't have time to rescue a weak coward like old Brian when he accidentally activated the interplanetary communication system.

Come on, Fenner.

This is the stage destined to belong to you. "

The pirate glanced at Fenner's divine powers, which are especially active today, and said:

"Tyr is watching you. In the name of the King of Justice, vengeance."

"Do not!"

Fenner, who has always been very obedient, shook her head now, and said seriously:

"It's not revenge, it's judgment!"

(end of this chapter)

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