Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 158 66. Mighty Pirates Wisdom Fight Profiteers Turtle Man

Chapter 158 66. Mighty Pirates Wisdom Fight Profiteers Turtle Man

The pier in front of Bu Laike is very large, it is located in a large shallow sea between the Wharton Desert and the Nazmir jungle, and there is no hidden reef terrain, which is very suitable for merchant ships.

Under the evening glow tonight, in the beautiful shallow sea of ​​the natural pier port controlled by the tortoises, there are more than a dozen decommissioned warships of the Zandalari fleet, which are somewhat dilapidated.

There are also several very large ships.

It is a big ship like the flagship of the black ship of the pirate king Zemlan, which is twice the size of other warships.

Those are the "goods" ordered from Tortoise by the envoys of Bu Laike, Venerable Akundazalak and Quartermaster Yudora.


Seeing Braike with evil eyes, Maim and a few orcs walking along the beach, Udora, the fox who was sitting on a pile of boxes and talking to the troll beside him, immediately got up and walked towards His captain waved his hand.

The noble Akundazalak next to it was still wearing the priest's robe, with a mask on his face, so he couldn't see his expression.

But as Laike approached, the number two dog also bowed down to welcome his own captain.

"Why are there so many ships? Didn't you say to buy less?"

Cloth Laike, wearing a black pirate hat, greeted his men and looked at the bay next to him. He said:

"But you two are the best brains under my command, so you don't even know what our current needs are. So, these ships are here, do they have something inside?"

Facing the captain's questioning, Yudora and Zarak looked at each other, and finally the quartermaster flicked his tail and told his captain the bad news.

She whispered:

"Captain, these tortoises are causing trouble!

When we came to buy a boat, they agreed without hesitation, but played tricks. Said to put all the boats out for us to choose, and watched enthusiastically.

But after we followed them here, we found that they had concealed some information. "


Bu Laike blinked his eyes, then looked at Venerable Akunda again, Zalak wearing a mask explained softly:

"The Tortoises have bought many old ships from the Zandalari troll fleet over the years, but there is not much demand in the local area, so they have been slow to sell and cannot be sold.

Some of the boats have been in their hands for a long time, and the hulls are not well maintained, but the price of each boat is the same, and the tortoises excuse that the person who kept the boat data is sick.

So we had to pick a few of these boats ourselves.

It doesn't matter what you pick.

They played tricks and tried to mix up bad quality boats and sell them to us. "

"That's it."

Bu Laike nodded after hearing this, but Meme and a few orcs behind him had already looked ugly, which was clearly an act of a profiteer.

They looked at the boats docked in the bay, they were all cleaned up by the tortoise, and they looked decent. They must have repaired all the bad-looking boats before the guests came.

With this guarantee, there is absolutely no good or bad from the outside.

"This is the ancestor turtle friends, testing our eyesight."

Bu Laike grinned. He stood by the pier and said to Maim beside him:

"A profiteer is indeed a profiteer, but it's a bit more than a few warships mixed in a firewood boat that can't fight at all and sold to you goblins."

"That won't work, Captain."

Maim was wearing a snake-man armor with a flashing halberd on his back, and made himself a desert-style hood to cover his burned face.

He said in a deep voice behind Bu Laike:

"We buy boats to cross the ocean.

The sea journey from Zandalar Island to the eastern mainland is not too short, and you may encounter South Sea pirates on the way. We Zandalari exiles don't know how to fight naval battles at all.

Snake people rarely set foot in the deep sea.

They are not good sailors, and we, the orcs who also have two knives, are required to teach them. The problem is, as you know, captain, we orcs are not good sailors either!

If you buy another bad ship, there is a high probability that the ship will be destroyed. "

"Don't be afraid, I'm here prepared."

Bu Laike glanced at the ships in the harbor, waved his hands, and said to his worried subordinates:

"Come with me, let's meet the local owner and have a good chat with these turtles. As for the boat issue, let me, who was born in Kul Tiras, handle it."

He raised his left hand, waved it in front of his subordinates, and said in a mysterious and confident tone:

"When I was a child, I learned the 'ship identification technique' from the tidesages of Kul Tiras. I can tell if a ship is good or not by touching it."

That sounds outrageous.

But the few people following Bu Laike all showed relaxed expressions.

Especially Maim and the orcs, their ugly faces turned for the better almost immediately. They followed Laike all the way from the Broken Shore to Zandalar, and they have seen all kinds of magical abilities of their captain.

Especially after being led to overthrow the invincible hell army and capture the Nagfar, each of them is still hostile to human beings.

But they are already the "brain fans" of Captain Bu Laike, a special human being.

Now Laike said that he has a way to pick out good boats, and they naturally believed it.

If the captain said there was a way, then there must be a way.

A few minutes later, Laike led his men and swaggered into the warehouse at the pier, where several large warehouses were built according to the topography of the island.

In the center of the island, there is a small town run by the tortoises.

Speaking of the original ancestor turtle, this is a rather magical race.

Their appearance is that of a big tortoise walking upright, with a thick black turtle shell protruding from bone and spikes, humanoid limbs, and strong, long arms that can even touch the ground.

And claws.

The legs are short, but they stand firmly.

He swayed as he walked. After all, with such a heavy guest on his back, his speed must not be too fast.

But these guys are extremely good at swimming.

They are true amphibians and can live in water all year round without needing to float up for air.

The skin of the tortoises is mostly blue, green or brown, and the skin is tough and full of defense.

Their faces are the heads of turtles with short necks. In such a situation, it should not be a big problem to call them "turtle.tou". This is just a factual description.

It is not a metaphor, I hope these two words will not be harmonized.

But the heads of the tortoises are not the heads of tortoises in the general sense. The faces are very similar to the heads of vicious snapping turtles. When they open their mouths, they can see the sharp teeth in the mouth of the tortoises.

This proves that the tortoises look naive, but in fact they are not soft eggs who can be bullied.

They have enough strength to protect themselves.

In the water, you can even easily compete with the deep sea naga.

These deep-sea merchants will also wear some protective gear, and each turtle has various bags on it, containing the goodies they have collected from various places.

All the tortoises are collectors.

This is very similar to the foxes.

But compared to the vulpes who only lived in the Great Wharton Desert, the range of activities of the tortoises is very large.

In addition to hating the cold and not going to the North Sea, there are traces of the tortoises' activities in the remaining large areas of Azeroth.

The tortoises call themselves "Tortoland".

As you can tell from their names, they are the descendants of Tortola, the demigod of the wilderness, the "wise man". Moreover, they also have a good relationship with the turtle loa god Torga, and they often travel across the ocean to make pilgrimages to Zandalari.

In fact, it is to tell stories to Toga.

That turtle Loa likes to listen to stories very much, and has a problem with these tortoises.

"Ah, look what I saw! A real human! Mixed with orcs! God!"

When Laike was about to sit on the tortoise's small sampan and go to pick a boat, an exaggerated low voice sounded from behind the warehouse, which made Laike stop his movements, and turned his head to look at the person coming.

That guy speaks human language!

The articulation is clear and the words are reasonable.

You can even hear a bit of the accent of the Drustvar Mountains in the outskirts of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras.

This is Zandalar!

The land thousands of miles away from human civilization, suddenly hearing the native language, made Laike feel a lot of emotion.

"This is the first time I have seen humans on the territory of the Zandalari trolls."

The tortoise that staggered over looked at Bo Laike with his own eyes, and said slowly:

"It's more surprising than seeing trolls on your human territory. Anyway, trolls are everywhere in the world, so it's not surprising at all.

so who are you Weather-beaten human, what are you looking for in our docks? What kind of legends can I hear from you? "

Facing this prologue, Bu Laike didn't care much.

He looked at the tortoise in front of him, wearing a weird felt hat, and carrying an exaggerated luggage full of scrolls on the back of the tortoise shell, as if carrying a hill, with gemstones on the breastplate and belt.

The turtle man with brown-green skin was also staring at him, turning his head from time to time, looking very flexible.

A few seconds later, the pirate also said in an exaggerated tone:

"Holy Light, look what I found? A scroll sage that is rare among the tortoises! What's your name? Old Nora the sage? Or Kojo the Collector?"


Now it was the turn of the tortoise to be surprised.

The scroll sage gave Bu Laike a strange look, and he said slowly:

"How do you know those two guys?"

"They are my friends."

Bo Laike grinned.

Then I heard the tortoise carrying the scroll in front of me say in a faint tone:

"I'm Kojo, people do call me the Collector, but I don't remember ever seeing you."

"Don't you see it now, friend."

The pirate who had an oolong waved his hands indifferently. Standing on the sampan with his hips akimbo, he pointed to the dozen or so ships parked in the harbor and said:

"My name is Bu Laike, a pirate captain, and I'm here to buy a ship. I pay you more than the market price, but you tortoises, you insist on playing tricks on me.

Probably because I feel that I need a boat urgently, so I plan to take advantage of the fire to loot and make a fortune.

And me.

I am a person who does not want to suffer, so I am going to give you a little 'lesson'. "


Collector Kou Qiao glanced at the boat over there along Bu Laike's finger, and a helpless expression appeared on the turtle's face, and he said:

"My compatriot Totaka always likes to play this kind of trick, which is really against the principles of fair trade, but he is the master of this dock and shelter.

I'm just a visitor here from Kul Tiras, so I can't help you.

But if you'd like to tell me some good stories, I can tell Totaka for you."

"No need."

Bu Laike shook his hand and said:

"I know that there is power among you tortoises, this is between me and that Totaka, you, a scroll sage who collects stories everywhere, don't get involved.

Just wait here to see the good show.

Maybe you can also witness an interesting little story from me today. I have already thought of the name, and it is called "Mighty Pirates Wisdom Fighting Profiteers Turtle Man". "

The pirate captain laughed, commanded Maim and Zarak to paddle, and sent him to the nearest battleship.

Under the curious gaze of Kojo, the tortoise's scroll sage, Laike stretched out his hand and touched the ship's side. He looked at the mount column on the second page of the character card.

A paragraph of text floated quickly above:

Name: Third-class retired warship of the Golden Fleet. [Normal Quality]

Status: Damaged. [Keel cracked. Poor quality ship side. Poor quality mast]

special effects: none

"This one won't work!"

Bu Laike withdrew his finger and said loudly to his subordinates behind him and the nearby tortoises:

"The keel is cracked, and the ship's side and mast are improvised by unscrupulous businessmen who know how to tidy up the deck and decorate it to bully those who don't know how to do it.

But in my eyes, such a ship deserves to be split as firewood!

the next one. "


Amidst the triumphant and rampant laughter of the orcs, they escorted their captain to the side of the second ship, and Laike stretched out his hand generously, touching the side of the second ship:

Golden Fleet third-class retired battleship. Desert Wind [excellent quality]

Status: Slightly damaged. [Inferior sails]

"Yo, this is a good boat, but the sails need to be replaced."

Bu Laike withdrew his finger, gestured to the quartermaster, and said:

"Eudora, write it down, this ship is our backup."

"Go, look at the next ship!"

(end of this chapter)

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