Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1560 193. Get Out Of The Way! Waste! This Big Problem Can Only Be Solved By Your Father! -【A

Chapter 1560 193. Get out of the way! waste! This big problem can only be solved by your father! -【Ask monthly ticket 13】

Bu Laike is busy with his own promotion, which is a really big event. Although he is only employed in a mythical profession at present, he may need some strength supplement before stepping into the demigod realm.

But everything is difficult at the beginning.

Getting two jobs at this time is of great significance to pirates.

This means that he already has two paths to the Six Forces, and he has almost achieved a feat that is unprecedented in Azeroth. Of course, such a career is nothing compared to the scale of the stars.

For example, Lord Sargeras, whom the stinky pirates admire the most, was born from the arcane force, and then jumped to the fel force, and it is not a slow upgrade like a pirate, but a one-step process. Jumped to the evil energy and the original force as a handle.

It is a smooth game experience like kryptonite.

As for the stinky pirate, he is at most a micro-krypton player, and he can't appreciate the joy of starting the game at full level.

But it doesn't matter, Laike said he likes "leveling".

That would give him a sense of accomplishment.

However, at the same time as this incident, the disputes in other parts of Ulduar have not subsided, and the Heroic Spirit Legion and their servants are still fighting against various existences in this city.

But because the pirates tricked Mimiron into turning off the beacons of the Iron Legion in Ulduar, the Heroic Spirits didn't need to waste too much time cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, which made their logging experience much better. .

In the abandoned garden temple of Freya, the guardian of life, the roar of giant wolves in the distance shook the once extremely prosperous "biology museum".

It was Goldrinn who was using his own way to save his mother who was trapped in the nightmare of the void.

This battle probably belonged to the salvation of the creator by the demigods of the wilderness, so the heroic spirits respected the opinions of the demigods and did not participate in it. The warlike warriors were not disappointed that this battle was missing, because there were many other Strong enemies are waiting for them to challenge.

Today's war is just like New Year's for the heroic spirits. Opponents that were difficult to find in the past abound in this city, and they can finally fight without suppressing their combat power, which is too powerful for ordinary people.

Of course, the speed of sacrifice in this kind of battle is also quite terrifying.

In just a few hours, the golden Valkyries of the Hall of Valor have recovered more than thousands of heroic spirits. As undefeated warriors carefully crafted by Odin for the "Twilight of the Gods", their thundercast bodies lost their souls after being damaged. They will return to the holy arsenal of the Hall of Valor, where they will be matched with a new body, and they can join the battle again after a short rest.

During the hundreds of thousands of years of being sealed, Odin didn't just watch the world change through his own crow. While waiting boredly, he ordered the heroic craftsmen to forge many, many Thundercast bodies.

This is enough to make the fighters under his command enjoy the fun of fighting.

"Look here, in my memory, Freya's garden is always like spring all the year round, every plant from every corner of the world is planted here, and every creature that exists in this world past and present is also domesticated.

Here is the biobank of the place of creation, which has taken on the task of resowing the seeds of life after a hopeless world restarts, once a sacred place of nature. "

Lyden squatted on the ground, stroking the overgrown weeds of the abandoned garden with his huge fingers, under the weeds were covered with white dead bones.

This added to the vast garden a dreary gloom that could not be ignored.

Even the living wood guards awakened by the power of nature have become dry and evil under the erosion of the void, full of black corruption.

They also joined the fight at Freya's call, trying to stop Goldrinn from waking Freya.

But the Wolf of the Moon God had already been reborn. Facing the siege, it just jumped and dodged on the spot, and then a bright and scorching moonlight meteorite fell from the sky, knocking down those dark things and burning them.

This scene gave Lyden a more intuitive understanding of Goldrinn's combat power.

In fact, I'm afraid Goldrinn himself has forgotten, but when it was a little wolf cub that was picked up, Lydon had personally fed it in this garden.

"It's amazing how Freya's kids have grown up too."

The great guardian stood up, and said with emotion to the Holy Virgin who was taking out various types of wrenches and craniotomy saws, preparing for the guardian's emergency surgery and rescue matters:

"When we guardians were forced to give up our mission, these children picked up by Freya and carefully raised helped us shoulder our responsibility to protect the world.

They even choose self-sacrifice for this world.

Freya is the most qualified guardian among us, and she left the best hope for this world. "

"Initiate rebuttal agreement: But that's not the story I've heard from the Loans."

The Virgin of Purity picked up an oversized mechanical syringe and filled it with various unknown liquids. While busy, she said:

"During my time in Odir, I occasionally observed the loa of Nazmir in my spare time, and heard some interesting stories about the guardian of life, Freya, from their complaints and complaints.

It is said that although Ms. Freya is very caring, she is a very awkward 'face value party'.

She will walk the ancient lands, helping all the lives she sees in distress.

But she will only take away those small animals with outstanding appearance and cultivate them carefully. As for the uglier ones, they will be released into nature after being helped.

It is said that some ancient loa were not favored by the life force because of this, and could not become real demigods of the wilderness, and could only choose to become second-class loa gods.

Although in my opinion, even becoming a loa is a very good gift for these natural beings, but in comparison, judging the potential of a creature by its appearance is a bit unfair to be honest. "


Facing the sharp complaint from the Virgin of Purity, Layden hesitated for a moment. He shrugged and looked at the gradually subdued battlefield in front of him. He whispered:

"Don't you allow everyone to have some personal hobbies?"

"Start mocking protocol: Hehe"

The Virgin of Purity picked up the oversized syringe in her hand, pouted at Leiden, and said:

"Bring those tools. I need your help to complete this operation. I will use Freya's test to judge the condition of the other guardians, so as to formulate a treatment plan."

"If it's for treatment, you won't need this, right?"

Raiden picked up a terrifying craniotomy saw, blinked his one eye, and said:

"Are you sure this is not an opportunity for your favorite Loa to vent their anger?"

"Starting Sophistry Protocols: Who Doesn't Have a Hobby?"

The Virgin of Purity said something casually, and strode towards the messy battlefield in front of her. The silver wolf Goldrinn injured himself all over his body, and was lying beside the stunned Freya, licking and licking. paw.

It didn't have to be so embarrassing.

With the help of Elune's blessing, it can completely end the battle if it dies. After all, Freya, as the guardian of life, has never been known for her combat effectiveness among the guardians.

But the lonely wolf god is not willing to hurt his mother, even if he is the only son of his mother who left home on his own initiative.

Seeing the Virgin of Purity approaching with a big needle, Goldrinn glanced at Freya, let out a deep howl, then got up and limped towards the opened dream door.

"Start the retaining agreement: Hey, giant wolf, don't you plan to guard your mother here?

It may take a while for her to recover, and I think it will be comforting to see her baby by her side when she wakes up from her long nightmare. "

The Virgin of Purity yelled at Goldrinn.

But the wolf god didn't look back, just walked into the gate of the Emerald Dreamland alone under the moonlight as always.

Wolves don't and shouldn't have homes.

Its help is only when family members suffer, and the beauty of reunion is reserved for those weak brothers and sisters.

"What a bad boy."

The Virgin of Purity shook her head.

She knelt down beside Freya, and stabbed the big needle into Freya's rocky body. She seemed to begin to understand why this guardian of life loved some special beings.

Compared with the lonely Goldrinn, those Loa who only complain behind their backs that they are ugly and unlucky are really lacking.


"Get our state-of-the-art calculator! The Prince needs help!"

"How many questions did the prince solve? Lord Mimiron's wisdom is really terrifying. I can't even solve the third question."

"Huh? The third problem? You are really inferior. I have already solved the fifth problem."

"But the bald craftsman Mekkatorque of Gnomeregan has already solved the ninth problem, and His Royal Highness has already solved the last problem, which is too scary.

Let alone thinking about the answer, I can't even understand the question!

Come, come, I copied it down, everyone come and see! "

Outside the Wisdom Spark Temple in Ulduar, a lot of noisy little people gathered and chattered together. They generally held drawing pens and problem-solving papers in their hands, and some mechanical gnomes brought a slightly clumsy punch-type calculation device.

At this time, they were enthusiastically discussing some topics that the heroic spirits in charge of protecting them could not understand, such as the equivalent formula of Titan energy conversion, and the law of mechanical three-effect loss. The words are just like heavenly scriptures.

It even made several big-bodied heroic spirits doze off.

Of course, it’s not that the dwarves got nervous and came to Ulduar to hold a mathematics conference. The main reason is that they are responsible for opening the gate of the Temple of the Wisdom Spark that Mimiron closed, in order to try to end the terrible "doomsday" that will blow up the continental shelf Battle" system.

But as a guardian of wisdom, this guy Mimiron chooses to go into exile in a very different way from other guardians of the void.

Instead of violence, it resorts to intelligent means.

It left twelve engineering-related questions on the energy node gate of Wisdom Spark, as long as all the correct answers are entered, the laboratory gate can be opened.

This sounds simple, but at present all the gates of the temple except the spark of wisdom have been breached by Odin and his heroic spirits, except here is still impregnable.

It is said that the King of War came to take a look at those problems, and then directly chose to give up the challenge, and called the dwarves to solve this problem.

Elegantly called "The Trial of Wisdom".

As a result, the gnomes and mechanical gnomes did not disappoint the Lord of War. They sent their smartest group of people to challenge and solved eleven problems in less than two hours.

But whether it was the clever and bald artisan Gelbin Mekkatorque, or Prince Erazmin who had completed the mechanical transformation, they were both stumped by the last question.

The mechanical gnome pirate Trixie who was in charge of assisting His Highness ran out with her wasteland captain's hat, and asked the mechanical gnomes to quickly bring the super high-speed calculator that Mechagon was developing to help the prince solve the problem. The title of the last question was announced to all the dwarves present.

His Royal Highness the Prince obviously hoped that the heroes would work hard.

But the problem is that after the topic was announced, the Wisdom Spark front room, which was noisy just now, suddenly became silent.

Kelsey Steelshine, the dwarf agent commander and Gnomeregan senior engineer with a pen and paper in his hand, stared dumbfounded at the topic in front of him.

A few seconds later, she covered her eyes in frustration and despair and said:

"What the hell is this? Am I playing with guns so much that I'm so stupid that I can't even understand the title?"

Her complaints quickly won the approval of other dwarves, and soon someone shouted loudly:

"That thing looks like a bunch of gibberish to me. Hey, Trixie, are you sure you copied it right? This is completely impossible to solve."

The dwarves were clamoring again, and the clamor soon attracted a group of mortal warriors who had just defeated a guardian lady with a big stone cat.

Old Dai Lin leaned over and took a look. He looked at the topic hanging in front of the dwarfs. A few seconds later, the admiral rubbed his chin, showing a very professional attitude, and said to Muradin beside him:

"This knitted pattern is very beautiful. I heard from my youngest son who studies art that this pattern seems to be called 'Saras traditional abstract style'."


The old dwarf who was drinking glanced at it, nodded in agreement and said:

"It's really pretty, it should look good when it's worn into a sweater."

The words of these two ignorant old guys immediately caused a group of dwarfs to cast contemptuous glances.

But contempt is all contempt, and the dwarves have no good solution now. This is a problem, not cutting people with a sword. There is no explosion in the face of mathematics.

You won't or won't.

The cruel reality made the gnomes fall into an unprecedented silence. At the darkest moment of this intellectual contest, a mechanical gnome hiding at the edge of the crowd suddenly raised his head and sneered twice.

He pushed his modified mechanical brain, stood up, and roughly pushed away the idiots blocking the way in front of him. He said loudly in a cold voice that made the mechanical gnomes very frightened:

"Trash! They are all rubbish! This question is not solved like this! You don't understand the meaning of Lord Mimiron at all. The question of this question needs to be converted to the sevenfold twelve powers to get the correct stem.

In essence, it is just a comprehensive test of the introductory knowledge of Titan engineering. Hehe, it seems that after I left, the technological development of the entire Mechagon has come to a standstill.

What a disappointment! "


This sound made Trixie jump up from the spot in fright. She drew out the electric coil gun on her waist and pointed at this strange mechanical gnome, shouting:

"Are you Mechagon?"

"Yes, that's me, you should call me 'Your Majesty', rude fellow!"

"Mechanical Ghost" King Mechagon ignored the erected electric coil gun at all. He sneered and walked towards the blocked problem-solving room in front of him, and sarcastically said as he walked:

"Your ship is fine, but that's about it.

Stupid and mediocre wisdom is not worthy of appearing in this sacred place of origin, and your inferior wisdom is not qualified for mechanical pilgrimage.

Now, go away!

Fools, it seems that I opened this last door, ah, Ulduar, the holy land of machinery, the eternal destination of all wise men, here I come! "

Amid harsh laughter, King Mechagon strode into the closed cabin in front of him. After a suffocating ten minutes, the door of the spark of wisdom, which had been closed for hundreds of thousands of years, opened with a bang.

The gnomes look at me for a while, and I look at you.

The wisdom of mortals has passed the test of the guardians of wisdom, but they don't know whether to cheer or not.

(end of this chapter)

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