Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1562 195. Listen To The Tide Of Rebirth--[Seeking A Monthly Ticket 3/3]

Chapter 1562 195. Listen to the tide of rebirth--[Seeking monthly ticket 33]

There are ice and snow residues everywhere in the Winter Temple, and those thunder spirits who were frozen and shattered were thrown into the hall full of snow and ice in a tragic posture of being dismembered.

The cold north wind blows like a knife, and within a few minutes, the body temperature of ordinary people in Jiang can be lowered to a fatal level. This place is simply a place of eternal freezing in myths and legends.

This temple should not be like this under normal circumstances.

It should be as beautiful and majestic as other guardian temples, and it should be full of treasures dedicated to Hodir by various Frost Titans. The treasures are still there, but the Frost Titans who came to the pilgrimage have decayed. .

Titans, this biological population remaining from the age of mythology, are quite rare in today's Azeroth. Except for a little more sea titans, the other titans all live in seclusion on the edge of the world, carefully hiding themselves.

All this is due to the war that Thorim rashly started under the lure of Loken, and it was that war that destroyed an era.

Of course, Braike knows that this does not mean that he is interested in these ancient histories. He is leading the cowardly sea titan demigod Yakorok around the main battlefield of the temple where the ice is splashing and the earth is shaking. .

The two demigod stoneborn and Hodir, the god of winter, fought desperately.

Perhaps in the void, the chaotic Hodir thought he was just fighting to defend the temple, but for the two fierce stone-born, the big man in front of him was the fattest "one piece" they had ever seen since entering the material world. Meat".

They will not let go of this mad guardian until their insatiable hunger for anima is satisfied.

"Hodir is the most self-contained of all the guardians, especially after his titan family was almost slaughtered, this guy has sealed himself in this temple until now.

Look at these crystalline ice cubes, each one speaks of the loneliness and nostalgia of Hodir, a poor man living in the past. "

While stepping on the thick snow, Bu Laike said to Yakorok behind him:

"Speaking of which, you are also a titan. There may be some unrelated relationship between you and Hodir."

"Hey, how could you humiliate me like this?"

Hai titan's demigod suddenly became upset.

It grabbed a big star from its seaweed-like beard, threw it into its mouth, and chewed it. It was filled with a proud expression of shabby household, and proudly declared:

"Our sea titans are not the same as these hybrid titans. We are the direct bloodline of Lord Gorgnas the Roarer, and we are the noble ones closest to the gods among all the titan bloodlines.

The other titans in this world were created by the titan guardians to maintain the system, but we are not! We emerged from the same era as the Guardians.

After the Howlers shaped the skies and seas of Azeroth, we are left to care for and defend the Endless Frontier. If it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, Hodir would have greeted my father with respect when he saw him. "

"Yeah, Gorgonus left us to take care of his favorite endless sea, but look at how 'careful' you are."

Bu Laike drew his voice ironically:

"There are naga, void monsters, pirates, and merchants in the sea now, and each faction has its own territory and story, but you, the true 'children of the sea', have been driven to the backcountry.

If Gorgonus could see your embarrassing state now, he would definitely crush you all to death, shame on you! Azeroth can exist to the present civilization, whose ancestors have never been richer?

Don't bring up the past, it's not shameful enough. "

"Hmph, whatever you say, this will not change the noble blood of our sea titans. Even when we are down and down, we must maintain our dignity. This is the only thing we have left."

The sea titan demigod holding the original embryo of the tidal stone pouted.

It probably has recognized the reality of the sea titan's weakness for a long time and knows that the sea titan's revival is doomed to take a long time, so it has mentally prepared in advance, so it naturally doesn't have much discomfort when facing Bu Laike's ridicule.

What's more, Yakorok didn't just come here to listen to Bu Laike complaining because he had nothing to do.

It was willing to run here at the risk of being killed by the big monsters in Ulduar, so it must have its own purpose.

Bu Laike understands this, he just doesn't say it.

The two of them brushed the edge of the battlefield and finally bypassed the dangerous area. Hearing Hodir's angry roar, he knew that the rough-skinned and thick-skinned god of titan could still last a long time under the attack of the two stone-born demigods.

That's fine.

This gave Bo Laike and Yakorok enough time to finish their work.

"It's here!"

The sea titan demigod kept moving its nose like a hunting dog. It led the pirates to walk around in the frost and snow deep in the Winter Temple, and finally determined a place.

It put the Gorgonneth Tidal Stone in its hand on the ground of the temple, and took out a very ancient horn and put it to its mouth, then turned to Bu Laike and said:

"I want to mobilize this pure Titan power to recharge the Tidal Stone. After the recharge is complete, you have to borrow the Hammer of Kazgoros and find a few craftsmen with good craftsmanship to hit it twice to help the holy object heal. The final rift.

At that point, you will have a complete Tidal Stone.

This request may be difficult for others, but I feel that the holy hammer that forges the world is here, and it must be related to you here.

However, I would like to inform you in advance, my friend Bu Laike.

You know I took a small fragment of the Tidal Stone before, that will not affect the power of this holy object, but it will protect us sea titan from the tide stone. "

Yakorok said seriously to Bu Laike:

"We can help you unconditionally, but it is because of the friendship between the two parties. Although we have been down and down for countless times, as I said, as the blood of Gognas, we still have the last dignity.

Once this pure friendship is mixed with coercive factors, the sea titan will become your enemy. "

"I understand, I understand. The contract system is not a lifetime employment system. You may have to pay for your help. This is the equal friendship you understand."

Leaning on the scepter of Sargeras, the pirate spit out smoke rings in the cold wind. He squeezed his eyes and said:

"And I guess, the fragment you took away will become more powerful with the completion and rebirth of the Tidal Stone, and it may be able to protect the divided sea titans to reunite, and even form a kingdom under the sea.

Come, tell me quietly, my friends, are you going to start a war against the naga to take back the ancestral land? "

Yakorok didn't answer.

It blew that muffled horn.

In the next moment, the dense water elements visible to the naked eye converged into torrents around the cold palace, and even the cold wind in the Winter Temple was temporarily blocked.

They wrapped and held up the original embryo of the Tidal Stone, cheering like swallows homing into the irregular stone, and the faint blue light began to shine inside the Tidal Stone, like a strange lamp. The lamp is lit at this moment.

The pirate felt in a trance that he had returned to the sea.

His Proudmoore bloodline was activated, he took a deep breath, the slight fishy smell, and even the sound of the tide slapping echoed in his ears.

That's right, it belongs to the taste of the endless sea.

It is not only the divine power of the Winter Temple that is summoned here, but also the lightning bolts smashing the surrounding ice blocks into the swirling torrent during the jump.

That was the divine power that belonged to Thorim the Guardian of the Storm, and it was also bestowed by Gorgonus the Howler.

Sea and sky, the fusion of the two is the true domain of Gorgonus.

This process didn't last long, but Bu Laike heard the roar from Hodir outside the temple, probably because part of his divine power was drawn, which made the Winter King's situation even more difficult.

General Carl was roaring and commanding, the collision of the whistling wings made the palace seem to be crumbling, alas, the heads of these Stoneborn are really hard, they are not afraid of colliding with the Titan Iron.

Minutes later, with the last of the cold torrent and leaping lightning completely absorbed by the Tidestone, Yakorok lowered his horn too.

It stretched out its hands to hold up the Tide Stone suspended in mid-air, stroked it nostalgicly a few times, and then handed it to Bu Laike.

It wasn't until this moment that the sea titan demigod opened his mouth to answer Laike's question just now.

It looked into the pirate's eyes and said:

"That's right, the sea titan is going to launch a war in the deep sea next, we want to get back our ancestral land taken away by the naga, regain our ancient temple, and re-establish the sea titan's position in the deep sea world .

I know, Laike, I know from distant tides that you are Azshara's favourite, but I do not want you to be part of this war.

Naga are not a good thing!

I have damaged the ancient holy relic of the sea titans, the Horn, to help you forge the Tidal Stone, which represents my sincerity.

We can even obey the order of the sea dominated by you, but in the past countless years, we have never forgotten what the Naga has done to my children and my people.

Those old enmities must be waged to war!

Why are you willing to become Azshara's favorite?

Behold, my friend Laike, the Tidestone is before you, and by its power you may rule the oceans of this world.

Azshara also submits to you.

I heard that you and her have some indecent relationship. Although I can't understand your aesthetic and strange orientation, I think you can get along with her in another way. "

Yakorok let out a wicked laugh.

It let go of its hands and let the tide stone float in the pirate's hand. It asked softly:

"Don't you want to see Azshara dance for you alone in front of you with her deformed tentacles?"

"Wow, what a terrible temptation, no wonder you, the god of the sea titan, are classified as an evil god in the funny rumors of some pirates.

I knew that you, the god of sea titans with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are not a good thing either.

No wonder the two of us became like old friends after only meeting a few times. "

Bu Laike let out a weird laugh. He didn't promise Yakorok anything, but reached out and put his hand on the reshaped Tidal Stone in front of him.

The moment the fingers touched, there was a slight numbness of the sparks and the coldness of the water, and then a red light bloomed in front of the pirates:

Name: Tidestone of Gorgonath

Quality: Artifact

Item effects:

1. King of Sea and Sky:

Those who hold the Tidal Stone will be regarded as the masters of the sea and sky in the world.

The Tidal Stone allows the holder to have the ability to change the climate. The holder can manipulate storms and tides in designated sea areas at will, or create rain and thunder in the sky.

The duration and power of these natural climate changes only depend on the user's energy manipulation and proficiency in using the tide stone.

When the user is in the [Order] camp, the climate change power caused by the Tidal Stone will be enhanced.

When the user is in the [Chaos] camp, the Tidal Stone will no longer respond to the user's call.

The current holder's power camp is: neutral.

The current power that the user can manipulate the climate is: Normal.


The endless power of the Tidal Stone does not mean that the user can release the power without limit. The change of the climate will be easily disturbed by external forces when the user's power is insufficient.

2. Edict of the Titans:

When a Tidal Stone appears, the sky and sea where it is located, and the life that lives in it, are governed by it.

The holder of the Tide Stone can temporarily or permanently bless a life with the power of the sky and the sea, making it in the [enhanced] state in the sky and the sea.

The holder can also use the power of the tide stone to temporarily or permanently excommunicate their enemies, announcing that they will not be accepted by the sky and the sea. Once they enter these two fields, they will be in [weakened] or [cursed] .


The type of blessing and weakening depends entirely on the user's will, but the tide stone is not omnipotent, so please use this power with caution when facing powerful creatures.

3. Breath of Titan:

This entry is not a power entry.

When you first got the shattered Tidal Stone, you didn't notice any abnormalities, but with the reshaping of the Tidal Stone, you noticed an aura unique to Gorgonus the Howler.

Obviously, the Titans left their own traces on their own sacred objects. Given the series of information you have about the Pantheon, perhaps this breath can help you in the future.

Or get you in trouble.

Item description:

The reshaping of the Tidal Stone represents a new king for Azeroth's skies and seas.

Since its former owner has been wiped out on the physical plane, you can actually call it "B Laike Shaw's Tidal Stone" if you want.


The pirate caressed the tide stone whose power had been reduced to two, but its power was almost ten times higher. His eyes were full of satisfaction, especially the effect of the Titan's Edict, which made the stinky pirate's eyes full of longing. .

In front of Yakorok, he held up the tide stone that shrank according to his own will, posed a majestic gesture, pointed to himself and said:

"In the name of the bearer of the Tidal Stone, I grant the blessing of the sky and the sea."

After a few seconds, nothing happened.

Just when Bu Laike seriously suspected that he had got a fake product, the god of the sea titan next to him burst out laughing, Yakorok sat on the ground with his fat belly in his arms, pointed at the pirate and laughed.

It wasn't until Bo Laike was offended by its damn laughter that the sea titan shrugged and said to Bo Laike:

"Great pirate prophet, haven't you discovered yet? The Proudmoore family has been blessed long ago. Even if the Tidal Stone is so mighty, it can't bless a bloodline for the second time at the same time.

To be honest, you don't think any mortal family can have such a high degree of compatibility with the sea, do you?

Although I don't know how you do it, I actually noticed it when we first met. Maybe this is time-related magic again?

But I don't care about these, I only care about the answer you gave me. "

"Don't get involved in the war, right?"

Bu Laike curled his lips, carried the tide stone and walked out of the temple. He waved his hands and said:

"Okay, I promise you, but you really don't think about resolving this matter peacefully? I'm not bragging, I can still speak in front of Queen Azshara.

As for your suggestion to have Azshara dance for me, I'm really impressed.

But think about it or forget it.

Considering that you really helped me in this matter, I will tell you, go fight, start a war, fight as much as you want!

If you feel like you are about to lose don't forget to contact me, I can act as a mediator.

Of course, not for free.

At that time, there will be a lot of consulting fees and mediation fees. I suggest that you prepare money from now on, so as to avoid embarrassment if you don’t have the money when you get it.

Are you right? "

(end of this chapter)

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