Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1569 202. Zero Lights? No, No, I Double The Darkness Directly!

Chapter 1569 202. Zero lights? No, no, I double the darkness directly!

"Hey, Drake, be polite, you've got the great Lord of War before you, who could eat your poor master like his breakfast bread, and maybe have Yogg-Saron's black blood in his jam. "

On the battlefield of broken cages, Braike's long and beating voice sounded from the darkness behind him. He walked out slowly in the dead silence with his dark girlfriend on his arm, and walked towards the already eaten fat intestines. The parasite beckoned.

The latter made a joyful, satisfied and proud insect cry, and swished towards Bu Laike, and when it got close, it turned into a bloody liquid and melted into the pirate's palm.

This ugly and cute guy fed back the "nutrition" he devoured to the pirates, making the aura of the ancient gods on Bu Laike quickly change from weak to full.

The pirate stared at the melted Vezax.

This is a void demigod, and Drake's ability to parasitize it means that this little guy has finally "brought up" his level to the point where he can parasitize a demigod after harvesting and eating a lot of void life.

"Please don't show that expression, Odin-sama."

Bu Laike looked at Odin, he waved his left hand, and said with a gentle smile:

"It's all about victory. If you want, I can find someone to help you write a book about today's wonderful and great battle and publish it around the world, so that the whole world will know that you defeated the ancient enemy and won a glory victory."

"Rayden and the Virgin will absolutely kill you."

Odin said in a deep voice:

"You not only lied to them, but also stole this extremely dangerous power. What the hell are you trying to do, Bo Laike?"

"I said it, just to win."

The pirate waved his hands without changing his face, blinked and said to Odin:

"But you are not among the people you said would kill me, so will you help me keep Drake's secret? What price will I pay for your secrecy?

Please don't let the lion open his mouth."

"The end result of the exorbitant price is that there will be an extra golden titan corpse here. It will be a cold corpse full of glory and courage."

Bu Laike was very gentle, but Xal'atath beside him was not so gentle. The ancient venerable threatened unceremoniously, which made Odin sneer.

He looked at the clasped hands of Bu Laike and Xal'atath. The union of the two Old Gods could indeed bury him here, but so what?

Is the king of war someone who will be threatened?

He flicked the Blitzspear in his hand, glanced at Bo Laike, and said:

"I will keep it a secret, it will help us win again, and I hope to see it glow as our war machine in the fel heart of Argus.

Can you satisfy my craving? "

"Of course, of course."

Bu Laike nodded and agreed with a smile on his face. He and Xal'atath walked over Odin to the temple before him, and he said to Odin:

"Then do me another favor, my dear Lord Odin, tell your brothers not to interfere with us, let the light fade away, and let the shadows enter.

This is void civil war.

Stay away from the orderly!

I can't guarantee that anyone who is involved will have a bad end, so please go to drink tea and chat first, and wait for the news of victory.

You can even play a game of wits with Mimiron.

You see, an ancient Godu tortured you like this, and now, there are three of them, I mean, stop playing with fire. "


Odin put his blood-stained spear on his shoulders. He watched Bo Laike and Xalatath disappear into the dark ruins as if dancing arm in arm. He shook his head.

At the moment when the Lord of War turned his head, Odin murmured in a low voice:

"I really hope Yogg-Saron eats both of you and chokes to death so we can save three troubles at once. What the hell."

"Hey, when you speak ill of others, can you wait until they leave?"

Xal'atath's complaint sounded first, and then Bu Laike's cold voice sounded in the ear of the Lord of War, and he complained:

"As expected of a soldier, you can even say bad things so badly."

"Hehe, do you think I'm talking bad?"

Odin sneered, and strode out of the temple.

He was somewhat disappointed that he could not participate in the crusade against Yogg-Saron, but he was not too angry, mainly because Odin now "has high ambitions".

The war in the Fel Heart of Argus still requires him to devote all his energy and strength. A Yogg-Saron is nothing more than a transition.

From a macro point of view, Odin even wants to thank Bu Laike and Xalatath for taking the initiative to take over this important task, which can bring more recuperation time to the weak Guardians who have just recovered.

"Block the final hall!"

Outside the Broken Temple, Odin, who appeared with the evil head of General Vezax, was immediately cheered and praised by the heroic spirits, but then the Lord of War announced loudly:

"Close the energy nodes leading here, and no one is allowed to approach! I have put the 'final weapon' into Yogg Saron's lair, and they will be responsible for the final cleanup of the corruption and pollution left by the ancient gods."


Thorim looked at the expressionless Odin in surprise. As a guardian, he had never heard of the "final weapon of battle", but the Lord of War made it clear that he didn't want to explain all this.

The Storm Guardian hesitated for a moment. He decided not to say much at this important moment, so he turned around and led the heroic spirits towards various energy nodes.

They will completely block this place according to Odin's order.

"As expected of a warrior with a straight gut, look at the reason he gave, tsk tsk, it's so clumsy that I don't even want to comment on it."

In front of the Whispering Shrine of Yogg-Saron, Bu Laike leaned on the Saramani battle sword and said to Xal'atath who was holding a mirror beside him and doing makeup:

"Maybe I should give him a reason or something, so that he won't say such bad things that people will feel sorry for the guardian's wisdom."

"What else can you expect from a bunch of rock-headed minds?"

Xal'atath looked at himself in the mirror and said:

"He didn't explode on the spot when he saw Drake, which already shows that the Lord of War is very calm and tolerant to you. My little master, to be honest, I was ready to fight him just now. .”

"No, the guardians know what they have to do, and they know that their goals are difficult, so they learn from suffering to unite all the forces that can be united.

I was one of those hated but necessary characters to them.

I'm valuable, so I can do whatever I want. "

The pirate grinned, and then looked at Xalatas. When he saw that Xalatas picked up the eyebrow pencil and wanted to draw his eyebrows, he couldn't help but took out his pocket watch and said with a wooden face:

"But my dear Xalatath, you are already very beautiful, you don't need to make up anymore, we have been delayed for a long time, and if this continues, we will not be able to catch up with the dinner with Yogg-Saron.

I know it's not nice to rush you, but I really don't want to be late. "

"Men don't talk too much when women put on makeup!"

Xalatas snorted, and while drawing his own eyebrows, he said:

"This is my revenge day, it's a big day, I have to dress up, understand? You ate a lot of my lipstick just now, which made me have to touch up my makeup again, it's all your fault!

And I want to show my best side to my dear brother.

It was, after all, the last day of its long life, so just pity it and show it something beautiful. "

"What are you drawing?"

Pirates complained:

"Anyway, I'm going to have to mess up my make-up after eating, you girls are really too formalistic, okay, I won't talk, you continue to paint, okay?

I am willing to waste a little time for my dear Elder One. "

The conversation between these two guys was at the entrance of Yogg-Saron's temple, and they didn't even think about hiding it. As a result, it was all heard by Yogg-Saron in the Whispering Temple, and the powerful Demon of Thousand Throats was immediately captured by this The posturing of the two bastards irritated.

It is the most powerful ancient god in the world of Azeroth after Y'Shaarj!

It single-handedly defeated the titan guardian system, and used the temptation of the void and the curse of flesh and blood to completely end the myth age. The ancient tree spread its pollution power to the material world and dreams.

It was its participation that lured the Destroyer to fall, and it was the one that almost completed the pollution of Malygos. It went deep into the heart of the world from the land of creation, and poured the poison of the void into the heart of this world.

C'Thun, who is obsessed with finding the melting pot of origin, and N'Zoth, who is obsessed with playing conspiracy games with Naga servants, are like younger brothers in front of it!

Give it a little more time, and it will do what even Y'Shaarj has failed to do.

It doesn't stay in the cage because it can't break through, it just desires to turn the most sacred place in this world into a temple leading to the fallen void.

And it worked.

But now, just outside the door, is the ghost of a former loser, a lowly mortal who doesn't know the so-called, they took the power of other losers and thought they could fight against the mighty Thousand Throat Demon?

Oh, it's ridiculous!

As the anger of the Thousand Throats spread, the entire broken cage began to vibrate, and the power from the void world was infiltrating, which meant that Yogg Saron wanted to use the power from his hometown to completely destroy the ridiculous cage. smash.

"Look, look, it's in a hurry."

Bu Laike looked at the Whispering Temple with his head probed, and he turned back to Xal'atath who put away the mirror and said:

"It's all your fault for provoking people by putting on make-up at the door, look, the terrible Yogg-Saron is angry, we two rookies are about to be killed by him, maybe even our souls can't escape the disaster.

It was just horrific.

what should we do?

Drop your weapon and kneel before the Demon of Thousand Maws, begging for its forgiveness? "

"It should be angry."

Xalatas stretched his body, letting his dark robe hang down by his side, swaying his snake tail and stepping into the swaying passage of the temple in front of him.

As she walked, she said to the pirate who was holding a sword beside her:

"As an old god who thinks he is powerful, he is so easily stirred up by the Heart of Darkness, if I were Yogg-Saron, I would also feel angry because of my stupidity and weakness.

Its proud feats are but a pile of failures.

It crushed the titan guardians, but failed to corrode them further and turn them into void vanguards;

It ended the age of mythology but handed over the dominance of the world to rising mortals;

It cleverly used the trees planted by the druids to spread the pollution of Saronite. It was a good idea, but unfortunately its plan failed after the old staghelmet burned Vordrassil in anger.

It was the first to invade the dream world, but then N'Zoth took over the authority of the nightmare.

It killed Tyr, but failed to completely destroy Tyr's divinity, which directly led to Loken's capture and death;

It claims to inject void poison into the heart of the world, but the sleeping star soul can complete self-purification in an instant just by waking up.

In a life full of failures and setbacks, the only thing he can bring up to speak of is Deathwing's fall. But that's not what it did alone.

I dare say that N'Zoth is definitely much more effective than Yogg Saron in it. "

Xalatath's ridicule became more and more pungent, causing the pirates to hold their stomachs and laugh. Bu Laike tried to dissuade him hypocritically:

"Oh, my dear dark little girlfriend, don't speak so viciously, you see that the face of Your Excellency Yogg Saron is green with anger. Oh, so it is the evil mist released by it?"


The singing and harmony of the two dogs and men made Yogg Saron completely overwhelmed.

With a deep roar, in the pit where the broken prison crumbled and shattered like a strange pool of water, the huge body belonging to the Demon of Thousand Throats appeared in this not-dark prison surrounded by the lingering mist of evil. In the cage temple.

Compared with C'Thun's body, this thing in front of him is indeed uglier and more vicious.

Although the whole body looks like an enlarged version of the mountain of flesh and blood and rotten pustules, compared to C'Thun's body full of eyes and tentacles, Yogg Saron's body is covered with all kinds of twisted and hideous mouths and teeth.

Each one is roaring in horror, each one is like the entrance to the abyss leading to darkness.

Its innumerable mouths are chanting the voice of corruption, and those weird void murmurs gather together to form a dark melody that impacts the soul.

If an ordinary person were here, the mere act of listening would be enough to corrupt and twist his soul.

Compared with C'Thun's chaotic breath, Yogg Saron is obviously more like those horrible and vicious gods in evil mythology. The breath of the void is wrapped around its corrupted body, almost forming a substantial spiritual echo.

Let every pair of eyes looking at Yogg-Saron's body seem to be looking straight into the abyss of chaos and madness, and what is reflected in those sights will be the face of an incomparably corrupt abyss.

very strong.

Very depraved.

very scary.

It perfectly fits the image of a world-destroying demon, and he is indeed the bastard who has always occupied the top three in the ranking of Azeroth's evil forces!

Everything about the Demon of Thousand Throats was perfect.

Except that the depraved majesty it exhibited was useless to pirates and Xalatath, and it was not even more threatening than the cold wind blowing in the face, or the stone thrown by the bear child.

We are all the gods of the ancient times, all of them are obedient to the void, and they are all distorted lives that inherited the will of the void and were born in the material world.

"Uh, I was a little bit looking forward to devouring the Old Gods, but it's obviously because I forgot what the hell the Old Gods look like."

Bu Laike whispered to Xal'atath beside him:

"I lost my appetite when I saw its true face. I regretted it. I won't eat it. You can eat my share together."

"Eating too much will ruin your figure! That's what you said."

Xal'atath snorted and said:

"I don't eat much."


The pirate curled his lips. In the anger that Yogg Saron was repeatedly provoked by dogs and men to the point of losing his mind, he lowered his head and glanced at Drake, who was poking his head with his left hand, and said:

"Then please, my little cutie, remember to eat more later, the flesh and blood of the ancient gods nourishes people."

(end of this chapter)

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