Chapter 1576

Two hours later, in the SI7 Commander's Hall, Mathias Shaw, who had already got off work and was forced to come back to work overtime by the emergency, was sitting in his chair. He looked at the report he had just written and submitted in front of him.

This brief report listed the detailed information of a dozen or so Stormwind City residents who were suspected of being disguised as demons, and even clearly stated what kind of demons they were.

Although the grammar is still a little bit problematic, and it is not in line with MI7's rules and regulations to submit the information directly by leapfrogging, this important information has a very high gold content.

The only regret is that the person who submitted the report could not produce any evidence to support his allegations.


Taking the opportunity of checking the information, Xiao Er cast a strange glance at Amber Girney who was standing anxiously in front of his desk. When did this little secret agent work so efficiently.

This incident feels weird inside and out.

"You found all of these?"

Xiao Er put down the information in his hand, showed a slightly gentle expression, and said to Anbo who bowed his head:

"How did you confirm the identity of these devil spies?"

"Huh huh?"

Anbo raised her head in surprise, looked at her boss, and said doubtfully:

"Boss, don't you even send someone to confirm that they are all demons?"

"No need to confirm."

Shaw waved his hand and said:

"There are three names in your list that have been confirmed to be demon pretenders. The reason why we didn't dismantle them is that we hope to rely on their network to capture more core demon spies.

But you seem to have solved this problem for us, even if two-thirds of the list of seventeen people is correct, then this time it will be regarded as a 'big fish'.

I personally think that if you dare to deliver this information directly to me at the risk of violating the rules and being downgraded, it means that you are very confident in the information you have collected.

I'm curious, how did you identify them?

Some of these people have been identified by warlocks and demon hunters and have not shown their feet.

As far as I know, the last four generations of the Gilney family are locals living in the wild west. Your family does not have any peculiar bloodlines that will awaken you to some strange abilities. "

Having said that, Xiao blinked his eyes. He played with the signature pen on the table and twirled it on his finger. This action made little Anbo very afraid.

With Master Shaw's level of assassination, at least ten people can be easily killed with just this pen.

She felt a little cold on her neck, but facing Xiao Er's gentle but questioning gaze, little Anbo hesitated, bit her lip, and finally decided to tell the truth.

she says:

"I fell, passed out, and when I woke up, my eyes were like this."

The little spy raised her head, stared at Xiao Er, and activated the 24-hour "hunting eyes" that she had been given. Her eyes suddenly became bright, and even the pupils turned blue like the sea.

And her eyes at this time made Xiao suddenly hold the spinning pen in his hand.

He was all too familiar with those sly eyes, which were as tender as a lover's but shone with an incomparably dim darkness.

"Okay, I see."

Xiao Er nodded, his expression became serious again, he coughed, and four spies in black came into the office, Xiao Er said to one of the tall and thin elves:

"You escort little Anbo around the city for a week, and I will give you six hours to arrest everyone who identified Anbo as a demon pretender!

Report to His Excellency the Grand Duke and the Church of the Holy Light before the operation begins, I need paladins to go out with you.

No matter what the other party's identity is, as long as Anbo thinks he is a demon, then he will be arrested! "

This somewhat bizarre order made the elf spy look at the bewildered little spy in surprise, but he didn't ask any more questions, and just made a "please" gesture to Anbo.

The little spy looked back at Xiao Er, who nodded to her and gave her an encouraging look, which greatly boosted Anbo's confidence.

She finally had the feeling of doing great things, so she tried her best to straighten her body, and walked out valiantly.

Watching several high-level spy commanders leave, Xiao Er rubbed his forehead and sat back on the chair. After a few seconds, he suddenly said:

"Come out, I see you."

There was silence in the office, and no one answered him.

This made Shaw show a helpless expression on his face, well, he was just cheating just now, to see if that annoying bastard, Bu Laike, was really hiding beside him.

He has also received reports about the actions of the dwarves in the North, and he knows that Bo Laike should be at the edge of the distant world now. Even if it is rumored that the stinky pirates got the Scepter of Sargeras, it is not so easy to travel between the two places in an instant.

This is the conclusion he came to after consulting the Dalaran Archmage specifically. That kind of demonic weapon will definitely be subject to certain restrictions in the land of titans.

But if Laike is at the edge of the world, then what method did he use to cross half of the world and temporarily grant Anbo his hunting vision?

It's starting to sound like one of those nonsense fairy tales.

The gods come down and bless mortals, so mortals become heroes overnight

"Hey, your performance just now was really funny, I said how could you feel my disguise every time before, you just played tricks for a long time.

I see that you are very talented in comedy, do you want to consider retiring and come to my ship to be a pirate clown or something?

I will definitely give you a high salary. "

When Shaw was thinking about the problem alone, Bu Laike's voice suddenly sounded beside him, which shocked the master assassin, and in the next moment, a dragon tooth dagger was precisely pressed against Bu Laike's neck.

But at this moment, Xiao Er also discovered an abnormality.

He blinked and looked at the illusory pirate floating in the air in front of him, which was obviously just a clone or mirror image.

He put away his dagger, looked up and down the "Lord of the Hunt" Bu Laike dressed as a hunter, and said:

"What kind of trick is this? Some kind of magic?"

"You have fought against the Gurubashi trolls in Stranglethorn Vale, haven't you seen those troll clans perform sacrificial ceremonies?"

The pirate put on an "I am omnipotent" pose and asked:

"Don't you think that the current me is very similar to the illusion of power in the material world of the reflection of the loa?

That's right, you guessed it right, my dear Shaw, although it may take some time to be promoted to a demigod physically, but from an existential level, you already have a demigod brother.

In the rumors of those ignorant villagers, I can already be regarded as a real god, even though I have already appeared in all the legends and stories about the sea they have heard.

I don't think it's a big problem to ask you to kneel down for me in this situation, right? "

"I have no interest in whether you have become a god or not."

Xiao Er leaned against the desk, he looked up and down the posture of the pirates, and said:

"I'm just curious why you 'lend' your eyes to Anbo. Do you want her to experience the world of the strong in advance? Do you really value this talented girl so much?"

"No, no, don't make conspiracy theories about everything."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"I didn't just look for her, I actually lent my eyes to Amber Gilney, my shooting skills to Lorna Cro Lei, and my hands in the past two hours. Gave it to Liam Greymane, who lent his mastery of magic to Catelyn Luinever.

You have to understand that I'm just doing an experiment about demigod power, which will help me master this rather peculiar and useful ability as soon as possible.

You know, it's perfect for a seer to play tricks on.

Oh, right.

I just consulted with my guardian friends, and they told me that when the myth profession advances to the highest level of divine power, I can have the ability to make my own "God's Chosen One" or "Spiritual Warrior".

Generally speaking, it would be good for a demigod to have one or two God Chosen, but I am an exception. I think I can form a ten-man God Chosen squad or something.

Do you want me to reserve a seat for you in advance? "

The vision of Boo Laike's power winked and said to Shaw:

"We are all on our own. I will give you the position of God's Chosen, which is cheaper. Just give me 10,000 gold coins every day when you are God's Chosen.

We end the day.

You know my super credibility in this area, I've never been a kid. "

"This is the first time I've heard that God's Choice can be bought and sold at will."

Shaw complained:

"So what kind of demigod have you taken on? The god of trading? Or the god of wealth? Well, it seems that the goblins who have always only talked about money are blessed."

"Who wants those ghost goblins to be my followers?"

Bu Laike complained:

"I can't wait to kill every rich and unkind guy! I'm such a righteous demigod."

"Then you must kill yourself first, my Lord Bu Laike."

After hearing Bo Laike say that this is just an experiment about strength, Shaw was finally relieved, he glanced at the time on the wall, and said to Bo Laike:

"I've been off work for two and a half hours, so I won't be chatting with you here, and although you may be just doing it for fun, I'd like to thank you for your help.

See you soon, Bo Laike. "

After finishing speaking, Xiao Er picked up his ID card and pressed it on the dwarf punch card machine in the office, then picked up his windbreaker from the hanger and prepared to leave work.

The phantom of the pirate floated over again, and said meanly:

"Have a date tonight? My brother, why do you still have jewelry in your pocket? Who is this for?"

"My lady, Mary, today is her birthday."

Xiao Er said in a tone that couldn't lift his spirits:

"Although it's just my 'disguised prop', I still need to care about what should be cared about, and I still need to give gifts.

To be honest, I like her quite a lot, she is very sensible and responsible. If it is not that I don't like women, I might really be able to marry her.

But now is also good.

She regards me as her 'best friend', and the relationship is much better than before. "

"Ah, what price do I have to pay to make me forget what I just heard?"

Bu Laike said with a wooden face:

"I knew my curiosity would definitely bring me some trouble, and I shouldn't ask you too much. All right, I'm leaving now, you and your girlfriends can enjoy tonight.

In another hour, a star saint will come to Azeroth. I will be responsible for persuading him not to destroy this world. If my persuasion fails, this may be your last meal.

So, bless me and bless the world by the way, Shaw. "

Bu Laike reached out and patted Xiao Er on the shoulder, the projection of his power dissipated into black moonlight in the next instant, and those light spots circled Xiao Er in a circle.

The master assassin froze in place, he could feel a brand on his soul.

A brand that belongs to the "Demon of a Thousand Tongues", even though that brand can't provide him with the superpower of "God's Chosen", it is a mark.

Undoubtedly, before Laike had the power to bless the Chosen, he gave Shaw a precious quota of the Chosen.

This made the Master Assassin, who had always been emotionally restrained, smile silently.

He put on his windbreaker, straightened his hair and walked out of the slightly dilapidated command hall of SI:7. He let the night wind blow his clothes, and hurried into the quiet night of the old city.

Although I don't know what "Star Saint" is, Bu Laike said that he can destroy the world, so it should be a very dangerous thing.

When he and his lover enjoy the night, are the stinky pirates who should be looting and doing bad things still secretly defending the world?

The brothers who once ventured into the world together have reached the point where Xiaoer has to look up.

But he was not much lost.

He knows that everyone has their own destiny and their own responsibilities, and he will envy what Boo Laike has now, but he will not try to be like Boo Laike.

He knew that the stable duties of SI:7 and the Stormwind Kingdom had already made his shoulders ache, but the pressure on the pirates was definitely ten times and a hundred times more than his own.

That kind of life may be wonderful, but not everyone can try or control it.

With this in mind, Xiao Er came to the most lively Pig and Whistle Tavern in the old city, and found his lover in a long dress at a fringe table on the second floor.

The two hugged and kissed like real lovers.

Xiao Er sent the jewelry he ordered from the Draenei, which made his best friend almost shed tears of happiness, and also made the girls around the table cast envious and jealous eyes.

Xiao Er ordered another glass of wine. This strange behavior surprised his best friend. The pretty lady who was slightly older than Xiao Er asked softly:

"You don't drink alcohol all the time. Why did you make an exception tonight? Did something good happen?"


Mathias raised his glass and said to his lover with a smile on his face:

"Congratulate me, my dear Mary, just now I became a chosen one of the gods. Besides, I decided to leave work tonight and accompany you to the store in the business district to buy some skirts.

I can 'serve' you tonight if you need it. "

"My God! Mathias."

The lady named Mary widened her eyes and said in surprise:

"Have I been blessed by the Holy Light today? All my wishes have almost come true, maybe we can skip the step of buying a dress and go home directly.

Haven't used that new tub I ordered in Gnomeregan yet.

You are so different tonight, you are my ideal lover, but why? "

"No reason."

Shaw shrugged and took a sip of his wine.

He looked back at the bustling tavern, listening to the noise around him, and said in a low voice:

"If we encounter misfortune, I hope that at least you can leave this world in happiness, and come, for the defender of the world who walks in the dark.

cheers! "


"Ah Choo!"

In Ulduar, Bu Laike walked out of the empty barracks. He sneezed hard, thinking that someone must be cursing himself behind his back.

Those damn villains who are jealous of his talent and appearance!

The stinky pirate cursed and moved his hands. After "lenting" his hands, legs and eyes to different people, he felt that these parts were not comfortable.

But that's okay too.

Even without his hands, feet and eyes, he can still fight. Isn't he Xingsheng! There is nothing to be afraid of, as long as my tongue is still there!

He is a majestic and powerful demon of a thousand tongues!

Scared of a hair.

"In twenty minutes, Xingsheng will arrive at the observatory."

In front of Bu Laike, the fully armed King of War said to him with a serious face:

"Although Mimiron was unable to make the energy cage because the console was destroyed, we still did our best to direct the Titan's energy there.

If there is a fight"

"Leave it to me, it's okay, don't worry."

The pirate patted his chest confidently and said:

"I have unique communication skills, and it's all on me."

(end of this chapter)

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