Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1581 214. You Are My Majesty, I Am Your Friend, Let's Talk About Our Own

Chapter 1581 214. You are my majesty, I am your friend, let's talk about our own

In the end, Bu Laike came out of the laboratory of the mad guardian Mimiron in good health. Fortunately, there were not a few parts missing from his body, but unfortunately there were some "more" things on him.

Well, of course it wasn't that Mimiron went crazy and came to Bo Laike for a mechanical transformation.

Although Mimiron wanted to do that, he was still a guardian even after he went crazy, a member of the order camp, and he couldn't do that kind of crazy thing.

"How does this thing work? He said it repeatedly just now, but it seems very complicated."

Bu Laike looked at the fixed mechanical watch on his wrist, which Mimiron forced him to wear, and told him not to take it off until the end of the Argus expedition.

On this watch, there are some unknown data shining with Titan runes.

According to Mimiron, this thing can calibrate the phase space parameters multiple times between the two planets to help the wise guardian fine-tune the transmission frequency of the storm beacon.

Although he only said so much, from this information, the pirates have been able to taste a lot of hidden situations.

For example, the battle plan of the guardians is probably to first airdrop the unique storm beacons connected to the furnace of will in Ulduar to various key areas of Argus, and then use Ulduar's teleportation system to carry out a trans-galaxy teleportation .

This is simply impossible under normal circumstances.

But fortunately, Bo Laike has the Scepter of Sargeras that only appears under abnormal circumstances. With this teleportation artifact that ignores the rules of space, Mimiron can complete this legendary airborne raid.

Otherwise, no matter how big the space of the four Draenei spaceships is, they cannot accommodate all the Iron Legion in Ulduar. With Argus' demon density, if there are fewer people in the past, they will simply die.

"But fortunately, I finally got this thing."

The pirate whistled and looked at a very peculiar mechanical key in his hand. It was constantly changing its shape in front of the pirate's eyes, as if there was a complex gear structure moving in it.

Such a key is impossible to copy just by looking at its technological content.

No wonder His Majesty Neptulon, the Tidehunter, spent millions of years in the elemental realms, unable to break free from the chains that Mimiron had imprisoned him during the War of the Overlords.

"This thing will definitely satisfy my beloved Tide Hunter Majesty, it will be happy and agree to join me in the battle of the Sky Wall.

Think of it as a rehearsal before launching the final attack on the Firelands. "

Bu Laike snorted and waved his hands high in the sky. The Shadowsong hunting airship, which had been on cruise for several hours, swished down from the sky like a black arrow and hovered in the midair above the pirates. The teleportation beam under the cockpit was turned on, and the pirate disappeared into the land of Ulduar a few steps forward.

"I felt the explosion of the power of the moon god before."

Maiev, leaning on the driver's seat, whispered to Bo Laike who walked in:

"So, have you finally felt the grace and power of Lady Elune? How does it feel? Is there anything out of control? I still remember the stress I felt the first time I became the God of War.

I was on the verge of losing control and almost destroyed the entire Watch Island. "

"I feel okay."

Facing Ms. Shadowsong's concern, Bu Laike sat on the co-pilot, spread his limbs, and indicated the destination for the hunting airship very relaxedly. Amid the vibrating sound of the fel engine, he recalled the previous moon night war god posture. feel, say:

"It's just that when the power of the black moon is infused into the body, some thoughts of destruction and killing will always appear in my heart unconsciously, but I know this is a normal situation.

The fury of the moon god is beyond the control of ordinary people, after all, it comes from the power of high-level divinity.

As far as I know, in the stories about the God of War in the stars, the protagonists have not been very good. This power seems to be a powerful curse.

Anyone who clings to it is doomed to lose something important.

The end of the path of misery under the black moon is self-defeating madness, or simply destroying yourself and the world together. You have had this power for ten thousand years, Maiev.

You must be working hard, right? "

"I'm okay."

Maiev seemed a little tired. She lay on the driver's seat, covered her body with her watchman cloak, and put the battle helmet by her hand. She closed her eyes and said:

"But I will not take the initiative to seize the wrath of the moon god when it is not necessary, and I advise you not to do so, Ms. Elune is a kind and gentle god.

But her power has its majesty.

Tyrande once commented that Moon Night God of War is a dark killer that every lost person creates by himself in the pain and loss. I think she is right.

The danger of this disciplinary power belonging to order is not weaker than the void you walk in.

The path to the Force has always been difficult. "

"I'm even more curious about your situation now, my Maiev."

Bo Laike felt that the hunting airship began to descend rapidly in the high sky. He poked his head over and kissed Maiev who seemed to be asleep on the lips.

He whispered:

"I thought that your Moon Night God of War form was incomplete because you had reservations, but after personally experiencing the uncontrollable fury, my guess was confirmed.

As the priest of the previous moon, you don't seem to dedicate your beliefs and existence to the moon god wholeheartedly, which makes you often have to leave some willpower in battle to prevent yourself from completely losing control.

Come, let me tell you quietly, is there anyone else in your heart besides the supreme moon god?

Is it me?

If it wasn't for me, I would be very disappointed and very sad. "

"I refuse to answer that question."

Maiev did not open her eyes, but whispered:

"You seem to be very busy, do you really want to continue wasting time with me?"


The pirate stretched out his hand and pinched Ms. Shadowsong's exquisite chin, and he said viciously in Maiev's ear:

"If it wasn't really busy now, I would have dealt with you here, do you know that every time you show this iceberg-like expression, it makes me very interested.

Now I doubt very much that you also know this, so you are tempting me on purpose. "

"Pure nun's fall?"

Maiev suddenly opened his eyes and said something in a human language, making the pirates stare wide.

She chuckled, closed her eyes again and said:

"Ms. Natalie is right, you are really obsessed with this evil set, go, go to work, let me take a good rest."

"Tch, what man isn't interested in the evil desire to destroy good things? I just don't want to hide my desire, that's all."

Laike stood up. At this time, the hunting airship had hovered on the hidden coast under the storm cliff, and the sea of ​​floating ice below the airship was having abnormal ripples.

The stinky pirate put his battle helmet on his head, but after thinking about it, he felt that it seemed a little impolite to wear a battle suit to meet his supreme tide hunter majesty.

So he temporarily changed into a home clothes, wearing a white pirate blouse, black breeches and boots, dressed like a handsome, handsome, young and promising cool pirate.

Laike opened the hatch of the hunting airship, moved his body, and jumped down from the sky in the posture of a diver, and plunged into the sea of ​​ice floes below that was enough to freeze to death.

There are only ripples on the surface of the sea, but the scene under the sea is very grand.

Under the escort of two water elemental dukes of Hydracia, the long-absent tide hunter His Majesty Neptulon is waiting in the cold water for the arrival of his mysterious and capable pirate servants.

It is still as mighty and majestic as before, and there is an extra purified abyss trident in his hand, which makes Neptulon more like a "Sea King".

"My honorable majesty, your loyal servant has gone through all kinds of hardships and finally did not disappoint you. I fought against the evil titan guardian in Ulduar for three days and three nights, and finally snatched from him what you most desire .”

Before the King of Water Elementals could speak, Bu Laike offered the mechanical key obtained from Mimiron with flattering hands. When he saw this thing, Neptulon, who was still majestic before, immediately became excited.

It's no wonder that the water elemental monarch can't hold his breath.

Any guy would be so thrilled to see the hope of escape after being imprisoned for millions of years.

It moved the fingers made of clean water, and the water flow of the sea rolled the mechanical key in Bu Laike's hand according to the will of the water elemental monarch and sent it to the tide hunter.

As the constantly changing mechanical key was sent into the gauntlet-like shackles of the tide hunter's arms, which were actually elemental prisons, it was rotated several times and made a crackling sound, and the greater water purification power was released. The sea of ​​ice floes exploded.

Millions of years after the end of the Battle of Domination, the Tidehunter finally got the freedom of his heart, which made the Tidehunter so happy that he wanted to hum a song of the tide on the spot.

Of course, it has not forgotten who helped it regain its freedom. While moving its relaxed arms and tasting the wonderful taste of freedom, the tide hunter looked at himself hanging in the water like an aquatic creature, feeling very comfortable The cloth Laike.

it says:

"Such an excellent service deserves to be generously rewarded, and I will bring to you everything you need, my dear friend Laike.

With your current strength and status, I can no longer arrogantly ask you to continue to serve me, maybe we can change the way of getting along.

From the narration of the active tide, I know that the ancient artifact, the Tidal Stone, has been reshaped by you. "

Rubbing his chin, the tide hunter said to Bo Laike:

"Therefore, perhaps we can share the dominion over this sea, Your Majesty the Demon of Thousand Tongues."

"Ah this."

The straightforwardness and frankness of the tide hunter made the pirates uncomfortable for a while.

Sure enough, this guy is indeed the most cunning and scheming guy among the four elemental monarchs. Seeing that Bu Laike is about to really rise, he took the initiative to lower his stance.

And this request made by it is also difficult for pirates to refuse.

The Tidehunters are showing favor to Laike in this way, to express that Maw of the Abyss does not intend to be hostile to Laike.

"I still hope to continue to serve you, my Majesty Neptulon."

Bu Laike pouted in the sea and said:

"I am willing to continue to dedicate my dark wisdom to the Hydraxian Legion, and to hide in your shadow and continue to plot my shady plots."

"It's a pity that your strength no longer allows you to keep a low profile, Bu Laike."

The Tidehunter laughed.

It said with a touch of emotion:

"When you were weak, I might indeed be able to provide you with some shelter within my power, but now you don't need my support for you anymore, you can already make the world tremble because of you."

These words seem to be flattering, but they are actually Tide Hunter’s gesture. Don’t think that I don’t know that I used you as a shield before, but now don’t drag me into your scary-sounding war.

This can be regarded as showing the bottom line of Maw of the Abyss.

But Laike is not unhappy about this. Considering the opponent he is facing now, even if a tide hunter fills it all in, it will not be able to plug the horrible hole.

It's normal for people to choose to be wise and protect their lives.

Besides, we still have business to talk about today.

The pirate and the tide hunter had a laugh, and he talked about the business, pointing to the location of the desert of Uldum in the sea, and said:

"The Windrider's fragile nerves were finally overwhelmed by his own ambition and madness, and he chose the best and worst time to attack Titan Land, and his behavior aroused the wrath of the Guardians.

And the guardians entrusted me to help them get rid of the hidden dangers of the sky wall, and I have made complete preparations, my dear Majesty the Tidehunter.

I remember that I once told you that with such a respected elemental monarch as you, you are fully capable of helping the Sky Wall, which is on the verge of power chaos, to re-select a more normal Fengshen.

You were full of praise for this plan and said that you must participate if you have the opportunity.

Now is your chance. "

Bu Laike geared up and said:

"His Royal Highness Sunderland, Prince of the Wind Chaser, who is in exile, has returned from another world with his loyal followers. His Royal Highness, known for his bravery and integrity, wants to challenge his father, an old man who is already insane and unable to command the winds of the world. A battle to set things right.

As a follower of His Majesty Sunderland among mortals, I am willing to dedicate my strength and my connections to the newborn Throne of the Wind God.

Therefore, in the name of the future Fengshen, I invite you, a respected senior, to command the Hydraxian Legion of the Throat of the Abyss, and escort His Royal Highness Sunderland back to the Sky Wall. "

The pirate blinked and said to the tide hunter:

"In the naval battle of Quel'Thalas before, I promised you that I will serve you one last time loyally, and I will hunt down the Balrog Lord that no one likes for you.

But before that, we might be able to use the Sky Wall as a 'war exercise'.

I also contacted Mother Stone, you see, after this battle, the situation where the four elements are fighting each other will become the three elements unite to get rid of the troublesome 'troublemakers'.

You have contributed to the peace of this world. I think that the titan guardians who were hostile to you before will accept it and reach a complete truce agreement with the elemental territory.

This is a good thing for anyone. Of course, Ragnaros and Al'Akir may be unhappy, but who would care about their thoughts and moods?

With all due respect, Your Majesty, the civilization of mortals is ushering in a new era, and the ancient elements should also step into the glory of the new era, and I think there is no one more suitable than you to open the door for the elements up. "

In the icy sea, the tide hunter looked at Bo Laike with a strange smile, and after the pirate drew a fascinating blueprint for the future, Neptulon asked softly:

"Have you said this to Shimu too? I'm curious, how did my calm and calm sister answer you?"

"His Majesty the Stone Mother said that she is not interested in these things."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"But there is no way, she has that kind of personality, the existence of the closest to neutrality and order among the elemental monarchs of the most chaotic camp, I can completely understand her resolute rejection of my invitation.

As I know, you are an elemental monarch who actively pursues greatness, and you are different from the stone mother who has no desires and no desires.

You will definitely join in this war to re-divide the elemental world with joy and win the victory. In the barbaric era, there was no result in the battle of the four elements.

But now, you can join me in embracing the victory you crave. "

(end of this chapter)

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