Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1583 216. Awesome! I Have One More Monarch To Whom I Can Serve!

Chapter 1583 216. Awesome! I have one more monarch to whom I can serve!

The process of His Royal Highness Sunderland the Wind Chaser entering the Throne of the Wind God was very smooth, even so smooth that it was a bit boring.

Because Al'Akir the Wind Rider commanded the Legion of the Restless Winds to attack the Forge of Origination, the Sky Wall left almost no decent defenses.

In addition to the best of the elite, there is another very important reason why the Elemental Territory cannot prevent Sunderland's return is that some "little accidents" happened before, resulting in the Palace of the Whirling Cloud Peak guarding the entrance and exit of the Sky Wall together with the Ha Luoxi, Lord of the East Wind, who was sitting in the palace, was completely blown up.

This is also the reason and reason why Al'Akir claimed that the Titan Guardians took the initiative to attack the Sky Wall. It knew that the thing that destroyed the Whirling Cloud Summit was thrown from Ulduar.

That damn thing must be a new weapon made by Titan Guardians!

Poor Wind Elemental has become a victim of the crazy fighting spirit of the Titan Guardians!

look! The remains of that cloud palace even formed a forlorn isle of ruins in the stormy sea below.

It has now been preemptively occupied by the cursed pirates under Gaboa's command. It seems that they intend to repair it after the war and raise it into the sky again as the mobile home port of the cursed pirates.

From the point of view of "waste utilization", there is no reason why Gaboya and Old Ghani have a good relationship. So what happened to the palace after being blown up by Yogg-Saron's Box of Mysteries? Gaboya is still unwilling to let go.

Just this kind of attitude towards garbage makes the stinky pirates cry when they hear it, and old Garni is ecstatic when he sees it.

In short, without the protection of the whirling cloud peak, it is no longer difficult for the wind element to freely enter the sky wall.

After the reinforcements arrived, Sunderland took the lead in arousing the gust of wind and commanding his legion to fly into the sky, and the lamp god brought high-level wind elements to easily defeat Al'Akir's defenders, with a very arrogant attitude Back to the birthplace of the wind element.

The Sky Wall, which is as vast as the sky of Azeroth, is in chaos at this time, and the various forces are infighting and cannot be integrated at all, and they cannot respond to Sunderland's return at all.

But this chaos in the elemental territory did not come from the "hidden danger of foreign enemies" that the sky wall was breached. To be precise, such chaos had lasted for a long time before Sunderland entered the elemental territory.

Al'Akir's neurotic personality, which is as erratic as the wind, can't govern his country well at all.

It can be said that the result of Sky Wall becoming the weakest legion of the four elements has been decided from the moment they possessed this psychopathic monarch.

The Wind Rider did not participate in the management of the Sky Wall due to "personal reasons", so the power of this elemental territory has always been in the hands of the Wind Rider's most trusted Council of Winds.

The lords of the four winds in the south, east, north and west each occupy a part of the elemental territory. They all desire more power, but there is a limit to the size of the sky wall, and the millions of years of banning make the elements feel boring.

No matter what kind of creature it is, once it is boring, it is prone to accidents. The open and secret struggle between the four wind lords is like the cooperation between warlords, full of cooperation and backstabbing.

This extremely unstable power model directly leads to the result that the Endless Wind Legion seems to be a whole, but in fact there are many internal factions, and there is no way to unite.

Even after the lord was a lunatic, the tradition of infighting in the sky wall also seriously weakened the power of the wind element. Today, the overall power of the sky wall is no longer the same as that of other stable elemental territories.

It can be said that even the Firelord, who ruled the Land of Fire with an iron fist by means of cruelty and ruthlessness, can beat Al'Akir by several blocks in the "art of ruling", let alone the skilled tide hunter on a par.

The good news is that Wind Rider occasionally realizes this problem when he is sober and rational, and he has tried his best to remedy it, such as appointing the Grand Chancellor of Sky Wall to try to unify power.

But the bad news is that Al'Akir's extremely unstable mental state made the prime minister appointed by him unable to get the strong support of the monarch at all. The unlucky guy was squeezed out by the Lords of the Four Winds on the second day of his appointment.

It is so miserable that it needs to work in a side hall on the top of the whirling cloud, and it is also secretly monitored by the sub-lord of the wind element specially arranged here.

It is basically equivalent to being exiled from the court by the lords of the four winds and running to show the gate to the wall of the sky, becoming the classic concierge uncle of "the prime minister guards the gate of the country".

Of course, the unknown prime minister of the wind element died in his post long ago in the battle where Gaboa used the crown of the storm caller to unseal the elemental territory, and even the essence of wind was used by Braike to awaken Sunderland .

This can be regarded as another sense of "sacrificing one's life for the country".

The development of the situation in recent months has made the bad environment of the Sky Wall even worse. First, Nihil, the Lord of the North Wind, was betrayed by the traitor Gaboya, resulting in his death in the border conflict with the Hydraxia Legion.

Then the Spinning Cloud Summit exploded, killing the unlucky Lord of the East Wind, Ha Luoxi.

The four wind lords lost two at once, which greatly damaged the strength of the sky wall, and also made the remaining two wind lords ecstatic. They almost immediately started the mode of warlords grabbing territory.

Even at this time when Al'Akir led the two Lords of Wind to the Furnace of Origin, part of the legions under the two Lords Nan Feng and West Wind were still fighting each other in the elemental realm.

It's all like a joke!

Even the troll pirates whose civilization system has always been in "bulk mode" shook their heads repeatedly after following His Highness Sunderland into the mysterious sky wall and seeing the funny chaos here.

Compared with the wind elementals, the troll clans that have been splitting and splitting can be called "united divisions". The least human trolls know how to let go of their differences and unite for a short time when facing a big enemy.

In short, when Sunderland returned to his hometown after millions of years, when it was surrounded by winds and stood on the top of the Fengshen Throne, looking at its own chaotic territory, even if His Highness Sunderland did not have an anthropomorphic face, This Braike, who was flying around on the back of the sky, could also see the extreme disappointment in the heart of His Highness, as well as the heartbroken anger.

Damn it!

How did the country become like this!

In the battle of dominance, although there were problems of command confusion and poor coordination within the wind element, the wind element at that time definitely did not stretch its hips to the point it is now.

When the Endless Wind Legion was dispatched back then, even the brutal Fire Demon King had to give way to three points.

That is a mighty division that can fight and win with any elemental legion on a large scale. Although Sunderland himself was suspected of being betrayed by a traitor and died in the battle of the master, it still recognizes the fighting power of the Endless Wind Legion .

However, things are different.

After seeing the chaos of the Sky Wall with his own eyes, Sunderland realized the seriousness of the problem. Under the perverse actions of the lunatic Al'Akir, the Sky Wall has truly become a third-rate force in the elemental world.

"See? Your Highness, this is the end of giving the elemental territory to the rule of a lunatic."

As Prince Sunderland's most trusted and most relied on think tank, Al Abbas, the god of lamps, stood beside the silent Sunderland holding his wind and thunder saber. Lord said:

"I know that you have always been guilty of completely overthrowing the rule of the Wind Rider. You were born in the core of the storm in Al'Akir, and you love that incompetent tyrant as a father.

But at the moment of your birth, you also have the duty to the wall of the sky and all the wind elements, and you cannot ignore the suffering of your people just because of the respect and love in your heart.

Even mortals know that when a king becomes a tyrant, a rebellion is needed to set things right. We air elements who have been lonely for millions of years should learn from our fragile flesh and blood.

In the past, we didn't have a wise monarch to rely on, so we could only endure the uncertainty of the wind rider in silence, but you appeared again, and you were resurrected after millions of years of death like a miracle.

I think, if the fate of elements really exists in this world, then your resurrection and return is the gift of the wind element.

The country of this element can no longer sink, my lord.

Everything you do today is necessary and right! "

Sunderland didn't answer.

The heroic Prince of Wind, who is as brave as the commander, just silently watched the chaos that continued from his feet to the border of the border. The wind elemental warriors from the same source should have fought to defend their homeland. See each other as enemies.

The chaotic nature of the elementals is evident in such battles.

This reminded Sunderland of millions of years ago, when the elemental legion faced the united titan guardians and suffered a catastrophic defeat at the touch of a finger.

It doesn't want to experience another fiasco.

"Raise my battle flag!"

Sunderland roared like a storm, and shouted to the high-level wind elements following behind him:

"Announce the return of the Wind Chaser to the entire sky wall! I want them to stop fighting and gather at the Throne of the Wind God to see me challenge my brutal and chaotic father. I want every wind elemental to witness the end of chaos and the coronation of a new king !

All those who disobey will be considered treason, and I will kill them and their shameful lords with my own hands after victory! "

The prince's order was immediately carried out.

In the roar of the lamp god, one after another storm battle flag was erected on the clouds above the throne of the wind god, and many high-level wind elements flew around to mediate the chaos with Sunderland's battle flag in hand.

"Your speech is really deafening, and I feel the excitement in my heart. This perfectly shows your kingly demeanor, but with all due respect, they will not listen to you, my dear highness."

At this time, Bu Laike flew over leisurely on the sky, and he said to Sunderland with a smooth tongue:

"You have been away from this kingdom of wind for too long. Millions of years are enough to bury all the glorious legends related to the wind chasers, and being in the power struggle of the four wind lords all the year round has made these low-level wind elements that are not good at thinking used to fighting each other.

They simply cannot turn the corner for a while, nor realize the new era you have brought about.

At this time, it is time to make a quick cut and show absolute strength to deter these rebels and make them obey the ruthless majesty of the Windchaser.

As for whether to rule your country benevolently or generously, let's wait until you have cleared out all the rebels in the country and let the wall of the sky calm down. "

"My friend Boo Laike was right, Sunderland."

Commanding the Hydraxian army, the tide hunter who entered the sky wall also raised his trident and said to Sunderland:

"As a monarch, you can have your people either love you or fear you, and in the best case both, but if you have to choose between one and the other, awe is often more useful than love.

This is a suggestion from Maw of the Abyss.

The air elemental warriors under your command are brave, but not enough to suppress the chaos. If you need it, the Hydraxian Legion is always willing to serve you. "

The tide hunter revealed his little thoughts.

It obviously wants to use this opportunity to show the power of the Maw of the Abyss in front of the rebellious wind elements, and to show its power as the water elemental monarch by assisting.

It wants the wind elementals not only to fear Sunderland, but also to fear themselves.

But Sunderland is not Al'Akir, it has enough wisdom to distinguish the poisonous trap in the aid of the Tidehunter, so Sunderland turned to Laike.

The pirate smiled reservedly, and took out the Tidal Stone, which shines with the power of the sky and the sea, from his arms. He handed the artifact to Sunderland, saying:

"Lend it to you, my lord, and return it after use. And I believe you can fully understand the weight of the power of this artifact. We must respect the great power.

So, I need to get paid for this help. "

Bo Laike didn't pretend anymore, he licked his lips and said to Sunderland:

"After you slew your own mad father on the throne, I want its storm essence. I know it's a terrible thing to ask in front of a child, and it would make me look very evil.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this requirement does not have any substantial damage to your interests.

The power of the elemental monarch comes from the recognition and bestowal of the elemental territory. Whether or not you have Al'Akir's storm essence will not affect your future strength, but you can use this power that you can't use in exchange for an old man. Friends are more loyal to friendship.

You made a lot of money. "

"Persuading a child to kill his biological father, and asking him to cruelly give you his father's bones as a gift, well, my friend Bu Laike, the evil you are showing at this time makes me feel creepy even in an element of chaos.

But your loyalty to your friends makes me respect you. "

The tide hunter stared at the tide stone in Bu Laike's hand with the sour smell of eating lemons. The water elemental monarch first sighed with emotion, and then said with a smile:

"I'm your friend too, Bo Laike, can I have your kindness when I need it?"

"Of course, my lord, although you no longer need me to serve you, I will always be your loyal servant."

Bo Laike turned his head and gave the tidehunter a perfect fake smile, and said:

"But since I am no longer your courtier, all help and services must be marked with a price. Don't show such a disappointed expression, my dear Majesty the Tide Hunter.

For the sake of our happy cooperation in the past, I will give you a 20% discount.

Oh, by the way, I want to remind you that the Tidal Stone can be lent to you when necessary, but you cannot use it to attack my beloved Majesty Azshara.

I'm still receiving a salary in her court, and I don't want to ruin my job. "

"Just can't be used to attack Azshara himself?"

The tide hunter quickly understood the hidden meaning in the pirate's words. It was very satisfied with the agreement, so it nodded and retreated behind Sunderland.

And Sunderland, holding the Tidal Stone, immediately felt the endless power from the founder after Laike opened the authority to it, which made Sunderland feel full of strength all over his body.

It raised its elemental holy blade high, and in an instant there was a gust of wind flying all over the wall of the sky. All wind elements, no matter their strength or position, were forcibly deprived of the power to control the storm at this moment.

Then thunderstorms fell like rain, and under the control of Sunderland's will, they precisely bombarded every battlefield where the melee continued, forcibly separating the wind elements of different camps.

This kind of power, which was almost the same as that of the wind rider, quickly quieted the entire wall of the sky. All the wind elements looked at the sky, and then they heard the majestic voice of His Royal Highness Sunderland rolling like thunder.

"Enough! Insects immersed in internal strife! Put down your weapons and come to the throne of Fengshen! I generously bestow upon you the glory of witnessing the fall of the Mad King.

You have no right to refuse. "

"come over!"

"Show allegiance to your sovereign."

(end of this chapter)

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