Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1597 230. Kill You Dog Red! I Spend Money Just To Let You Fish?

Chapter 1597 230. Kill you dog Red! I spend money just to let you fish?

Princess Calia opened her eyes on time the next morning. As a devout believer in the Holy Light, she had to get up at this time to pray.

Of course, this is not necessary.

Even for the clergy, the Church of the Holy Light does not stipulate how many times a day they must pray.

However, the Holy Light School studied by Princess Jialia belongs to the classical school, which is similar to the teachings of asceticism and spiritual practice, so these rules and regulations are stricter.

Her Royal Highness did not choose the doctrine faction randomly, mainly because the past events had caused her a great psychological shadow, and she had to rely on "clear rules" to keep her mind pure and get rid of the nightmares of the past as soon as possible.

This school of doctrine is the school of origin of Pope Fao, and Pope Fao has already regarded Calia as his disciple, so this can be regarded as a kind of inheritance.

But things are different today.

Her Majesty the Princess opened her eyes and found that something was wrong. The roof and ceiling in front of her didn't look like her residence in Stormwind City. I remembered that I spent the night at the Lion King's Pride Hotel last night.

Thinking of this, Princess Jialia immediately got up, took a look at the quilt, and then curled her lips in a little bit of happiness and disappointment.

She is wearing pajamas.

This shows that Laike was very disciplined last night, so disciplined that he didn't look like a wild pirate.

But Her Royal Highness then shook her head again, the headache that she always had after waking up from nightmares miraculously disappeared today.

She didn't remember the nightmare she'd had last night about Deathwing, or that she'd been turned into a rutting pig and sent to the butcher's meat grinder.

"You slept well last night, and you even snored, which kept me awake until midnight."

Bu Laike's voice came from the window, and the princess raised her head to see Bu Laike who had changed into the pirate captain's uniform and was wearing a pirate windbreaker.

The pirate's jokes and eye contact made Her Royal Highness lower her head quickly, her heart beating wildly.

Although nothing happened in the actual sense, the two did sleep in the same bed for one night. For Her Royal Highness, who has a strict upbringing, this can basically be compared with things like private life, illegitimate children, etc. It's equated.

Is this a big step forward in cultivating relationships?

"Clean up, the royal guards and paladins outside the door have worked hard to guard you all night. You are a princess who believes in the Holy Light, and you cannot add extra burdens to the loyal warriors."

Bu Laike put his magic backpack on the cool belt decorated with skulls, he picked up the black pirate hat next to the bed and put it on his head, and said to Calia who was at a loss:

"In their eyes, your absence last night probably confirmed that some dramas that the masses love to see happened between you and me, maybe you should expect them to talk more.

In less than two days, your identity will be marked as belonging to me.

Chances are those mean-mouthed and vicious guys in Northern Borders will say you've become a "pirate's plaything" after being a "dragon's slut", and your already bad reputation will be even worse.

But this is your choice, Your Highness. "

The pirate bent down and stretched out his hands to straighten Jialia's long, messy hair. He looked at those eyes, and couldn't help but move his eyes down to the healthy bust of this very ladylike princess. .


Is this really the "broad heart" that a pure-blooded human can have?

Xal'atath is no match for you in human form, Your Highness.

"Where are you looking?"

The princess asked some shame and angrily, and pulled the quilt to cover the chest of the pajamas, but got a blank stare from Bu Laike. The pirate played with the pipe and said maliciously:

"As a good wife, when your future husband appreciates you, shouldn't you put on a seductive gesture to make your husband appreciate you even better!

I'm just kidding, don't take it off, okay?

That's not what I mean by telling you to be more obedient, I'm not interested in slaves at all, so relax, take a deep breath, yes, that's it. "

Bu Laike reached out and clasped Princess Calia's trembling hand.

He keenly noticed the difference between the princess in front of him and his other three tough wives. She was very dignified and decent in front of outsiders, but she was like a little white rabbit when getting along with him, always They are all in a state of being threatened by hungry wolves.

In fact, during the last conversation on the Nagfar, Bo Laike discovered this. Every time the eyes came into contact, Princess Calia's body couldn't help but tremble.

Is the handsome image of the pirate very terrible to the princess?

Can't it?

"Besides, our relationship hasn't reached this point yet."

Bu Laike stood up, and very gentlemanly helped Her Highness put on her coat, he said:

"It's what you said, cultivate slowly, I hope we still have enough time. Well, I won't send you off, I'm going to visit Black Rock Mountain, so let's say goodbye here."


Princess Calia nodded, watching the pirate open the window and disappear in front of her eyes with a whoosh.

For some reason, she felt a little lost, it seemed that after the pirates left, the feeling of "being protected" in her heart disappeared all of a sudden.

The headache that hadn't happened before also had some faint symptoms.

But Bo Laike conducted a pathological examination on her after she fell asleep last night, and it can be confirmed that Princess Calia is very healthy except for a little malnutrition caused by a very restrained diet to maintain her figure.

So this headache is likely to be a psychological problem.

This is not Dr. Laike's area of ​​expertise.

Unless his future legal wife, at the risk of going insane, agrees to allow Bo Laike to perform a deep healing of her spirit with void magic, it's up to Calia to get over it on her own.

She got up from the bed and was about to take a shower. Just as she was picking up the toothbrush, Bu Laike's voice suddenly sounded behind her again, and the pirate who came back asked gently:

"Although it's been a long time, you're still afraid of the black dragon, right?"

"Ah, yes."

The princess was taken aback, but she nodded in agreement.

She saw Bo Laike appearing like a ghost in the mirror in front of her, and for some reason, she felt restless again. When the pirate was about to leave again, the princess suddenly turned around and grabbed him, and tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek.

As if trying to explain it, she said:

"It's a Lordaeron tradition to bless a husband when he leaves"

"Huh? Why didn't I know that Lordaeron has such a tradition?"

Bu Laike looked at her in surprise, shook his head, and leaned down to kiss the forehead of Her Royal Highness, he said:

"I will tell Xalatath to stop playing the nightmare game, you can sleep well in the future, and eat more. I don't like girls with hemp bodies.

But don't overeat, I'll be annoyed if I become Kul Tiras Madam. "

After leaving this nasty pirate joke, Bo Laike really left this time, but Her Royal Highness also grinned, and she even finished the process of washing and changing clothes while humming a hymn.

After repeatedly confirming in front of the mirror that her figure seemed a bit too slender, Her Royal Highness decided to adjust her daily diet.

But when she put on her hunting suit and was about to leave, she looked at the standard double bed in the hotel. Although such a bed was considered luxurious according to the rules of the hotel, it was a bit too shabby for Her Royal Highness.

There is no decoration of precious stones, no gold-inlaid lines, and the woodblock prints carved on the head of the bed are also very clumsy.

But Her Royal Highness still made an astonishing decision.

She let herself be full of worries, and the maid who slept in the next room all night in fear last night called the innkeeper, pointed to the ordinary bed, and said:

"I want to buy it, ship it to Lordaeron, I will pay all the expenses along the way, there is only one requirement, it cannot be damaged in any way during transportation.

I will place it in my bedroom. "


Rao is the owner of the Lion King's Pride Hotel. His family has been running the hotel for three generations, but this middle-aged boss has also encountered such outrageous demands.

The boss who was "invited" out of the hotel last night and could only make do with the night in the stables, so he didn't understand what happened here, would cautiously ask:

"Your Highness, it is an honor for me and my family that you can see the bed in the hotel. We cannot ask for compensation for it. I will arrange for my nephew who works in Wharton Trading Company to contact a ship as soon as possible to transport this bed for you. .

But out of curiosity, can I ask why?

It's really just an ordinary bed that was custom-made on an old Sardinian farm in the Westfall. "

Her Royal Highness could not have answered this question, but a few seconds later, she brushed her hair, put on her ladylike wide-brimmed hat, and whispered with a hint of inexplicable joy:

"It's probably because it was blessed by the Holy Light. Lying on this bed makes me feel at ease. Oh, yes, there is also the bathtub in the bathroom. Let's pack it up and take it away."

After finishing speaking, the princess politely bid farewell to the knight captain beside her, and left here under the escort of the royal guards. The maid who waited until the princess left to yawn helplessly shook her head.

She handed a bag of gold coins to the innkeeper, asking him to keep silent about all these "royal secrets", otherwise he would cause trouble from the royal family of Lordaeron.

After everything was settled, the fat boss looked at the gold coins in his hand that were enough to buy his hotel, and then glanced at the ordinary bed behind him.

He intended to lie down on it to see if he would fall asleep at ease, but in the end he didn't have the guts.

When arranging for someone to move away the lucky bed that was favored by the princess, the hotel owner suddenly had a whim, and he decided to change the name of this luxury box.

Just change it to "Her Highness Jia Liya said after she slept in a room that was blessed by the Holy Light", and then changed hands and tripled the price of this private room to use it to take advantage of it.

Ha, the plan works!

However, before the boss was ready to start his own money-making plan, the former royal maid went back again, dropped another bag of gold coins, and told the boss about the latest intention from Her Royal Highness the Princess.

That private room will be exclusively used by the royal family of Lordaeron until the death of Her Royal Highness Calia and her future husband. If they dare to sublet it to other people, they will kill the whole family if they are discovered by officials of Lordaeron or secret agents of the Uncrowned. Yo dear.

Well, the money-making plan fell through, and the profit that a private room could generate in the future was permanently lost, which made the fat boss want to cry.

He couldn't close his mouth in pain.

Obviously, the two bags of gold coins in front of him were enough to "slightly" make up for his injured heart.


Bu Laike, who had already rode the sky to the Burning Plains, naturally didn't know what the "prodigal girl" Calia had done behind his back, but the pirates probably wouldn't be interested in asking if they knew about it.

She is the princess of the kingdom with the strongest comprehensive strength in human beings, and she is also the confirmed heir to the throne, although she is no longer comparable to the current Laike in terms of total wealth.

But if Azeroth had a "Her Royal Highness Wealth Ranking List", Calia would definitely be on the list, and definitely a strong contender for the top three.

Of course, the first place on this list is definitely Princess Talanji of the Golden Dynasty of Zandalari. It is really unnecessary for a princess in the human kingdom to compare wealth with the Golden Dynasty who writes "rich" on her face.

One-third of the wealth on the surface of the kingdom's treasury is enough to buy the entire northern Xinjiang.

If the name of this ranking is "Her Royal Highness Princess Beauty Ranking", then the only one who can compete with Calia is probably the twin princesses of Kul Tiras.

However, if Prince Kael'thas is willing to "sacrifice a little" to enter a women's clothing competition, then Calia will have no advantage.

And if the name of this ranking is changed again to "Princess Bust Rankings of Various Countries", then from the second place to the tenth place, Jialia will be pressed to the ground and rubbed repeatedly.

In short, in terms of comprehensive strength, it is not a disgrace to Lord Thousand Tongue Demon that Calia Menethil is the "little four" for Bu Laike Shaw.

As for how to explain to the three wives after returning home, Bu Laike also has a bit of a headache.

Maiev definitely doesn't care.

The priestess repeatedly instilled in Bo Laike that she didn't care about how Bo Laike messed around outside, and Sefiel, who had seen a lot as a bronze dragon, probably didn't care much.

The only difficult thing is Xalatath

If the stinky pirate didn't want to hear the news of Princess Calia's bizarre and sudden death in a dream a few days later, he really needed to think about his words.

But one thing's for sure, the whole Proudmoore family will be very happy after dirty stories get out about his "one night in Goldsmiths" with Princess Calia.

At least Lady Catherine and old Dailin would be very happy.

Oh, it can be regarded as a normal daughter-in-law who complies with the understanding of the general context.

Fenna, the only idiot who can throw a little temper, is still sleeping in the Hall of Valor.

She probably needs some time to wake up. At that time, everyone has gone to Argus, and there should be no outrageous incidents on the battlefield such as cutting her commander with a knife.

With these troublesome thoughts in mind, Braike steered the sky to quickly and accurately landed on a mountain sentry on the upper level of the Blackrock Spire, and slipped into Reid's chief hall without disturbing anyone.

As a result, as soon as he came in, Bo Laike saw the fat Reid wearing only an orc robe, lying in the arms of an orc "beauty".

Next to him was a beautiful orc feeding him grapes.

The two maids behind him kept fanning him, and the desk next to him, which should have been stacked with documents, was filled with all kinds of food and wine, and this guy almost had the words "wine pond meat forest" engraved on his forehead.

Seeing him moaning comfortably and moving his hands and feet from time to time, Bu Laike was really angry!

Ah, let you take command of the orthodox tribe here, why don't you let this fish fish? Don't even look at what the black dragon is doing! I still have to get news about them through Princess Moira.

You dog Reid really deserves a beating

Well, speaking of Bo Laike's drinking buddy, Princess Moira, the order of the "Azeroth Princess Wealth Ranking" should be changed.

The first is Talanji, the second is Moira, and the third is Calia. If Jaina inherits the terrifying wealth of her big brother in the future, she may jump to the first or second place. two.

Wait, so it seems that the two ladies of the Yuejun family, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, and His Royal Highness Melinthala, who are sitting on tens of thousands of years of wealth, are also eligible to participate.

And the two daughters of Mother Stone.

Well, that makes ranking this leaderboard quite challenging.

Wait, what was the reason for my anger just now?

Alas, this is not good after becoming the Old God. This often open-minded thinking is occasionally not controlled, and a little too active.

But anyway!

Red whore, a prostitute who catches fish!

I have tolerated you for a long time!


(end of this chapter)

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