Chapter 1599

At this time, the pained and happy Chief Red didn't know that his evil captain had "taken" Calia Menethil, but he would definitely be happier if he knew.

Despite another hard whip, the warchief was still in a good mood after seeing off Laike.

While lying on the bed and letting the weeping female orc apply medicine for him, the dirty mind of Chief Red had escaped from the painful skin and entered into a beautiful vision of the future.

He knew that Captain Bo Laike had begun to help him solve the last and core problem left by the orcs in Azeroth.

Once the considerable number of orc captives currently being held are peacefully released, it means that the war between humans and orcs and the blood feud between the two sides can be overturned.

Although in his generation, this was peacemaking in name only at best.

But once the door of negotiation is opened, it cannot be closed. As long as Reid's successor is not an idiot, then the next war chief will take the initiative to heal the hatred caused by this war.

If it doesn't work, the orcs will completely withdraw from Azeroth, and return to the world of Dellano, which is waiting to be done, to live their lives behind closed doors.

Of course, it would be best to maintain the few strongholds that the orcs currently have in Azeroth. The world of Dellano was destroyed by war, and its restoration will take decades or even centuries.

In such a world, the development of orc civilization must be very difficult. If they can get the support of resources from various fields in Azeroth, the road of orc civilization will be much easier.

Among other things, the druids' ability to coordinate nature can speed up the environmental recovery of Dellano's world several times.

Moreover, the previous civilization of the orcs only went to the tribal system. If they want to continue to develop, they have to learn from other civilizations. The diverse civilizations of Azeroth can provide a lot of reference and experience for future orc chiefs.


Chief Red, who we eat and wait to die, has already begun to think about the future of orc civilization, which fully proves that Red can also have a big structure.

Although most of the time he is not very willing to use his brain.

After all, like Fenner, after getting used to the convenient and easy-to-use external brain, thinking by himself becomes a burden.

"Great chief, the black dragon's messenger is here."

The chief's guards conveyed a message to Red, and the chief was ready to get up and change clothes to meet the guests, but when he saw himself in the mirror, beaten and torn apart, Red suddenly rolled his eyes, and he thought of a good idea , and didn't change his clothes, just covered with wounds all over his body, and was supported by several orc maids to come to the black dragon envoy.

The black dragon envoy originally thought that the call this time was another greedy dog ​​Red who wanted them to extort money, so he couldn't get up the energy to deal with this stupid, lazy and greedy bastard.

But when it saw the wounded, pale and angry Chief Red, the black dragon envoy was also taken aback.

What's wrong?

"Look at what you've done!"

Reid acted in his true colors, gulped down the wine in front of him angrily, and smashed the wine glass made of the dwarf's skull at the feet of the black dragon envoy. He cursed angrily:

"I have warned you a long time ago, I don't care if you play with your plots in the Black Wing Lair, but don't make trouble for me! But you didn't listen to my warning at all.

I don't even want to know what you guys are doing!

But your actions have been known to Tol Barad, look at my wounds, bastard! Those bastard pirates with their nostrils up in the sky had me hanging up and smoking all day!

All these humiliations and pains are thanks to you!


Take all your things and get the hell out of Blackrock Spire! You are no longer welcome in the orthodox tribe! "

Hearing Red's roar, the black dragon envoy immediately understood the problem.

This caused a fleeting trace of disdain and tension to emerge in his beastly pupils.

The reason for his contempt is that Red, a pathetic bastard, is already the orc overlord in control of one side, but he is still willing to obey the command of a group of stinky pirates, without any ideas or ambitions of his own.

Nervous because the black dragons are well aware of who is behind Tol Barad's Viking Dominion.

Prince Nefarian specifically emphasized that all preparations for the birth of the world-destroying dragon beast Chromatus must carefully bypass the realm of Bu Laike Shaw.

Apparently, the Black Dragon Prince also didn't want to mess with Bu Laike, a bastard rival, before things were completely successful.

However, the black dragons were obviously very careful. Whether it was collecting various materials or finding those evil people from all over the place to join the black dragon army, there was no direct conflict with Bu Laike Shaw, but the news still leaked.

From the terrible scars on Red's body, it can be seen that this time the pirate's envoy came here with real anger, which proves that Braike Shaw is very dissatisfied with the actions of the black dragon, and also dissatisfied with Red's secret communication with the black dragon. Very upset.

But it is obviously impossible to let the black dragons move out of Blackrock Tower now.

The production of Chromatus has reached the final stage, and it is only waiting for the mysterious prisoner to be sent over this afternoon to perform the final organ transplantation and stitching on the world-destroying dragon beast.

This bastard dog Red really picked a good time.

The envoy of the black dragon moved his fingers. He really didn't have a good impression of the stupid, bad, and greedy orc chieftain in front of him. If he could, he wanted to kill Red here right now.

But the prince's plans were the most important.

Therefore, the envoy tried hard to suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart, and the gloomy guy in human form said to Red with an apologetic face:

"Oh, it's our lack of carefulness that caused the honorable Chief Red to suffer such humiliation, please rest assured that the Black Dragon Legion is very generous to all friends.

We will compensate you for your loss, and as for moving out well, we don't want to cause trouble for our loyal friends, we will move out, Warchief.

But please give us some time to prepare.

After all, Black Wing Lair is a warm home, a fond memory shared by all black dragons. We need some time to organize our supplies and our memories. "

"You don't have much time!"

Reid replied with a gloomy and arrogant face:

"In a week's time, Tol Barad will send a fleet to the Burning Steppes, and thanks to your folly, the whole of Blackrock Spire will be inspected by those bastards with sticks in their faces.

I still have to write a few minutes of the review report, hell! In order to ensure my position among the increasingly powerful undead pirates, I have to accept such humiliation

But you said you were going to make it up to me, right?

Then I have to add money, and the price will be ten times the price of the gift you gave me last time! Bastard, in order to open up the contacts of those old sea dogs who are more greedy than me, I have to pay a lot of blood.

This money must be paid for me by you, but don't expect me to pay a penny.

This is all your fault!

You must take responsibility.

Accepting you at the beginning was the stupidest decision I ever made in my life! "

"Ten times? How dare you say that."

Rao the black dragon envoy had already made up his mind to deal with Red and get the matter over with, but after hearing the asking price from Red's lion, the black dragon envoy was also furious.

During this period of time, in order to ensure that the birth of Chromatus would not be disturbed, the Black Dragon Legion completely stabilized Red and his group of greedy soldiers with the attitude of "big money".

This has already caused great losses to the treasure house of the black dragons, and the black dragons are unwilling to see the treasures they have worked so hard to collect just like this.

They are already very dissatisfied, and now this stupid Redd wants more

court death!

The black dragon envoy could no longer hold back the killing intent in his heart, such a greedy and stupid bastard dared to negotiate terms with the black dragon army, well, let's kill him, anyway, he will not be needed soon.

Thinking of this, the black dragon envoy began to move his fingers, ready to move.

But a few seconds later, with the sound of heavy footsteps, the first warrior of Blackrock Mountain who had just returned from Northrend, looking very haggard, the chief of the orthodox tribe Kul'kron Clan, Va Locke Saurfang, walked into the chief hall.

The orc old warlord with a black mourning cloth on his arm glanced at the black dragon envoy beside him, his eyes were as indifferent as ice, which made the young black dragon's heart skip a beat.


How did you forget about this evil star?

This old guy is the most capable of fighting under Gou Leide's command.

Ordinary black dragons would have a hard time escaping their lives in front of his dragon-slaying ax, a warrior sacred object that was said to be inherited from his dead big brother.

"Warchief, Grommash is here."

Wa Locke ignored the black dragon's timidity at all, and he said to Red in a disrespectful tone:

"He said he wanted to stay in Blackrock Mountain for a while until the fateful time came. But Grom is seriously ill and may need several shamans to keep an eye on him."

"Ah, the most powerful war chief in the history of our orcs is finally willing to condescend to come to inspect this ghost place of ours?"

After hearing Wa Locke's report, Red stood up in surprise, looked at the pale black dragon envoy again, and said with some sarcasm:

"I heard that the men of the Hellscream family will never die as long as they have enemies, and perhaps Chief Grom's serious illness is because he has no good opponents in Kalimdor.

Connect him to Blackrock Mountain quickly, and tell that war lunatic Gromash that we have many uninvited guests named black dragons here. I think he will definitely want to exercise his muscles.

Maybe he will help us kill a few stingy black dragon bastards for free. "

Hearing Red's barely concealed threat, the black dragon envoy clenched its fists in humiliation, but even the young one had heard of the terrifying power of Grom Hellscream.

It is said that for a time, when Grom first arrived in Azeroth, he and his clan were hired by mysterious dragons to help them hunt black dragons.

Although the deal lasted only a short time, several hapless black dragons died at the hands of the Warsong clan.

He also participated in the battle against Deathwing, and used his ax to split the dragon horn of the World Destroyer. This achievement alone is enough to make the young black dragons tremble with fear.

After Val Locke turned to leave, Reid sat back on his chieftain throne, his mouth twitching from his injuries, but this time the stupid, bad and greedy warchief had the upper hand.

He picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine carelessly and relished, and said to the black dragon envoy who lowered his head:

"Ten times! Remember, send it to me before this afternoon, and I will give you another seven days, otherwise I will have to ask my dear Chief Grom to replace me and you in the face of you poor 'tenants' Let's chat.

Then all your things will be mine.

Look how sincere I am, I can obviously rob, but I still reason with you.

So, don't be ignorant.

Understand? "


"This bastard is really lucky."

Hiding in the shadow of the depressed and humiliated black dragon envoy, Bu Laike entered the fortified black wing lair while looking at the dark furnishings of the black dragon land, and complained in his heart:

"Who would have thought that Grom Hellscream, who was about to die of illness, would come to Blackrock Mountain at this time, giving Red the best chance to pretend to be powerful.

Grom Hellscream, who is determined to die, and Va Locke Saurfang, who is in a bad mood, and legendary shamans like Drek'Thar to assist in the battle, let alone Nefarian, even against the Dragon King. The power of the war.

Hehe, the poor black dragons are really unlucky. "

Bu Laike complained like this, his eyes looked back and forth around the Black Wing Lair, which has been greatly changed. Compared with the last time he came here, the Black Wing Lair has been completely transformed into a giant dragon barracks .

A large number of young dragons are cared for and raised by the black dragon dragon people. Those dragon cubs are placed on a platform by special devices, and the dragon people continue to feed various meats to it.

A large number of black dragon dragonmen are patrolling the Black Wing Lair, and several adult black dragons that look very powerful are flying around for vigilance.

Chromaggus, the two-headed drake previously unleashed by Bu Laike to cause havoc, was trapped in a stable with heavy chains around both necks to guard Nefarian's throne.

But Laike knows that these are just illusions!

The real secret of the Black Dragon Legion lies in the Black Wing Blood Ring behind the throne, and the production site of the world-destroying dragon beast Chromatus should also be there.

The pirate shook his head, and he took out his pocket watch to check the time.

There are still a few minutes before the unlucky bronze dragon Chromie, who was captured by Toki, will be transferred to Blackrock Tower, as Sefiel revealed before.

According to the prompt left by Safir, Bu Laike came to the prison hall at the bottom of Blackwing Lair ahead of time, and waited patiently in the third empty cell on the left.

When counting down for one minute, Sefiel also appeared here as the time stream shined.

She was not surprised by Bu Laike, who was leaning against the wall in a handsome pose and waiting for her, but took a step forward and took the initiative to send a passionate kiss in this dark place.

The couple just kissed and caressed in this dark cell, until the ten-second countdown, Sefiel pushed Bu Laike away and looked him up and down suspiciously.

The pirate who looked at him felt guilty for a while, and then Safiel asked:

"Who were you with last night?"

"I was alone. I fell asleep after taking a shower. I definitely didn't do anything bad."

Bu Laike held up his hands in defense:

"You have to believe me."

"Then why do you have a strange smell of perfume on your body and hands?"

Chief Mate Long asked persuasively:

"The scent has dissipated, but to the bronze dragon, it's as clear as it was when it was first stained. Answer honestly! Bu Laike, don't make me go back in time."

"Look! Chromie is coming."

Bu Laike pulled out the Salamani with a bang, Sefiel snorted, and also took out a very delicate yellow stone hourglass, she whispered to Bu Laike:

"You wait for me!"

"I'm going to tell Xalatas about you stealing food, and let her teach you and your little wild cat a lesson."

(end of this chapter)

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