Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1604 237. Very Good, Let's Finish This Masterpiece--Jiagen【2/25】

Chapter 1604 237. Very good, let us complete this masterpiece--Jiagen [225]

(Add more [2/25] for the brothers who are "overwhelmed by water and at a loss")

"Run! Run!"

Seeing the appearance of the eternal tyrant Chromie, Sefiel, Chromie, and Toki were all terrified, and after witnessing the powerful eternal tyrant biting the eternal Toki to death, the three bronze dragons were even more frightened. It's a frightened dead soul.

They turned around and rushed into different time vortexes in the next second, trying to escape separately.

But such tricks are meaningless to the Eternal Tyrant.

She rushed into the blooming time after chasing Chromie and Sefiel. Her goal was very clear, first eat Chromie who ran into this timeline as a snack, then control Braike Shaw, and then put This timeline to Chaos is dedicated to the Eternal Legion.

As for Time Tinker Toki.

Let her go.

It would be best for this terrified coward to escape this timeline and pass the news on to the Bronze Dragonflight so they can all return to Braike Shaw's timeline en masse.

In this way, the Eternal Dragon Legion taking the lead can slaughter them wantonly.

In terms of using time, the Eternal Dragon and the Bronze Dragon are actually on par, but the reason why the Eternal Dragon has been winning is because they are evil enough, they are not bound by the rules of time like the Bronze Dragon, and they can use all evil methods to achieve own purpose.

It is always easier to destroy than to build, and unbridled wisdom always makes the world tremble when it goes evil.

However, after Time Tinker Toki escaped from this timeline, she strangely heard Sefiel talking to her in another conditional timeline.

"Torchi! Dark Chromie is targeting us. You are safe for now, hurry! Send your dark twin's body back to the current point in time.

Give it to my husband.

Boo Laike will know what I mean, our hope of still having this timeline depends on you, don't run away! If you escape from this timeline, it means that the Eternal Tyrant's plot has succeeded.

You will be a sinner of the bronze dragonflight.

Believe me!

Do as I say! "

Toki, who was about to escape from the abandoned timeline, was stunned.

Her rationality told her that she must leave immediately, report the matter here to the Quicksand Scale, and find a large group of helpers to subdue the extremely powerful eternal tyrant.

But Sefiel's warning made her hesitate.

Toki is definitely not a fool, she quickly figured out the evil idea of ​​Dark Chromie, that bastard was using herself as bait to lure the bronze dragonflight into the eternal trap.

Then he absolutely cannot follow the route set by the enemy.

As for what Sefiel wanted to do, Toki understood immediately, and she opened the time channel leading to the Dark Portal for a year without saying a word.

First cautiously poked her head out to look over there, and after confirming that the Eternal Tyrant had chased Sefiel and Chromie away, she rushed into the swamp with a whoosh.

She found Torchi the Eternal's body in the filthy mud.

Tsk tsk, it's too miserable.

Dark Chromie bit off more than half of the Eternal's neck in one bite, causing the keel to shatter. The death crisis that had plagued Toki for many years was resolved in this abandoned timeline by accident.

The Eternal Torchi, who has won many times, will now be stuck in the mud in embarrassment, her eyes that have lost light still have the pain and despair before dying.

She never imagined that she would die in this way of being attacked by her compatriots.

She thinks she can control the weakness of time, but it turns out that those who play with time will always be punished by time.

"Tch, you don't deserve sympathy at all! You have caused me misfortune in the past!"

Time Tinker Toki kicked his blackened self in the future viciously. According to the revelation of the Eternal Tyrant, dying in this timeline without a future is equivalent to being cut off from all connections to the future. possible.

In other words, even in the normal timeline, Toki no longer needs to worry about being revenged by the powerful Eternals. After she goes back, she only needs to deal with those weak Eternals Toki.

This filled the crazy Tochi with relaxation and joy.

But the danger is not over yet.

Toki took out a clock shining with the light of time, licked his lips and wound it up a few times, and then dropped it like a bomb on the muddy corpse of the eternal Toki, whoosh With the sound of the clock spinning rapidly, the body of Dark Toki quickly disappeared in place.

Toki also worriedly glanced at the time when Chromie and Sefiel escaped. She twisted the hands of the clock decoration on her belt to adjust the time to the present, and disappeared in the light of time. In this past timeline.

A few minutes after Toki disappeared, a sullen man wearing a crow cloak and holding the staff of Atiesh Guardian came here.

At this point in time, Medivh was about to go to the depths of this swamp to open the Dark Portal, and according to the agreement with Gul'dan, summon the orc invaders to enter Azeroth.

However, when the astral mage passed by the muddy swamp that left a dragon-shaped pit, his dark cheeks under the cloak suddenly raised his brows, and the astral mage had a premonition that something terrible had happened here.

Look here, there is still such a strong breath of time.

He intends to stop and study, but considering that the time agreed with Gul'dan is approaching, opening the door of darkness is the most important thing, so let's look at it next time.

Well, it seems that occasionally something interesting happens in this boring world.



The body of the Eternal Dragon sent back from the muddy ground of the Dark Portal for a year smashed into the Nefarian biological laboratory in the Blackwing Blood Ring.

The figure of Time Tinker Toki then appeared in the light.

She was disheartened and tried to find Bo Laike, but the next moment, the figure of the stinky pirate appeared beside her.

"Why did you come back so late?"

Bu Laike held a hard liquor ice cream sold in the black iron bar in his hand, licked and ate it, and asked a question.

"Hey, what nonsense! Bronze dragons are never late!"

Toki retorted with a scream and pumped her fist, then she pointed to the muddy corpse of the Eternal Dragon and said to Bo Laike:

"Quick! Sefiel said you know what to do!"

"Yes, yes, of course I know. As expected of Sefiel, who shares my heart with me, she guessed what I was going to do early on."

Bu Laike ate the ice cream in one gulp, rubbed his hands again, and walked around the huge corpse of the Eternal Torch a few times, winking his eyes and saying:

"I guess you must have been hunted down by the Eternal Tyrant Chromie hiding behind the scenes in the past, right? What a brilliant schemer, exactly the steps I envisioned.

And an extremely bad character who wants to see idiots kill each other, and finally wait until you're all exhausted before jumping out to pick peaches. "

"Hey, how do you know so well!"

Torchi covered his head and screamed:

"Now is not the time to show you your dark wisdom, get to work! The Eternal Tyrant will be back at some point, hell! We're literally dancing on the tip of a knife."

"No, don't be afraid."

Bu Laike snorted, as if summoning something, waved his hand towards the sky beyond Blackrock Spire, and said:

"You should know that this timeline has no accurate future, so attempts to see the future in the past will most likely fail. This means that even the powerful eternal tyrant Chromie cannot observe in the past what we are doing now. thing.

Past, present and future have always been relative concepts of time.

Thanks to those obscure books about time magic that my strict Dean Lanyue forced me to read, it made me understand this complicated truth. So in theory, we have plenty of time

Especially with your help, you go to the monster and trap it with time magic, which is the only magic that can control it now.

Bring it here. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate took out the Saramani battle sword. After the first battle in Ulduar, the heart energy was strengthened, so that the power of the black and white double swords was enhanced again. Bu Laike swung the sharp blade and easily smashed the Eternal Dragon Toki's sword. The head was severed from her body.

Dark Chromie's sneak attack is positioned very viciously and aggressively, which in turn gives Boo Laike an easier cutting experience.

Ten seconds later, Nefarian's figure appeared in the transmitted light in the crack in the wall where the black-winged blood ring was knocked open by the crazy Chromatus.

But at this time, the black dragon prince no longer had the vicious and arrogant before. Although he moved freely, his wooden face and dull eyes proved that Nefarian was no longer him.

Behind the Black Dragon Prince was Shaw, who was wearing the uniform of a Stormwind Master Assassin, wearing the double blades of the Dragonfather's Fang in the weapon slot of his belt.

Judging from the blood-colored flame burning aura on the dagger blade made of source quality crystal, Shaw has already completed the final strengthening of the second stage of the weapon in the process of helping Drake parasitize Nefarian.

Let this weapon truly become the legendary blade of the master assassin.

But this is far from its ultimate power.

It still has room to be further strengthened, but the material needed for the next dagger upgrade is not the power essence of Nefarian, the black dragon prince, but the power spark from the ancestor of the black dragon, Deathwing the Destroyer.

That was a dreadful, near-impossible challenge.

But Shore is confident.

He knew that sooner or later Braike would face Deathwing, and that would be his chance to complete the Assassin's Holy Blade.

"Your hands should be steady, come and help me sew!"

Laike whistled to Shaw, and Nefarian's suture tool was taken out in front of his eyes. Toki, who was not far away, also used time magic to imprison the huge Chromatus in time and send it away. here we go.

And Nefarian, who was parasitized by Redek, put on a black dragon biologist's surgical robe with a wooden face. When he picked up the cutting saw and prepared to cut Chromatus' neck for the last suture, the black dragon prince With a wooden face, he said in a dead voice:

"Insufficient staff, my master, I still need assistants. Assistants who are proficient in suture and structure making also need to have powerful magic manipulation.

Arygos helped me complete this job before, but it has died in my hands.

I can't do it alone. "

This is obviously Drake speaking through Nefarian's vocal cords, and this clear statement also proves that Drake does have wisdom.

"People, right?"

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, grabbed the Scepter of Sargeras, and said:

"That's simple, I have a whole psychic school of stitchers and master builders to work as coolies, wait a minute, I'll give them a reasonable price.

For example, adding 3 credits to everyone's final exam, or allowing Kel'Thuzad to use the perfect structure in front of him to write a dozen papers or something. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate disappeared into the black wing blood ring with a whoosh, and a few minutes later, he showed up in Nefarian's laboratory with all the suturing masters from the psychic school of Nazaras College.

"Well, I have to admit now that I'm still a complete novice in the lore of constructs. Look at this supreme beauty and majesty.

Never in my wildest dreams did I conceive of such a powerful creation. "

Amidst the floating light, Kel'Thuzad, holding the cat, walked into the laboratory and was attracted by the mighty monster imprisoned in time. As a psychic master, he could see the terrifying power of the Dragon King Devourer at a glance. Can and strength.

This "beautiful" gesture unique to the structure made Kel'Thuzad's indifferent eyes also show a touch of deep love. He put his cat on his shoulder and turned back to the pirate and said:

"After you finish your work, I need to borrow it for a period of time, at least half a month, so that my disciples and I can complete the preliminary research on it.

In addition, I want all the blueprints, principles and knowledge related to this powerful structure!

I will pay you enough. "

"Well, I don't need a unique corpse as payment. My reputation is bad enough, and I don't want to give people the opportunity to accuse me of being a 'necrophilia.'"

Bu Laike whispered:

"I know that the thesis of the enlightener Sakir is being reviewed and evaluated by you, I just need you to help my dear old Sakir pass this review.

I don't even need you to give him a high grade, just pass him.

You also know that poor crazy old guy hasn't done serious research in 30,000 years, so his papers and projects are not at all understandable.

After all, we have to respect the elderly, right? "

"You're challenging my work ethic."

Lich Xiaoke said something dissatisfied, but then he looked at Chromatus in front of him. After a short psychological game, he nodded and said:

"I will guide him to revise the paper, maybe two or three times, but I will help him pass the peer review, can you start working now?

I can't wait to finish sewing this perfect thing by myself, which will be another peak of my career. "

"come on."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, and Nefarian (Drake), who was standing still, immediately went to work, and he was very skilled in commanding the stitching masters to start working.

Bu Laike and Shaw served as the experimental assistants, helping the Lich to hover the neck of Toki the Eternal in mid-air to prepare for the first round of stitching.

And Tochi placed several synchronously running time clocks beside him to reduce the time flow rate of this busy work area to the limit, so as to give these sewing masters more time to win.

They must complete it before Sefiel and Chromie can't hold on, otherwise, with the eternal tyrant Chromie's control over the timeline, they will no longer have any possibility of a comeback.

A few minutes later, in the flash of magical arcs in the sky, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing also appeared in this area with great interest. She was holding a few black dragon horns and was about to announce the good news to Braike, but was caught by Toqi quickly. Pull it out of the time zone.

The bronze dragon yelled fiercely at the idiot little Xingxing:

"Didn't you see the abnormal flow of time there? You just stay here honestly and don't interfere with their work. The whole world is at stake, do you understand?"

"Huh? Bronze dragon! A living bronze dragon! There's also a dead Eternal Dragon over there! This is the first time I've seen an Eternal Dragon."

Little Xingxing quickly recognized Toqi's identity, she touched the short Toqi curiously and asked:

"Have you guys decided to go back to this timeline? Wow what is that big ugly thing? Why does it have four heads and you guys are going to add a fifth head to it.

This thing is so cool. "

"You have so many questions!"

Toki was so annoyed by Little Xingxing, he threw a time prison to the idiot Little Xingxing, and let her be imprisoned in time so as not to bother her.

But a few seconds later, Little Xingxing crept up behind Tochi again, hugged the cute and violent bronze dragon in his arms, and rubbed her head vigorously, causing Tochi to utter an embarrassing and sharp cry:

"How can you get out of the prison of time... Ah, you have a heart of thunder, that is a holy object made by Lord Aman'Thul himself, and it is contaminated with the breath of time.

You idiot!

Put me down, I'm busy! Don't touch your head! Don't touch your chest, you crazy blue dragon! Beat you! "

(end of this chapter)

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