Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1606 239. Doomsday Death Knell Drake--Gagen【4/25】

Chapter 1606 239. Doomsday Death Knell Drake -- Gagen [425]

(Add more [4/5] for the brothers who are "overwhelmed by the water and don't know what to do")

"What the hell are they doing?"

At this time, in the laboratory of the Black Winged Blood Ring, Bu Laike was sitting on a chair with his head in his arms and a headache. Just now, he felt that his always obedient head suddenly became confused.

Non-existent memories have increased!

It was as if a knife had cut open his thoughts, abruptly inserting a memory that he didn't have at all into his mind.

It seems that in Suramar, in the stormy world of darkness, he knocked away a terrifying eternal dragon monster with two and three mighty blows.

Hearing the screams, that guy should be the blackened Chromie.

Well, the crisp voice of the gnome is something other gnomes cannot imitate.

"This must be your time being changed."

Time Tinker Toki observed Bo Laike's situation, and she whispered:

"It must be so, but because your past is actually your future, this guy miraculously completed a 'circle of time' reversal on the timeline, so that such a change will not destroy your past, just Slightly changed your already chaotic future.


Tell me quietly, what did you see?

Are Sefiel and Chromie safe? "

"Well, it should be safe. I beat the eternal tyrant away, tsk tsk. The future me is so cool and mighty. You can see the real me at first glance."

Bo Laike whistled and picked up his pipe, casually satisfied Toki's curiosity, and turned his head to look at the tense sewing scene behind him.

Thanks to the enough time Sefiel and Chromie bought for her in the past, and Toki's desperate efforts to slow down the flow of time here, this suture, which should have taken a long time, has come to an end.

The ferocious four-color giant dragon suture monster is now more and more powerful. Although the last dragon head is not from the bronze dragon, the eternal dragon is not bad, anyway, it is the manifestation of the power of time.

And for a monster created to cause slaughter and destruction, perhaps the Eternal Dragon of Chaos is more suitable than the Bronze Dragon of Order.

Not only has the dragon's head been sewn on Chromatus' shoulders, but the black dragon's tail entangled in disordered time has also been sewn up, which makes this strange monster look not as disgusting as it used to be." The miserable gesture of the unfinished" work.

But not without problems.

As the head of Eternal Dragon Toki was stitched up, the last time power that Chromatus lacked was also completed.

Although Torchi can still rely on time to trap it now, as long as the stitching is completed, Chromatus can easily break free from the influence of the power of time.

At that point, nothing will stop the Devourer of Dragonlords from displaying their prowess.

"You have to find a way to control it!"

Toki, struggling to maintain the pause in time, screamed at Bo Laike:

"I've felt the terrible pressure, the time the monster was using its newfound strength to clumsily fight me, it's a quick learner, and I'm no match for it.

Even Nozdormu had nothing to do with it.

Do something, Boo Laike!

We need your dark wisdom! "

"Calm down, calm down, what are you afraid of?"

Bu Laike didn't care. He looked at Chromatus who was about to finish stitching, and threw another investigation on the five-color giant dragon stitching monster.

The other entries have not changed much, but the [unfinished] creation entry of Chromatus is flickering, and it seems that it is about to disappear.

And its title has officially become "[Dragon King's Twilight Doomsday Knell] Chromatus".

"Get out of the way!"

Bu Laike stood up, rubbing his still aching forehead, Kel'Thuzad who was fascinated by the suturing masters of the Necromantic School and who was touching Chromatus, trying to analyze its internal biological structure, shouted:

"It's almost finished! You don't need to participate in the next fusion process. For the sake of your lives, get out of the way!"

Facts have proved that the psychic masters of Narsalas College are still very particular about the safety regulations of the experiment. As soon as they heard the "construction worker" yelling to leave, they left the area shrouded in time delay as quickly as possible.

Kel'Thuzad was the last to go.

He hugged his cat, reluctantly looking at the mighty structure in front of him that he participated in stitching.

The appearance of Chromatus almost completely overturned all the experience and pride of the Lich Master in the past about the structure, and this stitch monster gave him more ideas.

As Bu Laike said, he can produce many papers with a little research after he goes back.

Of course, the water thesis is not the goal, and the thorough study of this supreme knowledge is Kel'Thuzad's purest desire.

The little star who has been watching all the sewing process is like watching a "dragon thriller".

She looked at Chromatus, who was exchanging movable heads during the pause of time, with a terrified gaze. In the eyes of a pure-blooded dragon like Little Xingxing, the thing in front of her was exactly the same as "Frankenstein" Frankenstein. .

The uncanny valley effect is full in an instant.

"It looks like it's going to throw a tantrum!"

She hid behind Bo Laike in fear, leaned on the pirate's shoulder and peeked at the horrible thing, she whispered:

"Do you really have a way to control it? When I look at it, I feel like a chicken looking at an eagle. It's a feeling of dealing with natural enemies.

Captain, I'm afraid.

shall we destroy it? "

"It's too late to destroy it now."

Bu Laike patted Little Xingxing's trembling head, comfortingly said:

"It has been shaped, and the power of the five-color dragon is added to make it strong enough to withstand any attack in this world without disintegrating. In the absence of gods, this guy's defense is invincible.

Of course, as long as you behave yourself, I won't let it bite you. "

"You are the worst!"

Little Xingxing snorted, but still whispered:

"I will be obedient, don't let it hurt my fellow dragons."

"Don't worry, as long as they behave well, this thing can be regarded as non-existent. I didn't create it just to bully other weak dragons."

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, and gestured to Nefarian who was still in the stitching field. The latter nodded, and calmly raised his head and closed his eyes.

In the next moment, amidst Toki's exclamation, the time-suspending magic she had set for Chromatus completely dissipated, and in the light that shattered like glass shards, the five heads of the terrifying five-color dragon sutured monster It also raised up, sending out a violent and crazy roar.

The one that is truly complete has great confidence in its own strength.

Its five heads stared viciously at Laike Shaw who had been chasing it in the maze of the Blackwing Blood Ring just now, and the ten eyes of different colors shone with extreme hatred and killing intent.

But a nasty guy stood in his way.

The Black Dragon Prince Nefarian raised his hand and scolded in the attitude of his master:

"Back off!"


Responding to the scolding were five dragon heads that bit off at the same time.

It is complete, it has become the true Devourer of the Dragon King, and it has to fulfill the only mission for which it was born.

It wants to brutally destroy every member of the Guardian Dragon Legion, and help Deathwing usher in the twilight hour of extinction.

A mere black dragon prince, dare to order it like this?

court death!


Seeing that Nefarian was bitten by each of the five heads of Cromatus before he could struggle, Little Xingxing screamed like watching a horror movie.

Bo Laike also reached out to cover her eyes in time, so that the cowardly dragon did not see the cruel scene that followed.

During Cromatus' deep roar, its five muscular heads exerted force at the same time, tearing apart the body of the Black Dragon Prince almost instantly, allowing it to be dismembered on the spot.

The torn dragon wings and scales flew around, creating a terrifying massacre on the spot.

But as the blood-colored liquid splashed down, the Dragon King Devourer, who was chewing food, suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did it taste dry?

This taste is wrong!

It's like chewing a piece of air-dried bacon that has been sucked out of all nutrients, leaving only a shell!

Does Deathwing's direct blood taste like this?

The more Chromatus chewed, the more weird it became, until a strange feeling grew from its invincible digestive tract, and a strange sour numbness was like a strange disease, rapidly and rapidly infecting its invincible body .

It seems that another consciousness was born in his perfect body, and is arrogantly trying to replace its mad will to destroy. At this moment, even if no soul dominates this body, the Dragon King Devourer still feels the fear of biological instinct.

I am about to die!

It was like drowning in water, or drowning in a swaying nightmare, all the joy of destruction was receding from oneself, and a drowsy eternal sleep was coming.

That voice is telling it that it is about to become the personal plaything of this hateful pirate

Do not!

Do not! ! !

This is not the future of Chromatus!

This is not the future of Dragon King Devourer!


The behemoth that burst out with the strongest desire to survive in fear roared.

It could no longer control its own body, and obeyed its three heads, and began to attack the two heads that had been controlled by the damn parasite.

Under Little Xingxing's wide-eyed gaze, the terrifying creature in front of her, which she felt was like a natural enemy, actually started "cannibalism".

It kept spitting its destructive dragon's breath on its head, and even rolled on the spot, tearing its invincible body apart with its terrifying claws while the ground was shaking, and caught dazzling sparks one after another.

It is fighting with itself, and sadly, it cannot destroy itself.

"What's wrong with this?"

Little Xingxing instinctively felt that this guy's strange behavior was related to the mysterious Bu Laike, and she looked at her omnipotent stinky captain in surprise.

And Bu Laike raised his finger, put it to his mouth, and made a silent motion to the little star.

He whispered:

"I hope this can teach you a simple truth, good boy, don't eat things indiscriminately, especially those things that are full of poison at first sight. Well, here she is."

As soon as the pirate finished speaking, Little Xingxing turned his head to look at where Laike was in surprise, and saw a huge black figure rushing out of the black time vortex.

It was covered in blood and looked very miserable, even one of its eyes was poked out.

And at the moment it appeared, a large-scale time suspension was violently imposed on every part of the entire Blackwing Blood Ring, and everyone including Toki was suspended in time.

Even the idiot Little Xingxing kept looking back.

Only Bu Laike, the ancient god, was immune to the fluctuations of time and the crazy self-attacking Chromatus as before.

It will not be overwhelmed by the power of time even if it has gathered the power of the dragon.


The smelly pirate stretched out his hand and patted Little Xingxing's waist, and whispered:

"What are you pretending to do! You were able to resist Toki's power of time just now, why are you so cowardly?"


Little Xingxing, who pretended that he was also caught by Time Stop, jumped up and screamed at Laike with his hands on his waist:

"I'm afraid! That guy is hard to deal with at first glance, and she's coming for you. Don't get me involved in your troubles. I'm not her opponent."

"No, you are.

In a head-to-head battle, the Eternal Tyrant is no match for you, the King of Thunder. The Heart of Thunder made by Aman'Thul minimizes the impact of her time on you.

You are just too cowardly. "

Bu Laike ruthlessly exposed Little Xingxing's tricks. He shook his head and said to the idiot Blue Dragon:

"Go find a place to hide, so as not to accidentally hurt you later."


Little Xingxing was very skilled at this command. With a whoosh, she hid in the safest hall of the Black Winged Blood Ring, and looked around at the pirates' battlefield again.

"You, Bu Laike Shaw! Cunning time stowaway!"

The miserable eternal tyrant Chromie flapped his wings and screamed at Bo Laike:

"You replaced your own future with your own past, so that I almost died in your hands, you cunning bastard played very well, but your failure to kill me ten thousand years ago is your biggest mistake!

I just need to truncate your future here, and your circle of time will be destroyed by itself.

This timeline will become the burial place of the Bronze Dragon Legion!

and you

I want to give you the most beautiful cage, and I want to turn you into my favorite time collection! "

"Don't come here! I warn you! I'm strong."

Bo Laike backed up with Salameni.

He yelled, like a weakling trying to intimidate an opponent.

Dark Chromie is also an old villain, she saw through Bo Laike's disguise at a glance, and she also saw Chromatus who was still attacking crazily by himself outside of the time stop.

She knew it was a threat.

But unfortunately.

"The time is wrong!"

The Eternal Tyrant grinned grimly in his dwarf loli voice:

"No matter in which timeline the twilight hour occurred, Chromatus would slaughter all the dragons in the entire world with absolute madness. From the moment it was born, this violent and twisted freak was immune to no one's control.

Not even its creator, Deathwing, can handle its savage rage. You try to use it against me?

good idea.

It just sucks.

And how are you going to use your tongue to convince this soulless and insane monster to attack me? "

"cough cough"

The pirate blinked at the sarcasm, picked up his pipe, and said:

"When I ate Yogg Saron with my little lover before, you shouldn't have peeked at it? Think about it, even the disordered Eternal Dragon should try to stay away from the land of creation, because there are still Breathing the titan breath that makes you uncomfortable.

But if you had actually been on the sidelines, you wouldn't be asking this stupid question at this point.

How about this.

I'll give you a second, go back and have a look.

I'll be right here waiting for you, my dear Dark Chromie, and I swear I'm not going anywhere until you come back. "

Seeing the sincere smile on Laike's face, Chromi frowned. She was not stupid enough to go back to the past at this time and let the pirates go. Instead, her figure flickered several times in place, using the time dragon's ability to spy on the pirates. past.

A second later, the Eternal Tyrant's eyes widened, he turned and ran.



The huge body of Chromatus, who was still biting himself just now, appeared behind the Eternal Tyrant like a ghost with the magic flash of the blue dragon, and bit down on her wing root.

The time delay of Dark Chromie is useless to it, and the next moment is broken dragon scales and blood splatters.


In the midst of this painful tear, the figure of Bo Laike also appeared behind Chromie, with the salamani piercing downwards in his hand, easily piercing through the scales of the eternal tyrant in the vengeful execution that activated the ring of the world.

The bloody light and shadow danced, and Bu Laike said softly:

"You were beaten up by me ten thousand years ago, so you plan to bully me now? Hey, I'm not as powerful as I was ten thousand years ago, but in your eyes, am I just a piece of trash?

I don't think even Nozdormu or Mnozdor would dare speak to me like that.

The arrogant eternal dragon who sneaked into my timeline, let me ask you, do you know the consequences of angering a prophet?


I'll let my new pet chase you, and if I do catch up, then... hehe. "

(end of this chapter)

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