Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1614 247. The Gang Of Twisting Nether Is Too Impolite--Jiagen 【12/25】

Chapter 1614 247. The Gang of Twisting Nether is too impolite--Jiagen【1225】

Although there is a hundred reluctance in his heart, under the pressure of the burden of idols, Little Xingxing is forced to participate in the battle to attack the land of fire.

The number of "air force" on Bu Laike's side is very small, and Hisaly brought four high-level flame druids here this time.

But they are of high quality.

They turned into small fire eagles to attract the attention of those Balrog fire eagles in the air, and then Anzu, who could not fly but could control the storm, restrained them in the air, and finally, the little star who turned into a thunder dragon pounced on the giant dragon Wang Baquan solves the battle.

The Firelord's creations are very powerful, but sadly, these disembodied elementals are pretty poor at hand-to-hand combat against a tiny star with a titan's heart.

According to Little Star, tearing apart their burning bodies is no more difficult than tearing apart beef jerky.

It was precisely because of such a great combat experience that the weak little star also became active. She even took the initiative to skim over the scorching ground, using the breath of the thunder dragon to help the black knights eliminate the fire demons that kept rushing up from below.

Of course, the unscrupulous boss Bu Laike couldn't let the nine black knights single-handedly attack the army of fire demons whose number was a hundred times larger than them.

So the stinky pirates decided to give the black knights a little help "as far as they can".

Holding the scepter of Sargeras, he started his "old business" at the place where the flames breached. First, he summoned his own war beast, and made his body fat after "practicing" with Ms. Freya in the past few days. Bighorn and Frostclaw went with Sky to hunt freely in the Land of Fire.

Then he summoned the Heart Demon Twins, whom he hadn't played for a long time.

But they didn't let the Heart Demon Twins join the battlefield immediately, but threw the Sargeras Scepter to them, and gave the twins who became more and more charming in front of them strange names.

He smoked his pipe and said:

"Come on, just find a small demon world that you are familiar with, summon all the destruction thugs there, and let them practice with the servants of the Fire Demon King.

I also have the same curiosity as other warlocks. Are the demons more fierce, or the servants of the Fire Demon King? "

"Tch, as a master warlock, don't you even have the ability to summon demons yourself?"

The tall, high-ranking warlock Aureses folded her arms and moved the scorching demon wings on her back. She flicked her tail disdainfully:

"Is your brain degenerated because you have been playing with knives for a long time? My evil master, as a spellcaster, this will not work. Do you want me and my sister to conduct a temporary craniotomy for you?"

"No no no, my irascible sister."

Queen Salolas, who has a better personality, obviously saw Bu Laike's "embarrassment". She covered her mouth, wagging her little shadow-colored tail, and said to her proud sister:

"It is not that our evil master has forgotten the forbidden knowledge of evil, but because he has caused so much trouble to the Burning Legion that the archdemon has banned his ability to summon demons throughout the Legion.

He walked on the path of life and void, which also caused him to be cast aside by evil energy.

A master warlock who cannot summon demons

Hahaha, this is really the happiest news I've heard this year. "

Being ridiculed by his own demon twins, Bu Laike didn't refute with a wooden face, just kept smoking, because what the twins said was right.

He was blacklisted by the Burning Legion a long time ago, and after Dellano almost killed Kil'jaeden with a sword, he was completely "rejected" by the demons of the Burning Legion.

Of course, this is not quite accurate.

With the nature of demons who are chaotic and violent and worship the strong, even though Laike is already a heavy target on the Burning Legion's bounty list, the demons who are willing to follow him and fight for him are still gone.

However, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde didn't know what ghost method they used, so that Bo Laike couldn't rely on his own perception to contact any demon world.

From a while ago, Laike felt that the connection between himself and his demon servants became more and more obscure, and it was difficult to summon them to fight as smoothly as before.

And after officially becoming the Old God in Ulduar, the contract between pirates and demon servants was directly and completely blocked by higher powers.

He couldn't even perceive his demon servants.

Perhaps, as Queen Saloras said, because he walks the way of life and void, he is disgusted by the evil force, and considering that the current "elder brother" is the Lord Sargeras he admires the most.

Well, that means that Bu Laike is likely "titled" by his idol in the Twisting Nether.

In various senses, this is something that breaks the pirates' defenses.

The Eredar twins can still be summoned by Bu Laike because the twins are sealed in the body by Bu Laike in the form of "demons" rather than contracts. This is almost the last "fig leaf" for the warlock profession of pirates.

Seeing the twins embracing each other in front of him, laughing forward and backward, with a look of unbearable laughter, Braike silently endured the "bullying" from the demon. After a few seconds, he exhaled the smoke ring and waved it casually. The dark void power turned into long whips and scattered in his hands.

He flicked the whip in his hand, and said to Gemini with a wooden face:

"Enough laughing, right? Can you start working? You have to force me to leave a few marks of humiliation on your upturned buttocks before you are willing to obey orders, right?

It's almost done, don't look for it for nothing. "

"Yes, yes, my evil master, we will start to work now, don't be angry."

Queen Saroras smiled hypocritically, took the scepter of Sargeras and prepared to communicate with the Twisting Void, while her younger sister Oresses assisted, and said with eccentric concern:

"Oh, my master, I know that when a man suddenly loses a vital ability one day, he will always be in a hurry and try harder to prove himself.

But listen to my advice, this kind of thing can't be rushed.

You have to relax and take your time.

Although you have lost your demon servant, you still have the two of us, we will always stick to you, if you need any 'help', please tell us directly.

Don't be shy. Oops! "

The Flame Witch's playfulness finally won him a whip. Braike swung his wrist and whipped the Void Whip on Ole Sisi's little tail. The double impact of spirit and body made the Flame Witch let out a coquettish and astringent breath Biting his fingers full, he gave Braike a provocative watery look.

This made the "incompetent" warlock master angry.

These damn high-level demons are simply masters in making people angry.

But provocations are provocations, Gemini's work efficiency is still very high.

They soon opened a door to the twisting void in the elemental realm, and the first to jump out was a fel imp riding on the back of an elite demon dog.

The latter rushed out of the portal bluffing, looked left and right, found that this was the territory of the Fire Demon King, and then timidly retreated, but when he turned his head, he saw Bu Laike smoking a cigarette.

At this moment, the ugly little ghost actually cried out loudly.

It nimbly jumped down from behind its demon dog, and a sharp slide slipped in front of Bo Laike. It whimpered and hugged the pirate's trouser legs tightly, screaming in a miserable and aggrieved tone:

"Ah, my evil master, we thought you abandoned us after you became powerful, but we are loyal to you."

"Get up and talk, don't smear your snot on my clothes, watch out I'll slap you!"

Bu Laike scolded, and the fel imp under his feet immediately stood up.

That's right, this is the demon that Bu Laike first contracted with, the little ghost Daglop who called himself "The Most Evil One". Gemini's demon portal was not opened casually.

They guessed Laike's plan, so they helped Laike open the portal to the demon world where his demon servants lived.

The pirates wanted to take this opportunity to recruit their demon servants together again.

Now that Bu Laike is well-developed, these demons who have sacrificed their lives for pirates will naturally "go to heaven". No way, who made him always be so generous to "his own people"?

"What's the matter with you?"

Bu Laike kicked the crying fel kid, and said in a vicious voice:

"Look at your weakness, are you still a demon? Tell me! What's going on? How can you be so wronged?"


Hearing Bo Laike's initiative to ask, the cunning kid cried even louder.

It knelt on the ground and said miserably:

"You don't know what kind of life our loyal servants who obey you live in the Twisting Nether after your breath disappears. Damn Kil'jaeden and Archimonde dare not face you, so they put their evil The fire is on us.

Clin Fran and I are visited by all kinds of demons every day. It’s okay. It’s an angry guard who likes to fight. It’s not afraid of challenges.

But what can I, a feeble brat, do?

My clan has been robbed, my treasures have been stolen by those damned vile Wormwhisperers, and there's no justice for me.

Glazer was poked blind by the Destroyer Witch, and was already weak to the point of death. If it hadn't been for your servant, Mistress Shahras, who secretly rescued it, it would have become a victim of the malice unleashed on you.

But Mistress Shahraz did not dare to return to the Twisting Void, so she could only hide in Dellano's dark temple, relying on the protection of the Illidari to survive safely.

The taciturn Zuramat was captured by a group of eredar wizards, tortured and fled back into the void, never to be contacted with us again.

Wuwuwu, evil master, you must avenge us! "


Rao is that Bu Laike is a stinky pirate with no lower limit. After hearing those demons bullying his dog legs like this, he also had a kind of evil fire in his heart.

These demons really can't afford to play, didn't they just slap them in the face several times, is it worth not to talk about martial arts like this?

No harm to the family.

Bah, don't you understand the reason why it's not as good as the dog legs?

There are no rules at all!

"Call my servants!"

Bu Laike stood up and shouted with a gloomy face. Seeing that the pirates were really angry, the Eredar twins didn't dare to be weird anymore, and hurriedly started to work.

Soon, the demonic servants belonging to Bu Laike were all summoned to the Firelands.

Just like Daglop the kid whimpered, the servants of Bu Laike were obviously living a miserable life. The kid was lucky, and there was nothing serious except for a few scars on his body.

But other demons were not so lucky.

Braike's angry guard, Crazy Clinfran is missing a hand, and his tail is incomplete as if bitten by a wild beast, but this guy is tougher, and he still tries to straighten his obviously misplaced waist when he sees Braike pole.

Glazer, the big-eyed demon, was even more miserable.

As the kid said, all seven of its eyes were poisoned and blinded. For a beholder who relies on its eyeballs for everything, this kind of injury is basically equivalent to the end of its career.

Moreover, the eyes are the main organ of the beholders. The blindness of the eyes makes the beholders very weak. It is like a mass of rotten meat that is dying. It was carried out on a stretcher by several frenzied priests led by Madam Shahraz. of.

Matron Shahraz is the best of all demons.

The cunning she cut off all ties with the Twisting Nether decisively after losing her contract with Braike, and has been hiding in the Dark Temple to be the grandson of the Illidari demon hunters. This difficult time.

Most miserable of all is Zuramat, the taciturn ethereal lord.

This guy is considered a creation of the void, and the abuse it suffered in the hands of a group of demon wizards can be imagined. It would have whimpered and said a few words, but now it is like a dumb, shrinking into a ball of dark elements. get in a word.

Just like being stupid.

However, considering that Laike is already the Old God, Zuramat's situation is the best to heal.

The pirate put his hand on the cotton candy-like body of the "fat blue man" whose temperament had changed drastically after being abused, and bestowed his void power on it.

Bu Laike did this work with anger, until Zuramat's rank could not bear any more infusions of void power.

After the dark purple void power dissipated, what appeared in front of the demons was no longer the ethereal lord Lan Fatty, but an energy distortion with both deep void and thick evil energy.

Behind its swaying ghost claw arms, even the dark wings of light unique to high-level void creatures appeared.

This means that it has been blessed by a higher-ranking void boss.

Amidst the low and chaotic roar of the newly born Void Aberration Zuramat venting his anger, Braike walked up to the dying Glazer. The Void powers of the Tongue Demon help it reshape its body.

This demon body is no longer usable.

But it doesn't matter, the power of the void is best at transforming the field of flesh and blood.

Shaped by the darkness of Bu Laike's eyes, the beholder's tattered body was reshaped in a brutal way, and re-distorted into a larger mass of flesh and blood with more floating tentacles and ferocious spikes.

The most important eyes for beholders have also been re-given.

Eyeballs, the symbols of the void in the mystical realm, Laike generously endowed his suffering servants with more eyes, darker, more evil, and more terrifying.

He not only restored Glazer's original seven magic eyes, but also added a terrifying mind eye to each of its tentacles.

The Demon of Thousand Tongues can be "blessed".

Bo Laike is now generously blessing his servants.

He bestowed upon them his mighty power without reservation, and even the weakest imp and his felhound were blessed by the power of the void, allowing them to master the power of Twilight spells.

The flame of truth burns within them, billowing like rage.

Bo Laike looked at his servants, and he saw the evil will called revenge in the eyes of these guys, which made him very satisfied.

He picked up his pipe and, surrounded by a group of demon servants, pointed at Saffron Fortress, and said loudly:

"I don't care about the humiliation they bring to you! You are all mature demons, and after you are bullied, you have to learn to get back on your own.

But I will give you the opportunity and the power you desire.


This is one of the inherent abilities of demons, and now the primordial fire of a world is in front of your eyes, like a treasure house of power open to you.

Before I take you back to the Twisting Nether to complete your vengeance of humiliation, you can draw power from this treasury to your heart's content.

But only once.

Go ahead and unleash your restless wrath on these Balrog bastards as a small appetizer before feasting on your vengeance.

I will give you a new name.

I will call you the 'Abyss Sect of the Demon of Thousand Tongues', I believe that you who have suffered humiliation will not let me down.


Go, kill them all! "

(end of this chapter)

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