Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1621 254. Let's Start The Banquet, It's All Burnt...--Jia Geng【19/25】

Chapter 1621 254. Let’s start the banquet, it’s all burnt——Jia Geng【1925】

"I will be back! All of you, Lie Yan will remember you."

In the ruins of the burning Saffron Tower, where the wind and rain were blowing all over the sky, the Lord of Fire, who was hammered by the three-element monarch who was able to fully unleash his combat power without any interference, finally shouted out that he was a qualified villain when he exited the field. standard lines.

With a bit of hatred, a bit of helplessness, and the portrayal of the deep-seated hatred and anger, this cry sounds like a hero's twilight.

But considering that Ragnaros has basically done nothing good, he has been a proper "dark force" since his birth, and he also single-handedly directed racial tragedies such as the fall of the Buffalo and the fall of the Dark Iron Dwarves, So this scene looks more like "justice execution" to Braike.

And at the moment when the Fire Demon King exited the field, this black and evil bastard obviously didn't intend to leave so obediently, so when he knew that he was about to fail, he took a deep breath and inflated his flaming body like a balloon Open, absorbing most of the burning fire from the Fire Source Realm into his body almost in one breath.

This is going to explode!

But the pirate didn't care, because the stone mother who was best at defense was on his side.

At the moment when Ragnaros detonated the flames, the Stone Mother waved her hands to shape the earth, and shaped the high-temperature obsidian left after the magma ebbed into a five-fold raised city wall and mountain, and the tide hunters and wind chasers also retreated in time.

"Curse you!!!"

The deep roar was accompanied by the eruption of flames, completely leveling the last remaining buildings of the entire Saffron Spire.

At this moment, the sky of the Fire Realm lit up with a dazzling light like a sun erupting. Except for a few people including Laike and the Elemental Lord, the dwarves and heroic spirits had to cover their eyes.

But the stone mother's defense is indeed reliable.

Four of the five high walls were broken, and the last one was also full of cracks, which quickly collapsed into debris on the ground in the aftermath of the explosion.

Good guy.

Co-author, you accurately calculated the power without spending a little more effort, right? Aren't you afraid that the Fire Demon King will explode and drag you and me into the final funeral fire?

Your stone body is not afraid of flames, but I, a mortal of flesh and blood, can't uh, well, with the current body strength of the smelly pirates, I'm actually not very afraid of the invasion of this elemental fire.

Forget it.

never mind.

It can only be said that he is the most stable one among all the elemental monarchs. He is so calm in the face of such a suicide attack.

"cough cough"

Bu Laike waved his hand, blowing away the hot smoke and dust in front of him.

He looked at the completely razed ruins in front of him. In the hall that was originally full of flames, there was only a huge magma pool suspended in the center of the floating island.

Just like the entrance of a volcano, those high-temperature magmas surround and gather into whirlpools.

The huge golden spiked war hammer of the Fire Demon King was thrust obliquely into the magma like an unowned object, and the contact with the high temperature object made the elemental war hammer continuously dance with sparks.

This thing was forged by the Fire Demon King with Saffron Iron and Primordial Fire. Although it is not an elemental artifact, it is almost the same as the holy blade held by the wind elementals.

It can be regarded as a magical weapon that can be born in Azeroth.

It's a pity that Braike can't use this heavy and destructive weapon. When the time comes, Ignis, the furnace master, can take it back and modify it. Maybe it will be another weapon that can be used for "just cause" .

If the idiot Fenner is here, she will definitely collect it with a yell. Alas, the idiot Fenner has missed several battles in succession after she fell asleep. Her temper will definitely make a big fuss when she wakes up, which is really a headache. .

Fortunately, I prepared a gift in advance.

The pirate thought so, and he looked towards his eyes. In the center of the huge magma vortex in front of him was a mass of primordial fire suspended above the magma.

It burns very quietly.

Without any firewood, it will continue to emit light and heat. It seems to represent the fire of life in Azeroth, and every beat is the same as the heartbeat of this world.

The purest fire of Sulfras was temporarily released with the defeat and sleep of the Firelord.

It has become ownerless.

At least until Ragnaros wakes from his long slumber, it can be used by others.

However, in the original fire, there is still the same thing as the Eye of Savras that dropped after killing the phantom of the King of Fire. The core shaped by the elemental crystal is more like a round flame gem.

The will of the Fire Demon King sleeps in it. It looks fragile, but it is actually very difficult to be shattered. After all, it is the elemental monarch that appeared when the world was born, and its existence represents a part of the world's law.

As long as Azeroth maintains overall stability, the core of the Firelord will not be destroyed. Of course, this thing can also be regarded as the priesthood of "flame" and "burning".

But Ragnaros is only asleep and not dead, so no one can take away the power in this core.


The tide hunter put away the abyss trident with a slight melting mark on the top of the war halberd in a handsome gesture, and made a "please" gesture to Bu Laike. Neptulon stared at the pirate and said:

"It is time for you to perform, my dear Laike, we have defeated this source of chaos and you have assured us that you have the means to destroy it for good.

I'm not urging you.

But I'm really looking forward to seeing the only troublesome Firelord left. "

"I have been tortured by this evil fire for millions of years, and I am also looking forward to the final arrival of revenge."

Sunderland, who was suspended in the air and held the Holy Blade of the Windchaser, also revealed his heart at this moment. The monarch of the wind element looked at the completely destroyed Saffron Spire, and his storm-like voice was full of nostalgia for suffering .

it says:

"Imprisoned, divided, those chaotic days and nights, it was the heart of revenge that supported me to persevere. These heavy pains and tortures should have a complete end.

I have to say goodbye to the past, and I am honored to be able to complete this moment of letting go by your hand.

Mr. Bu Laike.

Please satisfy my craving. "

The pirate shrugged. He glanced at the stone mother with his hands in his pockets, waiting for the stone mother to say some words of hatred, but the stone mother did not. She just said with a little sadness:

"I lost a brother this day, and even though he was full of hatred and desire for destruction, he was born with me. There is nothing to be happy about.

Just like the day when Al'Akir fell, I felt relieved and sad at the same time.

Get this over with, Boo Laike.

All I want now is to take my girls back to my warm and cozy home and savor the precious memories of the past. "

"Just talk nonsense."

Bu Laike complained in a low voice:

"Don't think I don't know how much you and your daughters laughed when Al'Akir died.

Getting rid of these troublesome bros will make your life more comfortable and from that point on you have every reason to be glad there's no one else here and you don't have to hide your truth in order to maintain your staid and tender persona idea.

At least show a smile and send it away with a smile, okay? "

"I see that you really deserve a beating, pirate!"

The stone mother who had her mind pierced was not happy.

She was suspended in the air, shaking her body to gather the stripping rocks into a thorn storm, and drove Laike up and down like a monkey into Ragnaros' burial ground.

"Well, I like this!"

Bo Laike landed on the edge of the magma pool. He squatted down and removed the Firelord's visor from the solidified high-temperature obsidian. It was the devil-like black mask forged from Saffron iron.

Considering that elemental creatures have no bones, this thing can be rounded up as the skull of the Lord of Fire.

The pirate blew a whistle, rinsed the high-temperature collection several times with the clean water of the Tidal Stone, held it in front of his eyes for inspection, finally nodded with satisfaction, and put it back in his luggage.

Since the birth of Ragnaros, this thing has always existed as the battle helmet of the Firelord until now, and the contamination of countless years of elemental power has made it a rare magic wonder.

But in the eyes of pirates, this is a skull collection!

To put it bluntly, this thing can only be placed in the skull collection cabinet of the Nagfar!

No one can wear it out to fight!

After getting his favorite collection, the pirate was in a better mood, and soon he found something even better, the Horn of Balrog, which was interrupted by the elemental lords in the battle.

This thing looks like a burning torch, but it is not hot in the hand. As the flame dissipates, it reveals a strange black material like rock and iron. The pirate looked around while holding it in his hand, and felt that This thing can be carved into a very nice pipe by a pandaren craftsman.

This made him feel even happier.

He held the severed horn in his bosom, rubbed his hands together, and stretched out his hand towards the burning Savras fire. Even with the current strength of the pirates, he did not dare to touch this primordial fire to avoid being burned or burned to death.

This thing belongs to the wonders of the world.

It should have its own will or inclination, but no matter from which point of view, Bo Laike does not think that the primordial fire would like a void demigod.

"Come here! Come here!"

The pirate hooked his fingers beside the flames, and the elemental core of the Firelord was pulled by a traction force and soon fell out of the protection of the fire of Savras, and was precisely held in his hand by Laike.

"Hiss! It's hot!"

Bu Laike did not wear the Luna armor, but he caught the core of the elemental monarch with his bare hands. It was like holding a ball of magma for a moment, and the sourness was self-evident.

His fingers were burnt and bald.

This was probably the last vestige of the Balrog's hatred on Bo Laike.

Even if it is dead, it will bite the stinking pirate hard, and at worst, it will scald him hard. This is the obsession of the king of fire.

But unfortunately, this may really be its last counterattack.

The pirate clasped the scorching core with his left hand, and closed his five fingers shining with void light spots. Under his gaze as if testing a knife, the Truth Hunter's Truth Sacrifice just obtained was activated.

In the cold wind, the pirate's eyes turned purple, and he regarded the core of Ragnaros as the chosen one, and sacrificed its existence to the lightless sea along with its wisdom and knowledge.

The lightless sea reflected in his eyes was surging with faint waves, mixed with the desperate roar of the Fire Demon King.

It was viciously cursing Laike's death, but the pirate pretended not to see it, watching as its will was drowned by a wave in the dark, lightless sea.

Then came the Void Lord's slightly dissatisfied hum, which made Laike feel that the other party seemed not very satisfied with the truth and wisdom possessed by this "sacrifice".


Shouldn't the level be deducted?

This Fire Demon King is not a fool or a fool, he is very cunning! Even if such a cunning thing is squeezed on a stone mill for a few rounds, it can squeeze out a little bit of wisdom, right?

But think of your own level of truth hunter is still level 0, where can you go if you buckle it again?

Bu Laike, who is not afraid of boiling water, suddenly calmed down again.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Void over there is not particularly harsh, or the Fire Demon King, as the pirates said, is not very smart but still has some wisdom.

At least people have the knowledge of burning, which can be regarded as a kind of magic truth.

So after a few seconds, a negligibly weak force of non-attributed force was thrown back to Laike. It cannot be said that there was no force, but the pirate didn't feel it carefully, and basically couldn't feel his own reward.

"Hey, this Ragnaros is inferior, just a little bit better than a fool."

Bu Laike curled his lips, and threw the cooled Firelord's core up and down. Ragnaros died, but its priesthood and power remained.

What the Force of the Void needs is only wisdom and truth, and it has no interest in power.

Bu Laike stared at the elemental core in his hand, this thing is of reddish quality, its description is very simple:

Item name: Jewel of the Firelord

Use: Unlock the mythical profession [Lord of Fire].

Item description:

The fire is about to burn, and the king's shadow is not seen in the lonely place.


Laike whistled. He glanced back at the elemental monarchs behind him and waved the jewels in their hands. The three of them showed relaxed smiles, followed by the cheers of the three major elemental legions and the mournful cries of the fire elemental creatures. .

The Firelord is dead, and the Burning Age is over.

But the solution to the troubles of the elements does not mean the end of all problems.

Soon, during the wobbly landing of Thor's Throne, Little Xingxing rushed to Bu Laike anxiously holding Hisalie Crow, whose body was mostly on fire.

Needless to say about the kind blue dragon, the state of Miss Crow burning like a firewood in her arms already represents everything.

"I know"

Bu Laike stretched out his hand to stop Little Xingxing's call for help. He reached out and brushed Hisalie's burning long hair in Little Xingxing's arms, revealing Miss Black Crow's scorched face.

She closed her eyes and was in great pain.

The fire of Savras inside her was out of control, struggling to return to its source.

"I hurt her once, you know that?"

Bu Laike stared at Hisalley, and put the incomparably precious Firelord's core orb in his hand on the chest of the black crow, which was not so tall. He said to Little Xingxing:

"I've always wanted to apologize to her, even though I thought it was a nasty joke, I know I'm a terrible person in every way, but she chose to forgive me.

I used to feed her worms all the time

That stuff must taste terrible, but today I'm giving her something good to show that I'm not actually teasing her because I hate her.

I'm just a bad kid with no friends trying to make friends with a nice kid, that's all. "


The jewel of the Fire Demon King was shattered in the hands of the pirate, and he pressed the ball of red light into Miss Black Crow's body, and the dancing flames suddenly became more intense, covering the entire body of Black Crow and almost burning the little star. .

But this time the flame no longer burned her body, but healed in the flames.

The irascible Flame of Savras seemed to become docile.

"And it!"

Little Xingxing looked at this scene in amazement. Of course she hadn't forgotten the business. She grabbed the pirate's hand and pointed at the old crow Anzu, who was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, hanging under the Throne of Thor.

The latter was almost breathless.

But it still held Rukhmar's remains firmly in its claws.

"Oh, I almost forgot about it, my dearest infatuated cannon fodder."

Bu Laike appeared next to old Ansu in a flash, and he was immediately attracted by the delicious aroma emanating from Ansu.

"It's all burnt, it's hopeless, it smells so good."

The pirate rubbed his stomach, said something in a low voice, and then, under the dumbfounded gaze of Little Xingxing, he tore off a piece of meat from the scorched body of Ansu, and sniffed it under his nostril.

Then it flew up and kicked Anzu and the remains in its claws into the magma pool in front of him, and was completely engulfed by the bursting Savras fire the next moment.

"Rukmar my Rukhmar."

The dying old Ansu could no longer struggle.

It can only feel that it seems to have fallen into a warm place, and in the last will, it feels the bone in its claws beating.

It seems that the will of the flames felt the warmth of the flames, and she was singing to usher in a new life.

This made old Ansu extremely relieved.

"Spirit of the sun, fly, and spread your wings proudly in this beautiful world."

It struggled to show a smile, then let go of its claws, allowing the remains to be wrapped in the flames of Sufras, but it couldn't hold on anymore, its head tilted and dissipated in the raging flames.

(end of this chapter)

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