Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1623 256. Ha, Let Others Be Slaughtered, This Is The Fate Of The Defeated--Jiagen【21/25】

Chapter 1623 256. Ha, let others be slaughtered, this is the fate of the defeated - Jiageng [2125]

"This land needs to be divided and dismantled, without a doubt!"

At the edge of the ruined magma pool of Saffron Fortress, apart from the stone mother who was still reminiscing about the aftertaste of the demigod love she just witnessed, the tide hunter and the wind chaser had already begun to discuss the issue of dealing with the realm of fire.

The Tidehunter was proud of a victor. He leaned on the Trident of the Abyss and stretched out his hand to draw a circle on the border of the Molten Wilderness in front of him. It said:

"Ragnaros' desperate counterattack has caused part of this pure elemental land to be polluted by the void breath of the Lightless Sea. They must be separated from this burning land, otherwise they will continue to pollute the elemental land of this land. force.

If left unattended, the entire Fire Source Realm will suffer greatly from it. "

"That's right."

The Wind Chaser was suspended in mid-air, and it looked down at the ground where there were not many flames burning. After a few seconds, it said in a precise tone:

"The entire Molten Wilderness needs to be separated from the main body of the Land of Fire. The Flame Hills and the Ancient Flame Mountains remain pure, but the Titan Guardians need to collect materials from there.

Perhaps from now on, the entire Land of Fire will be divided into three parts.

There will be three rulers of this land."

Sunderland said something in a whimpering tone, and the next moment, the tide hunter nodded in satisfaction.

Obviously, it is very satisfied with this suggestion of the wind chaser.

In order to ensure that the powerful fire source realm does not give birth to a second troublesome Balrog King, dividing and conquering this land and keeping them in a state of confrontation and division is the result that is most in line with the interests of the other three elements.

It's better to simply set up several flame lords to let them fight each other endlessly like the wall of the sky under the rule of Al'Akir the Wind Rider.

Worthy of being an elemental monarch from the Sky Wall, Sunderland's suggestion perfectly fits the strategy of weakening the Land of Fire, which also allows the Tidehunters to have a better understanding of the political wisdom of the Windchaser.

With such a wise guy in command, it seems that sooner or later the Sky Wall will be restored to its former glory, and I need to keep an eye on Sunderland.

"Then, Mother of Stone, you and your Rock Legion will be responsible for dismantling the Land of Fire?"

The Tidehunter and the Windchaser discussed for a few more minutes, and then turned around to ask the Mother of Stone. The usually steady Lord of the Earth clearly understood the two guys' thoughts, but she did not object.

Splitting the Land of Fire is also in the interests of Deep Rock Continent, and she has absolutely no reason to object.

"I want a piece!"

Bo Laike sat on the cooling obsidian. He didn't comment on the discussion of the elemental monarch, but after they determined the way to deal with it, the pirate immediately said:

"I don't want the two good ones either, I want the land of flames polluted by the void, which is very suitable for my servants as a long-term foothold.

I want to establish an abyss cult in this Molten Wilderness. You can understand it as a group of heretics who serve the 'Thousand Tongue Demon'.

I will even ask Lord Stonemother to use the Hammer of Kazgros to create a permanent isolated mountain range from the land of the abyss when I split up this land. I don't want any intersection between my site and the Lords of Flame .

Let’s solve the matter of your elements internally.

I, an ancient god, participated in it, and everyone must feel uncomfortable.

I care so much about my friends and my lords, I don't want this to affect our relationship. "


The tide hunter was the first to agree, and it took the initiative to say:

"Do you want me to shape the waves around the kingdom for your territory?"

"I can make a sky-covering storm barrier for that little abyss, to protect your servants from brutal or elemental attacks."

The Windchaser also offered to help.

Obviously these two guys really don't want Bu Laike's influence to continue to expand in the Land of Fire, but the Stonemother, who didn't speak, sensed something was wrong.

The calm elemental monarch glanced at the sunbird Rukhmar who was taking care of her lover behind her, and she said:

"The territory of Bu Laike has been divided. What about the ownership of the Fire Hill and the Flame Mountains? How should we choose the Lord of Fire to rule there?

Is it necessary to let Ragnaros' fire monsters, fire eagles and molten titans start a civil war? "

"Why not?"

The tide hunter grinned and said in a cold tone:

"Anyway, power is king has always been the tradition of the fire element. Isn't it normal to choose the most powerful guy to rule their respective territories? This will also allow the fire elementals to transfer their hatred of us to the pursuit of Wang Quan .

It's good for everyone. "

"The four elements must maintain balance, Neptulon!"

The mother of stone said dissatisfied:

"Your vicious method will cause the power of the fire element to fall into chaos. This is only a short-term benefit for us, and you are also planting the root of disaster. I hate this kind of short-sighted plan that gives up long-term stability for short-term benefits!"

"Well, I also think Mother Shi is right."

Sunderland shakes the body like thunder cotton candy, it says:

"The wall of the sky has suffered from it. From the experience of our wind elements, this kind of continuous infighting will not make the elemental power prosper, but will only keep it withering.

I don't want to see the second Ragnaros born, but I also don't want to see the light of the flame go out in this world. The elemental territory is closely related to the world itself. Once the flame goes out, Azeroth will also fall into terrible turmoil .

But the fate of the elemental territory is bound to the world civilization, and their weakness represents the weakness of us as a whole. Your Majesty the Tidehunter, this is indeed not in the interests of the elements. "

"Then what do you say?"

Seeing the alliance between the Stone Mother and the Windchaser, the narrow-minded Neptulon was a little unhappy. It swung its trident boredly, calling for flowing water to extinguish the surrounding flames, and took pleasure in it.

It says to the other two elemental monarchs:

"We have killed all the servants of the Flame Lord, and the remaining second-rate elemental commanders are not strong enough. Even if you put them on the throne, they will not be able to sit on the throne of the Flame Lord.

This will also lead to war.


The Tidehunter glanced at the Sunbird in Savras' Fire, and it gave Laike a meaningful look, and for a moment it met the pirate's eyes, and the two brooding guys smiled at each other.

The tide hunter coughed a few times and said:

"Unless there are two legitimate beings who were born in the primordial fire like Ragnaros, legally have the right to inherit the land of the fire source, and can firmly suppress the flame creature riot."

"Oh, don't you think it's a coincidence?"

Under the deliberate foreshadowing of the tide hunter, the pirate clapped his hands and laughed, saying:

"I happen to have two such lives in my hands."

He waved his hand behind him, pointed to Rukhmar and said:

"Although the Sun Bird comes from Dellano, it was revived in the realm of fire, which is equivalent to her rebirth from the original fire, and is a truly pure flame creature.

And not only is she strong enough, she also has a loyal and cunning old licking dog Ansu escorting her.

It is very appropriate for her to be the lord of the ancient flame mountains and the fire eagles.

And her recovery was also helped by the three elemental monarchs. She owes us all a big favor, and you can maintain a stable relationship with her.

The most important thing is that Rukhmar was once the main god of the Dellano Tongtian peak arakka civilization. She has rich experience in ruling, and the Tongtian peak empire thrived under her protection.

She proved that she has the kingly temperament to lead the rise of the fire element. "


Although the Stone Mother had guessed Laike's plan before, she was a little hesitant when the pirates actually made this suggestion. It seemed a bit out of order to let an outside demigod be the elemental lord or something.

However, seeing that Rukhmana is not exactly the same as the fire eagle in the land of flames, it can only be said that it has a gorgeous appearance carved out of a mold. Let her be the lord of the fire eagles. I guess those flame raptors shaped by Ragnaros are estimated. Nor will I object.

We are all birds anyway.

It is much more appropriate to let a beautiful foreign bird be the leader than let the nondescript fire element rule the flock of birds.

Plus Rukhmar is an "alien monk".

She doesn't know anything about the Fireland and Azeroth's rules, and it may take many years to coordinate and control her own territory, so the elemental monarchs don't have to worry about her power suddenly expanding.

After a few minutes of silence, Bo Laike gave the Tidehunter a wink, and Neptulon nodded slightly, and was the first to speak:

"I support Bu Laike's suggestion, and I think Rukhmar the Sun Spirit is the lord of the Flaming Mountains."

"I have no opinion."

Sunderland the Windchaser controls the storm and the sky, and this authority happens to overlap with Rukhmar's sky domain, which means that Rukhmar and the Sky Wall have common interests.

The two sides can cooperate to a limited extent, so the Wind Chaser quickly expressed his approval.

Mother Shi didn't speak, it was a tacit agreement.

But then Bu Laike's proposal broke the defenses of the elemental monarchs. After he successfully nominated Rukhmar as the Fire Lord, he pointed to the still unconscious Hisalie Crow and said:

"Then, why not let the headmaster of the Flame Druid be the lord over the Flame Hill?"

"Are you joking!"

The tide hunter who was wearing a pair of pants with Bu Laike just now couldn't hold back anymore, it scolded:

"Forget about Rukhmar, she is an elemental creature, but your little lover is a flesh and blood life! She is also an elf! Although she controls the way of flames, she does not belong to our elemental domain at all.

You are equivalent to hiring a Kobold to be the chief of the Mammoth! "

"Your majesty, your wonderful and peculiar metaphor really astonished me."

Bu Laike squinted and said:

"Thisalie Crow has a part of the authority of Sufras' fire! That's the power she snatched from Ragnaros.

Moreover, she was transformed into a half-elemental life as early as in the flame rebirth ceremony, and she can be considered as a person in your elemental world when rounded.

Why can't you be the Lord of Flame?

And the Crow has deep ties to the Cenarion Circle.

She is also a believer in life while walking in flames, not to mention that she is in charge of the hill of flames, you don't have to worry about the least element of peace.

Perhaps the Hill of Flames will become a famous "neutral area" in the elemental world in the future. Believe me, with the way of thinking of druids, they can definitely do such a thing.

There must always be a channel for communication between the four elemental worlds. Wars in the new era cannot be fought undeclared. When you have frictions, you will realize how wonderful my suggestion is.

Majesty Shimu, what do you think? "

The pirate turned his head to look at Shimu, his eyes were full of meaning, but Shimu didn't say anything, she was trying to strengthen her mind and reject the vicious and very tempting proposal of the pirate.

To be honest, having Thisalie Crow as the second Lord of Fire really means a lot to Deepholm.

The second daughter of the Stone Mother is the daughter-in-law of Cenarius, the only spiritual leader of the Cenarion Council, which means that Deep Rock Continent and the Cenarion Council are "one of their own" in a sense.

At least compared to the other two elemental monarchs, druids will definitely look for the stone mother for help when encountering troubles.

In other words, if Hisaly Crow, who was born in the Cenarion Council, becomes the Lord of Flame, then the Mother of Stone will have the best channel to intervene in the development of the Realm of Fire.

But the Mother of Stone was well aware of the malevolent nature of Laike's proposal.

Once she expresses her attitude and agrees with Black Crow as Lord of Flames, it means that the order of the elemental world will no longer be pure.

The birth of the first elven flame lord was just the beginning, and perhaps there would be outrageous things like human flame lords and dwarf flame lords in the future.

The order of the elemental world should be controlled by the elements.

Just when the stone mother was hesitating, Bu Laike added another strong point, and he said in a long voice:

"You also know that Hisaly Crow and I have a complicated relationship. Just now, in order to save her from the burning of Sufras, I have used the secret method to combine the priesthood of the Lord of Fire and the mystery of the Lord of Fire. bestowed on her.

That is to say, when the black crow wakes up, she will become the Flame Queen who truly walks the path of elements. Whether you are willing to appoint her as the lord of the Flame Hill or not, she already possesses the essential priesthood of an elemental monarch .

If you don't agree, I can only give up the arrogant idea of ​​cultivating a Fire Lord.

But due to the priesthood that Black Crow has mastered, even if she doesn't want to, she will continue to draw power from the realm of fire.

At that time, the Flame Lord you supported will not be able to sit on the throne. In order to regain power, it will even launch a war with the Flame Druids and the Cenarion Council.

You will all be involved. "

The pirate shrugged and said:

"So why bother with it?

I know that you are worried that I will use this to meddle in the order of the elemental kingdom, but with my good relationship with you, it is obviously more profitable for me to maintain the existing order.

I am not a lunatic, why should I challenge your majesty?

And I don't think we should look too far away from the problem now. After all, you all know that the devil is coming, whether you can survive this wave is another matter.

The Guardians of the Titans maintain peace with the elemental realms on the premise that they hope to see the elementals join in the war against the demons when the world is invaded.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to restore the strength of the most capable fire elements.

As for the subsequent order, let's talk about it later.

From what I see, the fusion of druids and fire elementals is bound to bring new avenues of power, which is not bad for the elemental and material worlds.

In fact, hasn't Deep Rock Continent already tried to integrate the earth element and the way of life? "

The pirate pointed to Hamuul Runetotem. He glanced at the Mother of Stone. The Queen of Deep Rock Continent seemed to be convinced. After a few seconds, she nodded and said:

"I agree with Bu Laike's proposal, Hisalle Crow can become a peaceful Lord of Fire, what do you two think?"

"The rest of the Savras Fire will be kept by the three of us!"

Seeing that there was nothing left to do, the Tidehunter glanced at Laike and demanded:

"When things are really critical, the power of this primordial fire can be shared, but in order to avoid the emergence of a second brutal Ragnaros, the primordial fire must be properly preserved before peace is completely achieved in the land of fire!"

"I agree!"

The Wind Chaser leaned on the Holy Blade and nodded, and the Stone Mother also nodded.

Bu Laike has no opinion.

Whether it is Rukhmar or Thisalie Crow, their strength is far from enough to control more primordial fire. Instead of letting this crap be missed by ambitious people, it is better to hand it over to the three-element monarch for preservation.

There are many people in this world who can defeat one elemental monarch, but those who can handle three at the same time are rare.

"That's it!"

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"Based on the Saffron Fortress, the holy hall of flames was created to preserve the power of the original fire. When the real flame king appears in the next era, the three will evaluate her potential and prestige.

The matter between your elements, you decide for yourself, I will not interfere again.

Of course, I will be very disappointed if I don't see the three figures on the battlefield against demons. So, let's just say that? "

(end of this chapter)

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