Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1625 258. Well, It's Not Really A Loss--【23/25】

Chapter 1625 258. Well, it’s not really a loss——【2325】

Although he was let go, Bu Laike didn't leave immediately.

He walked around on the Flame Hill full of obsidian pillars, looking at the extraordinary scenery here.

A few flame druids in front of them are cleaning up the burning spider webs hanging between the stone pillars and torn due to the battle. These strange burning spider silks are very good materials for making, and they will definitely be able to be used in the hands of master tailors. Makes a really great outfit.

Not far away, there were several dwarf hunters groaning and peeling around the previously killed flame spider nest mother.

Those dwarves obviously planned to peel off the strange leather of this beast born in flames, and then ask people to make it into fireproof armor, but the amount of leather they can carry is always limited. Facing the huge flames like the palace, The corpse of the spider nest mother, several dwarves worked so hard that they only peeled off less than one-tenth of the spoils.

The remaining ones are naturally cheaper than the stinky pirates who wandered here.

He didn't do it himself, but whistled and summoned his demon servants to help. Not only did these guys satisfy their desire for massacre in the fire source, but they were also in the magma formed by the fire of Sufras. The pool "soaked in the bath".

Of course, this is the "quenching and strengthening" completed with the assistance of Rukhmar, otherwise, with their small bodies, they would be melted if they jumped in.

After being strengthened by the magma pool in the land of flames, it is difficult to say whether the fighting power of these demons infused with the power of the void is strong or weak, but each one of them looks really mighty.

Thanks to the "new life" given by the fire of Savras, the severed demon arm of the largest "slayer" Clinfran has been complemented by elemental fire, or it should be given a new name. "Clinfran Firehand".

Not only was this guy's powerful body strengthened by flames, but the skin of the devil's body was cracked with scorched marks, and the light of burning flames shone out from inside, full of a strange beauty of "on the verge of breaking".

The armor on it was also burning, making the angry guard who walked over proudly look more and more signs of evolving into a fel lord.

It held a huge chopping ax dotted with magma in its hand, as if holding a torch made of obsidian. It left scorching footprints as it walked, and it also sprayed flames from its nostrils when it breathed. Very domineering.

Of course it's also very angry.

It ran over in a hurry, and wanted to say something obscene to its master like the eloquent little ghost Daglop, but it was too stupid to think about it, so it just stopped talking.

Seeing its distressed look, Laike immediately sneered at the poor brain of this guy who has not absorbed the wisdom of the flames. He pointed to the burning body of the flame nest mother in front of him, and gestured to the angry guard.

The latter immediately stepped forward with a lava tomahawk on his shoulder, cutting up the huge corpse to collect valuable spoils for his master.

"Oh, you are now officially separated from the establishment of the Burning Legion. I still expect you to shoulder responsibilities in the land of the abyss. The people who come and go there will be very messy."

Bo Laike sat on a collapsed obsidian stone pillar, playing with the horn of the Lord of Fire in his hand, and said to Clin Fran in a long voice:

"You also need to learn a little common sense in dealing with people. You are really good at fighting, but what's the use of fighting alone? If you want to be in a high position, you have to have your own means.

I taught you by precept and deed before, but you didn't learn anything.

An angry guard like you does things with no brains, and has been a frontrunner all his life.

no future. "


The angry guard, who was doing hard work and cutting up the body of the nest mother, responded in a low voice, but judging from its appearance, it was clear that this guy must have gone in his left ear and out of his right ear again.

It's not that demons like it are unwilling to learn, it's just that the evolutionary direction of their brains and muscles prevents them from learning any valuable wisdom at all.

For the demon guards who started from the rank-and-file leaders of the Burning Legion and wanted to realize their self-worth in constant wars, wisdom is really quite redundant, and it will also affect the efficiency of their berserk slashing and killing.

Bo Laike is also well aware of this, he doesn't really want Clin Fran to learn something.

To be honest, my demon guard is already much smarter than other demon guards, and it also knows to disguise itself and keep a low profile when it is in trouble.

Pirates can't ask for more, after all, racial talents have always been like this.

He was simply idle and had nothing to do, so he was just chatting with his demon servants.

However, he obviously chose a not-so-good chat partner. The Demon Guard is a chat player who can't make a fart with three sticks, and he talks a little more than the non-speaking Void Walker.

If you really want to talk, why don't you find the coquettish Shahras or the fel kid with a crazy idea.

To put it simply, Laike is passing the time, waiting for "important people" in the era after the Land of Fire to come and find him.

He sat on the collapsed stone pillar, watched with great interest as Clinfran cut up the corpse to collect materials, and glanced at the flame spiders running around under the obsidian pillars.

These beasts shaped by the Fire Demon King in the flames are not much different from ordinary big spiders in shape, but they all have the ability to manipulate flames, and because they are strange elemental creatures, the eyes of these spiders, The mouthparts and spider legs are wrapped with flames, and because of their different flame attributes, they also have various colors.

The appearance is very high.

In particular, the supposedly bloated abdomen is strangely translucent due to the blessing of the flames, just like a special rock crystal, giving these ferocious magic spiders a very beautiful appearance.

Feeling the call of beasts released by Bu Laike as the Beastmaster, the flame spiders who were full of fear also boldly crawled out of their hiding lairs.

They no longer had the ferocious stance of attacking the dwarves before, which would be timidly surrounding Bo Laike.

The pirates also specially counted the spiders, and the spiders in this group were all red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. At first glance, they were colorful, and they would definitely please those female hunters.

Braike rubbed his chin and thought about it. He decided to open a permanent hunter's lodge for the hidden passage on the Flame Hill controlled by the druids. A genius like Rexxar would definitely be very interested in this place. .

So the pirates chose seven of the most beautiful ones to keep. They didn't have their own contracts, but planned to hand them over to Hisalley Crow to bring them back to the material world, and then send them to the sharpshooter camp as gifts.

In this way, his flame hunter hut can be opened, and every hunter who wants to come over will have to pay him one hundred gold coins, and add ten gold coins for each extra day of stay.

Of course, this won't make much money, but no matter how few mosquito legs are, it's still meat.

After finishing the "beauty pageant", the pirate glanced at the sky over the ruins of Saffron, and there were two eagles, one big and one small, flying towards them.

Braike grinned, and took advantage of this gap to find out the flame anima he had touched on the remains of Ragnaros before, because part of it was given to Hisalie Crow to activate the path of the Lord of Fire, the Lord of Fire His consciousness and existence were sacrificed to the Sunless Sea, so the heart energy in the hands of the pirates was much weaker than it was at first.

But its functions are still there, and it is already qualified as a "gem" for inlaying. Anyway, the current Bu Laike doesn't need these messy powers to interfere with his already clear path of power.

What he needs are all kinds of fancy special effects attached to these top-level anima, such as this one in the hands of pirates:

Name: Burning Power

Quality: Legendary [Elemental Crown]

Anima effect:

1. King of Fire Demon:

The Heart of Fire from Ragnaros grants the user the power to manipulate fire.

When holding this heart energy, the user will continue to accumulate [heat energy] as the battle time lengthens. When the heat energy in the body reaches 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% respectively, the user will get different combat abilities. strengthen.

The strengthening effect is as follows:

25% Thermal Enhancement:

All attacks of the user have a chance to summon up to 8 minions of [Brave Fire Elemental] to join the battle, and they will use flame magic or melee to attack the user's enemies.

The current upper limit of summoned servant strength: legendary.

50% Thermal Enhancement:

The user's charged attack will summon up to four [Scorching Flame Clouds] on the battlefield to continuously burn the sky of the battlefield and release [Meteorite Art] periodically, and this effect lasts until the end of the battle.

In this state, all fire elemental servants that exist and are about to be summoned will be strengthened, and their form will be promoted to 【Flame Ambassador】.

75% Thermal Enhancement:

The user's attack has a chance to open a portal to the Land of Fire on the battlefield, and randomly summon creatures in the Land of Fire and their lord to join the battle.

The call in this state is a temporary mandatory call, and all flame lords including [Rukmar the Lord of Flame] and [The Lord of Flame Thesaly Black Crow] cannot refuse the call.

In this state, all the flame ambassadors that exist and are about to be summoned are strengthened, and their form is promoted to [Flame Tyrant].

100% Thermal Enhancement:

The user will have the power to transform into [The Firelord Ragnaros], possess all the power and attack methods of the Firelord, and temporarily have the authority of the elemental monarch, and can designate a battlefield to force transformation It is the place of flames, causing continuous flame burn to all non-ally units.

In this state, all the flame tyrants that exist and are about to be summoned are strengthened, and their form is promoted to [Great Balrog].


The heat enhancement effect will be accumulated at the beginning of the battle. When suffering from various types of fire attacks, the heat energy absorption will be accelerated, and the heat energy superposition effect will be consumed when suffering from ice attacks.

Suffering from other types of magic attacks will not affect the heat accumulation speed.

The heat energy superposition speed in the current state of the user's power is: extremely fast.

2. The original Savras:

Possessing this Anima will give the user the highest level of burning resistance, and any attack of the user will be accompanied by a [ignite] effect based on 50% of the attack power.

The effect type is true damage.

When divine power is added, the [Ignite] effect will be converted into a different form of [Divinity·Ignite] effect, and cause different effects of burning or healing to the enemy.

Possessing the power of the Fire Demon King will give the user immunity to any attack containing the "fire" attribute, and the upper limit of the immunity is [Demigod].

When the user is attacked by flames and its mutant magic, it will absorb the heat in the attack to create a [thermal energy barrier] for the user. The user can use the barrier to absorb magic damage, or actively break the barrier effect to create a [flame shock wave] Effect.

The barrier will remain in place until the end of the battle.

Heart energy description:

Poor bugs! You foolishly sought the power of Savras, and now you will see it with your own eyes!

"Ah, if I knew you would give me such a wonderful thing, why would I keep you alive for so long?"

Laike looked at the gaudy anima in his hand with a little regret, and he slapped the scorching anima on the slot of Elune's endless arm armor, and couldn't help complaining:

"If I got this thing a year ago, I would definitely jump up on the spot with excitement, but now, I am just a little bit happy, but the special effects that can cosplay the Fire Demon King make me very happy.

Maybe I will find a way to prolong the battle in the future, and let me experience the feeling of fighting as the Lord of Fire, that must be very, very COOOOL! "

"Hey, what are you talking about hiding here alone?"

Just as the pirate was admiring his set of Moonlight Armor, which had been inserted with seven legendary Anima gems, and was only short of the last one to reach the full body, old Anzu's shrill and joyful voice came from the sky. Come.

The current old Ansu is no longer the "free-range chicken" in the past. Rukhmar, who loves him and loves him, spent a lot of energy to reshape Ansu's body in the fire of Savras, Coupled with the pure void infused by Bu Laike himself, this guy became a purple-black fire eagle that was very similar to Rukhmar, but his whole body was burning with void fire.

Much like the legendary fantasy creature Dark Phoenix, but much bigger.

It and its Rukhmar flew hand in hand, flew around the Flame Hill for several times before landing, and turned into a straight-waisted high-ranking arakkoa in the flames, wearing a black robe and wearing a wearing a strange crown.

Beside it, Rukhmar also transformed into an incomparably radiant high-ranking arakkoa queen in the raging flames, wearing gold and silver all over her body, looking extremely gorgeous.

This may be the human form that Rukhmar should have as the spirit of the sun. Although she has different races and different aesthetics, her human form is definitely not ugly, and her haughty temperament alone is enough to attract the attention of others.

"Bo Laike, even though you almost burned me by kicking me down the lava pool, you bastard ate my flesh."

Anzu moved the flexible head of the arakkoa, vicious but quickly calmed down, it said to Bo Laike sincerely:

"But I still want to thank you, my friend, I prayed to you to resurrect my love, and you not only fulfilled my prayer but also gave me a second life.

Your generosity has surpassed my imagination. "

"Don't rush to be moved, I just want to create two useful cannon fodder who will never leave."

Bu Laike squeezed his eyes and said in a drawn out voice:

"You know, the more you two love each other, the more powerful the other will be when one is in danger.

Considering the enemies I'm facing now, I really think the two of you work together to be the most powerful.

You are so moved now, this is because I sold you and you still need to count the money for me. "

"Whatever you say! I just want to thank you!"

"God of Thugs" Ansu snorted, he hugged his own Rukhma shamelessly in front of the pirates, snuggled into Rukhmar's arms fiercely, and sprinkled a handful of dog food .

Well, with the length of the arakkoa's mouth, they can't kiss, so snuggling up to the neck is a substitute for kissing.

As a result, before the stinky Ansu who sprinkled dog food could laugh, he was punched flying by the ashamed and angry Rukhmar. Obviously, this weak old Ansu was no match for his goddess.

Not in every way.

After chasing off the unruly Anzu, Rukhmar straightened her ornate sun robes, and she formally thanked Bo Laike in the Arakkoa language.

This is a very serious lady, as dignified as her noble temperament, like a born queen.

Braike nodded, and responded with encouragement in Arakkoa, and encouraged Rukhmar to reshape the arakkoa empire on Tongtian Peak in the Land of Fire. Of course, this time she and Ansu had to reshape the arakkoa race from the flames. up.

The two didn't know each other well, so after a short thank you and exchange, Rukhmar ran to hug Ansu who had been beaten by her and held her high.

This made Bo Laike sigh again.

Seeing that other people's two birds are in pairs, but I am alone, it is really miserable to die.

Bu Laike, who ate the flaming dog food, was very upset, and he got up to leave.

But in the next moment, another scorching wind blew up, wrapping the pirate up, and when he turned his head, Theasalie Crow, who had been going back and forth, appeared before his eyes again.

"What are you doing?"

The pirate asked angrily.

He was answered with an extremely passionate kiss, and after more than ten seconds, Crow panted and said in his ear:

"Nothing, I just thought about it, and suddenly felt that we don't need to develop slowly. After seeing Ansu and Rukhmar, I suddenly changed my mind.

Your damn pirate is so delicious, I'm not going to wait.

you are not.

Do you like feeding me bugs? "

"Hey, this sentence is considered sexual harassment!"

The pirate complained, then shook his head and said:

"And it's my first time to be an elemental creature. You have to give me some time to get used to it and find another place?"

(end of this chapter)

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