Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1632 265. Ping An Argus Reminds You, Don’T Forget To Bring A Good Weapon And Be Careful Of D

Chapter 1632 265. Ping An Argus reminds you, don’t forget to bring a good weapon and be careful of demons when enjoying the journey to hell

"Drip, the spaceship is about to arrive at the Argus star ring, all commanders are requested to go to the command bridge! Drop, the spaceship is about to arrive at the combat area, all combatants please immediately put on armor and weapons, and go to the teleportation cabin to assemble!


The communicator in the cabin was about to broadcast a reminder message for the third time, but it was burned by a mass of void fire thrown over in the next second, and the poor jewel-shaped communicator groaned overwhelmed like glass burned by high temperature , then shattered.

In this cabin full of wine bottles, Bo Laike rubbed his forehead and got up from his bunk. He didn't have a hangover headache, after all, he felt that he had almost drunk and stopped partying last night.

But why are you lying on the ground?

The pirate rubbed his eyes in surprise and glanced at the bed.

Good guy, there are four old gentlemen lying on a small bed in disorder.

They were Old Fording with a bruised and swollen face, Khadgar, an old mage covered in vomit, Maraad, the topless garrison commander with a wine bottle in his hand, and Lightbringer who was pressed down at the bottom. Uther.

This scene shocked the pupils of the pirates.

He could accept that he woke up in the room of a group of beautiful hoof girls. Although it was a terrible mistake, he didn't suffer after all.

But a group of men.

Hiss, I'm terrified when I think about it carefully.

The pirate snuck into the bathroom of the cabin with a whoosh, and he breathed a sigh of relief after carefully checking his lower body. It seemed that he just drank too much last night, and nothing "terrible" happened.

But then Laike found a faint remnant of void magic in the cabin. It seemed that he used some "evil" methods last night in order to get these three bottom line guys completely drunk.

No wonder they can drink like this bear

The pirate finished his personal cleaning with a sullen face, and walked out of the bathroom with his unfinished half bottle of wine.

He looked at the big men on the bed, rolled his eyes suddenly, took out his dwarf camera, and took some "precious" photos from various angles with a smirk.

Black history at hand!

In the future, there will be cards that can threaten these guys.

it's just awesome

But before Bu Laike could happily put away the camera, the door of the cabin opened in the next moment, and the rubbing little Xing Xing came over in pajamas with a big blue dragon doll in his arms. It seemed that he wanted to talk to Bu Laike. thing.

In the next second, Little Xingxing's eyes widened.

She saw four slutty old men entangled in disorder on Bu Laike's bed, and the stinky pirate next to him held the camera and lifted his trousers and showed a "afterglow" smile.

This evil scene suddenly impacted Xiao Xingxing's kind and pure heart, making her stare wide-eyed in place, and the blue dragon puppets in her arms fell to the ground.

"Captain Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan Chuan! You! What the hell are you!"

Little Xingxing covered her mouth with a horrified look on her face, then she looked at Bo Laike with a garbage look, and she whispered:

"I know that none of your lovers are by your side, but you can't be like this! There are so many girls on this bed, as long as you do a little trick, each of them is willing to have some beautiful stories with you, you How can this be!"

"Well, I think for a person with an active mind like you, everything I say now seems to be sophistry"

The pirate put away the camera in embarrassment, rubbed his head and said:

"But please believe me, it's not what you think. It's just a group of old men drinking together, and their drinking capacity is relatively poor. That's all there is to it."


Before Bu Laike finished explaining, a black shadow appeared next to Little Xingxing, and Garona, who was wearing a master assassin uniform, walked out of the shadow with her arms crossed, and she asked worriedly:

"Bo Laike, did you see Khadgar? He didn't come back to his room last night, and I was waiting for him. God!!!"

The female orc assassin's expression became as dull as Little Xingxing's.

She stared dumbfounded at the chaotic cabin of Bo Laike.

Especially when she saw Khadgar being sandwiched between two paladins, a gleam of disbelief flashed in Garona's blue eyes, but then there was a frightening and weird joy swaying.

"They drank together last night, and then it developed like this!"

Little Xingxing also added fuel and vinegar to Garona and said:

"No wonder I heard a strange sound on my side last night, like a man wailing, I thought they were fighting."

"Bu Laike! I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

Garona turned cold, folded her arms and scolded the pirate:

"I'm starting to think you're sick."

"Hey, you can't hide the evil pleasure in your eyes, hey, what kind of books did you read when you and Khadgar were together?

You two, give me a little normal, okay? "

The pirate jumped over with a whoosh, clasping Little Xingxing's head with his left hand and Garona's head with his right hand, they collided with each other with a bang, causing the two girls to cover their heads and scream in the next moment.

He didn't try to explain any more, and he didn't give Little Xingxing a chance to paint darker and darker.

After always sternly warning Xiao Xingxing not to write any novels with such damned evil plots as "Blaike X Old Fording X Uther X Maraad X Khadgar", he went angrily command bridge.

The entire Exodar was mobilized.

No matter how crazy the journey was in the past few days, all the members of the advance team at the time of the battle have been armed, and under the leadership of their respective captains, they walked through the corridor of the spaceship to the teleportation cabin below.

With the density of demons in the world of Argus, it is an act of death to complete the landing in the normal sense, so according to the suggestion of Illidan who came to Argus before, the Draenei people definitely adopt a very risky high-altitude teleportation strategy.

To put it simply, it is to send the landing soldiers over the petrified forest on the edge of the Krokuun rock wall where the legion is relatively weak, and then the elves and human spellcasters use the slow fall technique to let the soldiers land in the way of "airborne". into the ground.

There are all kinds of dangerous fel beasts living in the large petrified forest in the Krokuun area. The resources there are poor and there are many gaps. The hideout and stronghold of the Kroku Breakers who have lingered for more than 25,000 years.

As long as the advance team successfully enters there, it means that the landing operation is successful.

The local Kroku Breakers will be the best guides for the advance army, and help them establish a base for communication and subsequent actions in places where the Legion is weak.

"It was crazy last night."

When the pirates came to the brightly lit bridge, Illidan Stormrage, who was already standing on the huge watchtower, did not look back, and said in a teasing tone:

"Using void magic to get some paladins to drink with you, Laike, my friend, you are more demon than demon."

"Thank you for the compliment, but your tone may be more sincere."

The pirate replied casually.

He glanced at the draenei technicians who were busy on each command platform, and a group of dwarves were helping them to observe and learn the operation of the starship.

The pirate himself stepped up to the observation tower, and surrounded by a group of demon hunters, he walked up to Illidan and looked towards the clear stars that were gradually moving away from the speed of light.

When the weird arcs in front of him shortened and the entire starry sky became clear little by little, the pirate whispered:

"I actually don't understand. What are you blind people looking at here? Can you see the magnificent stars in front of you? Isn't there only darkness in front of your eyes?


Look, I saw a terrifying star Leviathan devouring the sun, did you see it? So scary. "

"If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be able to beat you."

Illidan's loyal lieutenant, Altruis the Sufferer, said in a vicious tone:

"Just your sarcasm just now is enough to make you the second most wanted man after the demons of the Illidari."

"Oh, I just think it's rather depressing here, so I plan to liven up the atmosphere."

Bu Laike raised his hands and said meanly:

"If my words offended you, then I apologize, my terribly blind friends.

But to be honest, even if I don’t need to perceive it, I can see your vigorous mood with my eyes. It is a feeling of dedication that has entered the decisive moment, like a soldier on the battlefield.

You don't seem to have any intention of making it home alive.

With all due respect, this is a terrible and wrong idea. Your Lord Illidan should have told you that Argus is just a node in this war, and the final decisive battle will not start in this world.

So, I advise you to calm down, gentlemen, I know it is a blessing to have so many demons at your disposal before your eyes, but this is not the end of your war career.

This is just a very simple reconnaissance operation, nothing more. "

"Bo Laike is right."

Illidan was also moving his demon wings at this time, and said hoarsely:

"Argus is not the end of the Illidari hunt. I need all of you to keep yourselves safe while hunting. Your lives are important to our cause.

So I order you not to take the initiative to fight unless necessary in the early stage of Argus' operations.

There are many secrets in this world, and as far as my last wanderings are concerned, knowing those secrets is the key to our success.

We are deadly hunters, and waiting and patience are our virtues. "


The Illidari bowed their heads in unison to answer. This scene made the pirates very envious.

His subordinates could not be so chic and handsome.

Just look at the warlock trio who just swaggered into the bridge with Mr. Sakir, the aura of dog legs that did all kinds of crimes was overwhelming.

And Nathanos Marris, the ex-Lordaeron ranger-general who came here after them, and his elf concubine.

Hey, I know you two have a good relationship, but there's no need to fight back in front of so many people.


Bu Laike rolled his eyes hard, but he didn't say much.

A few minutes later, as the Exodar spacecraft officially broke away from the speed of light and entered the low-earth orbit of the Argus world, the outline of the entire Argus world was fully displayed in front of the commanders on the bridge.

"The Holy Light is above!"

Uther, the Lightbringer who rushed over after changing his clothes, immediately expressed the emotion that servants of the Holy Light should have when he saw the world in front of him clearly.

Like Old Fording, he kept drawing religious symbols on his chest.

Obviously, the scene in front of them shocked their minds, and beside them, the little Xingxing who had already grabbed the dwarf camera also widened his eyes.

Khadgar even clenched his orc girlfriend's fingers.

There was a dead silence on the entire bridge, and even the performance of the always unscrupulous trio of warlocks became serious. Several moon god priests who came with the army even closed their eyes and began to pray to the moon god, giving them courage and calmness Accept the hellish sight in front of you.

Bu Laike stared at the "green planet" that was getting closer and closer.

Judging from its outline, Argus is larger than the stars of Azeroth.

But this world is full of green not because of its excellent natural environment, but because the surface of the whole world is "flowing" with dark green fel magma like the water of rivers and seas.

The whole world is broken.

The terrifying fel impact started from the heart of the world, completely destroying the continental shelf of the entire world, splitting the complete mantle layer into fragments like footholds in the mud.

And evil energy is flowing everywhere, and those energies originating from the twisting void emit chaotic light in the physical universe, which makes the broken world of Argus in front of you look like a shining green sun that is about to go out.

The ferocious majesty of fel energy has filled the heart of the world.

It is like a source of chaos in the physical world, radiating its malevolence towards the entire stars.

Most of the Argus world has been completely destroyed, and even the demons can't gain a foothold there. There are only three complete continental plates left on the entire star body.

They are separated from each other by a huge rift valley full of fel magma that goes deep into the heart of the world. There are demon spaceships traveling between the three lands, like black swarms moving back and forth in a decaying hive.

Although the situation on the surface cannot be seen with the naked eye at this distance, just the bleak appearance of this world at this time makes everyone who sees it have lingering fears.

"This is our world. This is our disaster"

Maraad, who had put on the gem armor again, leaned on the purple hammer of the naaru. His tone was calm, but the raging fire burning from his heart could not be concealed at all.

The draenei garrison officers on the watchtower also looked silently at their long-lost hometown, and a heavy sense of common hatred and hatred connected around them.

"This will be Azeroth, too."

Illidan Stormrage lost his eyes. He couldn't see the misery of Argus, but as a demon hunter, he could feel the suffering of the planet in front of him more than anyone else.

In the dead silence, he said hoarsely:

"If we fail, if Azeroth's last desperate resistance fails, everything in front of you will be the future of your hometown."

The representative of Dalaran, the Archmage Khadgar, used a spell. He recorded everything in front of him and wanted to take it back for his compatriots to watch.

He believed that ten thousand words of persuasion could not compare to the spiritual impact of seeing this chaotic doomsday with his own eyes. No matter how stupid a person is after seeing this scene, he will strengthen his determination to fight the devil to the end.


Brutal death already seems insignificant in the face of such an apocalypse.

And those wars, those wars that were considered to change the times in the past, are even more naive in the face of Argus' suffering, just like a child's play.

"Why are you so serious? We have passed through the stars safely, we have come to the battlefield of our choice, and we will start the action we planned.

It's a perfect start. So, smile, and bless yourself with a smile for the battle that is about to walk in the doomsday. "

Boo Laike was the only guy in the room who was still smiling.

He admired the "familiar" scenery of Argus in front of him. He stood on the watchtower, spread his hands, and shouted to everyone in the background of the burning doomsday world:

"In short, all you good babies who were born in the 'peaceful era'"

"Welcome to Argus!"


Chapter timing is wrong. . . What an idiot, the chapters that have been passed on for two days in one day, the manuscript is crying again, and I am crying too.

(end of this chapter)

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