Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1643 11. I Stab You From The Heart Of Hell

Chapter 1643 11. I stab you from the heart of hell

"Wow, look at this hellish place! The trees here have been drained to the last drop by fel energy, and turned into a forest that's as bad as stone.

I'm starting to regret coming to this place. "

Later in the night, large swathes of shadow appeared in the sky above the Krokuhn walls.

Members of the advance army of the anti-magic coalition who were given the slow fall technique by the casters jumped from the sky, including old Brian Bronzebeard who was holding his monkey pet.

The bastard was wearing his own expedition hat, a large backpack and a double-barreled shotgun on his back. He said that this place was scary and dangerous, but he barely concealed the excitement in his eyes.

I almost got the thought of "I'm going to dig this all over here" etched on my forehead.

Beside him is Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo.

This guy didn't use the slow fall technique, but was quickly dropped from a high altitude by his dear friend Xianglong Mishi. Compared with the old Brian who was ready to do something special in "Evil and Chaos", Zhou Zhuo's performance was quite professional.

He grabbed the Lorewalker scroll and the strange writing brush in the air, and began to describe and record his first impression of the world of Argus he saw.

It has to be said that the opportunity to witness a doomsday world is really rare and rare, which makes Lao Zhou feel the excitement of explorers and travellers.

His Highness Little Xingxing is doing the same thing.

She fell in human form in the air, and she also got herself an explorer outfit, holding a dwarf camera in her hand and taking pictures.

This is Azeroth's first-hand information on the research and understanding of the world of Argus! That is quite precious.

Before she set off, Dean Lanyue also specially instructed Xiao Xingxing to be responsible for compiling the "Azeroth Geography: Argus Investigation Report", and record the completion of this report into the total score of Xiao Xingxing's future graduation.

This is a major event in the academic circle. For this reason, Dean Lanyue specifically stood up to his good student Bu Laike, and wanted to assist his school girl Xiao Xingxing to complete this matter.

For this, Laike wanted to express that he didn't have time, but he didn't choose to offend Dean Lanyue in the end. Anyway, he just took care of the idiot little Xingxing along the way. It shouldn't be difficult, right?

The scale of the airborne landing of more than 2,000 people at a time was extremely large. Although the Kroku cavalry had set up assembly points in various places in the Petrified Forest early, when the dawn of the day arrived, dozens of unlucky ghosts still disappeared.

It is initially suspected that they may have fallen into a dangerous area outside the petrified forest because they did not adapt to Argus' magic power system.

This forced Maraad to organize a "people hunting team" to go to more dangerous areas to catch those lost guys before they were surrounded by demons and killed them.

But before the fishing team set off, a triangular teleportation beacon fell from the sky and landed right in the valley in front of Kroku's camp.

In the shining of the holy light, the indifferent Archbishop Mograine walked out of the teleportation beacon with his adjutant, Captain Faria, and a team of light-forged warriors.

Along with them came the dozens of missing unlucky ghosts.

Obviously, they were discovered by the high-speed cruising Zenidar in the Land of Trek before they encountered danger.

"Ah, it was too dangerous just now."

The orc Xieyan wearing a warlock robe hypocritically wiped the sweat that never existed on his forehead, and boasted to the demon hunters who came to greet them:

"We strayed into a demon camp, and the distance from the nearest patrolling mephit was less than 300 meters in a straight line. If the friends of Shengguang hadn't arrived in time, we would have died in that ghostly place."

"You still have the face to say it!"

Following Xieyan, the displeased dwarf hero General Kurdran gritted his teeth with hatred. He scolded:

"If you weren't fiddled with dangerous warlock magic in the air, how could we have landed in such an outrageous area? I should have killed you with a hammer in the air just now, you shameless green-skinned bastard."

"This place is full of horrific imbalances. It's a place of true darkness. Two, we must put aside our past differences and work together here."

A deep voice sounded behind the orc warlock and dwarf air cavalry, and the leader Taran Zhu, who was wearing a Shado-Pan cloak, stretched out his hand and separated the two guys who were about to fight.

He was very earnest, and with some warning:

"It would be foolish to choose infighting at this moment."

Warlock Xieyan knew Zhu Taran, he knew that this was a very powerful monk, and he would definitely be beaten up if he dared to talk too much, so he was very obedient and didn't choose to refute.

Just throwing a provocative look at the aggrieved dwarf, he straightened his clothes and ran over to Bo Laike to flatter him.

But Xieyan came a little late due to an accident, and failed to catch up with the first wave of fresh flattery.

A lot of people have gathered around the pirates, besides Master Sakir whose face is still burning with a sigh, there are also his disciples, the newly promoted star of the Overwatch, Valeera Sangunar, and the veteran classics. Warden Meileen Bladewing.

Of course there are several Void Warden captains hiding in the shadows.

The Uncrowned also sent very good assassins to help out, but they were assigned by Bu Laike to Garona, who was currently on a hunting mission, as soon as they landed.

The orc female assassin is the titular mentor of the Uncrowned and has extremely rich combat experience behind enemy lines. It is only natural for her to lead the assassins.

The highest status among the pirates is Grand General Shandris Feathermoon, who came to represent the Silver Wing Sentinel to stand in front, because the Elune Sisters will also participate in the raid on Argus, so Shandris also represents Tyran German.

It is worth mentioning that when Dellano was preparing to set off, Bu Laike also found Princess Talanji of the Zandalari Golden Dynasty who should not have appeared in the crowd.

This Princess Talanji is indeed a young man with some ideas.

Bu Laike thought that she would go back after staying in Dellano or staying on the Exodar for a while and finishing the gilding, but she didn't expect that she would really dare to enter Argus with her own guards.

You must know that the Loa she believes in is very difficult to protect her in this remote place.

It seems that Rastakhan, the king of gold, has really decided to pass on the throne to his daughter, otherwise he would not risk his daughter to come to this terrible place to be "gold-plated".

"Because of the destruction of the molten pool of Annihelan, the Burning Legion's defense line at the edge of Krokuun has had terrible loopholes. The way to Slax Fortress has been opened.

That's our chance. "

Bu Laike was explaining the current local situation to the people beside him. What he said was very succinct, but combined with the map he got from Kroku Breaker, the strategy suddenly became clear.

All the people around him were listening carefully, including Lord Rommath, the Phoenix Archmage of Quel'Thalas who had a great opinion on pirates, and Halduron Brightwing, the Ranger of Light.

"Everyone, I hope you understand that Krokuun is the borderland of the Burning Legion in Argus, but it doesn't mean that the demons here are easy to deal with.

According to the information received from assassins and rangers so far, there is at least one high-ranking demon commander sitting in Nathrax Fortress, and there is a permanent portal directly connected to the Antoran wasteland.

As long as we launch an attack there, it means that we will have a decisive battle with the main force of Argus' demons. "

Bu Laike moved his fingers on the map, and he said to the people around him:

"So, the raid on the Nathrax Fortress will directly start the decisive battle between the Anti-Magic Alliance and the Burning Legion, and we will put it at the end of the first phase.

That is to say, we will fight this battle again when our main force reaches Argus.

It takes time to deploy the demon legion, and we also need time. Before that day comes, I need you to work together to take down the remaining two strongholds of Krokuun.

But this time, you can't be opportunistic, you must be steady and steady.

Fortunately, I have found for you friends who are well acquainted with the forms of Argus warfare, and lo and behold, here they come. "

The pirate glanced back at the Archbishop of War who was walking over with his adjutant.

Mograine nodded to him indifferently. The appearance of this guy instantly excited the very low-key regent of the Stormwind Kingdom, Bolvar Fortagan, in the crowd.

Because they are both great nobles and have beaten green skins together in Northern Xinjiang, Bolvar and Mograine have a very good personal relationship. When he was in Northern Xinjiang, he lived in the Mograine family monastery.

But just when he wanted to walk out of the crowd and say hello to Mograine, he was stopped by Fording beside him.

Old Fording shook his head at him.

This made Bovar's expression become puzzled.

"According to the order of the Mother of the Holy Light, everyone, the Holy Light Legion will dedicate a unit to support your battle. This unit will be commanded by me and my adjutant, Ms. Fariya."

Mograine restrained himself and said to the surrounding commanders:

"However, I have a little suggestion for the strategy of Lord Bu Laike, Commander of the Legion of Resistance"

"Wait, I'm not the commander anymore, just a few seconds ago, I stepped down."

The pirate was too lazy to deal with the guys from the Holy Light Legion. He took out a pocket watch, looked at it pretendingly, shook his head and said:

"The real Lord Jarod Shadowsong, the real commander of the Anti-Magic Alliance, is still making final preparations on the Exodar, and he may arrive here in half an hour, so you need to talk to him about the strategy.

Next, I'm going to go through the devil's territory and go to the Mac'Aree area. There are very important things that must be obtained there. "

"I will tell you, Commander, but I must also tell you the secret of this land."

Mograine said seriously:

"This is a situation that must be known to all commanders. It is the precious information that the Legion of the Holy Light has collected after fighting in Argus for many years."

"Is that so?"

Bu Laike glanced at Illidan, who said nothing, the pirate nodded, put the map in front of Mograine, and made a "please" gesture.

The Archbishop of War did not hide. He marked a red dot on Kroku's map, which was in a mountainous area on the inner edge of Nathrax Fortress.

He unfolded the map in his hand so that the commanders of all races in front of him could see it clearly.

He pointed to the sign and said:

"Here! Hidden here is something very important to the Argus World War. It can even be said that this thing is directly related to the success or failure of this battle.

Ladies and gentlemen, the fact that you are here shows that you have a good understanding of the tactics of demons. The 'immortality' characteristic of demons must be a headache for all of us.

After they are killed in the material world, they will return to the twisting void to resurrect, unless they are killed in the twisting void out of the material world to completely eliminate the hidden danger of a demon.

But the Burning Legion possesses a powerful fleet, making them nearly impossible to kill in the Twisting Nether. "

"Get to the point! Mograine."

Sitting on the edge of the crowd leaning on a battle ax, Grom Hellscream, who was feeling tired of his son's weak care, said in disgust:

"You may live tens of thousands of years, but I don't have much time to live, so don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"What I'm going to say next is the point."

Mograine glanced at the irascible old orc, he was not disturbed, and continued:

"The demons in the world of Argus have a very peculiar characteristic. If you kill a demon anywhere in this world, they will be reborn in other places very quickly.

This is why Argus can become the most important base camp of the Burning Legion among the stars. There is some kind of power in this world that protects the demons so that they don't have to return to the distant twisting void to be resurrected.

In other words, if we can't lift the restriction on the infinite resurrection of demons before the general attack begins, then it won't matter how many of you come!

The Legion of Holy Light discovered this peculiar phenomenon very early on.

Thanks to Lord Illidan's conversion of Argus from the original galaxy to this place, we seized the opportunity to conduct an armed reconnaissance on the Nathrax Fortress not long ago.

This is the result of our investigation. "

The Archbishop of War emphasized his voice, pointed to the markers on the map and said to the others:

"Here! It's the Fel Heart of Argus! The true location of the Fel Heart, the demons have spent a lot of energy in the barren Krokuun to build such permanent fortifications as the Nathrax Fortress to cover it up. exist.

All the demons in this world maintain a peculiar relationship with the heart spring of the world overflowing with evil energy, and the power of the polluted world also bursts out from here to give the demons the ability to constantly resurrect.

If you have to make a metaphor, this is equivalent to the Well of Eternity in Azeroth! The filthy power of the Heart of the World continuously overflows from it, and is frantically seized by demons to strengthen itself.

Therefore, no matter how many sacrifices are made, we must destroy this place before the war begins!

Your well-prepared coalition forces can only land after the Fel Heart is destroyed, otherwise it will only add food to the demons. "

"Ah, I remembered."

Bu Laike rubbed his chin now, squinting his eyes and thinking of the revenge execution in the world of Dellano with the help of the World Ring, which almost killed Kil'jaeden.

It is through the connection with Argus' Fel Heart that the Deceiver gains immortality.

"That's what I'm talking about, warriors."

The Archbishop of War nodded and said:

"The Legion of the Holy Light also hopes to gain a precious victory in Argus, and we will fully support your war to destroy the heart of fel energy. For this reason, we have brought several powerful light-forged mechs.

But with the number of demons in Nathrax Fortress, these mechas can't win.

Therefore, we must unite as one! "

"Well said! The news you brought is really important. It made me see the sincerity of the Legion of Light, and I also feel that we must be united."

Bu Laike nodded and said something rare.

But then the stinky pirate changed the subject, gave old Fording and Uther in the crowd a look, and turned back to Mograine and said:

"But I think it's a little too much for the war archbishop to stay in Krokuun to oversee the battle, so I take the liberty of inviting you to accompany me to Mac'Aree to carry out a very important secret mission.

Believe me, this task is as important as destroying the Fel Heart on Argus.

Come with me, sir.

Let me introduce you to Commander Jarod Shadowsong, and discuss the details of this expedition by the way. By the way, your lieutenant and your guards will also accompany you.

This trip must be yours. "

(end of this chapter)

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