Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1651 19. Report! The Murlocs And Brian Have Teamed Up To Discover Something Amazing!

Chapter 1651 19. Report! The murlocs and Brian have teamed up to discover something amazing!

"Old Zhou! Lao Zhou, bring rubbing paper here! I found a collapsed statue here, which was not found in the main area of ​​the Mystic Academy.

I suspect this represents yet another symbol of eredar civilization. "

Brian's excited voice sounded from the periphery of a collapsed palace on the back mountain of the Mystery Academy. He yelled, lying on the edge of a pit with his buttocks pouted, and was trying to pull out the half-buried statue in the soil.

The strength of the dwarves is great, Brian quickly got the broken statue out, and professionally put on the archaeological gloves and began to clean up his new discovery.

It has been 25,000 years since the Palace of Mysteries collapsed, and everything left here has been weathered to a very serious degree due to neglect. The old dwarf found many interesting things before, but they couldn't accurately determine the origin because of the lack of inscriptions. .

This made Bo Laike both excited and disappointed.

But now this thing is buried in the soil, which can effectively alleviate such embarrassment. After cleaning up the soil, the dwarves were pleasantly surprised to find that there were clear ancient Eredar inscriptions under the sculpture.

He had done his homework on the Draenei civilization before.

He knew that the exiles in Velen did not completely retain the characteristics of the ancient civilization of the Argus world. They had lost many ancient traditions and customs after drifting among the stars for 25,000 years.

For an excellent explorer and archaeologist, it is the common belief of the old dwarf and Zhou Zhuo to reveal the ancient knowledge buried under the earth.

Lorewalker quickly brought rubbing paper for recording knowledge. He and Brian worked together to quickly rub the inscriptions and bring them back to Azeroth to decipher the ancient Eredan language.

According to Brian's experience, most of these inscriptions are records of the early history of the Eredar people, or some school advice or regulations. They are not of great significance, but they can be used as a precious supplement to the early civilization of the Eredar.

From the point of view of civilization as a whole, the eredar in the world of Argus were already destroyed when the Burning Legion invaded, and the existing draenei are only a remnant of the ancient eredar civilization, far from representing this glorious race the whole picture.

The same can be said of the eredar demons of the Burning Legion. When they turned into demons, they abandoned their glorious past.

It has to be said that in various senses, this is a very unfortunate thing.

"I found precious slabs in the rubble palace next door, Brian, look! Most of them are intact, and the palace is full of such slabs.

I suspect that it may be the place where the House of the Occult used to house the historical origins of the eredar. "

Zhou Zhuo took out an irregular stone slab from his luggage and handed it to Brian. The latter held it in his hand and took a look. Based on his rich experience, Brian judged that the stone slab in his hand must have existed for more than ten thousand years.

Considering the deserted history of the Mystic Academy, Zhou Zhuo's guess is very likely to be true.

"This is a precious discovery!"

Brian excitedly grabbed the jug next to him and took a sip for himself. He put the rubbing inscription in his hand into his large travel backpack, looked at the surrounding ruins with greedy eyes, and stood on the top of the mountain again. He glanced at the seat of the governing group in the distance.

He rubbed his hands and said to Zhou Zhuo:

"If we can stay here for three months, I am sure to restore the whole picture of society in the golden age of Eredar, and it will definitely become the treasure of the town hall in the exhibition hall of the Explorer's Hall in Ironforge.

It was the reconstruction of the history of a broken civilization, and for an archaeologist, there is nothing more exciting than this work. "

"Yes, I heard that the Seat of the Triumvirate was once the administrative center of the eredar. If we can go there, we can surely find more precious documents."

Zhou Zhuo also said regretfully:

"Unfortunately, we are in a world ruled by demons, peaceful exploration is just a luxury, we don't have three months, we don't even have three days.

It's like walking into a treasure trove and being forced to leave empty-handed. "

"This land is different from the hopeless Krokuun. It is intact. Although it is broken, I can feel that this land still has a strange vitality."

Brian also sighed, and then he swore to Zhou Zhuo:

"You know I am a dwarf, our life comes from the earth spirits shaped by the power of the earth, and we have a special connection with the earth.

Maybe Mac'Aree is the last legacy of the world of Argus, you know what I mean? Perhaps the will of the world bestowed its last blessing on this blessed land.

If we can save it in war.

I mean, just like Illidan used a demonic artifact to pull the world here from the other side of the stars, let's figure out a way to pull Mac'Aree out of the shattered planet of Argus!

Send to Dellano or Azeroth."

The old dwarf laughed, patted Zhou Zhuo's stomach and said:

"Then we will have enough time to slowly study this glorious civilization that has collapsed in Middle-Earth. I think this will definitely serve as a sufficient warning for the development of various civilizations in Azeroth."

"You have a good idea, but we can't do it. We're just explorers with no power, not heroes. Maybe Laike can do it, but he doesn't necessarily do it."

Zhou Zhuo shrugged his shoulders, and after resting his strength, he got up and said to Brian:

"Go ahead and collect as many ancient documents that can be deciphered as possible before we leave. Seriously, I think there should be deep secrets hidden in this abandoned palace.

It is far away from the main body of the Mystic Academy, and its damage is not bad, not to the point of being irreparable. "

"I also have this feeling."

Brian looked at the quiet ruins around him, moved his shoulders a little uncomfortable, and said in a thick dwarf voice:

"I always feel that this ruin is weird, and it always gives me a feeling of hidden danger."

"Hey, you two guys who fish and drink, come here!"

The moment the old dwarf finished speaking, Little Xingxing's voice came from the ruins, and Princess Blue Dragon shouted:

"Bunbo Erba just discovered a dusty passage leading to the interior of the ruins. I used magic to look at it. The palace inside is complete, and I am sure to find many interesting things.

But that puzzle needs you to solve it, and the little murloc and I are not good at it. "

Hearing the shout, Brian and Zhou Zhuo looked at each other, and they ran towards the ruins. Soon, they arrived at the place where the little Xingxing and the little murlocs were.

It was a collapsed palace that had been violently excavated. Looking at the traces of dragon claws on the ground, it was clear that it was the work of Little Xingxing. Although this guy said he was following Brian and Zhou Zhuo to explore, he actually came to play.

And the little murloc next to him is even more amazing.

Beside the unprincipled little thing was a large knapsack containing some of the "good things" it had found in the ruins, broken vessels of sumptuous gold and precious stones.

Of course it was not as valuable as the things that the little murlocs would usually find, but how should I say it?

In a broken and broken world, these valuable things can still be found, which fully demonstrates the extraordinary luck of Mr. Benbo Erba.

Seeing Zhou Zhuo and the old dwarf approaching, the little murloc curled his lips in a very humane manner, croaked and pointed to the closed passage next to it shining with weird light.

The magic seal covered on the thing has been "violently cracked" by Little Xingxing, but the remaining mechanism puzzles make Little Xingxing helpless.

The main reason is that this thing is not the same as the various puzzles popular in Azeroth. It only has nine groups of light spots of different colors that are constantly reorganized back and forth on the gate in a complicated and weird way.

It looks like a "combined lock".

"It must be that when the old man Sakir extracted my magic power to restart the Mystic Academy, he also activated the closed magic here."

Little Xingxing said sullenly:

"This is equivalent to asking for trouble for myself, you two best explorers in Azeroth hurry up and show your 'talent', I can feel that there are very powerful things in this palace!

Its magic waves are almost visible to the naked eye, and there must be some kind of powerful sacred object inside, maybe the "laurel crown of knowledge" that Bu Laike is looking for is here! "

Princess Blue Dragon urged, but Zhou Zhuo and Brian hesitated at the same time. The two guys looked at each other, and the old dwarf said:

"That. We promised Braike before we came, we will not touch anything that looks dangerous, little star, if the Palace of Mysteries collapsed 20,000 years ago, those mentors would still seal it up, It proves that in their eyes, the things inside are more dangerous than demons.

do you understand me?

Let's just let it stay in and don't burden this suffering world any more, okay? "

"Hey, hey, is this something you, a guy who caused terrible disasters several times, can say?"

Little Xingxing stared at the old dwarf with his eyes wide open, and said in amazement:

"What's wrong with you? In the past, you must have rushed to this kind of thing immediately. Have you been bewitched by a demon? This is not like you, Brian.

How did you become a coward? "

"Hey, little girl, you can't call an old dwarf a coward! It's a terrible humiliation for us."

Brian yelled in displeasure, but the little star just kept making faces at him, making Brian's anger soar. Zhou Zhuo dissuaded from the side:

"Yes, Little Star, Brian was right to be concerned, and my senses tell me that there must be something terrible behind this door.

Although we are explorers, we are also a member of the advance army. We cannot burden other companions. Let's go, let's go to other places. "

"That's what I said, but both of your fingers are out of control."

Standing in front of that door, Little Xingxing said to the two explorers with folded arms, blowing his beard and staring:

"You are suppressing your desire to open this door. Even though I am far less sensitive than Captain Stinky in this regard, I can also sense that you really want to see what is behind this door. You are more looking forward to it than I am. Open it.

Come, let's make a bold prediction."

The more black-bellied Princess Blue Dragon rolled her beautiful big eyes, shook her hair, put her fists to her mouth, coughed twice, and said seriously:

"We're in the ruins of the Supreme Academy on the world of Argus, aren't we?

There must be a super-large library in such a supreme institution, which is filled with various precious materials of humanities and history, each of which is written by the sages of Argus.

If they can be found, archaeologists like you will hold the key to unlocking the mystery of Argus.

I asked Ms. Verala before I came here, and she told me that the Enlightenment Library of the Mystery Academy is on the back mountain side, but there is only this collapsed palace here.

So we can understand that we are standing on the ruins of that library.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Little Xingxing squinted her eyes, pointed to the dusty door behind her, and said "please" to the two explorers, she said:

"Although I can't be 100% sure, I can tell you with 70% certainty that what exists behind this door is the most magnificent Enlightenment Library ever in the world of Argus.

Think about it stupidly.

The mentors here are all the most knowledgeable people in the golden age of Argus. Their first reaction when facing an irresistible disaster must be to preserve the inheritance of wisdom.

Then, isn't it a matter of course for them to create a sealed place that will not be captured by demons to store wisdom?

As for the danger you will encounter after opening the door.

Don't be afraid! "

Little Xingxing whistled proudly, patted his round chest and said:

"My lord is here to protect you! The second officer of the world-renowned Naglfar, the mighty Thunder Dragon and the future Azure Queen are not afraid of any challenge!"

"Quack quack!"

The little murloc also held Yogg-Saron's Mystery Box high in both paws, and ran around Brian and Zhou Zhuo, as if they had shown them that as long as this thing is there, you don't have to be afraid of anything.

The mighty "Murloc King" who once destroyed the Spinning Cloud Summit will protect you!

In the "persuasion" of the two seemingly unreliable guys, Brian and Zhou Zhuo's eyes were full of something strange, and it could be seen that they were struggling against a certain impulse in their hearts.

But as the old saying goes, many times the only thing stopping people from doing something dangerous is the lack of a valid excuse.

Little Xingxing, a black-bellied girl, has already given the two of them the best excuse, and now the only thing that can stop the old dwarf and old Zhou is their precarious minds under the attack of instinct.

"This is... This is for the ancient things to be seen again!"

Worthy of being the best explorer in the world, the old dwarf was the first to complete the bastard's escape from his shell. He took a sip of wine and panted to say something to Lao Zhou.

Zhou Zhuo also swallowed, coughed a few times, and said:

"Yes, the oath of the lorewalker makes me unable to ignore the ancient documents in front of me. They should be placed on the platform of the lorewalker for archaeological lovers from all over the world to watch, instead of being buried in this place that may be destroyed at any time. place.

This is too inappropriate. "

"We are tasked with recreating the past of the Golden Age of Argus!"

Brian walked towards the complex maze in front of him, he was talking like self-hypnosis, Zhou Zhuo followed behind him, boldly said:

"We see these ruins, this civilization has been forgotten by the stars, and it is our duty to remember it in place of its lost children."

"It's for the world!"

"it's necessary."

"Old Man Velen and all draenei will thank us for our adventure and sacrifice."

"All of Azeroth can benefit from this."

The two guys talked to each other, encouraged each other and began to unravel the complicated mystery with great interest.

As expected of the best explorer in Azeroth, the fan lock that stumped Xiao Xingxing and the little murloc was cracked in less than two minutes with the cooperation of the two of them.

When the last point of light dissipated with the movement of old Brian's thick fingers and turned into a weird singing sound, and the whole door slowly opened amidst the dust, the old dwarf suddenly seemed to wake up.

He took a step back and said with horror on his face:

"My God! What have I done!"


Zhou Zhuo's reaction was faster, he pulled Brian and rolled out behind him. The next moment, a dangerous black light shot out from the dusty palace, hitting the ground and shaking the whole ruins.

"My God! Finger of Death!"

Little Xingxing, who had been fearless just now, would scream in fright. As a little Xingxing who had participated in the Battle of Dalaran, she recognized this terrifying magic as a matter of course.

She picked up the box of fans who was spinning wildly, and the two fighting murlocs flew into the sky with a cry, and she yelled:

"Captain! Something has happened! Brian and Zhou Zhuo have opened Archimonde's seal! My God, we have unleashed the polluters. Help!"

(end of this chapter)

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