Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1659 27. When The Three Views Are Remodeled, It Is Most Suitable For Carrying Private Goods

Chapter 1659 27. When the three views are remodeled, it is most suitable for carrying private goods

In the ancient palace filled with the power of the void, the dark naaru quietly suspended above the high platform of the consul, and she rotated her body as lightly as the sacred posture when she was the incarnation of the holy light.

But what emanated from the dim light was no longer a ballad full of courage and hope, but a dark song of despair reverberated, stirring the heartstrings of everyone.

Even a simple-minded little star feels upset and irritable after listening for a long time under the protection of Bu Laike, the ancient god.

After she took a picture of the dark stance of the dark naru with the camera, she retreated with the little murloc who was also affected.

She felt that such a sunny and kind blue dragon princess shouldn't stay with such a dark creature for too long, she would definitely be polluted, and then she wouldn't be able to be a vigorous and beautiful girl!

But this dark naru is also strange.

Although the singularity, which is polluted by the void, continuously spreads a degenerate aura, she does not actively attack the surrounding creatures, she is as lazy as if she has not woken up.

After walking out of the palace, Little Xingxing saw a double-world walker standing beside a stone and reciting something. She rolled her eyes and ran over to ask this strange spirit humbly.

And the dual-world walker also answered Little Xingxing's doubts with his very calm and rational tone.

"She didn't attack you because she was about to die. The blue dragon from another world, Lula's death was a very long and painful process. What's more tragic, she was left here to die alone."

It told Little Star that:

"Lula was once one of the guardian naaru of the Draenei. In the golden age of Argus, she was regarded as the guardian of the world by the believers of the Holy Light headed by Velen, and she was also a firm follower of the ancestor Naru A'dal By.

Rura is the bravest and most dedicated member of all the naaruri, for the eredar's innate bond with the Light has led her to regard the eredar as her own children.

Back then, when the demons came to the world of Argus and Velen fled by boat with the people who trusted him, Lula still took the initiative to shoulder the most terrible responsibility despite knowing the danger.

She remained at the Seat of the Triumvirate to fend off Kil'jaeden and the endless demons who had surrendered to the Burning Legion.

She bought enough time for Velen to escape, and Lula did not give up the fight until the Tempest Keep and the Exodar disappeared in the starry sky of Argus.

She was bruised all over.

If you had looked closely enough, you could see on Lula the horrific scars of the brutal battle that have not healed to this day. "

"Ah! Is that so?"

Little Star's eyes widened.

She quickly recorded this touching story in her little notebook, and she asked again:

"But you just said that Lula was left here to die?"

"Well, she thought that the demons would kill her mercilessly, and Lula was also waiting for that opportunity."

The double-world walker told the story he knew, it said:

"As a follower of Adal, Lula knew very well what would happen when Naaru died. She had already made up her mind to use the tide of darkness that erupted when she died in battle to destroy the demons who destroyed her beloved world of Argus. Total kill.

She wanted to die with the evil beings born in the Twisting Nether, but she underestimated the cunning of the demons, or rather, she underestimated the cunning of Kil'jaeden.

The fallen garrison commander ordered the demons to spare the seriously injured Lula.

So coldly, he left the guardian naaru who had guarded the eredar for thousands of years in the depths of the seat of the ruling group, which symbolized the weak past.

Kil'jaeden wanted to bid farewell to his past in this way, and the great demon knew exactly how to make Lula suffer the most, and it did. "

Xu Ling shook his head, sighed and said:

"Badly injured Lula was left here to die.

She was too weak, she was already powerless to stop the flow of her own life, and she was also powerless to resist the constant calls from the void because of her weakness.

She's trying so hard to resist her dark side, but no one can help her.

She can only stay in this dark place so alone, witnessing the world she loves and protects fall into the disaster of fel energy, this despair further deepens Lula's depravity.

After a full twenty-five thousand years of torment, the one-time defender of the world has become what you see it to be.

She is a void god shaped by despair and pain, and she is only one step away from her final fall, which is why I wanted to prevent Bo Laike from getting close to her.

She's already very unstable.

Any stimulation may make her completely turn to the dark form of the entropy. With her strength and the degree of darkness corruption, once she falls into the darkness, the end of Mac'Aree is near.

That's what the demons want to see.

They hope to see this piece of land that is not under their control and represents the last life of Argus being swallowed up by darkness, so that they can completely defeat the last ray of resistance of Argus' world star soul.

Lula's fall will result in a dark titan born of fel infusion. "

"She's so pathetic, God."

Little Xingxing recorded this story. She was worried about Lula's fate. She looked at the two-world walker and said:

"Then is there anything you can do to help her?"

"No, at least there is no way to save Lula in the material world. She has fallen too deep into the darkness, unless a powerful ancestor Naru is willing to sacrifice himself to purify Lula and let her return to the holy light. middle.

Otherwise, the Lightless Sea is her final destination. "

The dual-world walker sighed:

"And it has to be fast!

I have already agreed with Braike to send Lula into the sea of ​​​​lightless when she is dying. Once she becomes an irrational dark entropy in the material world, and she is allowed to devour this broken earth, she is very likely to grow For the other end of the 'Eater of Worlds'. "

"The Devourer of Worlds? It sounds so majestic, but who is it?"

Little Xingxing asked curiously, and the dual-world walker glanced at her, and said in a low voice:

"Dimensius, a god of the void who wanders uncontrollably among the material stars, with the gluttonous desire to devour the world as his instinct.

It was that monster that devoured our beautiful hometown, Karesh, and it was the pollution it spread that caused all ethereals to lose their physical form and become energy life.

The Void Gods in that form are the manifestation of the darkest side of the void power. Their ultimate goal is to pursue the heat death and destruction of the material world, and they are pure order destroyers.

Even the ancient Shendu loathed them. "

"Wow, the story of your ethereal sounds amazing too."

We talked about Little Xingxing, she patted the shoulder of the dual-world walker very familiarly, and said:

"I'll be sure to hear from you guys about Karesh's destruction when we're free, but for now, go and help Lula.

Captain Stinky is already there waiting for you.

I will cheer for you from afar! My will is with you. "

After finishing speaking, Little Xingxing threw a teleportation to keep herself away from this potentially dangerous palace. She stood far away on a pile of ruins, and took out a telescope to look over here.

The dual-world walker ignored the powerful but timid appearance of the little star. It went through the "speaking technique" of negotiating with the will of the void again in its mind, and then entered the space with the special flickering posture of the void spirit advancing in different phases. The dark hall.

The pirates have helped all the Lightwalkers here to cut off the connection with Zela.

They are all very painful.

The sudden loss of the perception of the "source of faith" made these Holy Light fighters feel empty. It was as if they had been taken away from the most important thing out of thin air, and each of them seemed sluggish.

But at least this is much better than the insane attitude in which a group of people went crazy together to the point of death.

After eliminating the interference of blind belief in Zela, these weak and painful guys can finally deal with the cruel reality at present with a more fair attitude.

Of course, if they hadn't seen Lula's depravity and had doubts about the "omnipotence of the holy light" they firmly believed in, Bu Laike, who had a higher level of ability, would not be able to cut off their connection with Zela so easily.

This will make them feel at a loss. It is the time when the outlook on the world, outlook on life, and values ​​are collapsing, but any experienced old silver coin will not miss this "perfect" opportunity.

So when the dual-world walker walked into the hall, he saw a group of dazed warriors of the Holy Light sitting in a circle around Braike, and his outstanding counterpart was incarnating as a devout cleric to "distribute" to the lost lambs. Gospel".

Bu Laike will be able to control his accent, and use his gentle and magnetic voice to soothe the hearts of these bewildered warriors.

He also changed himself into a white holy attire, holding a book of holy light that he didn't know where to come from in his hand, and a pure flame censer that emitted a holy stream of light in the other hand.

That compassionate gesture looked like an old missionary, but what he said was somewhat unorthodox.

"You have seen with your own eyes the two sides of light and darkness, and this has caused you great pain, but I do not consider it a form of excommunication, children of the Holy Light.

You should realize that what you see and feel today is the spiritual trial you must endure on the road of pursuing order and justice. The moment your stubborn beliefs collapse, your sins of ignorance and blind obedience will be forgiven.

Your vision has been broadened, and you are no longer limited to the little truth you see with your eyes.

Your hearts and your eyes have accepted all possible paths.

With today’s gift, you no longer rely on the will of others but make your own choices to become protectors or punishers. Although what you do afterwards is no different from before, I believe that you have all been reborn.

Don't hate the shadow, don't be hostile to the dark, children.

Light and darkness are one.

It is precisely because of the light that the darkness cannot cover everyone's eyes, and without the darkness, the brilliant light will become meaningless.


Here I have a secret book from the Church of Shadow in Light in Azeroth, which completely records the feelings and thoughts of a devout priest who put on a cloak of darkness in the name of holy light.

The wonderful thoughts it records will surely help you better understand the teachings of the Holy Light.

You can't always let others tell you what is right, you must learn to distinguish this complex world by yourself, and use your own strength for what you think is the right way.

You also have to learn the virtue of not being disturbed by others.

I have twenty textbooks here, and I charge you 10,000 gold coins for each book, which is considered a friendship price. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any money now, just make an IOU and stamp the seal of Grand Duke Mograine, and I’ll go to his family to ask for the bill later. .

The Mograine family is a top local tycoon in our country, so there is no need to worry about this little money burdening him. "

The pirate noticed the double-world walker, and he quickly ended his sermon, and handed the stack of light and dark scriptures to Captain Faria, who resisted a little.

But he still turned over the first page in his hand, and softly recited the scriptures from another world for the other companions.

Bu Laike backed away silently, he came to the side of the dual-world walker, looked at the warriors of the Holy Light with a gratified look, and whispered to the dual-world walker:

"Give me another day, and I can make these pious people who have lost their allegiance all become lackeys of the void, or war dogs who only obey my orders, and do cruel and ruthless things for me. Get paltry appreciation.

Geez, what a pity.

We don't have that much time to waste. "

Bu Laike sighed and said:

"Everything that happened in Mac'Aree cannot be hidden from the Burning Legion. After Kil'jaeden realizes that Lula's existence is about to die, it will inevitably accelerate the final corruption of the Argus star soul.

This war is about to accelerate before it even begins.

I also exposed my existence, and I can imagine how crazy the demons will chase me and be killed by me. "

"I'm leaving here too."

The Walker of the Two Worlds did not hide his thoughts, saying:

"Although you didn't tell me your ultimate purpose in Argus, I can probably guess why you came here.

The era of unbalanced force is coming. I must unite my compatriots who are still saved. There is no one left for our hometown in this area of ​​stars. We must at least ensure that the fire of our civilization will not be extinguished in the dark age. "

"Maybe you can come to Azeroth."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"Anyway, we already have a group of draenei with horns on their heads and tails on their backs, and it wouldn't be a big deal to add a group of bandaged men.

Those druids must be very interested in your biodome technology, which is a black technology that can build a self-sufficient environment on the doomsday wasteland. "

"This is also a good choice, but I have to convince those picky and ambitious node princes, this is not an easy job."

The dual-world walker shook his head.

It looked at Lula on the other side of the palace and said:

"Let's solve her problem first. She has been in pain for too long. It's time for her to rest in peace."

"Hold on."

Braike made a gesture, and he walked to Archbishop Mograine, who was standing alone on the other side of the palace, keeping a distance from the warriors of the Holy Light. Say:

"Hey, what should I call you now? Archbishop? Grand Knight? Grand Duke?"

"Call me Mograine."

Mograine said in a hoarse and low voice:

"Damn it! I feel like I've had a thirteen-hundred-year nightmare. Those lights, they're so bright, they blind my eyes and my heart, and they tell me a great mission to make I suppressed my longing for my hometown and loved ones.

They turned me into another me, a more perfect me I imagined, one so serious I loathed myself.

I feel.

I feel like I have been mentally castrated!


My mind is still dizzy, the memory of the two personalities keeps rolling in my mind, I know that it is me, I have not been replaced, but I don't know which identity I should choose now?

Pirate, you look a lot better again, and you also seem to have a long-term identity problem. I heard your dad complain that you are always hesitating between the two identities of Drake and Boo Laike.

So please tell me, is this normal for me? "

"Uh, this is most likely a sign of schizophrenia, my poor grand duke."

Bu Laike pouted, patted Mograine on the shoulder and said:

"But don't worry, I know a lot of good psychiatrists in Azeroth, I have connections with them, can arrange an urgent care for you and give you a discount or something.

If you don't trust them, I can heal you myself at my leisure.

However, the consultation fee must not be less.

Now, I need you to stand up and stop being a sissy here feeling sorry for yourself, we need a strong light to help Lula end her dark life.

You are the only paladin who can fight here. Do you still remember the sun bombing led by Krokuun?

I need you to pick up your solar tomahawk and do it again.

Get ready and warm up.

Wait for my signal. "

(end of this chapter)

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