Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1674 42. Pirate Dungeon Opened! Quickly Come 30,000 Fully Equipped Devil Foot Men, With Flee

Chapter 1674 42. Pirate Dungeon Opened! Quickly come 30,000 fully equipped devil footmen, with fleet support! come deduction 1


At the same time that Lao Hou joined the battlefield in a desperate state, the fighters who were struggling to resist the returning demons outside the fortress also began to retreat to the inside of the fortress along the gate that was smashed open by the lunatic orc with a wheelchair.

They came here on a mission!

Destroying the Heart of Fel Energy is their top priority. The demons will be killed no matter what. It can be left to settle accounts with these brutal idiots after the army lands on Argus.

However, their withdrawal into the fortress did not mean that the defense line was left unattended.

Bu Laike, who has finally activated the Firelord's inner powers with the heat of the fel magma, will succeed them as "Gatekeeper," and the Stinky Pirates are more than willing to do so.

In this moonless place, Bu Laike's luna lantern cannot be used after one use.

This means that if the pirate enters the abyss of the Demon of Thousand Tongues again, he may not be able to change back before devouring the heart of the world of Argus.

A cunning fellow like Laike wouldn't take chances, so he chose not to join the frontal battle, but fortunately, the pirate's weapon, Curry, has a variety of deadly powers at his disposal.

Although there is no way to join the battle of the truly top-notch powerhouses, it is also a way to experience life occasionally.

"Hahaha, bugs! Come on, let's challenge Bo Laike, the king of elements!"

Bu Laike unleashes the power of flame in the form of the Firelord.

With every gesture of his hand, he can trigger a flame storm of magma bursting, easily burning the demons rushing to death.

Of course there are some exotic demons that are completely immune to fire magic, but that's okay, Bo Laike can grab them by the neck and drown them in the lava.

The Firelord has a variety of attack methods. The pirate not only fashioned the elemental hammer of Savras Burning Hand in his hand, and swept the approaching demons with endless brute force, he also weaved high-temperature flames in the air. Clouds, and then activate the wind power of the God of Wind to combine them into a purgatory storm that sweeps across the battlefield.

"Meteorites! Smash them to death!"

Braike was addicted to the game. He stared condescendingly at the Galossi World Destroyer mechas gathered in the distance, then fished out a few huge flaming rocks from the fel magma and threw them into the sky. They turned into meteors falling at high speed and hit several demon mechs, creating a cracked high-temperature molten pool on the spot.

He is really grateful for the molten pools of magma that the demons had created in this area before the battle.

The original intention of the demons is to use these hot objects to hinder intruders, but for the incarnation of the king of elements, any place with magma can become a weapon that Laike can use at will.

Most importantly, there is nothing lacking in this broken world, except for the scorched magma gushing from the center of the earth.

No wonder Ragnaros was eager to completely destroy the material world when he was alive. In such a doomsday world, the power of the Lord of Fire would be infinitely magnified to a very terrifying level.

Generally speaking, the transformation form given by this transformation-type heart energy is a weakened version of the original body.

But at least in the peculiar terrain of Argus, the "monkey version" of the Balrog that Bu Laike incarnated at this time has a stronger power than Ragnaros himself.

Of course, no matter how strong the elemental king is, there is a limit. A big demon immune to fire like Destroyer can completely tear apart Laike's elemental body by brute force.

But isn't it being entangled by Illidan and Lao Hou now?

Therefore, there is no power to stop the crumb pirates from killing demons and miscellaneous soldiers here, unless Archimonde will take the initiative to jump out here.

But at this time, the pirates are basically sure that the polluter is not in Nathrax Fortress at all, and the bastard started to play house-changing tactics again.

Tch, what a bastard!

"Come on, come and challenge me, stupid demons!"

Probably the incarnation of the King of Fire deflected the pirate's mind towards the bursting fire. After he swung the flaming hammer and smashed hundreds of low-level demons gathered together into barbecue, he yelled a very middle-class roar .

As it turns out, provocateurs generally don't end well.

Just after Bo Laike finished shouting, a powerful fel cannonball smeared his face.

Such a large target roared wildly, unless the demon gunners were all blind, it was impossible to miss the target.

Bu Laike, whose face was covered with fel cannon, was very upset. He restored his shattered elemental face in the flames, and glared at the Ganerg demon artillery position over there.

Seeing those fel cannons lined up in a row start to fire at him again, the pirate version of the Firelord rolled his eyes, and summoned his own guard army in the magma pool near the demon artillery position.

In the roar of the ground collapsing and tumbling flames, eight great balrogs with a height of more than ten meters, wrapped in blazing flames and dragging the sword of purgatory molten fire, were summoned. The moment these brutal blazing slayers appeared, they turned towards the demon gunner Raid past.

But that's not enough!

"Quantity! You bastards are trying to use numbers to defeat the Lord of Fire? Hehe, wishful thinking! Come out! Servants of the Flame World!

Fight for your king! "

Bu Laike is getting more and more "state". While frantically sweeping the demons close to the molten pool, he uses his psychic power to open the door to the realm of fire.

Summoning flaming creatures is difficult in the world of Argus, but fortunately, the flaming power of this world is strong enough, and it took Bo Laike a while to open the three rotating Molten Gates.

A large number of flaming hawks flew out of the sky. These beautiful creatures screamed and spewed lava fireballs from the sky to the ground. They were led by two flaming raptors, one red and one black.

Called by Laike in the name of the Lord of Fire, Rukhmar, Lord of Fire, and her evil pet, Ansu, flew triumphantly into the battlefield with his personal support.

These two elemental demigods erupted in power as soon as they got started, they rolled up wildfires all over the sky, flapped their wings to call for the purgatory storm to sweep across, and from time to time they picked up a few delicious-looking demons from the ground to beat their teeth.

Compared with these chaotic sky spirits, the army of fire demons rushing out of the revolving Molten Gate on the ground, the herd of flame tortoises, flame spiders, and flame poisonous scorpions is somewhat inconspicuous.

But Hisaly Crow, who led them out, was amazing enough.

After all, it is always attractive enough for a beautiful flame elf to suddenly appear in a group of unhuman guys. This is probably the reason why beautiful girls always like to find girlfriends who are not so outstanding.

It hurts only when there is a comparison.

The Lord of Fire, Hisaly, who came to the world of Argus with a scythe of flames, blew a kiss affectionately to Bu Laike, the Lord of Fire behind him, and was praised by the Lord of Fire.

Full dog male and female appearance.

Then Miss Black Crow transformed into a giant molten scorpion wrapped in flaming spikes, and swept across with her double claws, pinching to death several demons that had escaped from the falling meteorite.

The flame druids who followed behind her also joined the beast wave attack.

The time of compulsory summoning as the Firelord is limited, and once Bu Laike's Firelord avatar is broken, the flaming creatures are sent back to the Firelands.

So they must hurry up and fight for their king.

Bu Laike looked at the flaming army he had created, and laughed proudly. He praised his Fire Demon King Anima as a powerful weapon in group warfare, and it can be called a model of a Jedi who can form an army by himself.

Then he spread his wild will as the leader of the herd, and a halo of flying flames enveloped the bodies of all the flaming beasts, making them enter a more violent posture.

And of course the minions from that little abyssal land of Braike.

Pirates are very trustworthy to their own people. He said he would give his demon servants a chance to get revenge, so he would not break his promise.

In just a few minutes, under the full power of the Fire Lord Bu Laike, a magma pool near Nathrax Fortress was completely turned into a land of flames by him.

Just lying between the demon army and the fortress base camp, the demons had to pass through this deadly area if they wanted to return to Felheart's fortress.

But pirates won't let them pass that easily.

Just when Bu Laike threw the Molten Hammer and created a pool of magma to submerge a Galossi Demon Mecha into it, he suddenly fell into a strong sense of déjà vu.

The pirate felt that at this moment he seemed to be the 40-man boss of a certain team copy, and the demons who were going on in front of him were groups of legged men trying to push him to get glory and equipment.

I have to say that the feeling of being challenged is actually very good.

Thinking of this, Bu Laike rolled his eyes, and he felt that under the constant long-range attacks of the demons, his avatar of the Lord of Fire was constantly being weakened.

The ridiculously long blood bar in the avatar form has dropped by more than a third.

After all, the simultaneous attacks of so many demons on the battlefield are very impressive, and the huge body of the Fire Demon King makes it difficult for him to dodge as flexibly as a human.

So to reward the bravery of these challengers, it's time to move on to Phase 2!

"Insects, your stubbornness has angered me! Savras' power, explode!"

Bo Laike winked his eyes.

In the next moment, imitating Ragnaros' brutal roar, the power of the other six legendary anima on him was activated at the same time.

The [Seven-Headed Behemoth] on the head exudes seven-color Sha energy to form a halo that attacks the soul, and the [Death Knell] on the shoulder begins to trample on the mind of any demons within a thousand yards of the Lord of Fire through the weakening of the halo of the soul. While ruthlessly tearing down their brutal will, they also instilled various vicious thoughts into the minds of the demons with whispers from the void.

[Thousand-Eyed Mourning] on the gauntlet uses the magic eyeballs that are constantly flying to shoot out the ray of death light almost continuously, and the flying green light beams weave twisting and returning death nets on the dim battlefield.

The [Lord of the Gods] on the breastplate evokes thunderstorms flying all over the sky, and combined with the [God of the Wind] on the combat boots, a thunderous execution will erupt after several jumping thunderstorms.

Under the blessing of Si Fengxing's super-assisted strong wind washing, often after a thunderbolt, a large number of demons would fall down in unison and never get up again.

As for the [Time] on the cloth Laike belt, it looks the most harmless to humans and animals, but it is the most sinister.

It grants time acceleration to Laike and all his servants, and slows down the demons who break into Laike's domain. Occasionally, a few lucky ghosts can escape this all-over attack and survive, and they will also be included in the mandatory Stopped for a while, and was poked all over by the flame creatures as targets.

The simultaneous explosion of these extraordinary powers, together with the addition of the pirate's miscellaneous talent effects, made the battlefield within a thousand yards of Bu Laike, the Lord of Fire, like a high-frequency refresh monitor.

How many demons come in and how many die.

The brutal and destructive power of the flames brought out to the extreme made Ragnaros, who was "swimming" in the lightless sea at this time, call himself an expert when he saw it.

In just a few minutes, more than tens of thousands of low-level demons were buried in this ferocious offensive like a doomsday natural disaster. Including the fire creatures hunting around, the results of the battle can be further expanded.

This terrifying killing efficiency frightened the demon commanders who had never cared about human life.

If the damned Balrog continues to wreak havoc like this, he will be able to wipe out Krokuun's demon army by himself!

Seeing that almost all the fel cannon positions that could cause direct damage to the Fire Demon King were destroyed, in anger, the demon commanders decisively called the fleet to assist.

They would rather let the battleship bombardment smash the whole of Krokuun to pieces than face this damned variety of pirates again!

In the Legion Battle Report in charge of Nathrezim, Braike Shaw's strength is positioned as "a strange legend suspected of demigod power". legend?

The Burning Legion traveled back and forth across the stars, and they have seen and eaten before, but they have never seen that demigod can make such a scene!

Even if you say that he is an elemental god in disguise, the demons will definitely believe it.

This is no longer an enemy that can be dealt with by a simple numerical advantage!

Must punch hard!

Argus Burning Fleet lost!


It has to be said that the efficiency of the Burning Legion in wartime is still very strong. Five minutes after the demon commander issued a summons, a demon fleet flew from the Antoran wasteland to the Krokuun battlefield.

The high-ranking demon of the Eredar War Council who led the fleet, the strongest doomsday Valkyrie, and the graceful admiral Ms. Sphrax glanced at the ground the moment she jumped into the battlefield with her flagship, and was shocked. She spilled the fel energy black tea in her hand, ruining the cool and gloomy demon uniform.

"Damn! What's going on here? Has the main force of Azeroth landed? How did it happen!"

Even after becoming a demon, the lady admiral who maintained her graceful demeanor widened her eyes. She didn't understand where the elemental king who summoned wind and rain to slaughter demons came from.

There was no information about this guy in the battle report sent back by the damned Dread Demon King.

But now is not the time to complain about intelligence agents.

"All the main guns of the fleet! Aim at the Lord of Fire below!"

Madam Admiral gave orders to her six starships on the podium, and the captain of the starship questioned the next moment:

"My lord, such an energy impact will shatter Crokune's continental shelf!

Its continental shelf is already very unstable, we may lose Krokuun completely, and it is too close to Nathrax Stronghold, which may destroy the fel heart. "

"Look at that brutal monster! My useless subordinate, haven't you noticed yet? He is absorbing the magma heat from the heart of the world to continuously strengthen himself.

If we fail to kill him here, our soldiers will be completely overwhelmed by the doom he unleashes.

Aim now!

This guy is a big threat. "

Under her decisive and ruthless command, the sixteen main guns of the six starships all aimed at the Lord of Fire, Laike Shaw, who was raging on the battlefield below.

Such locking aiming was also discovered by pirates.

He sighed regretfully, set off a frenzy of flames for the last time to smash the demon offensive, and at the same time sent his servants back to the realm of fire.

Starships are the most annoying!

Bu Laike complained that it was hard to use the terrain of Argus to incarnate a powerful Lord of Fire.

He hasn't played enough yet.


In the next moment, the main cannon of the demonic starship shot in the air and pulled out the impact of magic energy that cut everything, which was equivalent to sixteen rounds of demigod full-strength blows, and precisely bombarded the body of the incarnation of the Fire Demon King.

The blood bar in front of Bu Laike bottomed out in an instant, but because the Fire Demon King can absorb all heat energy, he barely locked the last trace of blood with the heat energy shield.

And this starship shooting also brought terrible disasters to Krokuun. When the already unstable continental shelf was shattered, the magma collapsed, and the mountain where Nathrax Fortress was located also collapsed and turned into floating islands. Break away from the collapsed main body of the continent.

In such a disaster, the pirate sneered and gathered the heat he had accumulated from the incarnation to the present, just like when Ragnaros exited, there was a gorgeous "burning explosion".

"Flame. The flame is extinguished, you, turn into ashes with me!"

Stinky Pirates throw their last strength into the sky.

While the Admiral's Demon Lady shrieked like a cat with its tail trampled on, her flagship was hit head-on, and a sunburst burst across the face of Argus' world.

This announced the final defeat of the Firelord.

It's a pity that since the crooked demon footmen used the "Vicious BUG" to defeat this boss, Laike punished them by not giving them any drop rewards.

Except despair and fear.

(end of this chapter)

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