Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1677 45. Brother-In-Law, You Hold On First, Brother-In-Law Is Going To Be A Titan And Come B

Chapter 1677 45. Brother-in-law, you hold on first, brother-in-law is going to be a titan and come back to save you

Warlock trios deal with demon corpses to collect loot, that's what they do.

Not only did they do it themselves, but they also summoned their own demon horde, plus a group of half-fel, half-empty demon servants called by Bu Laike.

When the pirate returned from completing the "magma funeral" for Lao Hou, he had already placed the two eyeballs of Maronos, several jars of steaming spinal fluid, and some initially purified magic blood in front of him.

The three warlocks are skinning.

The skin of this thick-skinned Destroyer is extremely tough. As long as it can be brought back to Azeroth and handed over to a master tailor, a batch of high-quality fel armor can be made immediately.

But this job won't be finished in a while, and the time it takes for such a big, big-ass demon to complete the subdivision process to ensure that nothing useful is wasted is at least calculated in months.

Too bad it's still a war.

Little Xingxing had just reported that the cunning polluter Archimonde had appeared near the headquarters of the anti-magic coalition vanguard army. Obviously, Archimonde played a classic house-changing tactic again.

Let the poor-witted Malornos stay in the Nathrax Fortress to attract the firepower of the most powerful assassins, creating a chance for him to raid the enemy camp.

The bastard tortured Jarod Shadowsong himself ten thousand years ago, and it's still the same thing ten thousand years later.

Probably because the last time it was commanded by the War of the Ancients, the demon returned with hatred because of Garald's command, so this time, it went straight to Garald when it came up.

What a vengeful bastard.

"You keep doing it here, this broken land won't sink for a while, I'll go back and have a look."

Bu Laike blew a sharp whistle, and a group of crimson flames whizzed down from the sky. The phoenix sky of flames circled around the pirates several times, apparently ready for supersonic flight.

But the pirate still did not forget what he had promised before he left. Under the eager gaze of the three bastard warlocks, Bu Laike walked to the still-hot body of Malonos, and extracted the huge mass of jet-black heart energy.

He glanced at this thing, and found that its anima effect was unexpectedly good:

Name: Destroyer King of the Abyss

Quality: Legendary Anima [Evil Force Enhancement]

Requirements: Fel Power User, Warlock/Demon Hunter Professional Specialization

Anima effect:

1. The Lord of Evil Fire:

Using this anima will unlock the [Fel Fire] talent for the user, replace all the magic flames of the Warlock class with Fel Fire, and add [Magic Armor Break] and [Fel Burn] in addition to the original magic effects , [Soul Corrosion] and other additional effects.

After this talent is replaced, the magic power of the warlock will be changed from drawing magic power from the magic net to extracting magic power from the twisting void. While effectively enhancing the destructive power of magic, it can allow the warlock to cast spells normally in areas where there is no magic net.

After this talent is replaced, all of the Warlock's demon minions will be granted the ability to use Felfire.

After this talent is replaced, the Warlock's defensive magic will counterattack all attackers with 30% of the attack's Fel Fire damage. This effect is chaos damage and cannot be saved by normal defense.

After the replacement of this talent, Warlock's magic flame visual effect was replaced with green to show the evil nature of Warlock Masters.


Unlocking the talent of the Lord of Fel Fire means that the warlock is advancing towards the original force of fel energy, and the power of being corrupted by fel energy will be greatly increased. Therefore, it is not recommended for the weak-willed to use this anima.

2. Destroyer incarnation [combinable]:

Mannoroth's brutal and warlike will still resides in this Anima, which, when used, will grant the Warlock/Demon Hunter who has mastered [Demon Transformation] the ability [Avatar of the Abyss].

Allows the user to change his demonic form into "Maronos the Destroyer" at the cost of short-term weakness.

In this transformed form, the user will have all the combat skills and brute force of Mannoroth, and can use the powerful and brutal fel fire magic to destroy the enemy.


The strength of the Avatar of the Destroyer depends on the current strength of the user, and the duration of the Avatar of the Destroyer depends on the tolerance of the user's mind to the corruption of evil energy.

If this form is forced to be used for a long time, there will be a risk of permanent demonization.

In order to reduce the risk of being corrupted, perhaps you can try to split the mind.

3. Blessing of Demonic Blood:

After using this anima, part of the blood in the warlock/demon hunter will be replaced with magic blood that is more sensitive to fel energy. Like the ghost tricks played in other worlds, it is used to "bless" lower-level lives so that they can obtain brutal magic blood enhancements in a short period of time.

Any life that receives the blessing of the magic blood will suffer from [Magic blood disease], and the weak-willed life will become the servant of the anima user.

There is no limit on the number of this magic blood blessing.

However, considering the physical health of the anima user, it is recommended to take out a piece of magic blood every three days at most. Frequent extraction will cause the anima user to fall into a long-term weak state.

Heart energy description:

come! Challenge me with your pathetic strength! insect! ——Maronos the Destroyer

The special effect of this group of anima made the pirate raise his eyebrows. If he hadn't been "titled" by the Fel Force and he didn't like the pure brute force form very much, otherwise he would definitely try this thing himself.

The talent of the evil fire lord alone is worth trying. For traditional warlocks, it is almost all-round strengthening, and the blessing of magic blood is a "magic skill" for developing cult members.

If the pirate had obtained this thing when he was still weak, in order to stabilize his pirate authority, he would definitely be able to pump himself into anemia.

However, the anima produced by such a tyrannical guy as the Destroyer is actually based on the ability to cast spells, which is quite surprising. According to common sense, it can be inferred that the old roar can be tortured into a melee in melee, Malonos After all, he should be a master of brute force.

Of course, this is a stereotyped prejudice that belongs to ordinary people.

Although the abyss lords have always appeared as muscular monsters charging into battle in the battle sequences of the Burning Legion, most of them really love to tear apart the enemy with irresistible melee brute force, but the truth is that the abyss lords' talent for evil fire magic is in the hands of demons. The system also belongs to the top.

Therefore, those enemies who try to challenge the pit lord with magic often do not end well.

As for why these big butts don't like to use their powerful talents to evil fire?

Uh, the reason is probably that these guys are the most difficult enemies in the stars even if they don't use magic. The problem can be solved by drawing a knife. Why spend time singing magic?

It is probably also because the Fel Creator is a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder who emphasizes balance.

He may feel that giving the abyss lords such a powerful talent for casting spells and giving them such a good body seems too partial. So for the sake of "racial balance", he took away the brains of the abyss lords' big butts as the price for their powerful talents.

"Come, come, you three are blessed today."

Bo Laike tossed the jet-black anima that was still roaring in his hands up and down, and he glanced at the warlock trio who were almost drooling.

Although these three guys couldn't see the anima, they had long known that their captain had the magical ability to draw the power of the enemy and bless their own people.

For example, the quicksand incarnation of the old man Sakir, the inexplicably extra strange abilities of the five orcs that should not belong to the orcs, and the story of Hisalie Crow becoming the king of flames.

The warlock trio have all experienced these things firsthand.

They could have begged the captain to bless them before, but they kept holding back.

It's like watching everyone in front of you get a cake and you're hungry but still gritting your teeth and waiting for the most delicious food to be served. These three cunning guys obviously knew that praying for power had to pick the best moment.

Like now!

Now the invisible force in the captain's hands is the perfect "gift" they can get after waiting for a long time, hey, what's the use of running fast?

Who wouldn't accelerate in a straight line?

Fast corners are really fast!

From this point of view, although the trio of warlocks have various flaws, their combined evil wisdom and their greed for power, precision of vision and patience of waiting cannot be underestimated.

"The power of the destroyer is too strong. Any one of you can't bear this blessing. The result of the snake swallowing the elephant can only be choking to death, so I will divide it into three parts."

The pirate put everything in his heart energy, and the large group of heart energy was evenly divided into three parts. This kind of operation will undoubtedly lead to a decrease in the power of the heart energy, but there will be no lack of necessary strengthening items.

He made a "please take" gesture to the warlock trio.

The three guys stopped pretending, and rushed forward like a vicious dog rushing for food. Each of them grabbed a ball of things that they couldn't even see, and they were ready to snatch the other two.

However, their understanding of anima is too shallow.

This thing can't be snatched by hand at all. When they touched the three groups of anima, the power derived from skill and existence merged into their bodies.

In the next moment, amidst the screams of the three bastards, dark green evil fire gushed out from their bodies and almost burned them to death, but this was just the scene where the talent of the evil fire master was activated.

The pirate wasn't interested in staying here and watching the three bastards rolling back and forth in pain, but before he left, he reached out and slapped the three idiots on the forehead one after another.

Now there are three more Demon God Chosen Ones with Thousand Tongues on the pirate character card.

Of course, it's just the God's Chosen Mark like Shaw, and now Laike won't give them their own power. On the one hand, the strength of the warlock trio has not yet reached the limit limited by their talents.

On the other hand, if you use the power of the void rashly on this demonic land, you will be suppressed by the original force of fel energy.

This is not a good place to be blessed.

With the hissing of the sky, Braike rushed out of the broken land suspended in the heart sea of ​​fel energy at supersonic speed, and flew towards the Annihelan molten pool command center in the middle of Krokuun .

There are still densely packed demons below, but the earth shattering just now and the collapse of the mountain where the Nasrax Fortress is located have already caused the demon formation to be chaotic.

The withdrawn Uncrowned and Rangers are following the demon hunters to snipe those valuable demon commanders in the chaos. After the saboteurs are killed, now is the time to hunt freely.

Bo Laike also saw the wreckage of the demon starship that crashed in the middle of the battlefield. It was the unlucky ghost that was shot down when the avatar of the Firelord blew himself up, and it seemed to be a flagship.

The rest of the starships have already withdrawn to the Antoran wasteland. The poor continental shelf of Krokuun is really not suitable for starship bombing. If you don’t pay attention, you will kill large pieces of your own people, and once they are completely shattered The continental shelf of Krokuun, the awakening of the Argus star soul will also be delayed.

This was an unbearable result for Kil'jaeden.

However, the situation at the command post was not as out of control as the pirates imagined.

Archimonde did appear, but the gray-white Naruzlari who came back in time was an unplanned guy. She protected the most important headquarters with her powerful holy light.

With her support and strengthening, the warriors of the Holy Light Legion can still persist until the strong ones in front come back to help.

Although the casualties are also great.

"Jarrod! Commander of the elves, you should have embraced the legion ten thousand years ago. Your command art will bring the legion greater victories, and you can also benefit from it."

Surrounded by the elite demon army, Archimonde used his powerful magic to supply the shield of the gray naaru while the tide of brutal things attacked, and shouted:

"Don't hide in your tortoise shell, come out! Face the polluter, I will complete the unfinished business of 10,000 years ago, and I will bestow upon you the honor of being my adjutant!

Your soldiers are being slaughtered by me.

If you value their lives you should face me like a man. "

"Tch, what's the point of bullying my brother-in-law, you pathetic Ake."

Bu Laike, who was riding on the saddle of the sky, stared at the flamboyant Archimonde with a displeased expression. He took out a magic gem from his arms from the Mystic Academy, and was about to summon him. Grandpa Thakir who had a fight with Kermond.

But at this moment, the bluffing little star drove his Thor Throne to Bo Laike in a dash of sparks and lightning.

She screamed outrageously:

"Garrod is injured! Go and have a look, he was attacked by Archimonde just now, that big polluter Lan is shameless! As a big devil, he has no dignity at all to attack a mortal!

Fortunately, General Shandris helped him block it, otherwise Jarod would have transformed into a demon on the spot. But the situation of the two of them is really bad now, the evil energy is polluting them.

The moon god priests have nothing to do. "

"Injured? Damn! Maiev will definitely kill me."

Bu Laike felt dizzy when he heard the news. He gritted his teeth and stared at Archimonde, already condemning this guy to death.

But just when Laike handed over the magic gem in his hand to Little Xingxing and was about to go on stage to seek justice for his brother-in-law, a rush of whistles suddenly exploded in his mind.

Let the pirate immediately rub his forehead, he turned his head and said to Little Xingxing:

"I want to go out temporarily, you take my body back to the command headquarters."

"It's about time, what are you going to do?"

Little Xingxing exclaimed, Bu Laike looked up at the sky and said:

"It's enough for you to deal with two big demons and hordes of demons, but for me today is a two-front battle, and there is saving the soul of the titan.

It seems that they are in a bad situation, so I have to go and have a look. Little Xingxing, it's fine if you don't want to go to the battlefield. Protect my body, don't let him get hit by the finger of death or something.

It will hurt.

I'll be back in thirty minutes at the most. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate sat cross-legged on the Throne of Thunder God, and as soon as he closed his eyes, his soul followed the connection of the void will between the body and the parasite, and went to the distant world through the lightless sea covering the material world. Sanctuary of the Twisting Nether.

He previously gave Finner Drake the dragon whistle.

And told the idiot sister to blow the whistle when the battle situation was dangerous. Just now, Fenner blew the dragon whistle, and it seemed that the Sanctuary was almost at the same time.

There is no need to worry about evil energy corrosion or anything!

As long as Lord Ionar, the life titan, comes here, everything will be fine.

So, my poor brother-in-law, hold on a little longer, and my brother-in-law will come back to save you after he overthrew Aggramar in the past.

(end of this chapter)

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