Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1680 48. Odin Wants To Launch A Magnificent Rebellion Against The Creator

Chapter 1680 48. Odin wants to launch a magnificent rebellion against the Creator

"Quick! Speed ​​up!"

Sefiel rescued the idiot Fenner. She anxiously glanced at the battlefield of the Temple of Life that had been completely burned, and then at the heroic spirits who were digging frantically.

Under the acceleration of time, the shovels in the hands of these heroic spirits were ground to sparks.

With their efforts, most of the roots of the World Tree have been dug out, and the Zenidar above them has also landed, ready to run away with Lord Eonar at any time.

But they really need a little time.

"Why did you choose a tree as a carrier?"

At this fatal moment, Emperor Thoradin, who threw off his arms and dug the soil, couldn't help complaining:

"It's so convenient for you to choose a beast. We can leave immediately when we come. Of course, I'm not questioning the choice of the Titan Creator, but it's a bit too unwise."


Facing the words of the heroic spirit, the life titan remained silent.

Do you think Master Eonar will regret this?

Of course, I would regret it to death.

When she was sent to this shelter, she didn't even think about it and took root in the posture of the source of life.

But she also had something to say.

At that time, when Sargeras made a big fuss about the Pantheon and chopped up his body, everyone was almost gone. How could he have time to think about the future?

"Get out of the way!"

The Life Titan also made a decision at this moment, she shouted to the heroic spirits in a decisive tone:

"I can't waste any more time, I'm going to cut off the remaining roots."

"No! Can't!"

Hearing Lord Eonar's decision, Life Guardian Freya was the first to jump out and refuse:

"Your soul rests entirely on this tree, and once you choose to forcibly cut off the roots, it will cause irreversible damage to your soul, which is unacceptable to us.

We still have time, mother.

We didn't give up, and neither can you! "

"Activate the persuasion agreement: Freya is right, Lord Eonar, now is not the time to be arrogant."

The Virgin of Purity carefully observed the changes in Aggramar who was drugged by herself, and said to the Life Titan:

"According to my understanding of Titan Soul, once you suffer injury in this situation, it will make it difficult for you to fully recover, and it will even affect your subsequent body remodeling.

We can't take any chances. "

"No, we can."

Eonar said stubbornly:

"Listen to me, children, I am very touched that you can risk your life for me, but as your mother, how can I watch my children die to protect me?

And, I'm not being reckless or reckless.

Cutting off my roots now will certainly cause me to fall into terrible weakness and pain, but as long as we can rescue my brothers, relying on my lover Aman'Thul's precise control of time, he can be in the place where the force gathers after everything calms down. In the pantheon thrust me into the dream of time.

I just need one more sleep to be back in full form.

This is something only he can do.

It is equivalent to giving up my current health and choosing to bet on the future.

This is necessary, if we cannot save the souls of other titans, then it is useless for you to take me in health. "


The life titan's explanation made the two guardians look at each other. Just as they hesitated, Raiden crawled out of the chasm under the temple in disgrace, and threw Thorim who was seriously injured and unconscious beside him.

Gritting his teeth, he said to Freya:

"Just do it! Quick! Help Lord Eonar get off the ground and look over there. Aggramar has already started to burn the world, we can't stand it anymore!"

"I use holy light to protect the Titan's soul!"

Zela also floated down, and the Mother of Holy Light tried her best to cover the World Tree in front of her with her warm light, and she promised in a pleasant baby voice:

"The Force of the Holy Light also respects the Titans very much. I will try my best to avoid the harm and pain that Lord Eonar suffers. The Zenidar is ready."


In the next instant, the sound of heavy objects cracking resounded under the ground of this small star, and together with the swaying of the World Tree in severe pain, it resounded.

Eonar cutting off his own roots is equivalent to cutting off a finger of a normal person, the pain that goes straight to the soul is self-evident.

And the sound of the roots breaking immediately alarmed Aggramar, who was about to use Taeshalach to exterminate the "filthy people who dare to stop the great cause of purification" in front of him.

As a titan, he immediately realized what Eonar was doing.

He knows that it cannot be delayed.


The fallen titan roared and made a throwing motion, and the Taeshalach in his hand flew out like a flaming meteorite in the next instant, leaping over the crowd and smashing towards Eonar's world tree.

He wants to destroy this carrier.

Without the carrier, the living titan's cosmic soul has nowhere to go and can only be captured by the fel energy in the Twisting Nether. As for destroying the carrier, the living titan will fall into terrible weakness, which is not Aggramar's concern.

Just bring her back to Antorus.

Then Lord Sargeras will personally pay attention to the fel force, then the weak Eonar will soon become healthy again.

Then find the planet that once gave birth to Eonar, and pollute the heart of the world of that planet with evil energy, then the former life titan will become the third fallen person of the dark pantheon.

With Eonar's supreme manipulation of life, once she returns to Lord Sargeras, the next task of finding and nurturing the star soul will be smooth sailing.

I have wasted too much time being entangled by these fallen people, I should just ignore them and complete my mission directly, and then shatter this small world with a sword in the sea of ​​stars.

Fallen Titan feels like he's hitting on the point.



The Taeshalach that flew out was not able to complete the destruction of the Eonar carrier according to Aggramar's will, and it was intercepted by a ball of lightning in mid-air.

In the flying thunder, Odin, holding the shield of Aggramar, fell from the sky, blasted a big hole in the ground, and took a few steps back before he was able to stabilize his body.

The Titan Aegis in his hand shone with incomparable brilliance, while the blocked Flame War Sword fell in the air and was grabbed by the Fallen Titan and flew back into his hand.

"No! Go over!"

Odin shielded the aegis with beating dazzling thunder in front of him.

He stared viciously at the invincible Titan with his one eye, and he was still holding the Gungnir battle spear that was bent and straightened to a strange shape in his hand.

Golden fury danced around him, outlining Odin as an angry god standing in the raging fire.

He challenged Aggramar:

"Look at your shield, it has not betrayed you, Lord Aggramar, it has always been loyal to the former defender of the stars, and it is extremely eager to see its master return.

During the million years I've kept it, I can feel the desire of Aegis.

It wishes to fight by your side again, however. Now you are not its master, it does not know you, because you have been reduced from a noble guardian to a brutal accomplice to destruction.


Didn't you hear?

Your aegis is weeping, it's crying out for you. "

Aggramar was unmoved. He moved his fingers and strode towards Odin. The flaming sword in his hand flipped slightly.

As a titan, with the soul of the universe, it is impossible for him to be disturbed by such a language offensive.

What's more, these guardians who were personally shaped by them in the Pantheon couldn't understand Lord Sargeras' determination and necessity to purify the stars.

These children of the titans even chose to join forces with the Void in order to win.

They are the real traitors!

Traitors are not to be tolerated.

"You all go!"

Seeing Aggramar coming with killing intent, Odin shouted to the others:

"Escort Lord Ionar out of here, I will buy you time!"

"I don't doubt your determination, Odin, I just doubt whether you can do it."

Bu Laike retreated while protecting the seriously injured Xal'atath. He manipulated the huge Dragon King Devourer to retreat into the ruins, and shouted to Odin:

"This is not an enemy you can deal with at your own risk."

"If you can't do it, why don't you do it?"

Faced with the stinky pirate's question, the King of War smiled. Under the astonished gaze of Bu Laike's ten eyes, Odin let out a muffled grunt, as if he had activated some strange ability.

In the next instant, the golden anger entwined around him erupted like gasoline being poured, and the anger at the level of will manifested and even began to burn the bricks and stones on the ground.

The flames were spreading, first entwined and burned on Odin's spear, and then covered the shield of Aggramar in his hand.

The aura of the King of War is rising steadily, and it seems that he has suddenly broken through his limit as the guardian of the Titans, and began to move towards a higher level.

"That's... Death Wish!"

Stupid Fenner exclaimed, and all the heroic spirits shouted in unison at this moment. As fighters, it is impossible for them not to know what kind of power Odin will activate.

The King of War said he was going to do his best, but this bastard really did!

Burning his will so fiercely, this guy has no intention of going back alive at all.

"Ever since I told him the truth about the Pantheon, I knew that Odin had a serious psychological problem, but I didn't expect this guy's psychological problem to be so serious that it has developed into self-destructive desire"

Bu Laike rushed back into the crowd, staring at the burning Odin and Aggramar's battlefield confrontation, he said to the people beside him with five heads in a strange tone:

"He is really sick, a king of war who sacrificed his own existence, this guy should be able to fight his creator before burning himself to death, right?"

"Come and help!"

Old Dai Lin, who was wielding a shovel, saw her son, daughter-in-law and daughter still watching the fun, and suddenly shouted out of anger.

The roots of the Life Titans have broken to the extreme. They have opened the area where the World Tree is connected to the ground. The Holy Light spaceship is close to letting the broken roots of the Tree of Life wrap around its gem hull.

This is why the World Tree must be dug up before it can be transported away.

This tree is too big.

It can't even be loaded into the spaceship's warehouse, and can only be transported away by wrapping around the spaceship and "growing" on it.

An inappropriate metaphor is like a three-wheeled motorcycle carrying Dongfeng Express, the size of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

Aggramar's burning eyes looked past Odin, who was full of fighting spirit, and saw that the World Tree had begun to "ship". He couldn't allow such a result, so he planned to go over and cut off the carrier.

But at the same time that he shattered the earth and jumped up, the roaring Odin also jumped up, like a golden meteor rushing into the sky, intercepting the fallen titan again.

The burning Taeshalach slashed at Odin, but was blocked by the equally burning Aegis of Aggramar. Under the crushing force, the Titan's Aegis also burst into scars.

But this time, it wasn't repulsed!

Two burning titans smashed into the ground, and they began to attack each other frantically as the ground crumbled.

The Enemy Breaker's swordsmanship continued to sway Odin's body, leaving terrifying scars, and the Gungnir spear, which was so hot that it was about to melt, also stabbed frantically, leaving Aggramar with wounds that broke the defense.

Death wish.

Strange power, under the mortal heart, sacrifice all of one's existence to death in exchange for the power to kill the enemy. The increase that such self-sacrifice can obtain is quite terrifying.

This is the necessary force for warriors to challenge impossible enemies.

A guy like Odin is inherently stronger than Bu Rocks, and the power he gained after sacrificing himself like Bu Rocks is naturally stronger.

The fallen titan felt the pain.

This is a very rare experience.

It made him take seriously again the creation that challenged him before him, and he looked at the roaring Odin, and he saw the rage burning in the one eye of the mechanical construct.

It's not just a simple warrior's anger, there are also very complicated emotions in it. It is the shame of resisting the majesty of the Creator and of being betrayed.

He, thinks he betrayed him?

Fallen Titans find it incredible

As the creations created by the Titans of the Pantheon using themselves as a template, shouldn't they obey the will of the Titans? Such rebellion against the Creator is itself an evil act.

Not to mention that he would hinder Lord Sargeras' great purification of the stars.

What right does he have to be angry?

"You molded us and gave us the mission to defend the world!

We regard you as gods, and flaunt our pursuit with your great deeds to maintain the order of the stars. We have done wrong things but we are making up for them. "

Odin was scarred by Taeshalach in the constant knife fight. The Lord of War felt his weakness, but he used his shield to push Aggramar hard like a bull to keep him away from the world tree of the life titan.

he growled.

To express all his thoughts at this last moment, this is actually his ultimate purpose of coming here.

He didn't want to win.

The Lord of War roared:

"But we are still insisting! We are still implementing your instructions and orders, and we are still doing our best to defend the world and the stars!

You gave up first!

You have renounced your great ideals, Aggramar! You, once the Supreme Creator, have become Sargeras' killing machine.

You are no longer the Creator whom we worship infinitely, you are no longer our God

You're just a pathetic bastard! "


After Odin shouted, Aggramar punched him to the ground. He sacrificed himself in exchange for only enough power to stop the Fallen Titan for less than three minutes.

His spear was broken by Aggramar's foot, his left arm was chopped off by the sword of the fallen titan, and his shield was shattered into several pieces by Taeshalach in a mournful scream.

But Odin was still holding on to the fragments of the shield, dragging the Fallen Titan's legs in the raging fire to prevent him from destroying the Zenidaar that was about to take off.

He has never been so embarrassed as he is now.

The body of steel on his body had already melted into disrepute, and even the majestic face was no longer mighty, but even though he was in a mess like a punk fighting, he still didn't let go of Aggramar's arm.

The Fallen Titan saw that the Holy Light Spaceship was about to take off, he roared and turned around and slashed at Odin's head with a sword.

Lord of War knew he was doomed.

But at this moment, the Devourer of the Dragon King who had withdrawn to the Zenidar suddenly roared, and under the order of Bu Laike, the abominable parasite hidden deep in Aggramar's body exploded at this moment.

Drake tried his best and couldn't affect Aggramar's mind.

But its internal eruption caused the fallen titan's sword-swing movement to lose its shape in an instant, and the flaming greatsword grazed Odin's head and smashed into the ground.

A bright light flashed in the King of War's single eye. He roared and grabbed the burning broken spear, and took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sneak into the waist of the fallen titan like a seriously injured lone wolf.

Like the deadliest assassin.

In the final mortal roar, in the flaming crumbling orb, thrust the molten broken spear into Aggramar's scar from Boo Rocks.


Blood splattered everywhere.

Behold, the gods bleed too!

(end of this chapter)

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