Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1685 53. Xiao Ke, Your Regression Really Disappoints Teacher

Chapter 1685 53. Xiao Ke, Your Regression Really Disappoints Teacher

Although the "fitting method" of the warlock trio made the pirates so embarrassed that they could dig out a three-room hall with their toes, even though their trick-like spellcasting system made Xiao Xingxing laugh hard, even though their unique "power connection" "The little murloc couldn't help clapping his paws and whistling to applaud this excellent "performance".

But the power they were given was real.

This power will not be reduced by the user's funny and shameless.

At the moment when the power combination of the "Trinity" was completed, a terrifying storm of evil fire boiled on the spot, merging the three shameless warlocks into one under the blessing of the evil force.

Amidst the earth-shaking roar, Mannoroth, the destroyer who had just been killed, appeared on the broken land of Argus in a brand-new way. Xieyan also threw the "Venom" war halberd that he had installed in a special way in advance. On the ground, the saboteur who made the three of them fit together would not have no weapons at hand.

They have sealed the savage soul of Maronorth in the halberd with the help of their respective demon servants according to Bu Laike's orders.

After the brand-new Destroyer appeared, Zarak controlled the Abyssal Claw to grab the heavy and terrifying weapon in his hand, and stabbed forward casually. A scorching and scorching mana impact swept across Archimonde's demon guard like a scythe , Reimbursed more than a dozen elite demons in an instant.

The body controlled by Xieyan opened its exaggerated and ferocious dragon wings, which were too fat to fly, and opened its heavy four hooves like a mammoth charging, rushing in from the side amidst the cracks and collapses of the ground. Among the demon army.

He trampled on it with a heavy hoof, knocking the surrounding demons into a coma, and Zarak sneered and harvested them with the Halberd of Resentment.

As for Kanrethad, who made up the head, he didn't care about the brutal melee attack and defense, and just left it to his two violent companions.

He is only responsible for overwhelming and crushing the enemy with powerful magic that the destroyer never cares about.

Under the control of Kanresad, the power of the evil fire, which had been neglected by the abyss lords before, has been truly developed. Wherever this new destroyer rushes, there will be densely packed flame meteorites and evil fire storms. From time to time, it shatters the ground to create hot molten pools, drowning those demons who cannot escape in the magma.

The combination of the warlock trio is equivalent to creating an upgraded version of the Destroyer with both strength and wisdom. A Malonos with a brain and tricks is definitely an enemy that can make polluters feel thorny.

When he saw "Mannoroth" roaring and rushing towards him, the defiler's eyes widened.

It realized that the danger was coming, and felt that it had misjudged itself!

After the three ants that could be easily crushed to death became somewhat troublesome bugs, they "changed into living beings" again and became "troublemakers" that could make them feel threatened.

No wonder that bastard Bu Laike wants these three guys to help him fight.

It turned out that he didn't choose at random.


How did this stinky pirate hide dragons and crouching tigers under his command? Where did he find so many live treasures?

"Sargeras taught you this way of fighting while being distracted in a fierce battle? My student."

Sakir's faint voice sounded in front of Archimonde, startling the Polluters who were attracted by the rampant Destroyers.

It instantly turned around and threw the heavy blow of the Legion's Fist, crushing a large group of pounced on demon dogs to death, only to find that the strange magic in Sakir's hands had been completed.

A hexagram similar to arcane magic but filled with evil energy flashed before the eyes of the polluter, and then a stripped weakness fell on Archimonde.

The Defiler let out a terrified roar, feeling that his connection with Lord Sargeras had been forcibly severed.

Its connection with the Fel Force was sealed by Thalkiel in a vicious way, which prevented it from continuously relying on the dark titan's blessing to draw power from the berserk Force.

This will not affect Archimonde's combat effectiveness at this time, but it will greatly weaken its battery life.

Let it go from a war machine that can sway its destructive power ruthlessly to a powerful mortal demon again. Most importantly, being severed from the connection with the fel force means that it will not be able to return to the Twisting Nether to resurrect.

And Krokuun's fel heart has been destroyed by these damned mortals in previous wars.

This means that its demonic soul falls into Thakir's hands after the body dies

It's all arranged!

It's all an elaborate trap designed to counter it!

Uh, Ake was wrong, this war was not a trap specifically aimed at it, although it did step in with arrogance.

"It took me a lot of money to learn this magic from Ms. Aegwynn. Back then, the guardian used this power from the will of the world to kill the incarnation of the Dark Titan.

Though it was a sham of a plot, the invaluable powers of Tirisfal's legacy are real. "

Uncle Saqier sneered fiercely. He raised the screaming Reaper Scythe, flashed forward with a wave of his hand and shot out the deadly fel energy scythe, and was blocked by Ake with both arms, leaving several bloody wounds.

In this face-to-face confrontation, Sakir's flaming skull looked so hideous and terrifying.

He said to his disciples in a voice of gnashing of teeth:

"Do you think it is possible for you to leave here alive? My poor disciple, don't even think about going anywhere. I will find you a warm "new home".

Wait till I live enough.

When I have lost interest in the material world, I will take your remnant soul and fall into the hell prepared for people like us.

We will never be separated, my dear disciple. "

"Don't even think about it! You old madman!"

Of course Archimonde was not a character who would admit defeat.

It lifted the heavy fist wrapped in flames and slammed it down towards Sakir. The great enlightener let the heavy fist fall without dodging or evading. Reappear at a safe distance.

A vicious grimace was drawn from the burning face of the skull.

In the next moment, the halberd of the Destroyer savagely charged across and smashed hard on the Polilator's back. The mana shield it had applied to itself was shattered by Mannoroth's brute force, and the huge blue body They were all staggered and fell to the ground by this powerful blow.

The brute force of the King of the Abyss is second to none in the entire Burning Legion. It can even wrestle with Aggramar. Although the Defiler is also proficient in martial arts, it is not a professional after all.

It is obviously unnecessary to challenge others' eating skills with one's own interests.

And defeating Ake is just the beginning.

The warlock trio laughed wildly, raised the heavy hoof of the king of the abyss, and trampled Ake on the ground like a horse's hoof, forcing the polluter's donkey to roll to avoid the violent trampling range. He raised his hand to teleport himself, but when the magic was about to be completed, Sakir cut off the magic line with a cold and precise cut.

The out-of-control teleportation technique exploded in Ake's hands, like fireworks exploding in the hands of a bear child, blackening the polluter's big blue face and plates.


Being continuously tricked made the polluter's anger even worse, and that thing began to burn its mind intensely, making Archimonde feel that everything was not going well today.

It's as if the whole world is against it.

This kind of rage made Akemin know that he had been cut off from the fel force and still chose a very brutal counterattack, starting with two fingers of death and smashing at Sakir and the destroyer.

The miraculous old man who had already turned into quicksand was not afraid of such an attack at all. Before the black light arrived, he dissipated himself so that the missed finger of death fell on a hapless demon commander.

The guy didn't expect that he would be hit hard by the friendly side, and fell to the ground in an instant.

With all the souls obliterated, it served as a fulcrum for the finger of death to bounce back and forth six times, and took away the lives of six unlucky devils. Hey, this sharp attack is indeed sharp, but it’s just that the aim is not very good. It’s not suitable for myopia or blind mages at first glance.

Of course, a certain interstellar player doesn't need to worry about this, anyway, they don't need eyesight to do anything, relying entirely on the strength of F2A.

It's a little troublesome to hit the saboteur's death finger, and the huge body of the big ass king makes it impossible for them to dodge.

However, the trio of warlocks also had their own countermeasures. They gathered the wings of the destroyer like a shield, and relied on the superposition of three souls and the rough skin and thick flesh of the king of the abyss to eat this blow.

While screaming in pain, the trio of warlocks also manipulated the saboteur to move forward, and began to fight Ake in close quarters.

The Halberd of Resentment slashed at Ake's chest with brute force, causing the polluter to break his defenses physically, but also his defenses mentally broken by the evil fire attached to the halberd and the curse of the destroyer's soul sealed in the weapon up.

Melee expert Archimonde gritted his teeth and swung a set of extremely powerful fel military fists, hitting the saboteur's big inverted triangular face plate with one punch, causing the saboteur's head to be raised and teeth to fall.

The warlock trio doesn't suffer.

They also raised the claws of the king of the abyss to pat Ake.

This is incredible.

Under each cracking claw, bones were broken, and the skin was ripped apart.

All of a sudden, the two big demons began to punch each other. The fight was not pleasing to the eye, but it still made Xiao Xingxing very addicted. He also used a dwarf camera to record the whole process of this "devil civil war".

Ake maintained his excellent fighting skills while enduring the mana attack of Uncle Sakir's full firepower. It took the saboteur's two claws and finally found a chance, grabbed the big butt's neck, and then Hard, breaking the neck of this big ass with excellent Jedney fighting skills.

In order to replicate the feat of breaking the neck of Luo En, the white deer horse, during the War of the Ancients.

But unfortunately, it was too irrational to be burned with anger.

Could this abyss lord with a big head and a thick neck have the slender neck of a demigod like Ma Luo En? People evolved this short neck just to prevent such shameless sneak attacks like you!

This big head and thick neck was not something Archimonde could break, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break the destroyer's spine or strangle it to death.

Instead, the cunning sorcerer seized the opportunity, frantically swung his claws and pulled out a bloody and terrifying hole in Ake's abdomen, and he could even see the devil's intestines infected by evil energy.

However, it was the first time for the warlock trio to fit together.

They were soon at a disadvantage in this brutal close combat.

It's not that the saboteur's melee martial arts is no match for Ake, but the energy of the three of them is always limited, and even if they are superimposed together, they can't drive the powerful saboteur into battle for a long time.

This is a small problem.

The first time you do anything is hectic and the time is very short. After that, you can slowly adapt and practice slowly and extend the time.

But the current situation is terrible. Once they passively release their avatars here, they will definitely be crushed to death by Ake one by one.

They can only hold on.

Fortunately, the old man Saqier is very powerful.

He saw the exhaustion of the warlock trio at a glance, so he flashed over and threw a dozen curses at Ake in an instant, and then waved the sickle of the Deadwind Reaper to release those imprisoned souls to besiege Ake. Give the warlock trio a chance to retreat.

But before leaving the stage, the three bastards exchanged their minds.

They decided to give Ake another big eye.

While signaling the old man to retreat quickly, the three bastards erupted with evil energy at the same time, manipulating their big buttocks to "burn their bodies", which was the routine operation of the abyss lord before death.

Even if these villains are dead, they will never make life easier for the enemy, unless they are headshot with an ax before self-destruction.

One can imagine the power of the self-destruction of a big demon incarnation.

In the fel energy explosion that shook the earth, one-third of the battlefield between the entire valley was instantly destroyed. Ake was also covered in blood from the explosion, and half of his body was corroded in the almost zero-distance explosion. .

Even the tail inlaid with gorgeous gold rings was blown off, and it jumped and twisted on the ground like a gecko's severed tail.

If tails could talk, the poor guy would absolutely be screaming for a doctor.

This is already an absolute serious injury.

But Ake was still holding on. It grabbed Maronos' venomous halberd amidst the fel wreckage after the destroyer's self-explosion, and the sealed soul in it screamed for help.

"Howling what howling!"

How could the polluter have the mood to pay attention to a loser? It scolded the halberd in its hand:

"Help me get rid of these bastards, and I will help you reshape your body in Antorus! If I fail, you are ready to suffer eternal life."

Malornos was out of his wits, but he also realized that the Defiler was right.

So in the next moment, the demon soul sent its remaining power to the weak Ake, allowing it to recover quickly.

Uncle Sakir, who wanted to sneak attack, didn't notice this detail. He flashed the finger of death in his hand ready to go, but Ake, who was grinning, turned around and stabbed viciously, tearing the old man's body with the huge halberd. of crushing.

Archimonde grabbed the flaming skull that Uncle Sakir wanted to levitate to escape, and it roared:

"You're a loser! Old man! Your body isn't yours, it cripples your power, sadly you'll never try to beat me! You're so far behind!

offal! "

"Fool! I don't need a body to defeat you, just a mouth!"

The old man grinned his burning mouth.

In the next moment, the magic energy of a demigod's full blow was sprayed out of his mouth and covered Ake's face.

At this distance, under such circumstances, the light cannons blinded the Polluters' defenses.

Howling, it tossed Thakir's skull and covered its horribly disfigured face, blinding one eye from the vicious attack.

The whole world seemed to dim down.

Like a lunatic, it frantically waved the war halberd in its hand, hacking to death all the demons who came to help it, and its madness was beyond words.

And in this last madness, Ake's last eye saw Bu Laike Xiao who was laughing on the hillside and pointing Jiangshan together with the dissolute and obscene blue dragon concubine behind him.

The uncontrollable hatred erupted like a nuclear bomb in the heart of the polluter who had completely broken its defenses, and it couldn't hold back any longer, screaming and dragging the halberd of resentment, and staggered towards Laike.

It wants to kill the stinky pirates to vent its hatred.

Seeing the crazy Ake rushing towards him, Little Xingxing bravely jumped out to block Laike, how could she let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water?

But just when Little Xingxing was about to cast a spell, Bu Laike reached out and pressed his shoulder.

The pirate looked crazy and yelled. Ake, who was no longer majestic as a big devil, moved his neck, and the thoughts of truth wrapped in his hands moved slightly, and said in a pleasant tone:

"It seems that it is not difficult to make a big devil crazy, just let it go through a day of despair."

"Let it come over. Before sending the enemy to hell, let them see the mastermind behind the scenes and let them finish their sad last words. This is the courtesy of the big villain."

(end of this chapter)

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