Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1697 65. The Pirate Ship Super Evolved!

Chapter 1697 65. The pirate ship super evolved!

"The good news is that the gravity of the hell is only two-thirds that of Azeroth! This means that the same energy will allow us to fly longer.

The bad news is that the fuel tank gauge needs to be reset.

Probably because of the broken world, its world axis has been deflected to a dangerous arc, hell! Our coordinate system all had to be redone.

Also, there may be some problems with the rotation period of this broken world. Trixie is going to adjust the nautical clock, and help me make a cup of crude coffee by the way.

I'll have watermelon with two radiant ice cubes.

thanks. "

Prince Erazmin, who temporarily cameo as the scientific officer of The Evil of This World, yelled in the command room, directing a group of mechanical gnomes to frantically adjust various parameters and equipment, while sending the original scientist and the second officer, Ms. Trixie He acts like his own secretary.

This made Trixie, who had already acquired the habit of pirates, very upset, eager to pull out her coil gun and shoot this damned chatter away.

Anyway, his mechanical head is not afraid of guns, just replace it with a new one if it is broken.

But considering the new world, this large spaceship needs to adjust too much data, without a technical talent like Prince Erazmin, it is really difficult to handle it in a short time, and he came to the ship to help. No money, so the second officer of the wild mechanical dwarf thought about it and let it go.

Honestly went to pour His Royal Highness his beloved crude oil coffee.

This thing is a special offering of the mechanical gnome on the Evil of the World. It is said that when the ship was designed, several special coffee machines were specially installed.

It's a pity that the dwarf apprentices on the ship were not blessed to enjoy this delicacy of Mechagon Island. It is said that a bold guy who was willing to try new things took a sip and almost sent it on the spot.

This directly led to the failure to open up the popularity of this "flavored drink".

"But no matter how many times I look at it, I feel that this ship is very strange. This is the first time I have entered the bridge. Where is its steering wheel? Where is the sail?

Why can't I see sailors on deck? "

While Prince Erazmin was busy adjusting various sailing parameters, there was a fair-skinned and beautiful long-legged human girl in a pirate captain's suit beside him asking questions.

Judging from her posture floating a few inches above the ground, this should be an out-and-out spirit body.

And judging from the fact that she has been wandering around a group of busy mechanical gnomes and has not been kicked out of the command cabin by these little mechanical men who are particularly irritable at work, the identity of this black-haired girl is definitely not ordinary.

Even Prince Erazmin took the time to answer her weird questions.

"This ship is mechanically powered, and a new gravity well system was installed in the laboratory of Mimiron's ancestor. It can sail without sails.

As for the steering wheel

Alas, little girl, when navigating in three-dimensional space, the rudder wheel will not solve the problem. "

The mechanical prince sighed, and explained to the curious girl next to him in the most easy-to-understand language:

"The simplest point, how do you use the steering wheel to solve the problem of flying height?"

"Press it down or lift it up."

It's not that the girl doesn't know anything about sailing, she said seriously:

"I also heard from Little Xingxing how you steer this boat. It's too complicated to use those buttons and levers. Why don't you connect the machine that controls the height to the steering wheel that can be raised and lowered?

I sat in on a few classes at the Narsalas School of Engineering for credits, and the gnomes of Gnomeregan and the goblins of Booty Bay have developed similar mechanical structures.

You Mechagons are supposed to be more advanced than them. "

"Uh, a rudder wheel that goes up and down? Well, that sounds like a good idea, but that would involve a major overhaul of the power steering system on the panel, and we've designed the controls to be distributed.

If you follow Ni's suggestion, it means integrating them again.

This workload is too great. "

Thinking icons flashed in the mechanical eyes of the mechanical prince, and he tilted his head and said to the black-haired girl next to him:

"But your idea is good, it's worth trying, and we will try this mode on the second ship of the Evil-class. By the way, you have been on this ship for several days, and I have never asked you What about identity?

I see that Trixie and the others respect you very much, and even call you "Her Royal Highness". Which king is your father? I'm not bragging, I've basically seen all the kings and chiefs of Azeroth.

But I haven't seen anyone who looks like you. "

"Huh? Don't you know who I am?"

A surprised light flashed in the eyes of this human girl with a good personality, and then she burst into a mischievous smile. She coughed a few times, pulled the pirate cloak she was wearing, and said in a very majestic voice:

"My father's name is Proudmoore, and my mother's name is Hela, er, or Nozdormu?"

"Oh, is it the illegitimate daughter of His Majesty Dai Lin and His Majesty Hela, Queen of Hell?"

Prince Erazmin, a tech nerd, blinked.

He was obviously shocked, and then whispered in surprise:

"I've long heard that Admiral Dai Lin's taste... well, it's a bit different from ordinary people, but is he so charming that he can even conquer the frightening hell queen in the legend?

Wow, you are indeed the most attractive person among the human kings according to the rumors. It is no wonder that you are a spirit body, Your Highness, but as the daughter of Ms. Hela, you should not have a good life, right?

Are you here to relax in Argus?

Although I live in Mechagon, I can occasionally hear news from the North Sea. It is said that your mother and His Majesty the Lich King's fleet have been fighting in the waters near the Broken Isles.


I remembered!

Your face!

I just said why is it so familiar! Sorry, but you flesh and blood creatures all look the same to my electronic eyes. "

The Mechanical Prince screamed:

"Isn't this the face of First Officer Sefiel? She is a bronze dragon, no wonder you said your surname is Nozdormu, ah, I see, you are Naglfar, the daughter of Lord Bu Laike!

You are the legendary 'Princess Mononoke'. "

"That's right, it's me."

Nagfar laughed, delighted that he had pulled a successful prank.

Because the hull of the Nagfar is also installed in the cabin of the Evil of the World, she has been strolling on the ship all day these days. The other mechanical pirates know her, but the mechanical prince is new to her. cooked.

But she soon became good friends with the outspoken tech nerd prince.

When Laike rushed to the command room with his dog legs, he saw his precious daughter helping Prince Erazmin determine the longitude and latitude of the world of Argus with a sextant.

Seeing her playing with this nautical instrument very professionally, it is clear that this little guy has indeed learned something in the Magic Academy.

After seeing her father appear, Princess Mononoke let out a cheer, dropped the sextant in her hand, and swished towards Bo Laike.

The fat Red only saw the flash of light, and thought it was someone assassinating the king, and immediately stood in front of Laike with a groan, intending to show his "bravery".

But Naglfar is a spirit body, so he easily passed through Red's flesh and blood body and covered him with a thick layer of frost. His soul felt that the frozen Red was trembling, and was shot by Braike again. Kick it away.

Alas, this great chief really has been away from the pirate life for too long, and the important skill of observing words and emotions has regressed very seriously. What a wonderful thing for father and daughter to meet, and you, a fat monster, are here to make irresponsible remarks!

"Mama Sapphire!"

Nagfar lay in the arms of the old pirate who was very comforted, and turned his head to open his arms to his first mate mother. Sefiel also hugged his daughter who looked almost exactly like him with a happy face.

As the senior first mate on the Nagfar, this Princess Mononoke was really "raised from childhood" like her daughter, and they haven't seen each other for a long time since the little guy went to school.

"I have successfully passed the examination of Director Lanyue."

Nagfar followed Sefiel and said to Bo Laike in a bragging manner:

"The dean said that my grades were much better than yours at that time, Dad, and she said that I have finally grown up, so my appearance has changed again.

Although Resch didn't like it very much, that idiot failed again this time.

Still studying in college.

I also know that the bad-ass Tidehunter sent a few water elemental warriors from the Maw of the Abyss to guard Resh, and he's trying to poach you, old man.

You have to teach that elemental monarch a lesson! "

The boat spirit complained to Bu Laike with its fists waving, and it seemed that it was a restless master, but Bu Laike curled his lips and waved his hands and said:

"Resch is not my subordinate, she is your friend, so Neptulon stole the wall from you, and the one who should teach it is you, not me.

Find your own way to go.

Speaking of which, I still have a gift for you. "

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, pointed to the steel spaceship under his feet and said to his ship spirit daughter:

"Do you like this evil ship in this world?"


Nagfar said in the arrogant and critical tone that Her Royal Highness should have:

"Although it looks very majestic, its principle is too complicated, and I can't understand it. I am a student of the orthodox arcane school, and I am not a master of engineering. I don't like this ship without sails and rudder. .”

"Well, that would be too bad."

The pirate shrugged and took the ship's activation key from Trixie, which is equivalent to the captain's token, and said with a sad face in his hand:

"I also plan to use it as an academic gift for my daughter, so as to encourage my Nagfar to make persistent efforts to obtain a better degree in the future.

I'm not lying to you, you can go to the ship's inscription to see that the second name of this ship registered with the Mechagon Port Authority is 'Baby Naglfar'.

But since you don't like it, forget it. "

"It's my gift! Can't give it to others!"

Hearing this, Princess Chuanling frowned immediately, rushed up fiercely and snatched the activation key from the pirates, and then hid behind Mama Seifel, sticking her head out and showing her eyes to look vigilantly.

It seems that this posture is learned from Xiaoxing, even the essence of imitation is exactly the same.

This scene made Bu Laike laugh out loud. He ignored his duplicity daughter and strode into the command room. When he saw him coming, the mechanical prince who was sorting out various data suddenly waved a wrench and shouted:

"Lord Bo Laike, I think you've made a terrible mistake!

The Evil of This World is indeed Azeroth's premier war weapon, but it is at least two levels away from the real Star Wars level. You are equivalent to pushing our carefully crafted baby carriage into a tank battle!

While I have a lot of faith in this ship that I personally designed, I really don't think it will win you out in Star Wars. Let me fire up the ship's newly tested gravity well engine while I still have the chance, and drive her back to Dellano, shall I?

This is not where it should be at all. "

"I understand all the problems you mentioned, but I'm not worried that my ship will be compared to the devil's starship."

The pirate blew a whistle, and took off the ruler's crown suspended on his armor cloak, and he said to the mechanical prince:

"I remember when I told you about the design goal, I asked you to reserve a storage compartment in the command compartment that is directly connected to the power and weapon systems, right?

Where is that thing? "


The mechanical prince really doesn't know where Bu Laike's confidence comes from, but he did design such a "secret compartment" according to the pirate's requirements.

Under Bu Laike's urging, Prince Erazmin pressed seven buttons in succession on the console, and with a click, a very secret storage cabin rose from under the floor of the command room.

This thing is specially placed between the weapon system and the energy system. His Royal Highness can't understand the meaning of this thing at all, but the boss has asked for it. As a design dog, he can complete the indicators.

Bu Laike is very satisfied with this design.

While everyone was watching, he put the very coquettish crown of rulers in his hand into the hidden compartment, reached out and tapped on the crown of rulers, and the domain characteristics of the world's artifacts were activated in the next instant.

As the storage compartment was retracted to the interior of the hull, amidst Nagfar's exclamation, a bright light quickly flowed from the crown of the ruler to the outline of the entire Evil of the World.

The power that belongs to the world artifact is released on this extra-large vehicle.

The golden light curtain composed of energy is buckled on the hull section by section like the decoration of the outer deck, and the integrity of the energy matrix on the optical projection in the command room also jumped from 100% under the stunned gaze of the mechanical gnomes. It reached a jaw-dropping 5000% in a few seconds.

Probably due to the relatively backward technological level, the defense strength of the energy matrix has been directly increased by fifty times when the energy consumption remains the same!

This level of matrix is ​​not to mention the main gun of the demon starship, even the salvo of the demon fleet can't even think about blasting it.

Moreover, that strange golden light obviously temporarily changed the strength of the hull material in a completely unscientific but magical way, and wrapped the entire hull in a light golden transparent "shell" like a crystal, allowing silver The gray hull now has a light golden luster.

The whole is like being plated with gold.

That's not counting.

The gravity well engine system, which originally needed to maintain more than 70% of the energy reserve to start, has also been unlocked to normal sailing mode. Compared with the changes in defense and energy levels, the changes in the weapon system are the most exaggerated.

As the world's artifact, the crown of rulers, there is no way to ignore the technological barriers and upgrade the gunpowder weapons on this ship to energy weapons.

However, it has completed the "Holy Light Enchantment" with very cool light effects for all the weapons of large and small calibers on this ship, so that the shells they fire have holy damage.

Moreover, four jewel-like floating near-defense guns in the shape of floating islands of different colors were molded on the crystal-enhanced hull of the Evil of the World.

Yishui adopts the energy light cannon mode of Naru black technology, which can not only actively search for the enemy's attack, but also create a holy light shield to resist the attack.

Even the mechagnome flying machines and bombers that Curry docked on the deck and aircraft were strengthened as a whole, and their speed, defense, and attack were all comprehensively strengthened.

A group of mechanical gnomes watched the strengthening process almost like a dream.

There was dead silence in the entire command cabin, only Bo Laike was holding a pipe in his mouth and showing a proud expression of "Look! The Mountain Man really has his own tricks". It can be guessed from his appearance that he has long known how exaggerated the increase in the field enhancement of the crown of the ruler is to the vehicle.

After all, it is a world artifact.

When this thing was in its heyday, the War Council of the Eredar people relied on this thing to provide reinforcements for their Star Sea Expedition Fleet. Now that the world is broken and the artifacts are weakened, the power cannot cover a fleet, but it is still necessary to complete the reinforcement of a ship. simple.


In the dead silence, Prince Erazmin slammed his mechanical head on the podium, and he shouted:

"It seems that we, as atheists, were too superstitious about technology before. Hell, what is the principle of this thing? My central computing chip is about to crash!"

"That! I want that! Daddy!"

Nagfar is worthy of being a student taught by Dean Lanyue. She immediately saw the power of the crown of rulers. She screamed and said to Bu Laike:

"I'm going to put it on my hull! It'll turn me into a cosmic magic warship too!"

"Don't worry."

Bu Laike comforted his daughter, he shrugged and said:

"Now the Evil of This World needs it more, and there will always be a chance for you to try it in the future, and isn't this ship also yours? You can't favor one over the other.

Well, I will sleep here tonight, who will give me a bed.

Alas, it's still comfortable to stay on board, and it's a headache to spend too much time with a group of landlulu marines. "


The 20th chapter of this month will be updated on the 11th, thank you for your support last month! love you~

(end of this chapter)

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