Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1699 67. Ming People Don't Speak Dark Words, I Need You To Spread Your Charm And Seduce

Chapter 1699 67. Ming people don't speak dark words, I need you to spread your charm and seduce Kil'jaeden!

Boo Laike had a very bad night's sleep.

I had a lot of weird "dreams" in the first half of the night, and in the second half of the night, in order to relieve the pressure brought on by those damn dreams, I tossed with Seifel until dawn again.

Well, don't get me wrong, the captain and mate just played cards until dawn.

After all, with Laike's "battered" body, he has both intention and powerlessness.

Early the next morning, Bu Laike, whose face was covered with notes, yawned and walked out of the captain's cabin, only to see the trio of Warlocks who had bet all night and Reid's retreat.

The three warlocks held a big bag of chips in their hands with happy faces, while Reid had a pained expression on his face, it seemed that he had lost all his money.

But how shrewd is the warchief at such sneaky things?

Although he lost money.

But looking at the way he and the warlock trio were shoulder to shoulder, it was obvious that he took the opportunity of losing money to get in touch with these three guys whose strength was growing.

Well, this should also be regarded as a disguised bribery, right?

Ha, such a good thing doesn't have its own share?

Bu Laike took the note off his face, and gave the four gambling dogs a vicious look. The latter were very well-behaved and sensible, and took part of their chips to honor the captain.

This made the pirate look better.

"Go, invite old man Velen to the command cabin, and tell him that I have something to talk to him about."

The pirate kicked the triumphant Evil Eye, who immediately nodded and ran towards the Draenei barracks on the ship, not even having time to wipe the shoe prints on his buttocks.

The other three were sent by him to check the armaments on the lower deck, and to count the armaments on the ship.

At the same time, take a look to see if there are any pirates who are fishing and lazy.

In the original words of Bu Laike, the guy who still dares to touch fish under the current fatal situation is no longer an ordinary dereliction of duty, and he must punch hard.

If you catch it, hang it up and beat it on the spot!

Until no one else dares to fish anymore.

After doing all this, Bu Laike walked into the command module humming a pirate song and dangling with his hands behind his back.

It's already busy here, Anne Bonn is wearing the captain's uniform and sitting in the command chair, beside her, a group of dwarves are running around to report various parameters, and a dedicated navigation team is calculating the voyage.

Looking down from the bridge's observation deck, Laike saw that they had reached the border of Krokuun after a night's voyage, and beyond that lay the sea of ​​fel magma covering the Shattered World.

Their next step is to cross the scorched sea as quickly as possible, and reach the border of the Antoran Wastes before the demon fleet is dispatched.

Considering that this ship may be sunk by a sudden appearance of a demon starship at any time when it crosses the sea of ​​magma, theoretically speaking, the pirates can be regarded as putting their heads on their waistbands this time.

As for Crokuhn

There is no need to worry over there.

The life titan's tree of life is left there, her majestic aura envelopes the entire broken earth, she will perceive the appearance of the demon starship in advance, and the defense of the steel legion is not afraid of the bombing from the sky.

With the black-tech anti-aircraft gun made by Ulduar, if the demon starship dares to lower its altitude to the atmosphere, it will definitely be stunned by the light gun.

The Fraudster also seemed to know this, so instead of sending its own fleet to continue raiding Krokuun, it sent a large army to harass Mac'Aree.

The cunning Kil'jaeden hoped that the anti-magic alliance would focus on that side, but Laike and his party had already seen through the trickster's tricks, and they were also suspicious soldiers in Mac'Aree.

The final decisive battle between the two sides will inevitably take place in the Antoran wasteland, which is dominated by demons.

In terms of the quality and quantity of demons over there, this operation is like a suicide attack.

In addition to the hope of decapitation, if we really want to move the army to attack head-on, even if the Iron Legion is the main coalition force, there will be no scum left that will definitely die.

It's really like the bad joke that Bu Laike said before. To defeat the Legion in the Antoran Wasteland, each soldier of the Demon Resistance Army must hack and kill at least two thousand demons!


But the good news is that the pirate has a "King Bomb" that can be used at any time, and he is now eager to play this card.

"Bo Laike, you looking for me?"

The old prophet quickly came to the command cabin with his holy staff of the Redeemer. Normally, at this time, the prophet would perform his daily prayers, but after all, the battle was important, and Velen didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, the meaning of this war in the world of Argus to other people is completely different from that of the Draenei.

"Yes, I have something very important to tell you, Your Excellency the Prophet."

Bu Laike invited Velen to come up from the observation deck on the second-floor bridge of the command cabin, and gave another wink to let the others leave space for the two of them to talk secretly.

Before the conversation began, the pirate took out the Toure Naru Roadmark Staff from his luggage, handed it to the surprised old prophet with both hands, and said:

"This was accidentally discovered by the Legion of Holy Light when they were clearing the Void Light Temple. It is said that it is a holy object that you left there when you escaped from Argus.

Before the great sacrifice, Zela told me to return it to you. I originally planned to take the opportunity to blackmail, but considering that Zela died so badly, so forget it.

This time it's cheaper for you. "

"Thank you, Laike, the staff of Toure means a lot to the draenei."

With nostalgia and emotion, the Prophet reached out to take the staff from the pirate.

He caressed the sacred staff with a warm holy light in his hand with a sad face, and touched the shining naaru emblem on the top of the staff with his fingers. He whispered:

"This holy staff used to be a symbol of holy light in the world of Argus. It represented all the beautiful characters that are opposed to darkness. I still remember that in that world called Shaggel, my best disciple As Kara holds it epic in battle against demons.

She and her seventy-seven brothers retreated to cover the people and fought a hundred times their demons on the broken star. On that day, I saw a hot sun erupting in that doomsday world.

That is the last blessing my disciple left for the people.

The return of the staff I handed to her to the draenei society will surely bring back the courage and blessing of Askara to our hearts.

Thank you and thank the Mother of Light for the gift. "

"Well, yes, you should thank her, and we should all thank Zela for her sacrifice."

Bo Laike yawned and echoed without sincerity. After watching Velen put the staff into the bag, he began to talk about the business.

He said:

"The good news is over, it's time for the bad news.

I won't hide it from you, Prophet, I need you to lead a group of warriors to Mac'Aree while we advance into the wasteland of Antoran. The demons have been increasing their troops there these days, and they seem to be gathering there to destroy our logistics base.

It's important there!

Even more important than the front lines of the Antoran Wastes"

"B Laike, I'm a prophet, I mean, you can speak your mind in front of me without beating around the bush."

Velen sighed.

The leader of the draenei looked at the endless sea of ​​fel magma in the distance, and he whispered:

"You don't care about the victory or defeat of McKaree's war, anyone with a bit of strategic vision knows that that place is just a cover-up for us and the devil to paralyze each other.

The real decisive battle will inevitably take place at Antorus Burning Throne. And the reason you want me to sit in Mac'Aree is to lure Kil'jaeden from his throne? "

"um, yes."

The pirate nodded frankly, winked his eyes and complimented:

"Anyone who is sent there will have problems, but it is only suitable for you to go there all the time.

I can be sure that even if we entered the Burning Throne and got in touch with the Soul of the Titans, as long as you show up in Mac'Aree, the fraudsters will leave the battle behind and go to 'meet' with you.

Letting that guy move his troops in the demon fortress is a terrible threat to anyone, and we need to keep him out of the demon's command hierarchy before we go to war.

But you can't show up in Mac'Aree with a big swagger, I mean, you can always catch the fraudsters by surprise by showing up suddenly at the critical moment. "

"That being said, I can indeed understand the significance of your arrangement for victory."

Velen gave Bu Laike a strange look, and the 30,000-year-old prophet sighed and said:

"But you can't hide the malicious grin on your face, Bo Laike, you nasty bastard just looking forward to seeing the tangled relationship between me and Kil'jaeden explode at the last moment.

It's like tearing apart the most painful relationship in my heart and exposing it to everyone's eyes, so as to enjoy the evil pleasure of spying on taboos. "

"Yes, yes, what you said is very accurate."

Bu Laike clapped his hands and stopped pretending, curled his mouth maliciously and said:

"That's what I think, and I know that you have always known how to choose, and you know what to do is right. For our victory in Argus, I know that you will definitely complete this task of luring the enemy perfectly.

I have no doubts about it.

My only question is, when you and Kil'jaeden meet again in Mac'Aree, will you be able to defeat the great demon who has a complicated relationship with you and is passionate about you?

Or I put it another way, can you do it yourself? "

"Kil'jaeden is a great demon instilled and shaped by Sargeras himself, and its evil power is far beyond imagination."

Velen did not hide his shortcomings, he said:

"When facing it that is countless times stronger than before, I have no certainty of winning at all, but I will hold it back, even if it costs my life, I will definitely trap Kil'jaeden in the In the ruins of Mac'Aree.

Until you save all titan souls, until your war in the Antoran Wastes is won. "

Bo Laike paid no heed to Velen's resolve.

But he invited the old prophet here not just to hear Velen express his determination, he also wanted to hear more things, so he looked at Velen with a look of expectation.

The old prophet didn't want to talk to him.

He knew how gossip and evil the pirate was, but considering that after they separated here, once the cruel war started, there might be no chance of seeing each other again.

So Velen hesitated for a while, and finally said:

"If I can't come back, if I unfortunately die on the land of my hometown, Laike, I hope you can do one thing for me. This is something that only you can do and I dare not entrust to others. "

"You said I've always been very generous with the final wishes of those who die bravely."

The pirate blinked and made a gesture of listening.

The Prophet did not hide, he glanced around and whispered:

"It's about my son

It was the 'Rakish' who was sent by the Burning Legion to assassinate me during the war at the Karabor Temple. After I escaped from Argus, he was adopted by Kil'jaeden.

Out of hatred for me, the fraudster instilled terrible thoughts in my son, it turned my son into a real demon, it always knew me so well.

It knew what to do to cause me the greatest pain and to suffer horribly.

I was supposed to bring Rakish to trial after Dellano's war for the terrible things he has done to my people for the past 25,000 years.

but I


"No need to explain, Prophet, I can understand this complicated feeling."

Seeing Velen's embarrassed face, Bu Laike waved his hands "understanding", and he pretended to comfort and said:

"In addition to being a prophet, a leader, you are also a father.

You have been suffering from what happened to your wife and children and turned this pain into protection and dedication to the people. To be honest, this makes me even a bad pirate.

Do not worry.

In the unfortunate event of your death, my fleet and I would gladly shelter Brother Rakish.

If he wants, I can also arrange a "plastic surgery" or something for him, so that he can start a new life in Azeroth with a new identity.

Don't worry about the evil thoughts he has been indoctrinated with. "

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"As we all know, the power of the void is completely professional in the field of curing such difficult mental illnesses. In fact, I hope you can survive, so that I can return a cured good child to you with my own hands.

Do you have anything else to say besides the little thing about Rakish, before going on this important, almost death-defying mission? "


Velen glanced at Bo Laike, who was smoking his pipe, and said:

"Just last night, the fluctuations of fate seemed to be extraordinarily active. I used the gift of fate to make a prophecy for you, Laike."

"Oh? Free?"

The pirate raised his brows, and said with curled lips:

"If it's for a fee, I don't want to listen to it. I'm short of money recently."

"I'm serious."

The Prophet stroked the soul song crystal in his hand seriously, and he said to Bu Laike:

"I see in the prophecy that you are planning a dangerous operation, and you are preparing to perform on the land of Argus what you have done countless times in Azeroth.

You try to change your destiny again in this strange world.

Most importantly, this time, you are not sure of victory! "

The pirate pursed his lips, exhaled a puff of smoke ring, looked at the Prophet, and said:

"So, what advice will the Prophet give me?"

"I have no advice for you, Boo Laike."

Velen shook his head and said:

"Because I haven't been able to see the prophesied ending, there are forces that interfere with my seeing that ending in advance, but I can sense that you will be very painful.

It's a choice.

You choose one and lose the other.

But it's not just a choice given to you, there are many fates that are entangled with you, and they all respond to it, which is too complicated.

Based on my prophecy experience, I can't sort out the context at all.

But the only thing I can be sure of is that no matter what choices you make, your story will not end in my hometown. "

"You mean, no matter what I do, I won't die here?"

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and said:

"Your Majesty the Prophet, do you know what you are saying now?"

"I know, and I can be sure of it."

Velen said confidently:

"Whatever you intend to do, whether you do it or not, you will never die here, because I see the background of your progress across the swamp of pain, over the mountain of despair.

Of all the prophecies I've ever made, none have been as clear as what I saw last night.

You'll keep going, Boo Laike.

The war with the demons will not be your end.

This may mean that you have planned for all possible endings, which is also in line with the image of you in my mind that you have no plans. "

"Ah, ah, your level of boasting is getting higher and higher, and it makes me feel embarrassed."

Bu Laike laughed and waved his hand.

He watched Velen leave, and when he turned his head, the pirate's expression was lost in thought. He felt that it was necessary for him to see Zul.

If both himself and Velen made a prophecy last night, then maybe he could piece together more truths from Zul.

(end of this chapter)

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