Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1743 111. The Last Night Of Argus [Additional 16/20]

Chapter 1743 111. The Last Night of Argus [additional 1620]

"You should smile, so that I can feel a little comfort when I am heartbroken."

On the lawn by the lake in the dark of night, Bu Laike, who kept pouring himself wine, said to the vengeful spirit lying in his arms:

"Maybe you can say a word to surprise me. Maybe when I open my eyes tomorrow morning, you will urge me to do such and such things as usual.

Unfortunately, you can't laugh, you can't talk, and you can't surprise me.

You're just a shadow that makes me sad and reminds me of the last memories of the woman who faded into the light. "

Faced with these words, the Maiev in the pirate's arms was exactly the same, and the vengeful spirit like an African elf shrouded in shadows all over his body was of course unable to respond.

In essence, she is just a "toy" made by the little murloc with the help of the "limited wishing technique" of the wheel of fortune for Bo Laike, and it is only Maiev's last reverberation left in the material world.

She's not even a full Vengeful Spirit, because there's so little left of Maiev.

Rao Laike tried his best to strengthen her with the power of the void god, but it only raised her to the rank of legendary power.

For ordinary watchmen, such a vengeful spirit is already powerful, but for a pirate with two godheads, it is just a toy for mourning.

In the dim starlight, Bo Laike looked at the vengeful spirit in his arms.

A few seconds later, he leaned down slightly, kissed the icy lips, and then lay on the lawn with his arms outstretched as if hugging Maiev's body pillow.

Under the skill of his masterful Vengeful Spirit manipulation, the shadowed Maiev stretched out and curled up in his arms like a living person.

"Why do I feel like I'm a bit perverted?"

Bu Laike opened his eyes and looked at the idiot little murloc who was standing next to his head curiously looking at the spirit of revenge. He said to his pet:

"You say, if I order her and me now, will it look more perverted?"


The little murloc expressed his opinion, then covered his big eyes, and took a few steps back with a look of disgust.

"Okay okay, I know, I shouldn't have done that."

Braike sighed, waved Maiev's Vengeful Spirit to stand up, and in another outstanding flash and knife whirlwind attack, forced the two Watcher commanders hiding beside the pirates from their hiding place Come.

Ms. Nasa, the orthodox watcher, and Sierra Moonguard, the watcher of the void, did not fight back. They jumped back to the safe area in a swift and deadly posture, and looked at the girl who was exactly like Ms. Maiev in front of her with complicated eyes. Vengeful spirit.

Bo Laike ignored them.

He knew that these two watchman lieutenants had deep admiration and complicated feelings for Maiev. Although it was unnecessary to talk about the age of the night elves, to be honest, there was absolutely no relationship between them and Maiev. Just an ordinary subordinate-subordinate relationship.

More like sisters, or going one step further, you could even call them mother and daughter.

The first batch of watchmen that Maiev personally trained had long since disappeared in the ten thousand years of protection and hunting, and now the only remaining people have become the absolute backbone of the watchmen.

For these ladies, Maiev is the "god" in their hearts.

"We're going to escort the lady back to Watch Island."

After several minutes of silence, Nasa said to Bo Laike:

"I know it's cruel, Lord Laike.

I know that this vengeful spirit in front of you is your last condolence to Ms. Maiev, but please understand that Ms. Maiev's significance to the Watchers is definitely more than just a leader.

We need her to return to our stronghold to inspire generations of Warden recruits to follow the path of the Black Moon more firmly. "

"Um, is that how you talk to me?"

The pirate was lying on the grass with his eyes closed like a drunk bum, except for the lack of filthy vomit on his body, his slutty posture was beyond words.

But Laike was still very unhappy with the watcher's tone, he raised his left hand and snapped his fingers.

In the next moment, as Nasa and Moon Guard backed away in a little panic, the inherited power of the Black Moon Stalkers belonging to them was completely sealed at this moment, as if the light of Elune would never shine on them.

This is something that has never happened before.

It also proves a terrible truth.

"You should have heard the truth from other talkative guys that I have ascended to the gods, and as the only chosen one of Ms. Elune to set foot in the Moonlight Kingdom, I have become the genus of the Moon God.

I hold the dark phases of the moon in place of the Pale Lady, and my presence is a testament to Elune's dark rage. And you who were born by the power of the black moon are my most direct family members in the material world. "

Bo Laike glanced at them, took a sip of his wine, and said in a drawn out voice:

"You should respect me more, Nasa, and Sera. From now on, when you talk to me, you should say 'please'. In addition, in addition to the sculpture of Ms. Elune, in the Vault of the Watchers, there must be more my sculpture.

In your black moon scriptures, you should also list me and the moon god side by side.

Of course, Ms. Elune's name should be placed first, after all, it's not easy to overstep. Now, come here, you two, I want to bestow Lord Moon Shadow's blessing on you.

After Maiev left, the night elves needed a new moon night warlord, the warden needed a new warden, the new warden also needed a lieutenant, and the orthodox warden had to add a void faction.

You may not understand the significance of this arrangement now.

But trust me.

You will thank me later. "

At the request of the pirate, Nasa and Sera, who were trembling all over, walked to the lawn in front of him, half-kneeled in front of the pirate in a humble posture, and Laike sat up from the grass at night.

He yawned and raised his hand to pat Nasa's helmet.

A large amount of forbidden knowledge poured into the mind of the watcher's lieutenant like a flood of gates, and with the movement of Bu Laike's finger, the light of a round of dark moon also shrouded Nasa's body.

Her set of warden battle armor full of battle scars quickly "melted" in the black moon and was reshaped into the posture of the moon night battle dress, which is what Laike and Maiev will wear when they transform into the moon night war god The set of divine battle armor is both ceremonial and gorgeous.

Nasaru was struck by lightning.

Bu Laike didn't give her any power directly, but the infusion of knowledge belonging to the moonlight made Nasa feel that the world in her eyes was completely different.

Especially in front of her eyes that had completely turned into pupils of darkness, Bu Laike, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass, became a moon god wearing the crown of the black moon.

As the overblown divine power in Laike was dispersed and transferred to the two Warden leaders, his figure became too majestic for them to look directly at.

"You are Kaldorei's second Moon Night God of War, Nasa."

Bu Laike looked at Nasa who bowed his head in front of him, and said:

"I will bestow on you the surname 'Shadow of the Moon', which will be the source of inheritance for every Moon Night God of War, and under my gaze, you will truly take over the title of Maiev's warden.

Your new task is to spread this knowledge of Elune's dark side while maintaining the legacy of the Warden.

I don't want to see this precious power only passed down in kaldorei society because of stupid racism, it's too wasteful.

Regardless of race, regardless of origin, regardless of gender

As long as one can realize the existence of the moon god, as long as one can find one's true self in the black moon, as long as one can have the loyalty creed of the watchman, every life can walk the road of watchman.

From now on, in addition to Watch Island, the Watchers will have a new Black Moon Academy in the Black Coast and the Sea of ​​Misty to spread the knowledge of the Moon God and the wisdom of Lord Moon Shadow.


As the deputy of the warden, you have come to be the dean of the Black Moon Academy. You have to put down the pyramid in your hand and try to pick up the pointer.

If you don't know how to command, go to the Academy of Narthalas for a while. "

As he spoke, the pirate stretched out his hand and knocked on Sera Moonguard's forehead as well, like a seal, imparting the forbidden knowledge belonging to Moon Night God of War to Sera Moonguard, whom he actually trusted more.

"My lord, we will faithfully carry out your will, but we doubt that the Sisterhood of Elune will support the reform of the Watchers."

Nasa Moon Shadow, the newly promoted Moon Night God of War, said helplessly:

"They stubbornly believe that only the bright moonlight can represent the grace of the moon god. This is the main contradiction between us and them."


The pirate sneered and said:

"You two, you haven't inherited any of Maiev's style. In the past, no one backed you up so that you were suppressed wantonly by the heretics of the Elune Sisterhood, but now, you can do things boldly!

If they have any opinions, let Tyrande come and talk to me.

But the noble high priest also has to bow down before me, doesn't he? "

This sentence made the two watchmen look at each other.

Excited that they had no more questions, they got up and said goodbye to Laike, then turned and left to summon the Warden Wardens who were still able to act, and to deliver the oracle of Lord Moonshadow to them.


I have long seen that group of pretentious Moon Priests not pleasing to the eye, and now I have a legitimate reason to resist them. If you dare to play tricks secretly, then beat them in the name of Lord Moon Shadow!

As for Lady Maiev's vengeful spirit.

It's not that Nasa and Sera don't want to take her back to the Catacombs of the Watchers, there's nothing they can do about it, do they really want to snatch something from a god who is uncertain of good and evil?

Don't die!

"Come out, what are you doing hiding there? Do you think you can become an assassin with your stealthy actions?"

The pirate sat there cross-legged, reached out to take the wine bottle handed over by the Vengeful Spirit beside him, bit off the cork angrily, and said to his back:

"I can smell the stench of the Holy Light on your body from miles away."

"Uh, I just"

His Majesty Varian Wrynn, who stood up awkwardly from the bushes by the lake, waved his hands and explained:

"I just saw that you were talking about business with your followers, so I didn't want to disturb you, so I was going to turn around and leave. I swear that I have no malicious intentions, and I am not deliberately spying on the privacy of a god."

"You came just in time."

The pirate sneered a few times and said:

"If you don't come to me, I will still go to you. Although you have almost unlimited power as the emperor of the empire, how dare you reach out to my disciple with your dirty hands?

Did you enjoy playing with Valeera these few days?

I sincerely hope you have a good time playing, after all, you will not be able to play soon, I am going to perform a spiritual castration on you in the name of the silent one.

Great, right?

Come here, don't be afraid, it won't hurt, just bear with it and it will pass. "

"That was an accident!"

Varian suddenly became embarrassed, and the young king explained in embarrassment:

"It's just um, it's just... In her words, it's just relaxation after a victory, and I'm the victim in this, Lord Laike.

If that would cool your anger, your disciple kicked me mercilessly after playing with my mind.

She declared that she had dedicated everything to Elune, and there was no place in her heart for ordinary feelings, even if I humbly begged her not to leave.


Ugh. "

"That's about the same."

Bo Laike looked at Varian's unfaithful dejection, snorted, and said with a strange smile:

"Come here, mortal emperor, come and chat with a god who is so boring that he is almost crazy. This is the highest honor you can get as an emperor."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Varian responded with a face-saving response. He brushed the grass clippings on his body, brought a few jugs of good wine, and came to Bo Laike. He sat next to the pirate in the posture of a warrior, and said very seriously:

"I've come to thank you, Lord Bo Laike.

I can survive only because of the piece of the fel heart you gave me before I set off, even though I can still clearly feel the feeling of Taeshalach's blade cutting across my skin and body."

Varian touched his chest under his robe, and there was a horrible scar left there. It was definitely a painful experience that he would never forget in his life.

On the battlefield of Argus, he had already died once, fearlessly charging against the gods.

"You Holy Light is interesting."

Bo Laike squinted at the power flowing in Varian's body. It was pure holy light, yes, with a holy smell that made the pirates very uncomfortable.

But its form in Varian's body is completely different from that of ordinary Holy Light.

That is flame.

Angry flames.

"So, you found the warrior's inheritance?"

The pirate took a sip of his wine and asked a question.

Varian nodded with a smile, and said with an emotional tone:

"When I rushed to Aggramar, when I saw Miss Fenna stab the fallen titan with a death wish.

I realized that pure holy light can be used to heal and protect, but what I need in my desperate time is not only healing and protection, but also a power that can break through the limitations of being a mortal and turn everything around.

I know, that is a gift that only warriors can get.

So, I arrogantly prayed to anger under the light of the holy light, and it was like a miracle that anger responded to me in an instant, and I learned the power of sadness that only those who have experienced despair and pain can understand.

Only then did I realize that I had been duped by those old orcs. "

The emperor laughed and clinked glasses with Bu Laike. He rolled his eyes and said:

"I also learned the death wish, and I know that it is not only the power of sadness and despair, when a person's will is completely dedicated to great things, that guarding wish will also be transformed into a state of mind beyond death.

I finally understand the prophecy you left me earlier, Prophet in Black.

I am now a paladin and a fighter. "

"Hey, this is the 'Mandate of Heaven'."

The pirate's elongated voice was skillful, skillfully weaving hope, and said like a prophecy:

"Zera's importance to you is indeed correct. You do have the potential to reverse your destiny, and you will achieve a great career. Varian, I have already seen that future."

"Thank you for your approval, Lord God."

Varian smiled. After drinking a jug of wine, he moaned comfortably like a soldier. Then he looked at the pirate again and asked in a low voice:

"I just want you to make another prediction for the next final battle, about our final battle with Sargeras, about our world."

"Let me ask you, if I predict that you will lose, will you lay down your weapons and die equally?"

Bu Laike asked.

Varian shook his head, he wanted to say something but then he laughed, obviously, he understood what Bo Laike meant, it was already in this situation.

Prophecy or something is meaningless.

Destiny should be in one's own hands, not pinned on some illusory things. This is probably the most important lesson Varian Wrynn learned during the Battle of Argus.

"I heard death threats from Shaw."

Varian whispered:

"If we want to guard against the erosion of death, then His Majesty Lothar."

"no need to worry."

Bu Laike drank the wine and said vaguely:

"Fate has its own arrangements. In addition, as the God of the Black Moon of the Watcher, I announce to you that the Watcher will soon open a permanent trial field in the Eastern Continent.

Any life that passes the watchman test will be eligible to go to the Black Moon Academy in the Sea of ​​Misty to study the watchman and Moon Night God of War inheritance. As a human emperor, you must cooperate with my family.

Of course, since it is a permanent trial field, a host is needed. Considering that she will deal with you frequently in the future, you'd better choose a watcher who is compatible with you. "

The pirate looked drunkenly at Varian, whose eyes were shining, and said:

"Emperor of mankind, do you have a suitable candidate to recommend to me?"

(end of this chapter)

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