Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1765 133. The Villain's Qualified Exit

Chapter 1765 133. The villain's qualified exit

"Although the process of going to death is always full of excitement and tragedy, I still didn't expect that Deathwing still showed such a brave momentum at the last moment.

To be honest, I have some appreciation for this sad lunatic. "

As the black ghost ship jumped out of the cold sea, Bu Laike, standing in front of the rudder wheel of the poop in the icy sea tide, looked up.

What he saw was Deathwing's hideous body spewing deadly shadowy flames into the sea and sky.

That lunatic was fighting the entire Dragon Aspect army alone.

And it's not down!

The entire dark world seemed to be illuminated at this moment, and those flames rolled towards the Naglfar, trying to annihilate and burn Bo Laike's treasure ship.

This represents its final struggle and rage.

Facing the raging flames, the pirate looked up with admiring eyes, and had no intention of doing anything.

The Blue Dragon King wanted to apply an ice magic to the ship to resist the flames, but before he could do it, the tidal stone hidden in the ship's hull was immediately activated with the scolding of Her Royal Highness Princess Mononoke.

The violent wind and rain changed the world in an instant, and the surrounding tide surged up, like the heavy fist of the ocean facing the tumbling flames to offset it all.

And the little murloc wearing a suit of armor stood on the bow of the precarious Naglfar, waving a battle flag of the Hydraxian Water Elemental Corps and screaming towards the sky.

Under its command, large swaths of water elements emerge from the sea.

Under the leadership of their respective commanders, they turned the sea water into icy sharp arrows and pierced the sky, and then gathered together to protect the Naglfar from being hurt by the flames.

But these water elementals were not summoned by Laike, but the tide hunters were willing to show up actively in the big scene of hunting Deathwing.

Partly because the fall of Deathwing symbolizes the final elimination of the ancient evils of Azeroth.

Tidehunter, the occasional very artistic elemental monarch, hopes that he will be lucky enough to be the witness of the end of this old era,

On the other hand, the cunning water elemental monarch also hopes to use this opportunity to gain favor with the Titan Soul and the Silent One.

Anyway, beating a dog in the water is a matter of little investment and quick results. Deathwing is absolutely doomed today. If he doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, he is simply sorry for his first-rate intelligence in that element.

Of course, it wasn't just tide hunters who came with the same idea.

When Laike and the dragon kings looked up at the sky, they could still see thunderstorms flying all over the sky. The dazzling light wove in the gloomy sky into a lightning cage covering the dark sea to imprison the World Destroyer.

And at the end of the dark storm, one can vaguely see a huge wind element with a sharp blade ready to step forward to make up the knife at any time. It seems that His Majesty Sunderland is also willing to serve as the background board for the drama of the fall of the World Destroyer.

"Go ahead, everyone."

Bu Laike saw the Destroyer in the thundering sky knock down the rushing dragons from the sky with a crushing attitude, and the splashed dragon blood and broken dragon scales almost interweaved into a torrential rain and fell on the sea.

He rubbed his hands, turned his head and said to the dragon kings:

"Deathwing obviously wants to gather enough backers before he dies, if you don't show up, the morale accumulated by the dragons will be severely hit.

Don't worry, I will do what I promised.

Black horn, don't show courteousness to that glamorous and noble sister Yu, quickly bring your sledgehammer and let's cast spells together to strip away the damned power of the earth. "

Under the reprimand of the pirates, the staghorn bull spewed out a column of air from its nostrils in displeasure, and rushed up to the poop of the ship in the background of the dragon kings appearing and rushing into the sky like a rainbow and fighting with Deathwing.

He waved the Hammer of Khazgoros and suspended it in front of him.

As soon as this artifact from the world forger appeared, it suppressed the tumbling sea water around it.

Laike took off the pipe from the corner of his mouth, and winked at Safiel next to him. The first officer nodded and walked down the cabin quickly. Soon, the time tyrant flew away from Nagfar with his huge black wings. No.

A jewel of the Tidal Stone dangles from her neck, where stitch marks remain evident, and she is taking it away from the Naglfar lest the titanic artifact interfere with the power of Khazgoros' Hammer. break out.


The "Dragon King Contest" in the sky entered a fever pitch from the very beginning, and Malygos still maintained the madness of the last time he fought Deathwing, pouring his power on the World Destroyer with manic melee combat .

But this time he was assisted by his older brother Senegos.

The two ancient blue dragons alternated with each other trying to peel off the armor behind Deathwing, but the Destroyer had obviously learned the lesson from last time, and the armor was not so easy to be torn off this time.

But compared to the previous scene in Dalaran where Deathwing crushed two dragons Wang Meng and beat them up, the addition of the Red Dragon Queen, who is better at melee combat, made the cooperation between the dragon kings easier.

As the guardian dragon who holds the power of life, the Red Dragon Queen can compete head-on with Deathwing in terms of size and strength. The arrival of this powerful T has finally brought the dragon tactics into full play.

The ancient dragons, led by their dragon king, continued to launch resolute and fierce charges against Deathwing, and the young dragons were arranged to support the battle with magic on the periphery of the battlefield, or to heal the injured compatriots.

The entire sea area was extremely lively at this moment.

There are at least five or six hundred fantasy giant dragons that were rarely seen in the past, and those mortals who were invited by the giant dragons or asked to join this battle have really opened their eyes.

"My God, these dragons claim to be noble, but they fight like beasts, look at the ferocity with which they tear Deathwing's body with their claws.

Tsk tsk, it must hurt to be bitten by them.

This battle is really exciting.

And it's much better than the war on Argus. At least we can see hope instead of fighting in despair. I like this kind of battlefield that I can understand! "

Riding on the back of a red dragon, the dwarf prince Muradin flew around the battlefield of lightning and thunder, holding his shining war hammer, shouting and cheering to his companions around him.

Of course, besides watching the fun, he didn't forget the business.

The moment the red dragon carrying him approached Deathwing, the dwarf licked his lips, swung the war hammer of the ruler with both hands, and smashed out the dwarf artifact in his hand with the combat skill of the storm hammer.

The howling hammer pulled out dazzling lightning in the air, and the moment the Red Dragon Queen beat Deathwing back with a head hammer, it slammed on the dragon horn of the World Destroyer.

With a muffled click, a piece of Deathwing's ferocious dragon horn was blown away.

Amid the cheers of the dwarves, the red dragon under him quickly rushed over and grabbed the shattered dragon horn in its claws, and the scorching hammer also spun back into Muradin's hand.

The dwarf shouted with joy:

"Cool! I'm going to forge this into a crown to crown my niece! The King of the Mountain needs a crown of glory like this! Varian! Come on! Give this dragon a sword!"

For Lothar! "


The human emperor Varian Wrynn must not miss this battle.

After all, he and Deathwing have personal grievances, and Lothar, whom he regards as his adoptive father, has fallen to his current state because of Deathwing's shameless sneak attack.

Not to mention the shame of Dalaran being destroyed.

Due to emotion and reason, both human civilization and the evil dragon in front of us have accounts that must be settled.

Under the call of Muradin, Varian, who came from the northern border on a blue dragon, jumped up from behind the dragon at the moment when the dragon leaped across the chaotic battlefield at supersonic speed.

In the scorching wind of hunting, he opened the bright wings of holy light behind him, and with the help of Khadgar who was riding a green dragon beside him, he accurately landed on the head of Deathwing, who was constantly being held back and attacked by the dragon kings. superior.

Varian threw out the hook lock to secure himself behind the rolling Worldbreaker, and he grabbed Ashbringer from his arms with only the hilt left.

As the state of mind of the warrior who fought to the death with Aggramar rose, the golden streamer of fire soared on the hilt in his hand, and the light that wiped out all darkness suddenly appeared. The illusory blade of light pierced the dragon's back armor severely.

Dalaran's spellcasters stood behind the surrounding dragonbacks, casting spells in concert to strip the torn armor from Deathwing's body.

They roared with their emperor:

"Dragon! This sword is for Dalaran!"

"Ah! You ants are smaller than dust, and I will burn your miserable kingdom to pieces!"

Feeling the pain, Deathwing rolled with all his strength, trying to throw Varian off his back, but the young Emperor was not yet complete with his revenge.

He let the light blade of the Ashbringer penetrate into the filthy body of the Destroyer, burning the flesh and blood of the dark thing with extreme holy light, and then drew the emperor's sword Stromkar from behind with his backhand.

He took a deep breath, letting the golden flame boil in the blade like a tuning fork.

In the roar of Deathwing, he cut off the fixed chain with a single sword, and strode towards the dragon's head while flying the fiery red cloak. He undoubtedly activated his own holy light version of death wish, In the end, he jumped up like a golden meteorite and fell down, stabbing the fiery long sword in the dragon's eyes fiercely.

The outburst of anger and holy light instantly exploded the huge eyeballs in front of him, and the stench and scorching blood spread across the sky with the screams of Deathwing, like a red-hot needle piercing the eyes. Crazy.

And at the moment of Varian's fall, he said to Deathwing:

"This sword is for Anduin Lothar!"

"You will be with your father soon! Ridiculous Emperor!"

Worldbreaker shook his head and threw Varian into the sky.

It was accumulating deadly breath and sprayed scorching dragon's breath towards the emperor, but at the moment when the flames were extinguished, a blue figure suddenly appeared, saving Varian from the desperate situation of the flames.

"Your Majesty! Grab my hand, Your Majesty!"

A paladin in armor yelled at Varian, and as the emperor fell, he grabbed Varian in his hands and pulled him back on his dragon's back.

He and the blue dragon "Human-dragon Unity" under his crotch used a flash to leave this place before the flames fell.

"Thanks, Paladin."

Panting, Varian thanked the handsome human paladin in front of him. The latter laughed, first praised the emperor, then patted the blue dragon's horns on his seat, and said to the emperor:

"Thank her if you want. It was my dear Eldagosa who noticed your bravery, and we had the chance to save you."


Varian was amazed at the paladin in front of him for a moment, and asked in a low voice:

"You and this blue dragon lady are"

"She's my dream girl, and I'm her human male favourite."

The paladin caressed the blue dragon's horns affectionately without any shame, and bragged to his emperor:

"I'm trying to get my dear Eldagosa to bear me a dragon cub, but it's hard work."

"Well, I see, you're the guy named Marcus, right?"

Varian said with a wooden face:

"B Laike also recommended you to me, he said that you are very suitable to be a diplomat, especially suitable for visiting countries and forces whose leaders are women.

I was skeptical, but now... I'm starting to think seriously about this suggestion.

But doesn't that sound a bit obscene? "

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Watch Master Little Xingxing summon powerful reinforcements to kill this damn beast!"

The moment Varian was taken away from the battlefield, the dragon hero Little Star appeared on the stage amidst the lightning. She cheered and turned into lightning and slammed into Deathwing's wounded body, and then let the dragon kings back away while yelling.

As a sharp dragon whistle sounded on this fierce battlefield, amidst the reverberation of time magic, a terrifying behemoth suddenly emerged from the vortex of time running wildly.

The summoned Drake, driving the ferocious body of the Dragon King Devourer, bit Deathwing's body fiercely with his four heads when he appeared, and then used the last head to continuously spray out towards Deathwing. The breath of quicksand suspended in time.

The tyrannical beast tore at the Destroyer and pulled it from the sky into the sea, like a meteorite falling into the sea.

The two giant beasts fought in the sea, setting off a sea tide, and the hot fire was flying in the water.

The tide hunter, who had been waiting for an opportunity, also appeared on the battlefield gracefully under the protection of the water elementals. It raised its abyss trident to launch a sharp attack on Deathwing, and used the tides to weave chains to imprison the dragon. After struggling through the abyss, Deathwing completely "takes off" his body armor.

"Are you ready?"

On the poop of the Naglfar, after a long spellcasting and preparation, Laike exhaled a smoke ring and looked at the Hammer of Khazgoros, which had been excited to the extreme in front of him.

He hypocritically asked the black horn next to him:

"I know that you are very excited and want to complete the dark cause of killing your father, but listen to my advice, my friend who dedicated his life to love.

It's not an easy job to become a guardian of the earth. After all, you are only 10,000 years old, and by the standards of dragons, you are far from reaching the top.

You may feel terrible pressure because of this, do you want me to help you share it?

You're welcome, I'm happy to take the stress off my friend. "

"No, no need, Boo Laike."

Black Horn looked affectionately at Sinestra, the mother of the black dragon who was walking towards him, and said in a low voice:

"I will share with my wife the power that belongs to her ex-husband, and the black dragons also need a legitimate leader to live in Dellano.

And our best kids will combine these two forces into one in the future.

The Guardians of the Earth will not be born today.

That is the miracle of the future. "

"Hey guys, are you guys putting on a 'husband's crime now'? This is really exciting. By the way, do you want to get married on the spot under the current situation?

Although I'm a bit busy now, I don't mind presiding over the wedding ceremony for you as a god. "

Bu Laike rubbed his hands, his eyes showed great interest, and when Black Horn and Dragon Mother stood hand in hand, he stretched out his hand and lightly tapped the Hammer of Kazgros, which was ready to go.

Lord Moon Shadow, who belonged to the side of order, exploded in power, carrying the holy hammer and roaring like a shell fired, pulling out a khaki lightning in the darkness of lightning and thunder.

With a bang, it slammed on the forehead of Deathwing who was being desperately entangled by Drake.

This powerful blow was equivalent to the world forger Kazgros swinging a heavy hammer on the fallen creature, almost killing Deathwing on the spot.

Its ferocious dragon horns were all broken off, and in the midst of a strong concussion, Drake's five giant dragon heads bit its neck fiercely from five directions, tearing apart terrifying wounds between pulls.

But compared to the pain, the loss of the power in his body that can guarantee the death of the enemy under any circumstances makes Deathwing feel more hopeless.

Bewildered by the continuous dragon magic and the beating of the sea tide, Deathwing tried his best to look in the direction where the khaki streamer returned.

It saw that the Hammer of Kazgros, which took away its authority as the guardian of the earth, fell into the hands of a staghorn tauren, and beside that guy, his wife who had been with him for ten thousand years was fighting with that guy. The damned tauren stood there hand in hand watching its doom.

The black dragon mother noticed Deathwing's gaze.

She touched the horrible wound on her neck, showed a cold smile to her ex-husband, and raised her hand to make a very unseemly and unlady gesture to it.

It symbolizes the ruthless farewell of the two people after the substantive divorce.

This scene completely enraged the World Destroyer. With a claw it didn't know where it came from, it knocked the Dragon King Devourer who was biting it into the tide, and roared and rushed towards the Naglfar.

It wants to strangle this pair of dogs and men to death before it dies!

However, huge figures falling from the sky blocked Deathwing's way forward. The Red Dragon Queen, the Spellweaver, Ysera the Awakened, Sefiel the Time Tyrant, and a huge number of dragons were on the way. Like a wall, it blocked all the sky from Deathwing's eyes.

Behind it, the Dragon King Devourer commanded by the triumphant little star is sticking out its five dragon heads from the icy sea water, and the bloody battle has come to an end.

Behold, the end of the Destroyer is at hand.

(end of this chapter)

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