Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1777 3. As We All Know, History Is A Little Girl Dressed Up By Prophets

Chapter 1777 3. As we all know, history is a little girl dressed up by prophets

"I do not understand."

On the way from the shrine of the Jinyu to the Garden of Morning Fragrance, Emperor Shaohao, riding on his royal quilin saddle, said to Bu Laike, who remained silent in his shadow:

"Those future prophecies that you showed me, according to the time I saw in them, I should have learned about this prophecy a few years earlier and started to seal the Sha demon wandering under the land of Pandaria.

Why delay until the moment when this catastrophe is about to break out?

To be honest, it made me doubt the veracity of this prophecy. "

"Uh, probably because I traveled through time, some small changes have taken place in the past history."

Bu Laike's thinking was interrupted by the emperor's question, but he didn't get angry because of it, but instead conjured up a tentacles that only Shaohao could see, stared at him with the eyeballs at the top of the tentacles, and said:

"Of course, it is also possible that what we are experiencing now is the real history.

The reason why in the epic story of "The Emperor's Responsibility" that was sung by lorewalkers 10,000 years later, it took you several years and countless hardships to subdue the Sha and save Pandaria. A mistake made by the Lorewalkers when word of mouth passed on.

You must understand, my dear young Emperor.

After all, 10,000 years have passed, and it is normal for the recorders of later generations to have some mistakes in these details.

And the story of the emperor subduing the Sha demon overnight with the help of the black-clothed prophet sounds cool, but it seems somewhat exaggerated for a thick legend.

It is understandable that they add some artistic exaggeration to this. "

"Well, that makes sense."

Shaohao glanced at Bu Laike.

Actually, the emperor didn't believe in an outsider who claimed to be from ten thousand years later so easily, but Bu Laike's god-like unfathomable strength left Shaohao with no other choice but to complete this journey with him.

If this guy went crazy, he could kill all life in Pandaria overnight.

As emperor, he must be responsible for his people.

"So shall we start tonight?"

Shaohao asked.

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I'm going to go to the lair of the supreme gods first, and implant some 'story details' into their memories. As for the demons? Don't worry, these are minor problems."

"But as far as the prophecy you showed me is concerned, they are the key to saving this land! As you said just now, I must personally purify those Sha demons and obtain enough 'permissions' to activate those 'Titans' when the world is falling apart The 'machines' we' left in Pandaria came to protect my kingdom incarnation of the mist."

Shaohao said those strange words awkwardly, he emphasized:

"I feel really crazy that I don't even know the meaning of these strange words, yet I have promised to relinquish my duty to the people and complete your journey to the kingdom of the elves with you in this time of peril.

But please remember, the prophet in black!

Wherever you and I go, my primary purpose is to ensure that Pandaria survives the Sundering! You need to understand this.

I mean, you have to show me some proof that your predictions are not groundless."

"Okay, well, I know that you people of faith are always so difficult to get along with. You can always give everything to protect, benevolence, and other things that symbolize beauty.

Fortunately, I have a lot of experience dealing with you guys. "

Bu Laike sighed in the shadow, he dissipated the tentacle, and jumped out from Shaohao's shadow, under the gaze of the emperor, this strange guy put his hand on the ground, as if sensing some kind of earth Under the strange force.

After a few seconds, the pirate looked up at Shaohao, with a strange gleam in his eyes, and said:

"Are you ready?"

"Huh? Prepare for what?"

The young emperor asked in surprise.

The next moment he saw a malicious smile flash across the cheek of the villain, and then he held something on the ground and lifted it up fiercely.

There was a loud "boom", and amidst the shaking of the earth, a monster with a black goat's head and seven terrifying eyes rising like black smoke formed a strange body like an evil dragon. It was a giant monster as tall as a mountain. The broken ground rose from the ground.

The appearance of this strange thing instantly caused Shaohao's Royal Quilin to fall into panic and panic, and the emperor himself was also terrified, but he quickly reacted and jumped off his mount, waving his dragon staff and roaring With the sha energy aura rolling forward, he shot out a mighty Thunderbolt of Fury.

The mellow true energy turned into dazzling thunder, and with the sound of the tiger's roar, it smashed the evil Sha energy that was attacking him, but this did not really hurt the monster in front of him.

That guy is still expanding rapidly, and in just a few seconds, it has grown to a terrifying size that can be seen anywhere in the entire Jade Forest.

"what is that!"

Shaohao hovered beside him, looking at the black-clothed prophet with admiration and nostalgia in the eyes of the smoke monster released in front of him. Bo Laike glanced at him, and reached out to tug on his mysterious hood.

He drew his voice and said:

"Didn't my respected Emperor want to see some 'evidence' about the prophecy I gave you? Then let me introduce to you, what appears before your eyes is the doubt in your heart about the great prophet.

This Sha Demon is named 'Sha of Doubt'.

It is part of the dark power that has long existed under the land of Pandaria. To be precise, it comes from the remnants of a super monster that has been dead for nearly a million years and leaked in the seal.

It is an abominable thing that feeds on the 'doubt' in people's hearts. The more people are full of doubts about the world and the truth, the stronger the power of the Sha of Doubt will be.

The reason why it has never appeared in Pandaria is because the Mogu emperors during the Mogu Empire held the Nalaksha Engine to suppress their changes.

After the Pandaren overthrew the Mogu Empire and established a kingdom, the successive emperors have ruled the country well, and there are no seeds of doubt in this fertile land.

And it has never been able to find a strong enough host.

But just now, I gave it a hand. "

The Prophet in Black laughed like a villain, and said to the young Emperor Shaohao who was trembling with rage:

"I combined its concept with your doubts about me, don't show that surprised expression, my dear Shaohao, can't I, who is like a god, not be able to do such a small thing?

But look at its size and its destructive power at this moment!

Tsk tsk, what a rare and terrible suspicion, it seems that I do not have a good image in your heart. But anyway, I showed you the evidence, right?

There are six remaining monsters like the one in front of you hidden in the depths of the ground beneath your feet! "

Bu Laike reached out and held down the pandaren emperor who was about to step forward to fight the evil, he took out a Baijin disc that he had taken from Norgannon just before departure, and handed it to Shaohao.

And whispered in his own shadow activity:

"After the Pandaren overthrew the Mogu Dynasty, no one maintained the mysterious Nalaksha Engine, and the equipment left by the Titan to protect Pandaria has been infected by evil forces.

The sha demons you have seen are those evil manifestations, and you must clean them up to activate this temporary permission of Titan Creation that I have specially 'applied' for you.

Every time you purify a sha, the energy of the Titan facility will recover by one point, until the seventh sha is defeated by you, then the machine can be used again, insert this disc into a mysterious facility in Kun-Lai Mountains, the The titan engine, which has been idle for thousands of years, will generate a titan energy shield covering the continent of Pandaria.

That thing can help your kingdom resist the impact of the Well of Eternity explosion. Even if the entire continental shelf is collapsed, your kingdom and your people will not suffer any harm.

With your efforts, they can safely enter the next 10,000-year pastoral era.

But you are not really a titan-forged, Shaohao.

You have to understand this, the moment you activate the authority to turn on the engine of Nalaksha, your flesh and blood will be purified into a mist-like form.

You will die in an instant.

But the disc in your hand will keep your soul and merge with that Titan enchantment, so as to protect your kingdom forever, until the fog dissipates ten thousand years later. "

Bu Laike finished.

He paused, looked at the thoughtful Shaohao beside him, and said softly:

"This is the truth of the 'Seven Evil Trials', at least the truth in my eyes.

Compared with the romantic story of the emperor purifying his inner negative emotions during the long and bitter journey and achieving the state of "harmony between man and nature", using the power of turning himself into mist to protect his kingdom and surviving the catastrophe of the earth-shattering world, I believe more in the less beautiful, but truer story I have just told you.

You have to know that in the world at this point in time, apart from me, no one can resist the power of the Well of Eternity's big bang and completely protect a continent and everyone on it.

That's a miracle that only this disk in your hand can do.


My dear Emperor Shaohao, do you know what to do? "

Shaohao's heart was in a mess.

He was still doubting the authenticity of Bu Laike's prophecy story, which directly caused the already huge Sha of Doubt to expand again in just a dozen seconds.

Bo Laike was in no rush.

Anyway, what this monster destroyed was not his own hometown, he said to Shaohao in a gesture of watching the excitement:

"Because of your reckless doubt of the prophet's prophecy, the Sha of Doubt that broke through the boundaries and appeared in the material world is getting closer and closer to the lively Morning Garden.

Listen, Shaohao, your subjects are screaming.

My God, Your Majesty the Emperor, where are you?

Save your people!

Great Shaohao, please help this poor little village. "

Pirate Pirates imitated the screams of those terrified panda people vividly, and said to Shaohao in a quiet tone:

"I think this is enough to teach you the first rule of getting along with me in the next journey, never doubt the prophecy of the prophet in black! I don't bother to deceive anyone with lies.

All right.

Go beat that monster.

Show up when your subjects need you most like a divine soldier, and your good friend the Monkey King has also appeared with his magical stick of blessing.

Go ahead, the two great men join forces to disperse the demons that have caused disasters in the world, and take the first really important first step to save their kingdom and people.

regarding me."

The pirate yawned and said:

"I'm going to modify the memories of the supreme gods so that they won't interfere with your next great journey. I don't like to force others to be friends with me, so I leave the choice to you, Your Majesty Shaohao.

You can follow the description of the future prophecies I showed you, and embark on the road of saving the kingdom alone. I have given you everything you need.

But you can bring a white cloud serpent to me tonight, and I will take you on a more exciting journey, and show you some good stories that are 10,000 times more interesting than subduing the Sha Demon.

After dark, I will wait for you on the mountain outside Tianchanyuan for three hours.

No expiration date.

So be it. "

After speaking, the pirate took a step back and disappeared into his own shadow.

Looking at the mess in front of him, Emperor Shaohao cursed angrily:

"It's clearly you bastard who released this monster! Don't blame me! You damn prophet in black!"

"Hehe, that's right, I released the monster, but so what? Just take this as a 'joke of the gods', and bite me if you don't accept it!"

Bu Laike's joking voice came from afar, and the emperor gritted his teeth angrily.

But he knew what was the most important thing now. With a roar, the young emperor soared into the sky and waved his staff to hit the growing dark monster in front of him.

No matter what choice he makes tonight.

At least for now, he must fulfill his responsibilities as emperor.

"Monkey King, help me!"

Shaohao yelled towards the other side of the battlefield, and a big ghostly hozen immediately cheered when he heard the call.

Immediately, it swung an exquisite and simple monk stick with flagons tied at both ends, screaming and rushed over, fighting this vicious monster together with the young emperor.


Eight hours later, night fell.

On the cliff outside the chaotic Tianchanyuan, Bu Laike sat on the edge of the cliff and shared a barrel of good wine stolen from the Jiuxian family with the little murloc next to him.

Under the quiet night, Emperor Shaohao, who had changed his emperor robes and wore monk robes, and was carrying a big burden, finally appeared on the mountain road.

Beside him is a strange big horse monkey wearing animal skin clothes, a strange crown, and a bamboo mask on his face.

The guy walked on two legs like a human, and while wagging his tail, he put the simple monk's stick in his hand on his shoulder, and tied a large bag to both ends of the stick to salute.

It seems that Shaohao has persuaded his little friend to embark on this unknown journey with him.

But the monkey king, the demigod of the hozen, obviously still had doubts in his eyes. As a hozen, he naturally didn't believe in these so-called prophets and strange prophecies.

"How did you convince your stubborn courtiers to let you go?"

A drunken Bo Laike asked.

Shaohao, wearing the monk's hat, said in a low voice:

"I left them a letter, which explained the existence of the Sha and my determination to embark on the road of salvation, and I announced to them that I would save my people before the end.

As you wish, Black Prophet, I have seen the proof and I believe everything you say.

But before I go, I must take the rest of the Sha Modu"


Bu Laike waved and threw five glass beads of different colors, and Shaohao took them into his hands. He saw the different colored tumbling sha energy sealed in these glass beads, and suddenly understood.

These are five of the remaining six shamos.

"I've got you covered."

Bu Laike drank the wine with gusto, and said with a drawn out voice:

"Smash them to kill the remaining sha and activate your titan access, but the last sha of pride is up to you, and I won't give you that until after this journey is over.

Think of it as a small trick to keep us loyal to each other, after all I've always believed in paying first and doing things later.

What about the Xianglong you brought? "

Shaohao didn't immediately smash the sha energy glass ball in his hand, he blew a long whistle, and soon a golden flying dragon shining with holy light in the dark night descended from the sky.

It was Candle Dragon, Emperor Shaohao's Serpent partner.

Although it is not the white dragon that Laike named, but this golden color is also very pleasing, and it is still an "old acquaintance".

The little murloc was overjoyed to see his former "friend", jumped up and croaked and turned into a strange crow, flying around the beautiful Candle Dragon.

Bu Laike also looked at this holy thing with admiration. He snapped his fingers and said:

"Well, let's go, it's a pity that I don't have much time and wasted a day here. I hope you two have rested on the way, because we don't have time to stop and sleep tonight. meeting.

We're going all the way north into the territory of the troll empire

That was my second stop.

There are my friends there too. "

(end of this chapter)

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