Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1779 5. Cross-Version Heirlooms Are Easy To Use.Jpg

Chapter 1779 5. Cross-version heirlooms are easy to use.jpg

At the end of the one-night trip, it was the morning of the next day. In a green valley in the heart of the Troll Empire, which is quite far away from the Pandaren Kingdom, a revolving emerald door opened silently.

The golden Candle Dragon sticking out its tongue after being chased by the terrible thing for a whole night can no longer fly, its body is winding like a snake, carrying a group of people back to the material world from the Emerald Dream.

No matter how much Bu Laike, whose body was covered with the "treasures" of the God of the Wild, scolded and urged, the young Xianglong, who had been flying in the dream all night, didn't move his body anymore, and lay down on the edge of a water and started fighting snore.

Turn on the bad mode!

Hello! Flying in the Emerald Dream is also very tiring, okay? She hadn't rested for a second all night.

"Oh, what a delicate creature."

Bu Laike looked at the completely broken Candle Dragon, put his hands on his hips angrily and said:

"Is it okay to carry forward the beautiful tradition of Xianglong? We are going to do something big and save the world by the way. How can you be so lazy to do great things?

never mind.

Rest for thirty minutes, and then we move on.

We will arrive at the mountains of Dazar'alor where the Zandalari trolls are located at lunch today. According to my plan, we will arrive at the border of the Elven Empire tomorrow afternoon.

Tch, I knew I wouldn't take you with me.

It's all cumbersome!

If I go alone, this meeting should be stolen all the way outside the city of Suramar. "

"Just blow it, you arrogant hairless fool."

Hearing Bu Laike's chatter, the big horse monkey demigod who was carrying a long stick of Fu Zan was suddenly upset. It grabbed the moon fire that was accidentally thrown by Usol when he was stealing with Bu Laike last night. With his scorched monkey butt, he grinned away his ugly face again.

While combing his smooth and beautiful monkey hair, he made a face to Laike and said:

"My lord admits that your move of taking us across the world in the Emerald Dream is very powerful, but you are not fearless, you will also avoid those wilderness demigods who were awakened in the dream in the middle of last night. .”

"You big monkey understands a fart."

The pirate glanced at the Monkey King and said:

"I'm just too lazy to say hello to them, I'm not bragging, those demigods are my old friends one by one, of course they don't know me yet.

But that's okay.

It's too easy for a handsome god like me to make friends.

A bastard like you won't understand. "

After mocking the big horse monkey, Bu Laike looked back at Emperor Shaohao who sat cross-legged on the ground and took out cakes and fruit wine to eat while resting.

The young pandaren emperor held a map of Kalimdor drawn by the lorewalkers in his hand, and was determining their current location according to the direction the sun was shining.

This was a job that tested knowledge, but Shaohao was very skilled at it.

Within a few minutes, he found their current resting point on the map. After measuring the location, the pandaren emperor said in surprise:

"It only took us one night to cross almost a third of the continent?"

"Then do you think I was joking with you when I said that I would reach the Elven Empire within two days?"

The pirate was leaning against a tree with a pipe in his mouth. He looked at the map in Shaohao's hand and said in a casual tone:

"If it wasn't for stealth to avoid the attention of the guardian dragons, if it wasn't for protecting your fragile minds, a void rift spanning the two ends of the continent would be enough to solve the problem.

Although there is interference from the magic tide of the Well of Eternity, with a little calculation, I can easily grasp the precise landing point. "

"So in addition to being a witchcraft prophet, you're also a master wizard?"

Shaohao swallowed the cold steamed stuffed bun in his hand, and asked curiously while serving the meal with fruit wine.

Bo Laike snorted, he didn't even bother to answer this stupid question.

There are too many titles on him, and he can even be the best court jester in the world when necessary, but does he have to talk about this kind of thing everywhere?

"It's not far from Dazar'alor."

Seeing that Bu Laike didn't want to talk about this issue, Shaohao didn't pursue it. He picked up the map and clicked on it, and said to Bu Laike:

"According to the records of the Lorewalkers, you can reach the ancestral land of the Zandalari trolls by walking east for half a day, which is a mysterious area called Nazmir.

The trolls and their powerful loa do not allow any outsiders to enter it, and lorewalkers speculate that there should be a birthplace of troll civilization in that jungle.

Alas, it's a rare visit. If it's not an urgent trip, I really want to stay here for a few more days. "

"It's easy to handle."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers at Shaohao, opened a door of dreams, and said:

"Come with me, I will take you to Nazmir to learn more."

"Wait a minute, I'll bring my travel study scroll."

Although Shaohao had some complaints about Bu Laike's behavior style, but as a pandaren who likes to travel, he would definitely not miss the opportunity to see the hidden place.

Seeing the excited emperor follow the prophet in black into the gate of dreams, the Monkey King, who was worried about Shaohao, curled his lips, lifted his magical long stick of Fu Zan and rushed in with his tail wagging.

The little murloc didn't follow.

This is normal.

It has completely experienced the destruction and rebirth of Nazmir after 10,000 years, and it has no interest in Lin Yi, a terrible jungle full of blood plague and barbarians.

It would rather lie beside Zhulong, soak in the stream and have a good sleep.

Ten minutes later, the pirate who passed through the gate of dreams and arrived in the Nazmir jungle acted like a tour guide, and reminded the pandaren emperor and the monkey demigod who were surprised by everything behind them:

"Don't go that way, that's the underworld of Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death.

That cranky bastard isn't going to welcome you with arms raised, and I can't be bothered with that smooth-talking bastard, he's so unreliable that he might sell me for a profit.

But I remember that there should be a palace left by an early civilization of trolls nearby, and you and your monkey friends can go there.

Remember to watch out for the blood trolls in the surrounding jungle.

Those guys are easy for you to deal with, but if you accidentally catch the blood plague, you will be finished.

In addition, if you hear strange noises while wandering around, you must come to me immediately. I don't want to take two blood plague spreaders to the elves.

Maybe just after crossing the border, they will be asked to stay in place for half a month.

Then my trip would be ruined. "

"What about you? Where are you going?"

Shaohao has already opened his study tour scroll, preparing to record the scenery of this mysterious ancestral land of trolls, and bring it back to Pandaria as precious information.

He already knew that the world was about to collapse. Who knew if this land would still exist after the Great Split? He wanted to record all the scenery along the way, so as to leave something for future generations.

But Bu Laike, who brought them through the dreamland, left a few words of advice and walked to the other side, which made the pandaren emperor couldn't help asking.

"I want to find a good place to 'burn paper' for myself."

Bu Laike replied impatiently:

"Will you come with me?"


This answer made Shaohao's eyes widen.

As a pandaren, he must have understood the meaning of this word.

During the festival when the pandaren commemorate their ancestors, they would write down their memories of their ancestors and burn them on paper, and in this way, convey the thoughts of mortals to the kingdom of death.

But does the elf also have this custom?

And this Prophet in black, you are still alive, so it would be a little unlucky to just burn paper for yourself, right?

But how fast the pirates were, before Shaohao could ask the second question, Laike's figure had disappeared into the damp jungle full of strange trees.

"Shaohao, come on, you idiot! Look what I found! The dead troll idiot is still wrapped in cloth!"

The Monkey King's elated shouts sounded from behind, and the emperor turned his head and turned pale with shock.

He yelled:

"No, that's the mummy of the trolls, put it down quickly! You bastard monkey who doesn't respect the dead, it seems that I have to read the scriptures a few more times to cleanse your crazy mind."


Bu Laike was joking when he said he was going to burn himself paper.

He didn't come to Nazmir to "revisit the old place". After leaving Shaohao and the monkey demigod, Laike traveled through the jungle like a ghost according to the skills in his mind and arrived at a small lake with a shallow bottom.

He looked at the dilapidated buildings and temples around him. If he remembered correctly, on Zandalar Island 10,000 years later, the turtle collectors found the mysterious "Scroll of Destiny" near here, and then Won by Laike with a turtle shell game.

The mysterious scroll helped the pirate a lot when he was still weak, and he escaped several times because of the unreasonable and strong judgment of the hand of fate.

"Ha, a trace of power left by the mysterious loa that was forgotten by time. Tch, I should have thought of it at the time! Who else has that kind of strange power besides myself?

Is that the 'heirloom' gear that my big 'mailed' to me in my small?

Sure enough, it was all arranged.

It's really no one to arrange the script for myself. Sure enough, it's not unreasonable slander for others to call me crazy. Who would have thought of such a thing except crazy? "

The pirate frowned.

While complaining about himself, he took out a blank scroll from his luggage, extracted a trace of the power of his Godhead of the Quiet, and molded it into a rough law of "rock-paper-scissors", then wrote it on the scroll in the form of words and sealed it with his heart .

He originally wanted to find a box to store this thing in the ground, and wait for the tortoises digging around to find it ten thousand years later, but he remembered that the scroll was already tattered when he got it.

It looks like it has not been well preserved.

So the pirates didn't bother to bother with that. They randomly found a broken temple by the lake, threw the scroll into the weathered shrine, and clapped their hands to leave.

But in the next moment, he heard the screams of chickens and dogs jumping from the jungle.

Bu Laike looked back in surprise.

Good guy, the embarrassed Shaohao and the Monkey King are rushing out of the jungle screaming one after the other, and behind them there are several bloody faceless men chasing them.

These two guys are probably seeing real void creatures for the first time, and they could easily take care of these abyss things with their strength, but they are obviously frightened by the ugly appearance and dirty thinking of the faceless man .

Think about it too, how "simple" the world was 10,000 years ago, the powerful people in this era have nothing to worry about but barbaric troll headhunters and elves who abuse magic.

How can they be so "lucky" with the descendants of the 10,000-year-old descendants dancing with the demons? When they wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom, they may see the exciting scenes of the evil gods coming or the legion invading. That kind of state of mind that the mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.


The Monkey King saw that Bu Laike was standing by the side of a collapsed temple to watch the excitement, and immediately yelled, wagging his tail:

"Horrible monsters rushed out of the ground! These trolls are really crazy, they don't even care that their ancestral land has been completely occupied by dark evil things.

This is not a good place, let's run. "

"It is tugging at my mind, the monsters of the abyss are roaring at me, there is a terrible darkness hidden in the troll empire, we must warn them.

The creature of the abyss roared out of its cage.

It's going to swallow the world! "

Shaohao's performance is slightly better, after all, he is a monk blessed by the Supreme God.

But he still has the mood to help the troll worry about this meeting. It has to be said that these "eternal emperors" who have left their names in history really have their own characteristics.

"Why panic?"

Bu Laike waved his hand calmly and said:

"This must be the Virgin of Purity hiding in the laboratory again and doing some weird experiments. Odile's security facilities are really bad."

The prophet in black complained.

He coughed twice, and glared at the faceless men who were chasing after him.

The breath of the void gods spread out, shocking those ugly faceless men to lie on the ground in an instant, shaking their bodies and melting into balls of filthy black blood that seeped into the ground again.

"Be quiet, you idiot! Are you in such a hurry to die?"

Bu Laike stomped his feet towards the ground, and the man-made ancient god G'huun, who was threatening the roar in the underground city, was immediately frightened into silence.

The mindless beast sensed a terrifying similar creature on the ground, and it almost immediately retracted into its cage, which also caused the dark atmosphere in the entire Nazmir jungle to dissipate a lot in an instant.

"The poor little thing was injured by them, and I was targeted by those monsters just to save it."

Shaohao watched the miraculous scene in front of him. This brave monk finally had a clear understanding of the power of Braike, but he was holding a slender jaw dragon that had just hatched from an egg in his hand. Baby.

Infected by the will of the Faceless Ones, the poor little thing would let out a feeble whine from its half-dead state.

"Yo, isn't this Gani?"

Bu Laike looked at the little pity that Shaohao was holding in his hand in surprise, he squeezed his eyes and took the weak slender jaw dragon baby, its bright stripes were very recognizable, allowing the pirates to recognize its identity at a glance.

The prophet in black laughed and blew on the dying little pity in his hand, giving it pure vitality while dispelling the air polluting it.

The little thing suddenly came to life, staring at the cloth Laike who was smirking at it with big cute eyes.

When Laike grinned at it, he seemed to be terrified, jumped into the water with a cry, and fled back into the jungle like a turbo duck.

"Hahaha, no wonder I hit it off so much in the future. After a long time of trouble, this guy is my 'pet'."

Bu Laike stood there with his hips akimbo, and laughed a few times happily.

He looked back at Shaohao and the Monkey King who were still in shock, handed them a bottle of wine, and said in a drawn out voice:

"I know that you resisted my existence after learning about your great future and end. You think that my appearance is to give you a chance to 'cheat' and make your epic story look less legendary.

But young emperor, the truth is not so.

I did edit your story, but it's just so you can join me on the grand journey to meet the Dark Titan, you can fight just for your people, or you can join me, for the world 10,000 years from now war.

I didn't spoil your legend, I just made it more exciting, even if only a few people will remember the end of this story, and no bard will sing it.

But I think from the pandaren's philosophy, rather than the result, maybe the journey to find the answer is more worth savoring?

Take it easy, young emperor.

I can assure you that Pandaria will survive this disaster. I'm not kidding, I have many friends in this land.

Like Lao Chen, like Lili, like Sect Leader Zhu who vomits blood every time there is a big battle, in fact, I also have the title of 'Shado-Pan Honorary Elder'.

Look, I don't look like you though.

But I am a true 'spiritual pandaren' within, my lord.

Take a break and we'll start off later. "

(end of this chapter)

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