Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1787 13. Inverted! Inverted! The Villainous Pandaren Have Kidnapped Our Headmaster!

Chapter 1787 13. Inverted! Inverted! The villainous Pandaren have kidnapped our Headmaster!

Early the next morning, at the gate of the Narsalas School of Magic, a group of instructors put on the most gorgeous robes of elf spellcasters and lined up at the gate to welcome the coming alien emperor.

Different from Dean Lanyue's attitude, the other mentors in the academy felt honored by the Pandaren Emperor's decision to visit Nazaras Academy.

They felt that the success of Narsalas Academy had spread all over the world, and was even praised by the emperor of the distant kingdom of Pandaria. Be cool.

From today onwards, when enrolling students, they will be able to add an additional line of "The Magic Academy that the Emperor of the Pandaren Empire agreed to" on the college brochure, and by the way, add the magic video of Emperor Shaohao's visit to the college to the college's chronology. Take this as another success of the Narsalas School of Magic in the field of diplomacy.

Because of this, the atmosphere of today's welcome ceremony is very warm.

But soon a careful instructor discovered that Dean Lanyue, who had always shown himself as a cold-faced iceberg in the past, was not in the right state today.

She tried her best to maintain her dignity.

But the thick dark circles under the crystal glasses and her constant yawning behavior cannot be concealed.

"Your Excellency, Dean, why are you so sleepy? Did you not rest last night?"

The Dean's right-hand assistant, Mentor Andrea, asked curiously in a low voice. Dean Lanyue shook his head, but did not answer. He just turned around and summoned a handful of magic glacier water to wash his face to make himself look more energetic.

She couldn't tell her subordinates about her "fantasy encounter" last night. What a god from 10,000 years later claimed to be her apprentice, and asked to teach her some novel magical knowledge and so on.

This is an absurd plot that can only appear in the third-rate magic novels popular among the ignorant nobles of Suramar.

As for the fatigue that I shouldn't have

No matter who did thirty sets of test papers in one night and was repeatedly criticized for not being rigorous enough, it would be like this, even if Queen Azshara came here in person.

My disciples are really strict in this regard, even small grammatical mistakes will be pointed out and asked to correct on the spot.

It was exhausting.

Physical fatigue is secondary. My future disciple has strange powers that can relieve fatigue, but the pressure on the spiritual level is not so easy to relieve.

Dean Lanyue felt in a daze that he had returned to the days when he was eighteen years old and was studying with his low-key, humble but very strict and serious tutor, His Excellency Maitri.

If his mentor who suffers from strong social phobia and autism can know what happened to him last night, he will definitely be very interested, but unfortunately, even Dean Lanyue himself doesn't know that his mentor is roaming around now. to where.

Word has it that Lord Maitrie appeared in remote Ashenvale a few years ago, and that he has turned down Queen Azshara's enlistment more than a dozen times.

What a dashing person.

Dean Lanyue felt so emotional in his heart.

Soon, as the banner of the court of Farondis appeared on the mountain road at the bend of the river, the band of the Magic Academy immediately began to play the gorgeous welcome song of the elves.

As the golden ornate candle dragon appeared carrying the emperor of the Pandaren Empire, all the elf mentors immediately put a welcoming yet alienated smile on their faces.

According to the tradition of the elves, the noble mentor with the highest background in the academy presented a magic crown to the alien emperor as a gift, and Emperor Shaohao also followed the Pandaren custom by presenting the lorewalker scroll he carried with him to the academy as a return gift .

The emperor also expressed his admiration and admiration for the well-known Nazaras Academy on the spot, and stood with Prince Farondis and the instructors of the academy to accept the shooting of magic images.

After this welcome process, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

As Emperor Shaohao, under the protection of his ruthless monkey demigod guard, began to tour the academy with great interest and led by several noble mentors, Prince Farondis, who accompanied the emperor, found an excuse to leave .

He entered the dean's office with ease, took out the key he prepared in advance, opened the treasure house of the dean's office, and took out the tidal stone, the pillar of creation hidden in Nazaras College.

But Prince Farondis didn't notice an invisible tentacle swaying in his shadow, and all his actions were seen by Bu Laike who was hidden in the academy.

"Woohoo, the show is about to begin."

On the observatory at the highest point of Narthalas Academy, Braike squinted his eyes and watched Prince Farondis and a group of his close officials hide the Tidal Stone in his palace carriage, and then walked along the mountain road to The Pillar of Creation was transported out of the academy.

He knew that this was the beginning of Prince Farondis' "remonstrance" plan, and this incident would directly cause the entire city of Nazaras and the land of Azsuna to suffer for the next 10,000 years.

"Unfortunately, I can't save you."

The pirate sighed helplessly. He sat on the edge of the observatory swinging his legs, took out a jug of fine wine from his arms, opened the lid and sniffed the fragrance of the fine wine.

He was considering whether he should intervene in the destruction of Narsalas City, but this question was quickly answered.

He couldn't stop this from happening.

Unlike the Sin Della elves of Eresthalas and the troll empire, the ghosts of Azsuna and Prince Farondis occupy a relatively important place in Braike's journey ten thousand years later.

That is part of his own story. Once their state of existence is changed by external forces, it will directly affect Laike's life ten thousand years later.

According to the impact of the fate feedback brought by the previously changed Xin Della elves and the troll empire, if Bu Laike prevents the destruction of the city of Narsalas, he is likely to become weak due to the fluctuation of fate.

Although I didn't come to fight 10,000 years ago, and strength is not important, but it's not worth it!

On top of that, even if Laike saves the city, it won't do much good for the future.

A group of highborne who love pleasure and immerse themselves in magic survived the disaster and would die in a long time, and the highborne in Narthalas City are the absolute loyalists of Queen Azshara!

They don't have the eternal life bestowed by the World Tree, and they don't have the luck and channels to get the eternal well water like Dath'Remar Sunstrider.

In addition to following the queen into the deep sea to become Naga, the best ending is to join Suramar, who chose to be alone in the late stage of the War of the Ancients, before the world collapses.

But with Prince Farondis' level of palace fighting, he will definitely not be Elisande's opponent, and he will definitely be marginalized. Most of all, think of a Prince Farondis who becomes a "suck dude"

Well, it's better to let him die in tonight's tragedy, at least he can maintain a sane state and wait for Bu Laike to save him in 10,000 years.

"Anyway, the Queen smashed the Tidal Stone and cast a curse that didn't kill you, it just changed your form from flesh and blood to earth-bound spirits. Such a big explosion didn't kill a single person, it can only be said that it has the magic power of the Well of Eternity The destructive power of the added Queen Azshara has indeed exceeded my imagination."

Bo Laike flicked his tongue, shrugged and said:

"So I can only wrong you. To be honest, if it weren't for the terrible situation of Dean Lanyue ten thousand years later, I wouldn't even want to interfere with her fate.

Well, according to my original idea, before the dean dies of old age, she should fix her obsession on other people besides me, so as to prevent her from having terrible thoughts of self-destruction because of me.

After much deliberation, the most suitable person should be the commander of Black Rook Castle and Suramar, the queen's minister Kutalos Ravencrest. "

The pirate narrowed his eyes and thought to himself:

"According to my previous knowledge, Lord Kutalos once pursued the dean when he was studying in Suramar, but was rejected by the dean because of his studies.

Although there is not so much affection between the two, it is also a friendship that is beyond friends. He is one of the few friends of Dean Lanyue.

Calculating the time, Lord Kutalos has now been attacked by demons, coupled with the queen's perverse actions and the opening of the demon portal, it is estimated that within a few days, the elf resistance army will be established.

At that time, recommend Dean Lanyue, who escaped from the catastrophe, to work under the command of the great lord to cultivate his relationship, and then let Dean Lanyue witness the tragic death of the great lord by the assassin's knife sent by the queen.

Tsk tsk, perfect!

What could occupy an Avenger's mind more than a great man assassinated before his eyes?

Another point.

I must be strict with the dean during this time!

If we want to cause more trouble for her, it is best to make her feel very disgusted with me, and make her feel uncomfortable seeing me. In this way, when we meet ten thousand years later, the dean will definitely not take so much My mind was on me.

Oh, I'm so smart. "

The crumb pirate who consciously made a plan laughed and drank the wine in his hand.

He felt that he had exhausted his plan, and he planned to just find a place to sleep, sleep until the afternoon, and then meet with Emperor Shaohao, who was visiting the academy, and leave Azsuna before dark to embark on the journey to Suramar .

But when Braike just broke into the empty tutor teaching building, secretly admiring "The Shame of the Academy" with a "study" attitude, the wand combat tutor Nettier hid in her dormitory with a rather unique, When he used his magic wand to make "intimate contact" with his body in a rather stimulating way, he suddenly felt the vibration of the thoughts of truth that he had placed on Dean Lanyue's body.

This made Bo Laike frowned, and he realized that something seemed wrong, so he disappeared by the window of Mentor Nittier with a whoosh.

When he reappeared, he stood out from the shadow of Dean Lanyue who sneaked into the teleportation hall.

Bu Laike grabbed Dean Lanyue's shoulder with a blank expression, and slammed her against the wall next to her. With the power of the void, void tentacles sprang out from the shadow of the wall and touched Dean's hands. Legs bound to the wall.

"What are you going to do? My dear tutor."

The pirate said sinisterly to the hooded Dean Lanyue in front of him:

"You are not good."

"I'm just helping His Majesty inspect the portal to Suramar!"

While struggling to keep those cold and sticky tentacles from touching her skin, Dean Lanyue retorted:

"Let me go! You claim to be my disciple, but looking at you, you don't have any attitude of respecting the teacher! Is it reasonable for a disciple to do this kind of thing to the teacher?"

"Oh, you really don't know how to lie."

Bo Laike sneered.

He stretched out two fingers into Dean Lanyue's collar, and took out a warm magic stone with messages hidden in the dean's increasingly fierce struggle.

He glanced at the Philosopher's Stone, and found that it was a letter secretly sent by the dean to Queen Azshara, which detailed the appearance of Braike Shaw and her understanding of this matter from the perspective of time magic and prophecy magic. guesses and doubts.

In the letter, the dean stated that she was completely unable to deal with the threat that "time traveler" Braike Shaw might bring with her abilities, so she invited Her Majesty the Queen to come to Azsuna in person to conduct an investigation on this black-clothed prophet who claimed to be a god. asked again.


The well-crafted magic stone was crushed when the pirate's fingers closed, and he looked at Dean Lanyue who lowered his head and stopped struggling in front of him.

He whispered:

"You don't trust me? You trust Azshara even more? This is really sad, my lord tutor. You really took great pains to prevent me from hurting your lovely students."

"Who can trust you? Bu Laike."

Dean Lanyue endured the tearing and destruction of her mind by the void tentacles, she whispered:

"Think about it differently, if you were in my place, a stranger suddenly appeared one night claiming to be a visitor ten thousand years later, claiming to be your disciple.

but threatened the lives of all your students to be good

Would you believe it?

If what you said is true, then I really don't understand why I would allow my disciples to degenerate to this point after 10,000 years? "

"No, my evil is not your fault, Dean."

The pirate stretched out his hand and grabbed Dean Lanyue's chin, forcing her to raise her head and look into her eyes. He said:

"Don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes, you really worked hard to get me on the right path, a large part of my success is due to your careful guidance to me.

But it suddenly occurred to me that such a stubborn personality of yours might be a problem, so I decided to adopt some 'tricks' that I usually don't use with my friends.

You should be better, I really tolerate you already. "

"Hey! Pandaren over there! What are you doing to our headmaster! Let go of your dirty hands!"

Just when Bu Laike was about to use a mental shock to temporarily put Dean Lanyue into a coma, a shout suddenly sounded from the light of the teleportation hall.

The pirate and the dean turned their heads at the same time, and saw several students wearing traveler attire coming out of the portal leading to Zin-Azshari. They should be senior students, led by a guy who looked like a mentor.

Their faces were exhausted, and their bodies were still stained with some blood. They looked very embarrassed, as if they had fled back from the capital of the empire.

As a result, they saw something very exciting when they came back.

A pandaren wearing a black hood is using evil purple power to fix his beloved and beautiful Dean to the wall, and his hand is pinching the Dean's chin. It looks like he is going to do some bad things.

Those damn tentacles even touched the dean's delicate skin

"Let go of the dean!"

A student yelled and took out his wand and threw a deadly spell at Bo Laike, but Dean Lanyue, who had given up resisting, suddenly broke free from Bo Laike's shackles and wanted to send his students to safety.

"It's a good attempt, I really like you."

The pirate laughed and raised his left hand, and hit the dean on the back of the head with a precise afterimage knife.

Ms. Lanyue, who wanted to protect the students, hung her limbs and head down in the air like a puppet out of control, and was lifted in the air by Bu Laike who stretched out her arms and hugged her waist.

He laughed and ignored the spells from the students, waved a few dark green death coils and knocked the tired students to the ground, then turned around and pulled a void crack into it.

Before leaving, he provocatively lifted the hair of the comatose Dean Lanyue, and made a friendly farewell gesture to the few students who got up from the ground.

It looks like a villain's evil posture.

A few minutes later, piercing alarm bells echoed throughout the Nazaras Academy, and a terrible news quickly spread throughout the academy.

Their beloved Dean Alya Blue Moon has been kidnapped by a villainous Pandaren!

And that pandaren is the entourage of His Majesty the pandaren Emperor Shaohao, who is still visiting the academy. It's the opposite! These shameful aliens actually did such evil things on the land of elves!


He must be wanted!

(end of this chapter)

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