Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1789 15. It's Broken, Too Much Force, What Should I Do If The Dean Becomes A Fool?

Chapter 1789 15. It's broken, too much force, what should I do if the dean becomes a fool?

After the storm, the dark night faded away, and the stars shone on the earth again. Perhaps it was the washing of the storm that made the night extraordinarily bright, shining like a coin that had been carefully wiped.

But the reflection on the land under the night sky is desolate.

The majestic city of Narthalas, which was called the "Pearl" of the empire several times by Queen Azshara, was razed to the ground in just a few seconds of Titan's energy explosion.

What's even more tragic is that the energy impact of the shattered Tidal Stone directly caused the damage and loss of control of the magic net under the land of Azsuna, and a series of big explosions triggered after that destroyed all the existence of the entire Azsuna that was close to the magic net. of buildings.

The worst thing is that the highborne's thirst for magic caused their buildings to be near the nodes of the magic net. Therefore, after Azshara lowered his anger against the traitors, the entire Azsuna returned to the original state overnight. Savage times.

There is no one alive on this land.

All life that exists here is seen by Azshara as an object of wrath because their leader is trying to save the entire empire from the already insane queen.

He didn't even want to oppose the Queen, just to save the Queen from that dangerous illusion.

This is where the tragedy of Azsuna is at its most ironic.

A magical prince who was obviously the most loyal, was regarded as an unforgivable treason by the queen he was loyal to.

"oh my god"

Under the light of the stars, Emperor Shaohao and the Monkey King flew over the ruins of Narsalas City on the terrified Candle Dragon.

Although Laike has repeatedly emphasized that there is no life here, the benevolent emperor still cannot turn a blind eye to the disaster that is happening before his eyes.

He wanted to take a look here for himself, try to find a living person or two and get them out.

But it turns out that when Queen Azshara's magic is applied to destruction, this power will be magnified to an extremely terrifying level. As the black prophet said, Shaohao flew back and forth several times in the ruins of the mountains circle, not a single survivor was found.

There are even few bones.

The tidal stone shattered at this place, which directly caused the leak of Titan's energy to melt the life here in an instant, leaving absolutely no bones left.

To be honest, this scene is not scary, because there are no miserable bones against it.

But the city that was still incomparably gorgeous this morning has turned into a dead and ruined ruins at this time. This terrible contrast still caused a nameless anger to rise in Emperor Shaohao's heart.


How could this woman be so reckless?

Although these elves were arrogant, their loyalty to the queen was beyond words, even if they had only been in contact with the upper elves for a short time, Shaohao could still confirm this.

These are the loyal subjects of the queen, but that woman destroyed them so ruthlessly, everyone is the emperor, why can you be so cold-blooded?

"Enough! This is enough!"

Emperor Shaohao behind Zhulong clenched his fists.

He seemed to finally understand why Bo Laike brought him here, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"That crazy woman must be stopped no matter what she wants to do! This kind of behavior has surpassed the definition of madness."

The Monkey King, who always likes to watch the excitement, will also be addicted to it now. Looking at the ruins of the city below, this naughty hozen king felt his fur stand on his head.

As a demigod, it can feel that there are some cold things in the bricks and stones of the ruins. They are like the accumulation of malice chewed and excreted after the city was swallowed by disaster.

They are growing in the ruins.

"This is not a good place, Shaohao idiot, let's leave quickly."

The Monkey King bared his teeth and urged:

"Blaike idiot said that the mad queen put some kind of curse on this place, and we will be infected by the curse if we stay here. Hurry up and find the fragment of the stone and send it back to the ruins of the academy. I really don't want to be here. Stay here."

"It's down there."

Shaohao nodded silently, when the candle dragon flew back again, the emperor quickly found the tidal stone fragments shining in the palace garden that had been blown into a big hole.

He stroked Candle Dragon's horn, encouraging it to descend.

Shaohao and the Monkey King jumped a few meters away from the ground, but as soon as they landed, they felt the residual power stimulating their bodies like an electric shock.

The closer it is to the tidal stone fragments, the more obvious the discomfort of that energy will be.

Just like invisible radiation, staying in this place for too long will definitely bring terrible sequelae to the body.

"Hurry up! Hurry up, the power here is about to burn my hair!"

The Monkey King bared his teeth and picked up a hot shard with his Staff of Fortune and put it into the treasure chest specially made by Bu Laike for their source quality steel.

But Shaohao hesitated and didn't take any action, which made the hozen upset for a while. It jumped over and wanted to scold its good friend who didn't work, but it saw the "thing" in front of Shaohao's eyes at a glance.

Prince Farondis

To be precise, the spirit body left after Prince Farondis was burned away.

With his level of life, it was impossible to survive the explosion of the Pillar of Creation at such a close distance, but his spiritual body remained amazingly intact.

The only explanation for this is that Queen Azshara did it on purpose.

She didn't kill the elf coldly.

Instead, she cursed him, asking him to exist in this ruined land as a sane spirit, to feel pain for what he had done as a merciless punishment.

This vicious way of punishment made Shaohao and the Monkey King feel a chill from the soles of their feet to their foreheads at the same time. Is this something human can do?

"His Royal Highness? Can you hear me?"

Shaohao suppressed the discomfort and squatted down, trying to wake up the spirit body kneeling in the ruins, but Prince Farondis was obviously in an abnormal posture.

He muttered to himself, unable to hear any calls from the outside world.

"It's all my fault. It's my stupidity that offended the Queen. It's my fault for my people. It's all my fault"

Shaohao could hear Prince Farondis' spirit repeating these words over and over again.

He and the Monkey King beside him looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness and regret in each other's eyes. They no longer tried to wake up the prince, but quickly put the fragments of the Tidal Stone into the box, and put it Brought back to the Nazaras Academy of Magic, which was also completely destroyed by the explosion of the magic net.

The gorgeous academy was reduced to ruins overnight. When Shaohao arrived here, the students who died tragically had already turned into spirit bodies and walked back and forth in the academy in an unconscious posture, doing imperceptible tasks in a daze. before death.

With their spiritual state, if they don't intervene, they will dissipate soon.

"Bu Laike fool let's break this orb here."

The Monkey King threw the box containing the tidal stone fragments into the treasure house deep in Dean Lanyue's office, which had been washed by the gushing water.

It took out another dark purple eyeball-shaped magic orb from its bosom, tossed it up and down in its hand, and said to Shaohao who was mourning the victims in a pandaren way:

"But I always think this thing is evil, are we really going to do this?"

"Crush it."

Shaohao was very decisive at this moment, the pandaren emperor said in a low voice:

"Look around, my friend. How bad could it be? I trust Bo Laike's affection for this place. He will not hurt these ghosts."


The Monkey King flicked his tail, and threw out the orb in his hand.

The thing shattered on the wall of the dim dean's office, and a wave of energy from the void blasted out like a shock wave, covering the ruins of the entire academy in an instant.

When Shaohao and the Monkey King walked out of the dean's room, they were surprised to see that the dazed spirits seemed to have awakened their minds one by one. Mentor Andrea, who had met once before, was holding a book filled with energy. The torn roster shouted loudly to the students queuing in front of them:

"Lessons are about to start! Why haven't you poor students ready your wands and uniforms and grimoires? I'll give you another ten minutes! Those who can't get their manners in order will have ten credits deducted from their end-of-year exams.

You two!

Where are your hats and wands? What kind of weird costume is this wearing? Also, why did you come out of the dean's room?

Where is Dean Lanyue?

The big explosion of the damn magic experiment has caused a mess in this academy, we need the headmaster to come back and preside over the overall situation! "


Emperor Shaohao and the Monkey King looked at each other, the emperor shrugged and said:

"The dean went out on business. Before she left, she said that the college will be maintained by you for the time being, and she will be back soon."

"Is that so?"

Mentor Andrea nodded, and ignored Shaohao and the Monkey King. She looked around and scolded again:

"Where's that bastard Netil? Hiding in the dormitory and playing games with her wand again? What a disgrace! Call her over! Quick! I need her as my administrative assistant.

Give me peace!

Get ready, it's time to start the lesson, apprentices of Narsalas College, this lesson will be very long. "


"How can she do this?"

Alya Lanyue, who was kidnapped by the bad student Bu Laike and escaped death, is now slumped on the cliff with a dazed expression.

She muttered to herself, completely lacking the demeanor that a grand arcanist should have, just like a poor girl who was autistic after being strongly stimulated.

Bu Laike helplessly stretched out his hand and dangled in front of her eyes, but Dean Lanyue's eyes didn't have any focal length at all, which meant that her soul and mind had received a terrible shock.


Pirate Scraps sighed. He could guess that letting the dean witness the destruction of his academy would be worse than killing her, but he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

Damn it!

I used too much force, and the dean became a fool, what should I do?

Of course, Bu Laike was just complaining, if as a void god, he can't even handle this matter, he might as well just jump off the cliff and commit suicide.

But what makes Laike feel strange is that Dean Lanyue is also an important supporting role in his story 10,000 years later.

It stands to reason that changing her life will definitely bring a strong impact on Laike's fate, but when the pirate is ready to suffer the backlash of fate, there is no movement at all.

This shows that Bu Laike's operation did not actually change Dean Lanyue's life, which made Pirates feel relieved and at the same time feel that there is a long way to go.

We have to keep working hard.

We must transfer the dean's obsession with himself to other people, otherwise, if this continues, Dean Lanyue may become the first demigod in the history of Azeroth who committed suicide because of the ethics in his heart. Demon.

That would be laughable, bankers.

With such thoughts in mind, Bu Laike stretched out his finger and put it on the dean's icy forehead. He closed his eyes and easily entered Dean Lanyue's very chaotic thoughts.

He intends to carry out a "psychological intervention". Well, compared to the "speech therapy" intervention method of the psychiatrists, the method of the Silent One is obviously more direct and more effective.

He walked in the mind of Dean Lanyue who was completely autistic because of witnessing the disaster, waved his hands like a Rubik's cube to temporarily suppress those painful memories, and projected the picture of Nazaras College's prosperity ten thousand years later onto the In the heart of the dean.

Especially when he was helping the relocation of Nassaras College, the group photos of Dean Lanyue and the spiritual teacher and students were also released, so as to show Miss Lanyue that the Nassaras College she cares most about is actually was not destroyed by this disaster.

Although all teachers and students died once.

But in the words of Dean Lanyue, for pure spellcasters, flesh and blood are just useless things that hinder their search for truth.

If an arcanist is afraid of death, how dare he put down his rhetoric and pursue the truth of arcane art?

Facts have proved that the psychological treatment effect of Your Excellency the Pirate is outstanding. In just a few seconds, when he withdrew his thoughts, Dean Lanyue had already recovered from the "fool" state.

She wiped her tears and stood up, walked quickly to the edge of the cliff, looked at the miserable ruins of Nazaras College under the night with complicated eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:

"So, after my work is done, I have to come back here and die here, right?"

"Yes, but I suppose it is not a dismal end for you."

Bu Laike stood behind the dean, put his hand on her trembling shoulders, and said softly:

"If there is anything that can transcend the separation brought about by death, it must be the pursuit of ideals and being with the people you care about and love forever.

You are the dean and mentor of Narsalas College.

You are our eternal dean.

Your story with the Academy is not over, it's not even the beginning of the end, quite the contrary, it's just the end of the beginning. I guess you must have a lot to say to Queen Azshara right now

very good.

Hold this anger, suppress this hatred, and at the right time, you will find the opportunity to let it all out.

But before that, you need to find an organization, an organization that is as determined as you to overthrow Azshara's brutal rule, resist the invasion of alien demons, and defend the world.

Luckily, I'll help you find like-minded people. "


Dean Lanyue nodded, and Bu Laike was relieved. He turned around and planned to let the little murlocs pack up their things. They were leaving this disaster and heading towards Suramar.

But the moment Bu Laike turned around, Dean Lanyue grabbed his wrist from behind.

The dean buried her weakest posture behind Bu Laike with tears in her eyes. She tightly grasped the crumb pirate whose complexion changed slightly, and said in a low voice:

"But now I have only you, Bo Laike. In this era, I have only you as a disciple. You saved me and gave me a chance to seek justice from Azshara.

My disciple, you will walk this journey with me, right? Do you want me to call you mentor? Will this make you help me more attentively? "

The dean bit his lip and whispered:

"Then, mentor, please, help me"

"My God!"

Bu Laike reached out and patted his eyes desperately.

He finally knew why he didn't suffer the backlash of fate, hell!

My own operation not only did not divert the dean's obsession, but deepened it!


It can't go on like this.

Ku'talos Ravencrest must be found quickly, or all is lost. Ah, he knew that his damn charm would get him into terrible trouble one day.

(end of this chapter)

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