Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1795 21. The Fate Of Suramar Will Be Revealed In The Sound Of Drums Shaking The Sky

Chapter 1795 21. The fate of Suramar will be revealed in the sound of drums shaking the sky

The great lord of Ravencrest is an unsmiling character. Although he is very dissatisfied with the extravagance of the high elves, this high lord is undoubtedly a member of the high elves.

Queen Azshara has repeatedly praised Lord Ravencrest as a model of the Highborne, both in terms of demeanor and dedication to duty, so this general of the empire has also become an "idol" that is highly sought after by the Highborne.

But in fact, Lord Ravencrest belongs to the powerful faction.

In terms of his position in the Elven Empire, it is really impossible to hold that position without any strength.

The Legion of Black Rook Castle and the Moon Guards loyal to Ravencrest are the most elite armed forces in the Elf Empire. With Suramar's magic swordsman and arcanist legion in hand, the high lord is determined to raise an army to resist and has fallen into madness. The queen's death is not an act of suicide.

And he's a very traditional elf.

Despite his supreme loyalty to the Queen, and the inherent arrogance and arrogance of the Highborne in his character, he did not agree with the Queen's set of class theories that separated the Highborne from the Night Elves.

He knew it would tear the empire apart.

For a long time, the great lord has been trying to persuade the queen to take action to bridge the conflicts of the empire, but now he no longer needs to worry about how to persuade the arrogant Azshara to accept it, nor does he need to worry about the future division of the empire, generosity The empress helped her courtiers solve this trouble.

She allowed the demons to massacre the night elf civilians in Zin-Azshari

"She claims to create a perfect world for the flawless Highborne, and by dedicating this world to the God of Darkness as a means of receiving the gift of supreme power born from the depths of the Twisting Nether.

That will undoubtedly help Azshara find her way to become a god and make her stand out from the stars.

But unfortunately, Azshara seems to have fallen into madness before the power of fel was added. "

At dawn, on the dome tower at the highest point of the Temple of the Moon in Suramar, Braike, who was wearing a black hood to cover himself completely, stood in front of the statue of the Moon God on the dome, looking out of the city of Suramar , looking in the direction of Zin-Azshari.

It was a long distance, the mountains and the sky blocked the eyes of mortals, but they couldn't stop Lord Moon Shadow from looking out.

Bu Laike can even clearly see the magical tide of the Well of Eternity rising to the sky in the distance. The blue light should have been a thrilling miracle, but now, traces of dark green pollution have climbed into the blue tide .

It's like pouring ink into a basin of water.


The pollution of evil energy is intensifying bit by bit, and the Well of Eternity is the blood of the world from the depths of the world. By polluting that well, the original force of evil energy can contact the star soul sleeping in the depths of the world.

This is exactly a replica of Sargeras polluting Argus.

But this time the action is even easier than the dark titan polluting Argus, after all, the world of Argus does not have a magic well leading to the heart of the world.

Laike's blue eyes shone with a purple gleam, and the power from the godhead of the Quiet One allowed him to see beyond matter and enter the higher symbolic realm.

He could see that the gate beyond the stars had been opened, the fel force was pouring into Azeroth from the stars, and a burning figure was trekking across the star sea.

His purpose is clear.


The pirate complained:

"You said that it was the first time you left the Void Battlefield to destroy me. Didn't you come here once ten thousand years ago? Ten thousand years later, it can be regarded as revisiting the old place at most!

But what I'm more curious about is, after Azshara, who admires you so much, joins the Burning Legion, what title are you going to give her?

Fel Queen or Legion Queen?

Well, I guess the fraudsters and polluters might be a little upset about that. "

"Mr. Bo Laike"

The call of the suppressed voice sounded from the inside of the dome under the pirate's feet, interrupting Laike's nonsensical thinking. He grinned, continued to stand on the narrow dome that could not support a mortal standing, and responded:

"Miss Maiev, why don't you help the high-ranking priest take care of the Moon God Temple, why did you skip work and come here? Did you not hear enough of the story last night? Or did you come here to expel me, an uninvited guest, on behalf of Ms. Elune?"

"I beg you not to joke about my beliefs!"

The trainee priest Maiev who sneaked to the Dome Tower alone said something seriously.

Afterwards, she looked worriedly at the soldiers of the City Guard who were running on the street not far away. They were carrying various materials that were floated by magic and were going to strengthen the city wall.

This made Maiev feel very worried.

The city entered a state of "military control" a few hours ago. It is said that Lord Ravencrest personally sat here, and combined with the solemn announcement by the high-ranking priests just now, all official priests must prepare to face the war. Maiev, who has always been taciturn but keen, immediately sensed something was wrong.

She originally wanted to find her younger brother who had just joined the City Guard Army immediately, but she suddenly thought of the "prophecy" that the weird Mr. Laike said when he was "telling a story" to her last night.

Everything fits almost perfectly.

Without anyone noticing, the war came so abruptly.

Maiev didn't know why this mysterious and powerful guy who definitely had some kind of mysterious connection with Ms. Elune, even suspected of being a legendary "half-god", would be so interested in himself, an ordinary trainee priest, But her keen instinct was telling her that in this chaotic moment, Mr. Blaike could perfectly answer all the doubts in her heart.

So Maiev, driven by some emotion unknown to herself, made her way quietly to Mr. Bo Laike's hiding place.

This is a secret that only she knows.

"I have some doubts"

Maiev looked around nervously. The high-ranking priest had already ordered the trainee priests not to go out and walk freely. Her current behavior violated the prohibition of the high-ranking priest. The result of being discovered must be bad.

But trying to calm herself down, she said to Bo Laike above her head:

"I hope you can answer my question!"

Amidst the exclamation, a sudden gust of wind blew up and swept Maiev into the sky, and made her stand beside Bu Laike in a twirl.

But there is also a statue of the moon god on this small dome that only allows one person to stand. This is not a place where a trainee priest can stand firmly.

Maiev screamed and felt that she was about to fall from a height of nearly a hundred meters, but in the next moment, Braike's steady arm hugged Maiev's slender waist, firmly fixing her on this Su The heights of Rama City.

Miss Priest was terrified.

She didn't even dare to open her eyes to look at the sky below, so she could only hug the only "support" beside her like a koala, letting the wind blow her long silver-white hair, her eyes tightly closed. Closed and shivering.

The delicate gesture made Bo Laike grin silently.

He coughed and said:

"Then, what doubts do you have in my lovely Miss Maiev's heart that you need your loyal prophet in black to answer for you?"

"This war."

Maiev breathed rapidly in the danger of falling at any time, while hugging the powerful but bad-natured bastard next to her, she whispered:

"Is it really the Queen's war against her own people? Why would Queen Azshara do this? When I passed by the High Priest's meditation room this morning, I heard something terrible happened to Zin-Azshara."

"You have so many questions, and they are all trivial. This is not a question that Maiev Shadowsong should ask."

Bu Laike shook his head, and he whispered to the priest lady who was holding him tightly in her arms:

"You should learn to analyze the appearance of the problem and see the essence of the problem directly. This way of thinking that goes straight to the core will help you solve many, many troubles in the future.

The first is the change of your identity, my dear Maiev, from now on, you are no longer a trainee priest, from now on, you are a warrior.

Everyone here.

You are warriors now, including Tyrande and your brother.

So, put on a soldier's face, open your eyes, if you want to get the answer, you have to see the question first, isn't it more than a hundred meters in the air?

Falling from here won't kill you, what are you afraid of? "

Maiev pursed her lips, trying to refute Boo Laike's claims.

But she soon realized that the black prophet was right. Once the war came to Suramar, once the battle was tense, these apprentice priests would definitely go to the battlefield.

It's not something they can decide.

"But I never learned to fight and neither did we."

Maiev whispered something, and Bo Laike glanced at her and said:

"Then you'd better start practicing now, there is still some time, at least it will allow you to distinguish which one is more suitable for you, Moonblade or Warhammer, at least it will allow you to pick up some abandoned archery skills again.

I do know that before you became a trainee priest, you were a very good marksman.

The same goes for your companion, Tyrande, who would have been two of the best huntresses in Suramar if you hadn't been accidentally discovered by the High Priestess.

Don't be afraid, little girl, I will teach you, I will be your best teacher. "

The pirate spoke softly.

Maiev didn't answer, she began to think seriously about Bo Laike's suggestion.

She thought the pirate had a point.

Although less than one-twentieth of his life story was heard from Braike last night, if half of those exaggerated-sounding stories are true, then this mysterious Lord Braike must be a An excellent fighter.

The sisters of the temple really need to hurry up and change their mentality, at least they can't need other people to protect themselves when the war happens.

They are priestesses of Lady Elune! They are the bows and sharp arrows of the moon god, the warriors and hunters of the moon god, and they are born to protect the believers of the moon god.

"Look! I think the scenery in the distance can answer your doubts now."

Bo Laike raised his hand and pointed into the distance.

Maiev opened her eyes in the air, but she could only see the mountains and the sky outside Suramar City. The next moment, Braike flicked her finger in front of Maiev's eyes. This intimate gesture made the trainee priest The young lady blushed.

She was still a young elf.

Although he was born in the very corrupt Suramar, he has always kept himself clean and never had such close contact with other people.

But what is strange is that Miss Maiev, who is usually indifferent, does not really resist the contact with this mysterious Mr. Laike.

She had a strange feeling that she and this Mr. Braike might have some destiny connection, even if the other party was a demigod, and she was just an ordinary Suramar girl.

"Use Dim Sum, I've opened up the horizon for you to find the answer yourself. Besides, I'm not a sad thing like a 'half god', Miss Maiev."

Bu Laike's reminder came just right, making Maiev suddenly stop the wild thoughts in her heart.

She raised her head again, and at this moment, something miraculous appeared in front of her eyes.

Her eyes, like a soaring eagle, passed through the mountains and the sky, and the scenery from afar suddenly came into view.

She clearly saw Xin Aisa Li thousands of miles away, the heart of the elf empire and the city of ten thousand years, she saw the magnificent light of the Well of Eternity, and saw the city that was more luxurious and magnificent than Suramar, I saw the vicissitudes of vines covering the walls of the ancient city.

She even saw Queen Azshara's white palace built beside the Well of Eternity.

But that's not all!

Soon, as Maiev looked further, her face quickly became frightened, and she saw a huge dark green portal shining like a hill above the Well of Eternity.

She saw rows of tall, burly, hideous demons that she had never seen in nightmares, wearing scarlet armor, striding out of the portal with pain saw blades in hand.

Their numbers seemed endless, and the whole world trembled beneath their feet.

In addition to these most basic demon guards, there are big mephits and fear demons flying around in the sky to cover the sky and cover the sun. Their sharp and wild laughter echoed in the once holy palace.

At the farthest point of Maiev's vision, the dragon-like abyss lord patrolled around the Well of Eternity with heavy steps, while the khaki doom lord stood guard outside the portal of the Well of Eternity with a huge sword in his hand.

those elves.

Those high-borne elves who are usually extremely arrogant are like ants under their feet, one by one trembling amidst the scolding of the demons, they continuously extract the magic power of the Well of Eternity to maintain the growing portal.

And at a higher place, on the highest terrace of the palace, the luxurious royal chariot is placed under the sunlight that has been polluted by evil energy, and Queen Azshara, the light of light, leans on the On his royal chariot, holding a golden goblet in his hand, he watched the allies from other worlds striding into this world.

Beside the supreme queen who seemed to control the whole world, her coquettish maids held fruit, food and books for the queen, but the queen didn't care about them.

There is also a luxuriously dressed high elf nobleman standing beside the queen. He wears this elegant and powerful scepter on his waist. Is that Lord Xavius?

It is said that he bewitched the queen.


Maiev's gaze seemed to be noticed by Azshara.

The Light of Light turned her head on the king's chariot, but before she could catch Maiev's gaze, Bo Laike hid the breath of the cute Maiev.

Maiev was taken aback, she turned her eyes away from the Queen's palace, and looked at the gorgeous grand promenade of the capital which seemed dead in the noise.

But what she saw startled Maiev.


There are dead bodies everywhere!

The corpses of those civilians who did not belong to the Highborne and those night elves filled the entire city, and the blood almost washed the capital clean.

Unbelievable fear and pain still remained on their faces, like a gust of flesh and blood sweeping through this ancient sacred place.

Repulsive fel hounds run wild through the hellish city under the whip of their handlers, pausing every now and then to nibble on the carcasses that are delicious to them.

Maiev was devastated by this desperate scene.

She couldn't keep her gaze from afar, and before her vision dissipated, the last thing she saw was the Moon God Temple that collapsed in the burning demon fire.

Maiev's eyes continued to scatter, as if she had risen into the air, looking at the forest and mountains outside Xin-Aisa Li City from a high place, before her spirit was completely overwhelmed, Maiev finally caught those who fled into the sky. Traces of the people in forests and mountains.

There are many of them.

They were leading some priests, warriors, and rangers to flee the capital that had become hell in a hurry. They walked through the forest, and the demons followed behind.

"The moon god is up there."

Maiev collapsed into Bu Laike's arms, not only because it took a lot of energy to maintain the sight that Bu Laike "lend" to her, but also because everything she saw was torturing the trainee priest's mind.

"Are you scared?"

Bu Laike comforted Maiev's fluttering heart, and he whispered:

"If I were you, it would be too early to be afraid. You saw the refugees, didn't you? Do you know where they are going?"

Maiev's eyes shrank suddenly.


Those refugees fled to Suramar, and there were spellcasters helping them, but the demons chasing them obviously didn't give up so easily, so...

"The demons are coming, and their pursuit and expansion have always been fast."

The pirate whispered:

"But you're not ready, not even Kutalos Ravencrest. He doesn't even know what he's about to fight.

Maiev, tell me, should I help them? "

(end of this chapter)

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