Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1796 22. Don't You Think This Is A Coincidence?

Chapter 1796 22. Don't you think this is a coincidence?

Miss Maiev, who had seen the disaster with her own eyes, heard Bo Laike's inquiry, which made her feel that the mysterious gentleman beside her seemed to have a way to save the crisis.

Pirates do.

Now when he goes to Xin Aisalie, he can easily kill through the demon army by himself, and strangle all the evil elements in that city to death one by one.

Or simply come to a center to bloom.

Standing on top of Queen Azshara's palace and performing a "Descent of the Quiet One", it's easy to make all the demons crazy and let them kill each other.

This is very easy for a living god.

But therein lies the problem.

To put it bluntly, the actions of the crumb pirates 10,000 years ago were a "smuggling".

Although the conspirators in the other world have not yet sent the minions of death to Azeroth, but in terms of the importance of this world, Emperor Denathrius has already arranged his eyeliner.

Those dreadlords who came with the Legion had the eyes of a sin lord. Once Laike showed up here with great fanfare, his plan with Sargeras' conclave fell through.

Although the time span is 10,000 years apart, the impact of changing time on the future is instantaneous, and Laike has experienced it many times.

The increase in "non-existent memories" is simply impossible to guard against.

He must act quietly.

To put it simply, you must play negatively, not positively.

Fortunately, Laike is better at this kind of sabotage than head-on combat, and his old silver coin style can maximize destructive power and stealth under such tactics.

"Go, tell the high-ranking priests in the temple what you saw, and they will report to the city's high-level."

Bu Laike patted Miss Maiev's pale face on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear:

"Let them be prepared to deal with the attack of demons. As for those refugees... they can be saved, but it depends on your military organization and determination."

"It must be saved!"

Maiev made the ceremonial gesture of the Luna Church on her chest, and she said seriously:

"This is the teaching of Lady Elune."

"No, Luna won't appear at this time, I've made an appointment with her in advance, you idiot."

The pirate corrected:

"This is entirely your own idea."

"Can you save them? Lord Laike, if you are strong enough to talk to Lady Elune, you must have a way to calm this down, right?"

Maiev looked at the pirate, who shrugged and said casually:

"Yes, but not necessary. This is not my war, Miss Priest, this is your trouble, and my involvement in it will do you no good or me any good.

But I promised that every time you hear a story, you can make a request to me, so, Miss Maiev, do you want me to save those poor people who are about to fall into the mouth of the devil? "


Maiev wanted to answer, but saw Boo Laike shaking his head with a finger in front of her face, and the pirate said in a meaningful tone:

"Remember our conversation last night? Before you make a wish, you have to be cautious."

The trainee priest hesitated for a moment, she thought for a moment, then nodded to Bo Laike. Temporarily saving this opportunity to make a wish, he sent her back to the temple dome with the help of the pirate driving the wind.

Maiev adjusted her clothes and walked quickly to the steps of the temple. She was going to tell the high priest what she had just seen. Behind her, Bu Laike reminded:

"Ascribe everything to the revelation of the Moon God, Miss Maiev, for the sake of the priests' sanity, don't reveal my existence for now."

"I see."

Maiev replied, and quickly walked down the stairs to the temple hall.

At a glance, she saw Tyrande, the trainee priest who was on duty to clean the temple today, talking to a tall moon guard on the grass in front of the temple.

Maiev recognized the guy.

His name is Illidan Stormrage. He is a good friend of Tyrande who grew up together. He seems to have a big brother. Looking at the mighty and mysterious moon guard robe on him, this kid should have joined Kurtalos · Ravencrest is under the command of the high lord.

Miss Yingsong is not a gossip person.

She didn't think about stepping forward to eavesdrop on the conversation between the childhood sweethearts.

But she keenly sensed Illidan's anxiety, and seemed to be persuading Tyrande to leave the temple and go to a safer place.

This made Maiev feel the seriousness of the situation again, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the high priest's meditation room, walked into it, and told her mentor everything she saw.

"This is Ms. Elune's will, Master, He let me see all of this, those people who escaped from Zin-Azshari, and those terrifying alien demons, this is a warning from the gods.

We must report this immediately. "

When Maiev was reporting, the high-ranking priest lady took a surprised look at her talented disciple.

She hesitated.

It stands to reason that the clergy should pay more attention to such "oracles", but now it is different from the past. After the Lord Ravencrest took over the city's defense, it may be inappropriate to rely on the oracle without evidence .

After all, that high lord was an upper elf who didn't believe in the moon god. They believed in the evidence they saw with their own eyes and the logic based on arcane power.

But the high priest, Ms. Diana, believes that her apprentices will not joke about such things. Maiev Shadowsong is one of her two most promising apprentices. This girl will definitely become Elune's daughter without any accidents. High Priest.

It is impossible for her to lie in the name of the gods.

"Come with me, we will tell the High Lord what you have seen."

The high priest thought for a moment, got up and said something to her disciple, but she still had some words to say.

Diana was well aware of Maiev's intention to tell her the information, and her apprentice hoped to save those who fled. However, as a high-ranking priest who had participated in foreign wars with trolls, Ms. Diana knew very well the way of thinking of soldiers.

If the terrible demon is really coming, then the high lord of Ravencrest will probably not risk the city's defense force to split up and save the poor people who are pursued.

The war came so suddenly that the defense of the city was far from complete.

The young Maiev didn't realize this, and when her mentor was getting ready, she hurried back to her dormitory, took off her war bow, put on her quiver, and took out a war knife to wear behind her back.

The priests of Elune are not only able to recite scriptures, every high-ranking priest is a very powerful fighter, but as Braike complained before, the elf empire has been peaceful for too long, and the apprentice priests are very good at fighting. The practice of skills is somewhat rusty.

She walked out of the Moon God Temple and followed her mentor to the Ravencrest Lord's headquarters on a fog saber. This scene was noticed by Tyrande who sent Illidan away from the temple.

She saw her companion Maiev and the mentor leave with weapons, and the wise apprentice priest looked at Illidan beside her who was persuading her to leave Suramar.

She hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice:

"Illidan, tell me honestly, is this city going to change? Is war coming?"


Illidan bit his lips, and he glanced at the beautiful cheek of the girl who grew up with him that made him dream about. After a few seconds, he whispered with a straight face:

"I can't tell you, it's military business."

Although he refused, it was actually an affirmation of a change of direction, which fully proved Illidan's cleverness. He was very good at this kind of thinking loophole behavior since he was a child.

"That's why you persuade me to leave Suramar and go to a safer place?"

Tyrande took a deep breath, she realized the seriousness of the problem, she said:

"Does Malfurion know?"

Hearing that Tyrande cared about Malfurion immediately after learning of the danger, Illidan's unique Amber eyes flashed a gloomy look, he shook his head and said:

"I can't get in touch with Big Brother. He must still be studying spells with the old-fashioned Cenarius in the forest. Valshara is far away from here, so he won't be in danger.

What matters now is you, Tyrande.

You must be obedient!

Get out of here immediately, I will use my magic to send you to the Moonguard Fortress, from there you go to Val'sharah and find Malfurion, he will protect you. "

"how about you?"

Tyrande frowned and said:

"Aren't you going with me?"

"I am a soldier, Tyrande."

Illidan touched the emblem of Black Rook Castle on his chest and said:

"Master Kutalos valued me, he said that I would be able to achieve a career, he gave me respect and the opportunity to display my ambitions, I can't let him down, and I can't let myself down.

I will prove to Malfurion that even if I can't be a good druid, I can be a good mage.

those demons

Don't worry about me, Tyrande, I've already slain a demon!

I will kill more. "

Tyrande still wanted to say something to Illidan, but a few seconds later, a low-pitched horn sounded in the distance. Illidan looked up abruptly, then bowed his head and said to Tyrande:

"That's the summoning horn of the Moon Guard. Something must have happened. I must go to gather. Tyrande, be obedient! Don't be stubborn at this time, get out of here quickly.

Take your companions and leave together, you are only apprentice priests, you should not set foot on the battlefield.

Be good, will you? "

After speaking, Illidan took one last look at Tyrande, turned around and rode his black panther and ran towards the center of the city.

Tyrande, who was wearing a moon-white sacrificial robe, watched her good friend leave worriedly. She felt the deep meaning in Illidan's words and his warm feelings for her, which made the young priest feel confused.

She bit her lip to calm herself down. Now that she had confirmed the news of the coming war, she had to be prepared for it.

She won't leave.

Not only because Lady Elune's temple is here, not only because of the teachings of the Moon God, but also because the city where she grew up needs her.

All of this was seen by Bu Laike who was standing on the dome of the Luna Temple. The Scrap Pirate was holding the jug, with a very strange smile on his face.

Like an aunt laughing.

"Well, the young love of young people is so beautiful, the sweet feeling is like the taste of first love, but unfortunately the young and shy Illidan doesn't know how to catch the tail of love.

He hasn't lost yet.

At least not yet.

They have all started to move, and it is time for me to move around. "

He laughed heartily, and at the same time Tyrande walked into the Moon God Temple, he stepped forward and jumped forward. The whole person jumped from the dome at a height of 100 meters, and disappeared in the middle of the free fall.

In the city headquarters, the stern-faced High Lord Ravencrest listened to the report from the high priest, Ms. Diana.

He frowned.

Although the lady could not provide evidence and only informed the news of the demon's impending attack in the name of the moon god's revelation, the high lord did not think that the news was forged.

The belief of the Moon God is the oldest inheritance of the Elf Empire. A high-ranking priest would not joke about such a thing, but the High Lord rejected the rescue plan proposed by Priest Diana without hesitation.

"The city's defenses are woefully inadequate, ma'am."

The great lord looked at the defense map in front of him. He was shocked by the number of gaps in the city's defense. He shook his head and said:

"The soldiers are gathering. They rely on teleportation to rush here to complete the deployment. The time is very tight. The moon protection fortress is also gathering. The number of mages is enough to guarantee the shield outside the city.

There is no more power left. "

"Are we going to let our compatriots die at the hands of demons? They escaped from Zin-Azshali with difficulty and came here just for a sliver of hope!"

Miss Maiev standing behind Priest Diana couldn't help but say:

"We can't do this!"

The high lord was not irritated by the rebuttal of the trainee priest, he just gave Maiev a cold look, and said softly:

"Miss Priest, do you know how many civilians in this city are eager to be protected? I know this is cruel, but I must consider the safety of the majority.

However, if you can organize your manpower without disturbing the army's defense, I can allow you to act on your own. As far as I know, there should be some apprentice priests in the Moon God Temple who have not been assigned tasks. "

"You're sending them to their deaths, Ravencrest."

Dean Alya Lanyue, who was recuperating with her eyes closed beside the great lord, shook her head and said:

"The trainee priests have no fighting ability. They have never dealt with demons. In fact, neither have we."

"Let me go!"

Just as a group of people were arguing, a deep voice sounded from outside the hall. Lord Ravencrest suddenly raised his head, and saw the alien emperor walking in with a beautiful and majestic staff.

Emperor Shaohao in monk clothes said:

"I know the meaning of city defense. You really shouldn't use your own people to weaken your strength at this time. Miss Priest, if you can point out the location of those fugitives, then I can bring them back."

"Your Majesty Shaohao, you are a distinguished guest."

The great lord frowned and said:

"I don't want to see noble people of other races being harmed on our land."

"I am a legendary monk."

Shaohao glanced at the High Lord and said:

"I also have a demigod guard. It is no exaggeration to say that I am the most powerful person in this city. The strong are born to protect the weak. Is this a mistake in your elf culture?"

"I can be your guide, Your Majesty."

Maiev did not hesitate, she said:

"I still remember the route of those innocent people. They have the help of the spellcaster, and they should have reached the hill near the Great Temple by now."

"The Great Temple is the front line of the battle line, and I arranged for Captain Yasa Moon Attacker to lead the hunter troops to deploy defenses there."

Lord Ravencrest pointed to the map and said to Emperor Shaohao:

"If your rescue goes well, take them there. If it doesn't go well, retreat immediately. That place will become the first line to fight the devil."


The emperor nodded and gestured to Maiev who was beside him. The two left the command post, and soon the roar of Xianglong resounded in the air.

Ravencrest watched them leave, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he said to the adjutant beside him:

"Xingyan, arrange a team of city guards to keep up with His Majesty Shaohao, don't let others say that we elves don't understand etiquette. Send another moon guard to support them.

Well, let Illidan go.

The kid is fearless and has experience dealing with demons.

He will grow up in this war, he must be a good fighter. "

(end of this chapter)

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