Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1803 29. My Brother-In-Law Is An Evil God

Chapter 1803 29. My brother-in-law is an evil god

"Didn't we agree? We need to ask the secretive druids to help with this matter! Didn't you say that you want to ask the leader to take the initiative to use your contacts to find those hidden people? Why did you agree to it all at once? gone?"

On the road from Suramar City to the wilderness, Illidan Stormrage riding a black panther complained to Jarod Shadowsong who lowered his head beside him:

"I admit that you are a very talented commander. In the previous battle, you flexibly directed several of your soldiers to protect the sentry tower, which made people's eyes shine.

I also know that people of your caliber crave to be entrusted with great responsibilities.

I used to be like that.

But Jarod, the job you've taken on is beyond your abilities! Without the help of druids, those demigods will not talk to you at all.

You believe me, my big brother is a druid, and I almost became a druid, I know those proud demigods better than you. "


Facing Illidan's complaint, Jarod let out a long sigh.

He rode on the saddle of the Mercedes-Benz Panther, looking back at the city of Suramar behind him.

After leaving the city barrier, the young man who was urgently appointed as "Black Rook Castle Ranger Captain and Wilderness Demigod Liaison Officer" said in a low tone to the "new moon guard unit commander" Illidan Stormrage who was traveling with him :

"If I said that none of the confident promises I made to the great lord just now came from my own ideas, wouldn't you feel strange?"


Garald's words made Illidan stop complaining all of a sudden, the young Dange turned his beautiful Amber eyes sideways and stared at Garald suspiciously, making Garald feel uncomfortable all over.

He hastily explained:

"It's not what you think. I'm not crazy. It's just that it's hard for me to explain my situation to you at that time, but the all-encompassing situation really didn't come from my idea."

"Are you controlled by some kind of force?"

Illidan's eyes became even weirder.

The "Elf Warrior" who made a name for himself in the Moon Guard hesitated for a while, and looked left and right at Gallo. De whispered:

"Tell me honestly, can you hear some strange voices? Very annoying, very beating voices, always mocking you constantly, you still can't block it.

But that nasty bastard is not just taunting you, he will guide you to do many things.

Even teach you how to do many things. "

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Jarod straightened up for a moment, and said to Illidan:

"That's the feeling, I don't know how to describe it to you so that you don't think I'm crazy, but it's true.

Just now I really wanted to tell the high lord the plan we discussed, but for some reason, the words turned into an all-encompassing package, and I set a terrible two-day deadline.

To be honest, I don't think we can gather enough wilderness demigods to change the situation of the battle within two days, and we can't even track a half Shendu in two days. "

Young brother Yingge sighed and said:

"I got a few barrels of wine from the logistics officer before I learned some demigod rules from the Monkey King. According to the monkey, if a demigod doesn't want to see you, you won't be able to stay in the woods for a few years." use."

"It's true."

Illidan had a strange expression on his face, as if he was recalling some unbearable "past events". This brave and resolute but occasionally extreme and irritable elf caster sighed and said:

"Those demigods are indeed eccentric, and apart from their family members, outsiders rarely see them.

But there is also good news. When I was studying with a demigod of the wilderness who lived in seclusion in Valsharah, I heard it said that the demigods of the wilderness have their own families. For example, the wild boar living on the plain to the west of the mainland Familia of the demigod Agamaggan.

In addition, the legendary northern giant bears Ursoc and Usor also have bear family members, and all the birds are family members of Aviana, the mother of birds.

In other words, as long as we can persuade the demigods to join the anti-demon coalition, their families will also join in the war against the demons, and the problem of insufficient troops that the high lord is worried about can be solved in an instant. "

"Sounds very good. The great lord must know this too. That's why he generously gave us two promotions, and even mobilized moon guards from the Moon Guard Fortress to help us."

Jarod shook his head sullenly, and said:

"But the problem now is that we can't find those wandering demigods at all. Even though the Monkey King swears that they are nearby, it's okay if we can't see them! I suddenly realized something!"

Brother Yingsong suddenly turned his head to look at Illidan, he looked at the elf warrior in front of him suspiciously, and said:

"How do you know the feeling of an inexplicable voice in your ear? You can describe it so clearly, don't you...can't you?"


Brother Dan was a little ashamed.

This very proud elf young man touched his eyes, and he whispered:

"I'll tell you, but don't tell others. In fact, when I hunted down the demon commander, it was that voice that guided me and helped me.

He was really annoying, and taunted me in different ways.

But he is indeed very powerful, the owner of that voice must be a real master of magic! "

There was reverence in Illidan's Amber eyes, he raised his left hand, and under Jarod's astonished gaze, a group of dark green sparks flashed away.

The young elf whispered:

"He left a phantom in my mind, teaching me the mysteries of the mysterious way of warlocks in his spare time, and I can feel that he is very knowledgeable, much more powerful than those high-ranking mages who put on airs.

What's even more rare is that he generously spread this valuable knowledge, and explained the secrets of the demons to me, allowing me to understand those dangerous dregs better.

He must have been a strong man in seclusion.

Just like the legendary "Hermit" Metley, he is the kind of hermit who does not admire vanity. "

"You seem to admire him, even though you haven't met him."

Garrod said curiously:

"And you are not afraid of being discovered when using this kind of demonic power? Illidan, you have to know that we are fighting with demons now, and everyone is very vigilant against demons. Once you are discovered using demonic power, the end will be disastrous."

"I don't care what idiots think!"

Illidan suddenly showed a lonely expression, he sneered and said:

"Only an incorrigible fool would be afraid of those taboo knowledge, the demons are there, and they won't let us go just because the casters are conservative and ignorant.

We must know the weakness of demons, otherwise how can we defeat them?

I want to pay my contribution to this war, even if I am misunderstood, it doesn't matter, Lord Ravencrest is the first person to see my talent and talent, he has given me great trust, I will not let him down .


I will prove myself! "

Brother Dan touched his eyes again, then clenched his fists.

His firm will and decisive actions made Garald greatly moved. On the way they went to the Moonguard Fortress to gather troops, Garald suddenly discovered something.

He curiously said to Illidan:

"Your eyes are Amber. I heard someone discussing this matter in the army before. Those mages said that there were only two people in the history of our elves with Amber eyes.

One is you, the other is"


Illidan snorted and said:

"I never cared about those crazy words, but I believe that fate gave me the same talent as Azshara, and I was born to achieve great things.

I grew up being stared and whispered by stupid people, I'm so used to it, they don't understand what those eyes mean to me.

But I'm proud of my eyes. "

"It's hard work, isn't it?"

Garrod whispered something.


Brother Dan looked at Younger Brother Yingge in surprise, and he said suspiciously:

"What hard work?"

"I mean, growing up with high expectations from a young age and being watched by everyone must be hard work, right?"

Brother Yingge sighed and said:

"I have an older sister, a very good sister. Although our parents left us when we were very young, my sister is very good. She took care of me from a young age, even when she was out of work and took up too much of her time. However, she remains a priest of Elune.

My sister is a real genius. If she is not a priest but a hunter, she must be at least a ranger captain by now.

Compared to my excellent sister, I am terrible myself, I am not good at practicing martial arts and magic.

But I can understand the pressure, Illidan, growing up I rarely saw a smile on my sister's face.

She knows her talent, and she knows that she has to perform better than her peers to live up to this talent, which makes her bear a lot of pressure that she shouldn't have to bear.

It took her two years to complete the courses that other apprentice priests took more than ten years to complete. She really pushed herself too hard.

However, your talent is at least ten times that of my elder sister, Illidan. Your eyes are the best proof. You don't care, but in fact you also care about other people's evaluation of you, right?

That's why you work so hard under the command of the great lord of Ravencrest. You don't really want to be famous in history, you just want to be recognized by others? "

"Shut up."

Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, the young Dange scolded unhappily:

"You don't know anything, Jarod, do you think I'll give up my own ideals because of other people's whispers? I don't live for the praise of those fools.

I don't care what they think of me at all, only the ones I really care about as long as they realize that I never gave up, even when nasty Cenarius banished me

never mind.

I don't bother to tell you these things.

The Moonguard Bastion is just ahead, and most of the Moonguard there have been transferred to the Highlord's command, but there must be a few more defenders who can come with us. Wait! Jarod, why does it seem to be burning over there? "

Illidan looked up on his mount, and Jarod looked up, and the two soon saw the flames and smoke burning on a mountain fort on the edge of the Suramar Mountains.

The dark green flame made Illidan's heart tighten, and he immediately realized what happened there.

"The demons are attacking there! Oops, they realized that there is a magic net node connected to Suramar under the Moon Fortress, and they want to destroy Suramar's city shield in advance.


Signal for support! "

Illidan yelled at Jarod, and he drove the black panther towards the fort, not caring that it might already be occupied by demons.

And Garald didn't waste time, he stopped at the spot, turned around and rushed towards a hillside, took out his war bow at this high point, put on a signal arrow specially used for communication, and shot into the sky.

With the activation of the magic arrow, a warning signal from the huge Black Rook Castle exploded in the sky. There is still some distance from the defensive position of the Great Temple, but it is not far from Suramar, and the city guards must be able to see this. Signal.

But it is not certain whether those second-rate soldiers dare to come to support.

It was uncertain whether the Moonguard Citadel would get support, but Jarod knew he had to call for help, because the signal arrow he fired was causing him trouble.

A few cruising flying demons noticed this, and they yelled and swooped down in this direction. Jarod immediately opened his war bow when he saw that the situation was not good. Unfortunately, as he said, he is not an elf who is good at force.

Good eloquence and excellent commanding ability can't help him at all at this time.

After shooting a mephit several times in a row, Jarod knew he had to give up his life.

Panting for breath, he took off the sharp sword from his back, and stood guard on the hillside with his nightsaber mount. A few demons swirled from all around, and a fearful demon rushed forward and charged Garald Fell to the ground.

The loyal nightsaber rushed forward to save its master, but was slapped away by the demon's paw.

The ferocious monster laughed wildly and called out to the scorching magic fire. They wanted to enjoy this weak elf as today's lunch, and after the delicious flesh, they would share his soul and eat it.


It's a wonderful world.

It's full of weak elves, it's full of delicious food, and it's rare that it's so weak and has an ambitious king.

This is about to become the second holy place of the Burning Legion.

Just like Argus, who has fallen into the fel pollution, this world will become the stronghold of demons in the material stars.

"Poor elf!"

A big doomsday guard kicked the screaming horror aside with an axe. The khaki monster flapped its ferocious wings and looked at the disgraced Jarod Shadowsong in front of him.

It laughed and said in strangely accented Salas:

"Pray to your sad god, no one can save your delicious soul, woohoohaha."

These damned demons routinely play with fear before they eat their food. They are indeed demons born from hell. But its malicious words reminded Yingge's younger brother who was at the end of the road at this time.

Jarod closed his eyes, but did not pray to Lady Elune.

On the contrary, he frantically called out that mysterious voice in his heart.

"Hey! Save me, aren't you amazing? Don't you like my sister? Quickly save me, my sister will be very sad when I die.

Hello! Did you hear that?


save me! "

"The password is correct, the support you called is arriving, please wait a moment."

A teasing voice with a strange smile sounded in Jarod's ear, and then the weak Yingge brother heard a few mournful wailings. It seemed that something happened to those demons, and he hurriedly opened his eyes.

Then, he saw Cloth Laike in black walking out from the shadows. Behind him, several ferocious demons had already covered their heads and fell to the ground screaming.

It seemed that an invisible force pierced into their chaotic and savage minds like scorching spikes, and was messing with their violent and pathetic minds at this moment.

When the pirate took the second step, there were muffled bang bangs, and the skulls of those demons exploded as if they were thrown into a bomb.

What's even more frightening is that their ferocious brains seem to have grown legs, suspended in the stinky blood like weird octopuses, obediently waiting beside Laike.

With a wave of the Silent One, a few freshly baked "brain monsters" let out weird screams, and flew towards the direction of the Moon Guard Fortress. Those weird things waved their tentacles like jellyfish swimming postures, making Garrod Dumbfounded, he then looked at the demons whose brains had exploded. The tragic and weird scene made the young brother Yingge cover his mouth in an instant.

Under the elegant gaze of Bo Laike pulling out the handkerchief with a disgusted expression, stepping back and covering his nose, Garrod spit out a rainbow while lying beside him.

There is no way, this kind of power that is catalyzed by the power of the void to form a deformity of flesh and blood is too terrifying, far beyond the psychological endurance of normal elves.

"What the hell did I summon?"

This idea kept popping up in Garald's mind, who was vomiting, and there was a second question:

"My good sister, what kind of villain has your iceberg-like astonishing charm attracted! Compared with his methods, the Demon Sect can be regarded as a law-abiding citizen, okay?"

"I feel like you're thinking something disrespectful, but it's okay, you are family, and I've always been tolerant of family."

Bu Laike waved his hand, ignoring Garrod, who was in a state of embarrassment in front of him. He looked at the Moon Guard Fortress in the shadow, with a weird smile on his face, and said:

"Illidan is doing 'bad things' over there.

Come on, don't be such a sissy, stand up! I will take you to open your eyes. "

(end of this chapter)

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