Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1813 39. Ha! Thief! Eat My Chieftain With A Spear!

Chapter 1813 39. Ha! Thief! Eat my chieftain with a spear!

Bu Laike, who was hiding in the clouds, rubbed his teeth and looked at what was happening in the Great Temple with a painful expression on his face.

More than 20 "experience period" watchers headed by Deyana cooperated with the Black Crow Legion and the Moon Guard to expel the demons, and this society is fanatically spreading the teachings of Moon Shadow to those followers of Lady Elune.

Of course, this kind of "battlefield missionary" seems a bit rough.

They brutally tore off the robes of the frightened Priests of the Moon, put on battle armors for the girls, stuffed moon blades or long swords into their hands, and patted their shoulders to ask them to pray to Lord Moon Shadow .

This is clearly not normal.

Just looking at the bright fire-like light in the eyes of those big sisters, one can tell that they have entered a state of frenzy driven by the divine power of the black moon.

After all, this is the first time Lord Moon Shadow has become a god, and he accidentally gave too much divine power when he bestowed it on a large scale, causing the first batch of believers to look crazy like a group of elf berserkers.

It was very different from the low-key and deadly Watchers he remembered.

But that's not a bad thing either.

These fanatics are needed to take the lead in the current desperate war, and this time the priests are given "experience cards". The real watchman inheritance will not be opened until they join Maiev.

After the divine power bestowed is consumed, these "berserkers" will return to a normal state of reason, even if they are really crooked.

Ten thousand years later, there will still be a group of "Void" watchmen on Watch Island.

Compared with those crazy young ladies who walk the path of the void and cause everyone to have serious psychological problems, it is nothing for these "Black Moon Berserkers" to be a little fanatical right now.

The crumb pirate looked away.

While comforting himself for accidentally messing things up, he looked around the battlefield. The demons still had the upper hand and were besieging the Great Temple, but the army of nature awakened by Malfurion had rushed to the Great Temple against the tide of demons. nearby.

The demon king Kurul, who was running to stop Aviana, was instantly killed by the crumb pirates with a move called "Descent of Truth", which directly caused the two demigods, the Mother of Birds and the King of the Forest, to be unstopped.

Under their rampant leadership, the forest army is making good progress, and will soon join the besieged Ravencrest army.

But other directions are less optimistic.

The Ursoc brothers fought back and forth with Kazak, the overlord of the doomsday, and it is estimated that there will be no winner for a while.

The big wild boar Agamaggan has already killed the sad abyss lord Kazroga, but the big pig is covered with bruises. It is estimated that it will be difficult for him to join the next battle. After killing the abyss lord, he will Go back to your place and rest.

Queen Asaman, the big black cat who had been secretly "strengthened" by Lord Moon Shadow once, was the one that made the fastest progress.

She has already suppressed the brutal big ass Rono Cohen in the battle. The confident abyss lord was torn apart by the big black cat, and his tail was bitten off. This society is running away in embarrassment. Nature takes over and this will come after you.

It's like a cat playing with a mouse to kill this big butt on this land of elves, but it will take some time for her to complete the hunt. Big butts are notoriously rough-skinned and thick-skinned, slow with cat paws Slow scratching is estimated to be scratching until the frontal battlefield battle is over.

In general, the arrival of the demigods in the wilderness really gave the desperate elf rebels a shot in the arm and gave them the hope of victory. However, the demigods were powerful but had a large number of demons. Under such circumstances, there is no way for the demigod to directly help the rebels retreat.

Most importantly, the Nathrezim lord Tichondrius who commanded this army of demons is still playing "hide and seek" with the wolf god Goldrinn.

The cunning dreadlord knew very well that time was on the devil's side, and it didn't fight Goldrinn head-on at all, just relying on its own coming and going without a trace to delay time.

The lonely and powerful Goldrinn is good at hunting and fighting. It also has an extremely sensitive dog nose that can smell the smell of the Dreadlord, but Tichondrius is too good at hiding.

Under the pull of that guy, Goldrin has been pulled away from the battlefield.

If this continues, Ravencrest's remnant army will inevitably be destroyed.

At that time, the result will be even worse. With so many demons besieging Suramar, even with the help of the Nightwell and the demigods, the isolated city may not be able to survive.

Bu Laike's micromanagement ushered in a turning point in the originally hopeless battle situation, but at present, the turning point does not seem to be enough to change the balance of victory and defeat.

"I didn't feel it before, but these demigods are really good.

It's been so long that I haven't killed these devil bastards jumping up and down, tsk tsk, my hands are so itchy, I really want to rush down and deal with them ruthlessly now. "

The Silent Man hiding in the clouds is very, very painful. He obviously has the power to destroy everything in an instant, but he can't do it openly.

He was sure that if he appeared on the battlefield to destroy this legion now, the Shadow Realm would find out immediately.

The elves who died in the War of the Ancients were all sent to the Shadowlands. Although Emperor Denathius didn't know Laike yet, the fact that a mysterious god helped the Elven Empire would definitely keep him in mind.

When the two old silver coins meet in 10,000 years, tsk tsk, that sourness will definitely make the crumb pirates feel extremely painful.

It is said that the action ten thousand years ago was Metal Gear Solid, but Braike really did not expect that he would need to act secretly even after he became a god. will happen to him.

Working in the dark was his true nature.

"But when will this fight continue? It's boring to watch chickens pecking at each other too much."

Bu Laike lay in the clouds with his legs crossed, smoking a pipe and enjoying the ancient battle on the battlefield below, just like watching a real war movie.

It was quite interesting at first, but after watching too much, it was like this. The messy plot made the pirates start to yawn.

He pondered for a few seconds with his pipe in his mouth, then grinned again, and said:

"Hey, thanks to my lord's ingenious calculations, I prepared a plan to break the situation in advance. You Tichondrius, you are addicted to playing around, but what's the point of bullying a brainless handsome wolf like Goldrinn?

Let me find you a good opponent who is destined for you! "

After saying that, Laike turned over and looked up at the northern sky of Suramar. There was nothing there but soon a black spot appeared under the clouds.

Under the expectant gaze of the pirates, the idiot little murloc changed into a strange shape and the ugly crow flew towards it like an arrow, but it might be because it was flying too fast, so it had to slow down after flying for a while.

The little idiot was clearly provoking and luring something.

Under Bu Laike's surprised gaze, he flew into an S shape in the sky for a while, and flew back and forth into a B shape at the same time. That ghostly appearance almost had the words "fun you" engraved on his forehead.

"Cool, it looks like it worked."

Laike rubbed his hands above the clouds, looking forward to watching the little murlocs fly into the battlefield. In the sky behind the little idiot, a group of white giant eagles were chasing them mightily.

It can be seen that they are very tired after flying a long distance. These giant eagles, who are obviously of demigod blood, become weak when they flap their wings. Of course, it is also possible that they are carrying too heavy things.

After all, riding behind these giant eagles is a group of heavily armed tauren hunters.

Well, a group of tall tauren who don’t have any unusual antlers, the leader is carrying a bow, a spear like an eagle’s claw, and the totem of the Gaoling tribe. He smears hunting paint on his big face Oil paint, while yelling at the evil thief in front, locked on the little murloc-changing storm crow with its powerful hunter senses.

It seems that the little murlocs stole the treasures of the Gaoling clan and led this legendary figure to the battlefield of Suramar.

"Hun Gaoling, the most powerful hunter in history, the eternal legend of the way of the hunter, I'm sorry, I moved up the time of your appearance, and changed the battlefield for you.

But I don't think it will affect your strong play. "

The evil god above the clouds pretended to take out a nautical monocular, pulled it away with a swish, and placed it in front of his eyes to adjust the focus.

He could see that Huln Highmountain behind the eagle had noticed the war of elves, demigods, and violent demons on the ground. This scene obviously surprised the old cattle hunter who lived on Highmountain.

He and his warriors deliberately increased the flying speed of the giant eagles, and it seemed that they did not intend to directly participate in this war that had nothing to do with them.

After all, the relationship between the Kaolin Ox and the Elf Empire may not be very good. Anyway, in the eyes of the arrogant Highborne, these tauren living on the high mountains are as barbarian as the trolls.

Of course, as a powerful hunter and nature walker, Huon Gaoling, who was lured into the battlefield, also noticed the demigods who were besieged by demons.

He has already pulled out the halberd behind his back, apparently intending to help the demigod fight.

But that's not what the Scrap Pirates want.

He put down the binoculars, put his hand in his mouth, and blew a slender whistle towards the little murloc that only God Chosen could hear. He was flying around in the air to provoke and lure the little murloc Hun Gao Ling. Turning around, screaming and rushing into the clouds.

It flexibly transformed into a murloc in the air, rolled and hit Braike's feet, got up quickly, croaked, took out a simple stone hammer from the bag, held it high, and circled around like a treasure. Bu Laike spins in circles.

"My fellow! You stole the Hammer of Khazgoros? No wonder Hun, the great chief, came to chase you himself."

Bu Laike stared dumbfounded at the Titan artifact in the hand of his miraculous little murloc. He waved the stone hammer in his hand and swung it up and down.

Because his godhead is in the realm of void and life, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the arcane field, it can only be said that it has parted ways, so this stone hammer cannot be activated and used by him.

But the crumb pirates had already shown the vicious smile that Lezi people should have.

He looked down at the little murloc and said:

"How did you escape Hu En's pursuit? That guy should be able to easily spot you, right?"

"quack quack"

The little murloc immediately became proud when he heard this question.

It exaggeratedly waved its hands as if bragging about the wonderful adventures of Lord Benboerba. Anyway, in its story, the wise and mighty murloc beat up the guards of the Thunder Totem all the way, and snatched the Hammer of Kazgoros He got it in his hand, and led Huln, who was half-frightened to death by its momentum, out of Highmountain.

The cowhide cloth Laike was stunned for a moment, but then the smelly pirate sneered and said:

"Don't hold your ass if you have the ability, just now when you flew over, I saw that your changed crow's tail was bald, was it hit by Hu En?

If it weren't for my lord's divine power to protect you, I'm afraid you would turn into a murloc meat sauce on the spot, why don't you let me brag about it? Little Xingxing is not here, what are you bragging about. "

"quack quack"

The little murloc scolded a few murlocs in annoyance. It rolled its eyes and covered its wounded buttocks to hide beside the pirates. It took out a bottle of rum and drank it leisurely.

Anyway, its job is done.

Hun Gaoling has been brought here, and the murlocs are too lazy to participate in the next thing.

Laike ignored himself, the murloc who liked to brag, squinted his eyes and aimed for several seconds in the high-altitude clouds, and then threw the Hammer of Khazgoros in his hand towards the edge of the battlefield with a whoosh.

At this moment, Tichondrius was playing hide-and-seek with the wolf god Goldrinn, when a terrifying aura descended from the sky, the Dreadlord raised his head blankly, and saw a stone hammer shining with the aura of a Titan smashing down on its forehead .

Frightened, the Dread Demon King disappeared from the spot with a groan, and a group of bats danced wildly to avoid the bombardment of the Titan's Hammer.

This thing fell from the sky like a meteor, and it was hitting the edge of the battlefield. When it landed, the titan breath stimulated by the evil energy erupted and the ground bulged around, like a divine power that shaped the world. In just a few seconds, it turned the surrounding earth into chaos The Spiked Abyss.

After clearing the field with one blow, at least thousands of demons were overthrown.

The terrifying power made the entire battlefield quiet for a moment at this moment. Goldrinn, who sensed the danger, ran ahead of time and was not hurt, but the dreadlord, who had lost control, reappeared a few seconds later.

The Nathrezim stared at the Hammer of Kazgros cautiously with his cunning eyes. On this land full of spikes and corpses, the Dreadlord smelled the true breath of a titan from the stone hammer.

This immediately brought surprise to his eyes.

If you bring this thing back to Lord Sargeras, you will definitely be rewarded. If the Dark Titan doesn’t want it, you can send it to the Shadow Realm. His real master has always had a strange desire for a strange creature like a Titan. Perhaps this is a strange weapon. The hammer can make the emperor happy.

As a result, the Dread Demon Dynasty stretched out its evil claws with the Hammer of Kazgros that fell from the sky, and the next moment, a roar sounded beside Tichondrius.

"Don't touch our holy relic with your dirty paws! Demon!"

Highmountain High Chief Hun Gaoling strode forward with the eagle's talons in hand, his firm eyes were full of disgust.

He didn't care how the holy relic stolen by a strange murloc fell at the feet of the demon, but he would not allow the ancestral holy relic to be taken away by a dirty demon.

"Ha! Sad black cow, do you dare to try to stop the evil Lord Tichondrius?"

Seeing the mortal hunter yelling at him boldly, the Dreadlord sneered and flapped his wings. He waved his sword-like claws and said sarcastically:

"I hope you left a suicide note before you left home. When my demons destroy the elves, your clan will be next. I will mercifully leave your soul behind and let you see your clan destroyed with your own eyes.

Consider this your reward for sending this precious relic into my hands. "

Hoon, the most powerful hunter and chieftain of the Highmountain Clan, did not answer.

He just silently clenched the ancestral Eagle Claw Spear in his hand. He knew that he might not be the opponent of the demon in front of him, but the Gaoling clan would never run away from the enemy without a fight.


At the same time when Hun Gaoling and Tichondrius were facing each other, Cenarius, the king of the forest, who was leading the forest army to approach the remnants of the elves, suddenly felt the call of nature.

The tall half-human deer half-god glanced in Hu En's direction.

He could feel the power of the several wild spirits rising there, as if a holy object had been activated, and the howling of the wolf god Goldrinn also lifted Cenarius' spirits.

Goldrinn, who had turned to attack the other demons, passed some important information to the Lord of the Forest.

"Aitro, the most powerful family of the Father of the White Hart."

The king of the forest turned his head to look at a huge and brave reindeer beside him, whose antlers were covered with devil's flesh. He pointed in Hu En's direction and said to the brave nature guard:

"Go there and help that venerable tauren hunter! I have a hunch that his actions today will change the direction of this war, and even the fate of this world."

(end of this chapter)

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