Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1815 41. Your Social Phobia Really Needs To Be Treated

Chapter 1815 41. Your social phobia really needs to be treated

"Tichondrius is dead! That pompous fool ruined everything. How pathetic."

The moment the Dreadlord was overthrown by Hun Gaoling desperately with the Hammer of Khazgoros, the other high-ranking demons on the battlefield immediately felt the commander's aura dissipate.

The most powerful Kazak was the first to feel that something was wrong.

This doomsday lord didn't think about taking over the dreadlord's command and continuing to command the demons to attack. The reason is simple. It is the loyal subordinate of Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, so the glory of the polluter doesn't matter?

Judging from the differences between Lord Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, it would be better if the war started by Archimonde's subordinates failed.

If it wasn't for Lord Sargeras coming to this sad world this time, Kazak wouldn't even listen to Archimonde's order.

Besides, it was summoned to the battlefield of the Great Plains of Suramar just to find an opportunity to plunder the souls of a few demigods. It already had its own war zone, and the victory or defeat of Suramar had nothing to do with it.

The two brothers Usok and Usor in front of him are stubborn stubbles. Kazak feels that he can't take down these two fierce demigods in a short time, and the guardian dragon army has already appeared in the sky. The result of staying is doomed Not so good.

Thinking of this, the Doom Lord retreated decisively.

But before leaving, the cunning and vicious big demon rolled his eyes and waved to summon a large doomsday meteor to drive back the bloody northern giant bear. The demons gave their final orders.

"Abandon other targets and kill the elf! Kurtalos Ravencrest! Kill him! This is your last chance to please the Defiler!"


Kazak, who was oiled on the soles of his feet, knew very well that his order would bury the elite demons who had the opportunity to evacuate on this land, but unfortunately, it didn't care at all, and it didn't show any fear at all.

If you have the ability, Archimonde will bite it.

Hehe, the humiliating failure of the Suramar War will definitely become the darkest stroke in the Poliler's career history. The Polluter doesn't even have time to wipe his ass, so how can he bother with it?

Fraudsters are also bound to reward themselves for their "perfect performance."

Kazak thought of this in a happy mood, and then he stepped over the portal and disappeared on the battlefield of Suramar. At this time, the doomsday overlord still didn't know how long it would take for the mine he planted for himself to explode.

But I believe that it will be arranged ten thousand years later when the vanguard cannon fodder invades Dellano, maybe it will feel a little bit of regret because of the act of stumbling Archimonde today, right?


The abandoned Great Temple was hit by several fel meteorites at the same time. The glorious ancient Temple of the Moon is almost the last intact building on this battlefield, but it also completed its final mission amidst the roar.

It was lit.

The green flames wrapped around the ancient temple represented the final release of the demon legion's wrath. If the high lord and his army remained there, it would be their end to be ignited and destroyed.

More ferocious people trampled across the corpse-filled positions without any scruples, and chased Ravencrest's army with broken battle flags.

The demons rushed over like crazy, the treemen of the forest army were burned and torn to the ground by the fire they spewed out, and a large number of flying demons in front of them also fell from the sky. These guys have lost their commander, and they feel shameful. Failure, if they can't kill Ravencrest here, then the most terrible punishment will be greeted.

That is a punishment that even a brainless devil would fear!

The Burning Legion, the evil gang among the stars, does not rely on "love and tolerance" to maintain its rule.

The exhausted Kutalos Ravencrest looked at Suramar in the distance under the protection of the shield, and he looked back at the burning Great Temple behind him.

In order for the army to retreat safely, hundreds of soldiers naturally stayed behind, but now, they may have been buried in the sea of ​​fire.

Ravencrest felt a flame burning in his weak and tired body, and the face of this originally handsome and elegant elf was as hideous as a ghost at this moment.

The red cloak behind him was already tattered, and the soldiers gathered around him were all wounded, but the high lord swept across their cheeks without seeing any cowardly or fearful expressions.

The demons thought they had crushed the elven empire.

But they don't!

They are not even close.

Farther away, the priests shrouded in the black moon were fighting against demons a hundred times their size, and the last team of the Moon Guard, led by Illidan Stormrage, cut off the High Lord's army in the rear.

Before the war broke out a few days ago, the great lord had 50,000 troops under his command. Now that the war is coming to an end, the number of survivors is less than 20,000.

But these warriors who have survived fierce battles with demons are the hope of the elves. They are like seeds that have been ravaged by fire, each of which can support the future of this declining civilization after germination.

They cannot be destroyed here.

"They want to destroy us."

In this tragic final battle, the Highlord of Black Rook Hold raised his sword.

He looked at the demons coming up from all directions.

No matter how many times you watch them, these hideous creatures are just so ugly and repulsive.

The great lord knew that his retreat could not be smooth sailing, but now when he was faced with the siege of the elite demons raging on the entire battlefield, he realized that even with the assistance of demigods and giant dragons, it would be difficult for him to lead everyone back to Su Rama.


"Their target is me! Look at those shameful destroyers, they are coming for me."

Ravencrest noticed the movements of the demons keenly, and he immediately realized that this was the last key. The high lord didn't hesitate for long, he turned his head and shouted to the commanders beside him:

"You take the soldiers and continue to retreat! This is an order! If I can't go back, then Xingyan and Lanyue will take over my command! Black Crow Guard, come with me!"

The great lord didn't give the commanders much time to think. He turned over and rode on his black panther, snatched the battle flag from the flag officer's hand, and rushed towards the retreating army under the protection of loyal guards. .

This action immediately attracted changes in the surrounding demons. Those elite demons who were madly attacking the army immediately dropped their targets and rushed after Lord Ravencrest holding the battle flag.

Looking down from a high altitude, a vortex seemed to appear in the center of the battlefield.

It moves to attract the attention of more demons, and the murderous bastards even actively make way for the elves in the rear to escape their endless entanglement.

This scene is very similar to the monsters attracted by fresh flesh and blood during the siege of the zombies. They gathered into a chasing herd in a short time.

Although this could not clear a completely unobstructed path for the exhausted retreating soldiers, the attraction of the demon's attention still gave the trapped army and other desperate soldiers who were left behind on the battlefield the hope of breaking through.

The price is that they risk losing their top commander.

"No! Ravencrest, you idiot!"

Dean Lanyue, who was hanging her arms, witnessed the whole process, and she guessed Ravencrest's thoughts in an instant. This incorrigible guy showed heroism again at this critical moment.

He wanted to protect the lives of his soldiers, and he didn't want to see these loyal soldiers fall in the night before dawn.

But he was completely unaware of the significance of his existence to the rebels.

"Let's go! I'll pick him up."

Dean Lanyue gritted his teeth and wanted to get up from the stretcher, but was stopped by the pandaren emperor beside him. Shaohao was also injured all over his body, but His Majesty still had the strength to fight.

He said to Ms. Blue Moon:

"Let me go, my friends and I can quickly walk through the demon siege.

The battle between demigods and great demons and the breath of giant dragons on the battlefield have disturbed the space structure here, and it is difficult for your teleportation to accurately capture the target.

You should return to Suramar to rest, Lady Blue Moon.

You should know that you are not representing yourself, after all, no one wants to see a crazy black prophet"


Dean Lanyue wanted to refute a few words, but when she thought of her mysterious disciple, she bit her lip and finally nodded, and lay back on the stretcher.

She said to Shaohao:

"I know that it seems unreasonable to ask a distinguished man of a foreign race to risk his death to save people under such circumstances, but Your Majesty, I leave everything to you now.

Ravencrest is a banner that has been hoisted, and if he falls here, it will be the end of the elves. "

"I can understand, I know how important such a great man is to a civilization."

The pandaren emperor nodded and said seriously:

"We'll bring him back. Elves in this age are lucky to have such a leader."

After finishing speaking, Shaohao looked at the Monkey King, whose tail had been bitten off by the demon, who was grinning. The two guys flew across the chaotic battlefield around them like arrows flying off the string, and shot at the head of Lord Ravencrest. The direction followed.

Ravencrest didn't really want to die either.

His transfer is very methodical.

At this time, there were giant dragons flying in the sky, breathing out dragon breath, burning the battlefield and killing demons, and the high lord led his guards to rush towards the place where the giant dragons were circling.

He knew that not even a demon would risk being burned to death in a reckless charge, and this gave him and his guard the last chance of escape.

As long as you rush to the place where the dragon fire is raging before the demons encircle you, you can get a chance to breathe.

But he seems to have underestimated his weight in the eyes of the demons. There are more and more demons around, making it more and more difficult for Ravencrest and his guards to charge. The dragon hovering above is to fight against the demons. These big lizards don't know much about the movements on the battlefield, and they don't care much about subtle changes.

Just a few minutes later, a dragon's breath almost swept over and burned Ravencrest to ashes.

And in front of the dragon's breath burning land, under the desperate gaze of the great lord, a tall doom lord was grinning and bringing a group of fear demons to the ground in the gap between the dragon's breath.

They are surrounded.

More than a hundred guards guarded their great lord in the center. They brandished their long spears bravely to fight against the surging demons, but their exhausted courage could hardly support such a high-intensity fight.

The great lord himself was slashing left and right with his war sword, and was bitten in the arm by a demon hound, which made him cry out in pain. His black panther was hacked to death by the demon guard with a huge axe in order to protect his master.

In the dark, Lord Ravencrest was knocked to the ground by a fel lord. Looking at the magic steel giant ax swinging in front of him, he realized that this might be his last battlefield.


The arcane impact of Chaos Explosion came from behind and landed in front of the fallen High Lord.

The brutal magic impact knocked away the demon that was trying to kill, and a chaotic storm of magic power was released in a brutal way. While sweeping away the demon, it also involved several black crow guards and tore them to pieces.

Brother Dan, covered in blood, limped towards him. He roared like a mad beast and continuously cast all kinds of magic around him. The magic power in his body was unstable to the extreme, making his Amber eyes full of blood. Out of control chaos.

As the commander of the Moon Guard, Ravencrest saw Illidan's situation at a glance.

This brave young man must have used forbidden techniques to kill the enemy many times in a short period of time, which caused his mental instability, but even at this time, Illidan rushed to protect him, which made Ravencrest feel A strange relief.

He was right about this kid.

This kid is definitely a fire, and will burn everything mercilessly in return for the hands that set him ablaze, but he is also a double-edged sword, killing the enemy and cutting the sword bearer at the same time.

"Go! Get out of here, Illidan, I order you!"

Half of Ravencrest's body was unable to move due to the poison of the fel energy. He fell into a pool of blood and shouted to Illidan in front of him:

"Take my guards with you, you don't deserve to die here.

Azshara wants my head, so take it, I've left the seeds for you, I've betrayed my oath of allegiance and led you to defeat the demons, that's the best I can do.


Please. "

"Tsk tsk, it's really a touching entrustment, but the problem is that he must be able to understand your words. Looking at him now, even Tyrande might not be able to recognize him."

Bu Laike, who was watching this scene while hiding in the burning forest, curled his lips, and the crumb pirate said:

"Brother Dan is indeed such a righteous man. He would give everything for this valued kindness. I thought he would be considered extreme after ten thousand years, but look at his youthful appearance.

Tsk tsk, it can only be said that the watchman's black prison really calmed him down a lot.

never mind.

It's time for my lord to come forward and end this. "

He threw the bottle aside and rubbed his hands to turn the tide, but before he could do it, the pirate suddenly narrowed his eyes and disappeared into the shadows of the burning forest with a whoosh.

He looked out, and soon saw a furtive figure emerge from the teleportation stream.

The guy was wearing a gray robe, wearing a mask as if he was ashamed to see others, covering his face tightly, holding an ordinary elf wooden staff in his hand.

Do you have to be so sneaky even to save people?

This is either due to their sensitive identities and unable to show their faces, or because they are actors. Of course, there is another possibility that they are afraid of seeing people. Could it be that this is the legendary social terror?

But the strange magical power on this guy made the pirates stare wide-eyed.

If he felt right, the source of power for this mysterious elf mage should be something he was familiar with ten thousand years later.

Although the guy had a sneaky posture, he was powerful. The magic he threw casually knocked the surrounding demons back and forth, and he quickly walked in front of the delirious Illidan. The connection of the uncontrolled violent magic power in his body.

Brother Dan shook his head and fell to the ground. The mysterious spell caster looked around, and waved his very indifferent hands to prop up a thick arcane barrier, separating the surrounding demons from the tired soldiers.

Under the watchful eyes of the pirates, he began to quickly cast spells. In this very chaotic magic environment caused by the raging evil energy, the conflict between demigods and demons, and the burning of dragon fire, that guy easily stabilized the space , and shrouded an excessively large group teleportation technique on every soldier present.

Even Emperor Shaohao and the Monkey King who came across the battlefield to save people were mentally locked by him, and he teleported these desperate people out with his fingers.

Bo Laike could feel that everyone, including Ravencrest, was being transported safely into faraway Suramar.

But the problem is, that city is still supporting the shield!

It was a shield supported by magic power from the Nightwell. Without it being activated, it was astonishingly difficult to use the teleportation technique to break through the space blockade.

At least the current Dean Lanyue can't do it at all, and this guy in front of him is so relaxed and freehand.

After sending important people away from the battlefield, the mysterious guy continued to move forward under the curious gaze of Braike, wandering the dangerous land ravaged by dragon fire, sending the remnants of the soldiers surrounded by demons to the place one by one. safe zone.

He is like a magical ghost.

Neither the devil nor the giant dragon could capture his aura, but such a powerful guy chose to appear in a sneaky way at this time, sneaking to save people, how strange it was.

Ten minutes later, the mysterious man sent the last few dozen warriors who were still holding on in the burning Great Temple away from the battlefield. He seemed to have finished an important task, and he breathed a sigh of relief, just as he appeared Ready to leave quietly.

But just as this guy walked out of the ruins of the burning temple, he was stunned to see a person walking out of the shadow of the swaying flames in front of him.

The appearance of Braike made this mysterious strong man panic. He subconsciously raised his hand to teleport himself out, but the next second, the pirate bent down and saluted the masked mysterious man in front of him with a standard disciple salute. Shen Sheng said:

"I salute you, Your Excellency the 'Hermit', maybe I should call you Patriarch, you are already here, are you really not going to see my mentor, Dean Alya Lanyue?

I think your disciples need your encouragement very much. "

(end of this chapter)

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