Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1818 44. Despair And Hope

Chapter 1818 44. Despair and Hope

Maitri left, very gracefully, without worries.

Even the grand arcanist, who is so chic that he is almost indifferent and rare even in Azshara, didn't even give a gift to his disciples, what a shame!

But Laike knew that the hermit was not a heartless person, perhaps just, as he said, he was used to being alone and saw it as the world's blessing to a restless soul.

He is not alone.

He has magic and truth to accompany him, and as far as spiritual life is concerned, he is more fulfilled and happy than ninety-nine percent of the people in this world.

There is no need to bless him or worry about him, he just embarked on another journey.

"What a dashing fellow."

In the woodlands of Suramar, the sunlight cast mottled light spots on the ground through the abandoned and unsightly leaves. Braike watched the portal dissipate in front of him, and couldn't help saying to Ms. Blue Moon walking behind him. :

"Although I can't understand Patriarch's way of life, maybe I should feel admiration? He may be the first and only true planeswalker in this world, right?"

"What did the mentor tell you?"

Ms. Lanyue is still recovering from her injury, and she is weak even when she speaks, but she is very concerned about the last conversation between Mentor Maitri and Bu Laike.

She looked at her disciple, and Bo Laike curled his lips and said:

"It's nothing, some old men's advice before leaving, put on more clothes so you don't catch a cold, take medicine if you catch a cold, blah blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The Chip Pirate picked up his pipe, looked around, and said:

"What a stingy elder. The younger generation who will meet ten thousand years later don't know how to give some treasures as a gift. Thanks to my service, I don't know what I'm expecting?"

"The mentor said that he wants to complete the most precious creation in his life, and the weapon that entrusted his blessing to this world will eventually become your saber."

Ms. Lanyue said dissatisfied:

"He left you the most precious thing, are you still not satisfied?"

"He also left his elemental friend to you through a series of ingenious arrangements, mentor."

The Scrap Pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"Perhaps the Scepter of Aluneth fell into your hands in the end, and it was also the secret arrangement of my mysterious patriarch. I don't think a guy as mysterious as him will be defeated by time. Maybe he will hide in ten thousand years. Watch our jokes in a corner."

"He wouldn't do that cough cough"

Ms. Blue Moon retorted, but quickly covered her heart and coughed a few times. Bu Laike shook his head and helped her to leave. While opening the void rift leading to Suramar City, he whispered:

"Look at your physical condition. It's really bad. Don't you classical mages exercise? You are so weak after being punched by a fel lord. It's really fragile.

It's not that I'm bragging, the warlocks of our time were amazing. The three bastards under my command are hob-knife bastards who can stand up to the abyss lord's big ass, and they can cut the fel lord with just a knife.

Alas, I'm really not worried about you continuing to act alone, mentor, so, are you going to follow me to Xin Azali next? "


Dean Lanyue looked at her disciple in surprise, and said:

"Didn't you want me to protect Ravencrest? You said he was in danger."

"He's going to die sooner or later. Even by the standards of the elves, Lord Ravencrest is already old."

Bu Laike curled his lips and complained:

"Of course I'm not implying that you're an old man too. Ahem, I didn't mean that. I mean, maybe we ignored the opinion of the great lord himself.

Compared with living in peace, as a soldier, he may be more pursuing the glory and victory of the shroud of horse leather.

Anyway, I changed my mind, can you help? Sir, considering that I might be beaten by Queen Azshara, don't you want to watch it with your own eyes? "

These words made Ms. Lanyue show a fleeting smile. She coughed a few times and said:

"Let me confirm for the last time that Ravencrest will be resurrected in ten thousand years, right?"

"Well, I was standing next to his coffin board and watching."

The pirate helped the dean into the crack and said:

"You resurrected him with your own hands, you can express your apology ten thousand years later, but I don't think he will complain about you for his violent temper.

what do you think? "

"okay then."


In Suramar City, a thick purple magic shield shrouded the city, isolating this turbulent city from the very dangerous outside world.

The last frontline fighters who retreated under the cover of the dragon's breath returned half an hour ago. The news of the demon's collapse has spread throughout the city. At this time, the whole city is filled with the joy of the rest of the catastrophe.

People in front of the Temple of the Moon God came to thank Ms. Elune for her protection, but there were only a few busy high-ranking priests in the temple receiving the believers.

The other priests, especially the young girls, were not here, but no one blamed them, because while the battle was going on at the front, a great thing had been done by the brave novices, who were fighting their own battles in the city.

No one asked them to do this, but it was clear that at this critical moment, Elune gave her maids enough courage and the supreme heart to save.

Maiev and Tyrande led the priests to cooperate with the demons who had no reinforcements after the shield was raised. Finally, the courageous city guards killed the flying demons that rushed into the city and caused chaos. Hundreds of people were rescued from the ruins of the city.

This is good news.

The bad news is that by the time the last demon was decapitated by the astrologer apprentices with magic, the entire Yongyue market area had become a blazing ruin of evil fire.

According to the tax official, this market area lived in 600 people when it was complete, at least.

At present, this place has been blocked by the city elite led by Lord Yuejun. The mages are cleaning up the ruins to hunt down possible demons. The black crow guards with bright armor have blocked the entrance to prevent unrelated people from approaching.

The Priests of the Moon comforted the wounded and healed them.

The caliber of publicity has been established, this will be "a victory for the brave and unyielding people of Suramar against the demons spontaneously", but for those priests who really tried their best to save people in the flames and disasters, this is a bullshit victory .

They could not save those who could have lived from those tyrannical demons.

They couldn't even get close to the burning ruins, they could only wait until the evil fire was burnt out and drag out the miserable corpses on the black and gray streets.

Although they didn't participate in the battle outside the city, in Suramar City, they still saw with their own eyes how this vivid disaster took away the lives of those who were still alive and kicking a moment ago.

At that moment, the eulogy of war in the heroic story suddenly seemed so pale, but the casualties of the innocent victims who only existed in the cracks of the background board of the story were so real.

Like a gust of wind in the distance, before it blows gravel into people's faces, no matter how cruel and beautiful the news is, it is just a story from the mouth of a bard.

Maiev sat silently beside a burnt ruin.

The face of the beautiful young priest was covered with black ash, and her hair also had scorched marks. The quiver on her back had been shot empty, but the war bow in her hand was still tightly clenched.

As if the war wasn't over yet.

She stared blankly at the three corpses across the street.

It was the victim who was found from the ruins behind her. The father in the family was dead but still maintained a posture of embracing and protecting, but the wife and child who should have been in his arms had gone to another world with him .

Maiev recognized the man.

He is a small businessman in the market area, and every Wednesday, he will send a batch of fresh fruits to the Moon God Temple. As far as she knows, this family is a sincere believer in the Moon God.

She's the Priestess of the Moon, and she's supposed to protect them.

She did that. When everyone else was going to take refuge, she, a trainee priest, led her companions who might die in the flames of war at any time and rushed into the battlefield where they should not have come.

She used to think she was different from those cowards.

She believes she has the courage and responsibility bestowed by the moon god.

She tries to be a protector.

But unfortunately, after acting according to the thoughts in her heart and rushing into the battlefield, she found that she was nothing.

Not a protector, not a savior, not a healer, she held a warbow and carried a sharp blade on her back, but she couldn't even rush through the front formed by the lowest demon guards.

The knowledge and tactics taught by Mr. Laike remained imprinted in her mind, but she did not have the strength to execute them.

If she came sooner, perhaps

If it's Mr. Boo Laike here.


Tyrande's call sounded from behind, but Maiev didn't answer, she was immersed in her weird thinking and didn't want to pay attention to the affairs around her.

Windtalker did not blame his companions.

In fact, several young priests were like Maiev, and they were shocked by the bloody reality when they stepped on the battlefield for the first time, even Tyrande himself.

There were traces of battle left on her battle armor, and she should be grateful for the protection of the moon god. The dagger stabbed by the succubus just now was a hair's breadth away.

This made Tyrande's heart still not calm down, but what she is better than Maiev is that she dragged the three children out of the fire with her own hands and used magic to extinguish the evil fire to save them.

Her throat was hurting, perhaps because she inhaled the hot smoke, but the trainee priest still endured the pain and walked to Maiev. She followed Maiev's dull eyes, and the corpse across the street was bitten by Tyrande. bit his lip.

She whispered Elune's name, drew an elf religious symbol in front of her, put her hand on Maiev's shoulder, and said softly:

"The people you saved want to see you, and they want to say thank you to you personally."

"No need."

Maiev said hoarsely:

"I didn't save anyone, I just...just pretended to be a hero, but unfortunately, I'm not the prophesied Maiev Shadowsong who can wipe out the disaster before it strikes."

"Maiev, don't be so harsh on yourself."

Tyrande looked at Maiev very distressed.

She half knelt on the ground, holding Maiev's dirty face with both hands, and she pressed her forehead to Maiev's forehead.

She whispered:

"You have done a good job. You led us when we were all at a loss. You inspired courage in us and those soldiers, my sister.

We knew why we were here the moment you were the first to cross the burning field and shoot your arrow at the hideous demon.

Elune would be proud of your courage. "

"It's not enough, Tyrande, it's not enough, we can do more. If we hate tragedy, then we should stand up and prevent it from happening.

Tears are the most useless mourning."

Maiev closed her eyes, two tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, leaving embarrassing tear stains on her dark gray cheeks.

The two young priests maintained their posture of resting and praying. Tyrande softly recited Elune's prayers to calm the minds of the sisters, but when she heard Maiev praying, it was not to Elune. .

This made Tyrande puzzled, but before she could ask, Maiev's delicate ears moved suddenly, and she stood up abruptly, throwing Tyrande who was caught off guard to the ground.


Tyrande watched as her sister rushed madly into another extinguished fire behind her, grabbed the bent spear beside her and dug into the ashes.

She thought Maiev was being stimulated.

But when she stood up, Maiev was heard calling to her:

"Come on! Come on! Help, there's a voice here, I hear it. She's calling for help!"

"Maiev, don't beg you like this."

Tyrande's heart was about to break.

This place has been burned by the flames of demons, and it is impossible to leave anything here.

As she watched Maiev rummaging through the burnt ruins, her mind recalled the stories her mentors had told her of veterans who had survived wars but lived in nightmares.

She felt that Maiev must have been stimulated too much.

Regardless of the flying embers in front of her eyes, she rushed into the ruins of the fire and wanted to drag Maiev out, but when she got close to Maiev, she also heard the faint, almost inaudible gasps and cries for help.

"Elune is on top!"

Tyrande fell on the dirty ashes, she stretched out her hands to brush away the mess in front of her eyes, and Maiev also inserted the molten and cold spear in her hand into the crack of the broken plank.

The two girls worked hard together to lift off the broken plank.

What appeared before them was the collapsed fireplace, but perhaps it was Elune who had actually appeared, causing the fireplace to fall just enough to support the wreckage of the wall, leaving a small "safety zone" in the corner.

That's where the cry for help came from.

"Come help! Come help!"

Tyrande's shout spread, and soon some priest girls ran over. These young girls rushed in and pushed aside the crumbling bricks, and Maiev got in regardless of the danger.

While the others waited with bated breath, after a few excruciating seconds, a young girl was carried out by Maiev, who looked like she had just come of age.

Her body was covered with dust from the burning of the evil fire, and her arm holding the broken hunting bow was so hot that it was covered with spots.

Those embers of foul power nearly killed the child, but a dim Elune amulet hung around the child's neck, a gift from the Temple of the Elune, held her to life.

"Heal her quickly!"

Maiev shouted hoarsely.

She knelt on the ground and tightly hugged the girl in her arms, as if trying to win her back from death.

Tyrande stepped forward regardless of the dirt on her body. She called on Ms. Elune's strength, and streams of warm and bright moonlight gathered together, like gurgling water pouring into the child's weakened body.

The gray girls prayed silently around with their eyes wide open. They had never been so sincerely eager for a miracle to come.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Tyrande's hands began to tremble, and the child's breathing was barely audible.

Maiev wanted to call that name in desperation, but at this moment, Mr. Bo Laike's gentle voice sounded in her ear:

"That's Ms. Elune's domain. He's watching here. He won't like me stealing her limelight. Boo, you scared her."

Under Maiev's amazed gaze, a bright light never before burst out from Tyrande's trembling hands.

The bright moonlight merged into a flying crescent and covered Tyrande's body, leaving a crescent moon emblem on her forehead, and at the same time, it also made the girl in Maiev's arms cough hard.

As if frightened by Maiev's breath, she struggled instinctively after waking up from the nightmare.

Miss Shadowsong clumsily comforted the girl in her arms, but after thinking about it, she still signaled Tyrande with her eyes to comfort the frightened girl.

When standing up, Maiev glanced at the hunting bow in the girl's hand and the inscription on the collar.


"Santis Feathermoon is such a brave girl, she will achieve great things in the future."

"Maev, you."

Tyrande hugged the terrified girl and patted her on the back. Windspeaker was still shrouded in the light of Elune's moonlight, so that the child could smell the warmth in her arms and fall asleep peacefully.

She looked at Maiev.

The latter smiled and nodded at her.

When the other priests looked at the miraculously rescued girl in amazement, Maiev quietly withdrew from the crowd. She took a last look at the corpse across the street, then let out a sigh of relief, and nodded to them. Then he turned around and strode towards Yingge's ancestral house.

Her steps were brisk, and there seemed to be an invisible encouraging tune surrounding her.

In the brisk singing, a smile appeared on Maiev's dirty face, as if she was about to run towards her own destiny.

(end of this chapter)

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