Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1829 55. Nozdormu Seriously Said Something Terrible

Chapter 1829 55. Nozdormu Seriously Said Something Terrible


The door of the great lord's room was pushed open, and Ms. Lanyue walked in with a calm face. She held the staff and looked around vigilantly, and then looked at Ravencrest who was sitting on the sofa drinking alone.

she says:

"I heard the movement in the room just now. Has someone been here? Do you need to add a few more guards for you?"

"It's not necessary."

Lord Ravencrest, who was holding a wine glass in his hand, shook his head, while Dean Lanyue's eyes fell on the wine glass in his hand, she said suspiciously:

"You didn't drink during the war before, what's the matter? Could it be that even you feel that the situation is difficult and start to give up on yourself?"

"I'm just thinking about something, Lan Yue."

The great lord didn't say much. After a few seconds of silence, he looked at his most trusted friend for many years and asked suddenly:

"Lan Yue, you are one of the most powerful spellcasters in the empire. Let me ask you, do you believe in resurrection from the dead?"

"Huh? Resurrection? Undead magic?"

Lan Yue raised her eyebrows in surprise and said:

"This faction is very unpopular in the magic system of the empire. Luna believers believe that blasphemy of the dead is a serious crime, and even Azshara can't study these taboos with great fanfare.

But if only from an academic point of view, I can tell you that it is feasible.

Not only can you be resurrected from the dead, you can even retain your sanity and memory, but I heard some deviant researchers say that this is inhumane.

Not only will the host of the resurrection be wanted on the back, but it will also be painful for the resurrected. "

"Academic point of view? Hahahaha, it is said that you are very old-fashioned and can't make jokes, but I think you are also very humorous."

The big lord was all laughed.

He pointed to the sofa beside him, motioning for Lan Yue to sit there and chat with him.

Ms. Blue Moon didn't know that Bo Laike was here just now. She just thought that Ravencrest was thinking about the war. After sitting down, she thought about it and said to her friend:

"If you plan to resurrect the soldiers who died in the battle of Suramar, it's not impossible, but you have to wait for a while, I'm not familiar with undead magic, and Elisande doesn't study the theory much , we may have to 'make up lessons'."

"No, it's not."

The great lord looked at the wine glass in his hand, and the swaying amber-colored liquid in the crystal wine glass reflected his handsome uncle who was no longer young but still full of grace.

He shook the drink in his hand and said:

"I just had a dream, Blue Moon. I dreamed about something that happened a long, long time later. Ten thousand years later, the world is still not so peaceful. The demons have returned again, and they are more powerful.

But I also dreamed that the juniors after 10,000 years were very competitive.

They are not as embarrassing as we are when they are crushed and beaten by demons. They even killed all the way to the demon's hometown and destroyed a planet created by evil.

I was thinking, if I can also be reborn in that wonderful world ten thousand years later."

"Are you sure you didn't drink too much?"

Dean Lanyue felt something was wrong.

She remembered the conversation between her mysterious disciple and herself on the edge of the battlefield, and she suspected that Bo Laike might have been in contact with Ravencrest.

Then he said seriously:

"No undead magic can preserve your soul for ten thousand years! Even if you were dug up at that time, you would be nothing more than a dry bone. Ravencrest, I know you are under a lot of pressure, and I also know that Azshara has sent Assassin.

But don't worry, we will protect you. "

"If we lose, then what's the point of me surviving?"

The great lord glanced at the worried Lan Yue, and he said with a smile:

"Do you think a guy like me, who has been tough all my life, would bend down to be a dog for a demon or Azshara? I'd rather die on the battlefield.

What's more, if there are gods in this world, then those things that mortals cannot do may not be difficult for the gods?

Well, go, Blue Moon, I'm going to take a break.

In addition, I hope that you, as the commander of the mage army, can cooperate with the vanguard to go to Zin-Azshali. This plan is too important. Frankly speaking, I trust Elisande's ability, but I dare not bet on her integrity. "

"If this is your order, then I will absolutely obey. Azshara and I also have some personal grievances to deal with, but I always feel that you are not normal today."

Dean Lanyue complained, and when he stood up, he said to the great lord:

"Drink less."


Ravencrest watched Ms. Lanyue leave, and at the moment the door closed, he drank the wine in his hand, took a long breath, closed his eyes and whispered:

"Then, see you in ten thousand years, Lan Yue."

"Oh, I should have been bolder when I was in school."


"You're causing us trouble, Lord Bo Laike."

On the eaves of the lord's hall in Suramar, the Scrap Pirate squatted there looking around in an assassin's stance, but at a certain moment, the entire city's time was frozen.

Then, a tall figure appeared in the khaki quicksand storm.

Wearing an elf-style robe, wearing a strange hourglass shoulder pad, Nozdormu, the king of time with blond hair and golden eyes, quietly appeared. This dragon king who has insight into the past and the future is not polite. Laike said:

"Lord Ravencrest's memory about 10,000 years later must be erased. He is different from others. He is a key figure in this timeline. Disturbing his fate may lead to the collapse of the timeline."

"I just pulled him back into his destiny, Master Nuo."

Bo Laike curled his lips and replied.

His weird title made Nozdormu raise his eyebrows in surprise. No one had ever used this title to describe the most mysterious Lord of Time even among the kings of five-color dragons.

However, if it is divided by age, among the five dragon kings, Nozdormu, who is old and prudent, is indeed the second oldest dragon. There is no need to discuss the age gap of ten years.

But Nozdormu never dreamed that the reason why Bu Laike was called so was really just because the elf form of the Dragon King of Time resembled the "Second Lord Guan" in his hometown.

This is a meme, understand?

Anyway, if you don't understand, you don't need to explain.

"During the time when I led Shaohao and the Monkey King all the way to the present, you bronze dragons must have been very busy, right?"

Bu Laike showed a nasty smile, looked back at Second Master Nuo, took out his pipe and said in a long voice:

"I guess, the preparations for the 'Group Memory Recall' on Pandaria have been completed? Just wait until the War of the Ancients is over, and the panda people's memories will be changed back to their original state?

Based on this calculation, the memory of Prince Torsedrin of Eresalas has also been recalled?

You guys are really good at logistics. With you here, my activities in the War of the Ancients will be much easier. I can play the Prophet game at will. "

"I would like to, but the fate of those people you have come into contact with as a 'fate node' has changed. Without the cooperation of me ten thousand years later, I would not be able to go back in time and space on such a large scale."

Nozdormu is an unsmiling dragonlord, well, most of the time.

But when facing this "time stowaway" in front of him, the Bronze Dragon King was very gentle.

The main reason is that this guy has too much background and is too powerful.

The divine collision between him and Sargeras in the Twisting Nether a few nights ago almost shattered Azeroth's time network and almost scared the bronze dragonflight to death.

Time Dragon King barely rested that night, and personally changed the memories of the bronze dragons from top to bottom, so that they would forget about this "shouldn't happen" thing.

That's why Nozdormu felt compelled to meet and talk to Bo Laike.

If he continues to make trouble like this, the Bronze Dragon Legion, which has shouldered important missions since its birth, may not be able to hold back.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I'm doing here?"

Bu Laike looked at the gentle bronze dragon king in front of him in surprise, and said:

"Such indulgence is not like the behavior style of the Bronze Dragon Legion."

"I went ten thousand years later."

Nozdormu answered the question.

But Bo Laike nodded.

He knew what the Bronze Dragon King meant, so he asked again:

"What do you think after seeing the timeline distorted and reshaped by me?"

"I don't understand."

Nozdormu didn't hide it, he stroked his golden beard and said straightforwardly:

"But I was really shocked. You opened up another chaotic future outside the timeline of the "established destiny", and I don't know if that is good or bad.

But if the Creator Titans can trust you, I think I can too.

After all, the existence and mission of the Bronze Dragon Legion was different from other giant dragons from the very beginning. We never intervened in world events and silently worked in the time network just to maintain a clear direction of the timeline of the legion's ultimate failure.

This is the future Lord Aman'Thul wishes to see.

But judging from his action of helping you go back 10,000 years ago, maybe the creators also think that the future you shape is better than the future they want to see.


Second Master Nuo glanced at Bu Laike, who was smiling, and said:

"Perhaps in the near future, the Bronze Dragons will change their working methods. In addition to the main purpose of ensuring the diversity of time, we will have to separate people to maintain this unique timeline of your existence.

Congratulations, Lord Silent One, you have become the final winner of the rare existence among thousands of possibilities. "

"Oh, oh, you're too polite."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said hypocritically:

"Talking about the final victory now would be a bit smug, I just did a little bit of work, and there are still many things to be done before the final battle.

But I also have my curiosity. "

The scrap pirate rubbed his hands, and asked in a low voice to the mysterious King of Time in front of him:

"You look at all the timelines, my dear Second Master Nuo, can you tell me the whole story, among the countless possibilities in the future, how many timelines have completely reversed their fate like me?

Among those victors, where can my practice and my great achievements be ranked? "

"Well, these cannot be disclosed, this is the rule set by the creator."

Nozdormu shook his head, and said vaguely:

"But what I can tell you is that the timelines that have been changed are colorful, and those that reverse the future are not as few as you think, but they can't be counted as many.

If you want to rank the great achievements, you may not be the first.

After all, there were heroes who entered the Shadow Realm before you. They did not save the country with curves like you, but fought against Sargeras and the Burning Legion head-on and won. "

"Huo! There are such fierce people?"

Bu Laike narrowed his eyes, stroked his chin and said:

"We must get to know each other when we have a chance in the future, and then I will ask Second Master Nuo to help us set up a bridge. You will be of great benefit."

Hearing what the pirate said, Nozdormu suddenly showed a puzzled smile.

Lord Aman'Thul's "Steward of Time" raised his hand, patted Lord Silent One on the shoulder in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and said softly:

"My great and evil Lord Silencer, that Your Excellency has actually met you secretly, but you don't know it yet. In the end, behave well."

Nozdormu, Lord of Time, pointed to the sky and said meaningfully:

"This starry sky is very big, wider than you imagined, and the people who sent you here are looking at you, and they say they want to take care of the little fellow.

Although I don't know what that means. "


Hearing this, Bo Laike's eyes widened immediately. He reached out and clasped Nozdormu's wrist, saying:

"You know my identity?"

"I do not know."

Nozdormu shook his head and said:

"After all, I'm just one of countless Nozdormu in countless timelines. One of my lucky 'citizens' knows something. Big shot service.

But I can't tell you that information.

All I can say is that you have to get out of the 'cradle' to find your truth, but I'm sure it's not a conspiracy or a tragedy.

This is just a necessary component of a 'welcome ceremony'.

After all, only adults can join fraternities, and underage kids can only play with kids. "


Bu Laike felt that he understood, but he didn't seem to understand anything. He thought for a while and decided to ignore these troublesome things that were destined to be revealed after the end of the story.

He has always been a very focused person.

He said to Nozdormu:

"When Sargeras approaches Azeroth, I need you to strengthen the stability of the time network. Although I am sure, I am also afraid that the Dark Titan will suddenly go crazy. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Stealth, we understand."

Nozdormu nodded, his golden pupils shone with a special luster, and the scenery reflected in those eyes definitely did not belong to this era.

After a few seconds, Time Dragon King coughed and said:

"The situation after 10,000 years is still stable, and the black hands behind the scenes have not yet noticed, but if you want to use the relationship of the Nathrezim in this era, it's hard to say."

"The Silent One still needs the help of the Dread Demon King to do things?"

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I have done everything I need to do, and I have almost completed the seeds that I need to plant. The current situation has developed to a point ten thousand years from now, and it is the limit to give me a little more chance of winning at that time.

You don't have to worry about my meddling indiscriminately causing the timeline to collapse. I have just ascended to the gods and have not yet enjoyed the happiness of the gods. I have no plans to commit suicide in the near future.

The final battle of the ancients will proceed as scheduled. However, I have a small problem. "

The pirate looked at the Time Lord and said:

"If I hide a batch of blue dragon eggs"

"No more than a hundred pieces!"

Nozdormu said seriously:

"Any more would be troublesome.

The stubborn maintenance of the magic order by the blue dragons will interfere with and suppress the development of Azeroth's native magic system, and the lessons of the War of the Ancients will only make them more vigilant against mortals.

It's cold to say that though.

But until all is said and done, my neurotic blue dragon brethren should not be too strong. "

"No no no, I mean, I hide the eggs."

Bu Laike waved his hands and made a holding gesture, explaining to Time Dragon King:

"Wait 10,000 years before giving the egg sealed in time to the soon-to-be-crowned Blue Dragon Queen, so that the timeline during these 10,000 years will not be destroyed.

It's just a gift for a friend, don't you think? "

"In that case, yes."

Time Dragon King nodded, and finally told:

"Deathwing, don't make any big moves."

"Am I crazy? Move Neltharion at this time"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"I didn't come here to do good deeds. Deathwing didn't give me money. Why should I help him heal? I just took some samples to study void corruption.

Don't worry, Second Master.

I am a well-behaved person, so I won't make it difficult for you. Besides, I can be regarded as the "son-in-law" of the Bronze Dragon Army.

Are you right? "

"Well, you are really an understanding god."

The figure of the King of Time disappeared in the khaki quicksand wind, and he praised:

"Then I wish you a 'happy trip', bring back your wife as soon as possible, and may the good times last forever."

(end of this chapter)

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