Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1842 68. The Elf Chasing The Sun

Chapter 1842 68. The Elf Chasing the Sun

"Your Excellency the Sunstrider will start today."

In the hidden spot in Zin-Azshali City, Natalas Windrunner, who ventured out to connect with the Highborne "Rebel Army", took a sip of water, and said to a group of guys sharpening knives in front of him in a tense and hoarse voice arrive:

"Sanggunar steward told me that Lord Dath'Remar will personally lead people to rescue Lady Tyrande Windtalker and escort her to the place where the civilians are.

The weapons have already been distributed. As long as there are no problems, there will be an extra army in the city to resist Azshara's tyranny tonight. "

"You are letting them die!"

Malfurion Stormrage gritted his teeth and scolded:

"Those are civilians!"

"Enough, big brother, put away your boring sympathy!"

Illidan Stormrage, who was wearing a blindfold, put his hand on Malfurion's shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

"We are in the base camp of the devil. This is a war. There are no civilians left here! Only soldiers. If they don't take up arms themselves, are we supposed to escort them out of the devil's encirclement?

Dath'Remar has done his best.

You can't ask for more. "

"Yes, Lord Sunstrider is under a lot of pressure."

Natalas Windrunner, who is the vassal of the Sunstrider, also said:

"All the servants in the entire Sunstrider Manor have been mobilized, they are going to face Azshara's guards, and Lord Sunstrider has even left a suicide note.

What I am worried about now is that if the vanguard army outside the city cannot rush into the city in time after they raise the banner of resistance, then "

"Let go of your little worries, Windrunner."

Ms. Maiev, who went out to investigate, stepped out of the floating shadows. The thorn knife wheel in her hand was dripping with viscous magic blood. Presumably, today's investigation was not going well.

The new leader of the Watchmen said to the worried young ranger:

"Instead of doubting the courage of the vanguard, it's better to worry about whether Sunstrider can come out of the palace full of demons alive. Tonight's resistance is a signal. Once he makes a move there, not only will Zin-Azhali fall into the flames of war, but the demons The final contest with the anti-magic alliance will also begin.

This is the last battle.

Win or die! There is no third option. "

"well said."

Illidan Stormrage showed a sinister and deep smile on his thin and ferocious face. He stroked the crimson moonblade in his hand and said to the people around him:

"Don't worry about others, think about yourself. Malfurion, you also prepare, we are going to pick up Tyrande outside Azshara's palace and escort her to her people."

"That's what we're here for."

Malfurion touched the Horn of Nature at his waist, he took a deep breath and temporarily put those benevolent thoughts behind him, and moved away from the hiding place with his younger brother and the watchers.

Natalas Windrunner will lead them into the sewers leading to Azshara's palace and wait at the scheduled meeting point.

Shandris Yuyue, who was accompanying her, was a little nervous. Although this young girl had superb archery skills and had experienced battles with demons, she still felt pressured by such a near-death rescue.

But thinking about seeing Mindo tonight, the young girl's heart became calmer again.

"are you scared?"

A hoarse voice came from behind, and Shandris, who was arranging her armor, suddenly turned her head, and saw the mysterious warden taking off her owl helmet.

Yuyue has always been curious about how these big sisters who are fierce and capable of fighting are trained, and she is also curious about who their leader is. When she saw Maiev's face at this time, the young girl immediately showed Surprised look.

"Lady Maiev!"

She rushed forward to give Maiev a hug.

She knew that she was dragged out of the ruins by this lady and received treatment from Mindo. Without her, she might have died in the ruins of the Demon War.

She is also her own savior.

Mindo told her that Ms. Maiev was her other mother.

"I told Tyrande that day that that brave boy would definitely make a career, but I didn't expect that your war would come so soon."

Maiev looked at the brave girl in front of her with emotion, she would not have dared to sneak into a city full of demons at such an age.

She looked at Shandris, who was standing up straight, and the immaturity and innocence of a young man could still be seen on the girl's face. There was still fear beating in the depths of her eyes, but she did not choose to give in but to face it.

"Live on, children, you are the future of the elves."

The iceberg-like warden lady gave a brief encouragement, but then she felt something protrude from the shadow behind her and stuffed it into her palm.

Maiev reacted, and took out the thing and handed it to Shandris Yuyue in front of her.

That is a bow.

It looks like a typical elf horned eagle bow design, but there is a crescent moon logo on the bow, which should be a "little toy" made by his unscrupulous god after a little time.

Along with the war bow, there was also a bag of sharp arrows exuding a natural atmosphere. The arrows were directly catalyzed by living wood, not only sharp but also able to grow and activate on the enemy.

"Take it, child, and may Elune guide your arrows, and may Moonshadow give you courage."

Maiev said softly:

"Bring back Tyrande, her people need her."

"Well, I swear!"

Shandris took the bow and arrows presented by Lady Maiev with both hands.

She carried the weapon on her back and gave a military salute to Maiev who was standing in the shadows, then put on her helmet and followed Malfurion out of the hideout.

After everyone left, only Maiev and the man in her shadow remained in the room.

The lady stepped forward to close the door and looked back at Bo Laike, who was also packing his bags.

But it was much more convenient for him. With a wave of his hand, the black-clothed prophet costume turned into the black moon armor for combat. The clothes changed again, shaping into a black bat suit.

With the dragon wing-like cloak covering his body, Bu Laike, wearing a half-face armor, stretched his neck. He looked back at Maiev, and found that the latter had a strange look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Lord Cthulhu asked.

Miss Maiev looked him up and down, and said:

"You know owls are the natural enemies of bats, right?"

"So what?"

The Scrap Pirate took out a bottle of wine, rinsed his mouth, and said:

"My bat may be able to hang you watchers up and beat them, besides, if it is such a beautiful and charming 'owl' like you, then my old bat would be willing to be captured by you.

You see, this is the last battle.

I should leave here when this battle is over, and now there are almost four hours before the appointed time for the night, and there are only two of us here."

"What do you want to say?"

The young Miss Maiev tilted her head and rolled her lovely eyes.

"I found that you seem to like children."

Bu Laike pursed his lips, took out two bottles of not-so-serious pink potions from his luggage, threw them in his hands, and said:

"The relationship between you and Ms. Yuyue is really complicated. Why don't we seize the last time to create someone? It will also prevent you from being alone for ten thousand years after I leave. It would be nice to have a child to accompany you.

Speaking of which, I still plan to leave this thing for Brother Stormrage and Ms. Tyrande. It's really a headache that it's useless. Why don't we use it here? "

Miss Maiev blushed at this bold invitation, and she shook her head and said:

"No, the child is too much, let your other wife ten thousand years later give birth to you, I have given everything to Ms. Elune, all I can give you is this heart

Other than that, you can't expect more. "

"It's too much, I'm your god anyway, it's not greedy to ask for more, right?"

Bu Laike snorted, and in the silence, he hooked Maiev, and the lady warden stepped forward, letting the evil god's hand wrap her shoulders.

The two stood by the window, watching the afterglow of dusk and evening above their heads refract strange streamers of light in the gloomy sky filled with evil energy.

They didn't say much, probably because Laike had been setting the stage for the parting moment, and all that had to be said had been said in the past few days.

"is that enough?"

The pirate asked softly, and Maiev, who rested her head on his shoulder, whispered:

"What is enough?"

"Is the communication between us, the sparks created by those contacts and souls, and these memories enough for you to survive the next 10,000 years of day and night alone?"

Bu Laike said softly:

"If it's not enough, we have the last four hours to create more memories."

"I thought you would use these four hours to forget it, but I didn't say it."

Maiev realized that the man next to him was not churning with lust at this moment.

She once thought that a god should be decisive and cold, but at this moment, she really felt the complexity and reluctance in the heart of the person next to her.

He doesn't want to leave.

He may be thinking of staying with him for the next ten thousand years, he doesn't want to let himself be alone.

At this moment, in Master Yueying's heart, the feelings for his lover overwhelmed everything, and even temporarily captivated his eyes, making him want to let go of those grand achievements and pursuit of freedom for the first time in his life.

The shackles are done

"You want to stay, your Maiev is happy."

A smile appeared on Miss Maiev's face. She tossed her hair, kissed Bo Laike on the cheek, and whispered:

"But your Maiev can't be so selfish, because our world and your world still need you.

Don't be like a kid who doesn't want to let go, we will be back together in the future. As for good memories, of course it is not enough, I need more to survive ten thousand years.

I want to see the sea.

I want to see where you were born ten thousand years from now, where we will spark each other ten thousand years from now, where we will finally come together.

Would it be too much to make this request before the start of the decisive battle? "

"Uh, if an ordinary man is here, your request must be too much. It's equivalent to asking me to help you pick off a star."

Bu Laike shrugged, grabbed Maiev's slender waist, opened a void rift, and said:

"You should be thankful that your husband is an omnipotent god, four hours is more than enough, if we hurry up, we can leave some good memories for each other before parting.

Put on your helmet, boy.

It's going to be bumpy. "


Time passed quickly until midnight.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider left the Queen's palace after a day's exhaustion at the Well of Eternity, but he didn't go home directly, but fought with his worried or excited companions along the way. Gestures and eyes, these guys who have been planning for a long time separated very tacitly, and each rushed to his own destiny.

On the outskirts of the palace, the Sunstrider steward who was waiting here greeted his master on a luxurious magic chariot.

On the closed chariot seat, Sunstrider reached out to open the box on the seat, and a red magic sword forged like crystal, with a strange and exaggerated shape like the wings of a phoenix was quietly lying in it.

The great nobleman picked up the newly cast long sword, stroked the warm blade with his slender fingers, and the fire light reflected in the crystal illuminated his eyes.

That is a flame, a new flame, a new fire lit in a decaying forest, just like the name of the sunstrider, he is not willing to surrender to the night, he wants to chase the rising sun.

Even if the price is death.

"Set off!"

Said the Sunstrider.

The chariot departed under the gaze of the queen's guards and changed direction in a hidden corner.

The butler Sangunar, who was dressed as an assassin, led the loyal guards of the nobles and put on magic armor, and the murderous Sunstrider marched towards the palace cage.

At the same time, in the entire manor of the noble district of Xin Aisa Li, those civilians who were sheltered from the massacre walked through the night under the leadership of the noble private soldiers.

They were going to gather in the deserted area of ​​the Moon God Temple ruins.

And in the forest outside the city of Xin Aisari, the soldiers and commanders of the Vanguard Army also unsheathed their swords and guns. Ms. Alya Blue Moon, who was wearing a mage's battle dress, looked at the capital with a crystal staff. The magical barrier still stands, and when it is closed, the war begins.

The deep clouds in the midnight night dissipated little by little, revealing a dim arc of the moon. It seemed that Ms. Elune couldn't bear to see the slaughter that would take place on this land, so she cast a dark moon phase to cast a cold shadow on the bloody battlefield. Light yarn.

Emperor Shaohao and the Monkey King carrying a stick came forward, and he nodded to Ms. Lanyue.

The great arcanist smiled back, and the Monkey King, who was eating a banana with a claw, looked up at the sky. The monkey in the elf magic armor wagged its tail and said suddenly:

"This moon is really uncomfortable, I really want to tear something up."

"Be patient, my friend."

Shaohao tightened the white tiger glove on his arm, and said:

"There's always a chance."



The lock of the cage was shattered by a halberd, and Tyrande stood up and rushed out of the cage.

She knew the last moment had come when she saw that the royal guards guarding her at the entrance of the subterranean cell had been slain in a pool of blood by Dath'Remar's men.

"The magic shackle in your hand was made by Azshara himself, I can't open it."

The Sunstrider threw a warbow to Tyrande, saying:

"Time is running out, come with me."


The Windtalker stopped talking, put his quiver behind his back and followed Dath'Remar to the outside of the cell, but when they rushed out of this gloomy place, there were nearly a hundred elf guards mixed with ferocious demons to stop them their way.

This made the Sunstrider's complexion change drastically.

Then he saw a haughty figure in gorgeous clothes with a scepter on his waist and a seductive woman walking out of the army formation.

"Dath'Remar Sunstrider, your shameless betrayal has dishonored your family. If you have any conscience, you should kill yourself. The Supreme Empress will leave you with the last dignity."

That arrogant guy said so.


At this point in time, it's useless to say anything.

Dath'Remar called out the name of the bastard in front of him, and rushed forward with his halberd in hand, he roared angrily:

"It was you who brought the demons into this world! You who were the first to bow down to the demons of the Otherlands! You who brought the wise Azshara into that fallen future.


You are a sinner of the empire!

Die! "


Facing Sunstrider's scolding and reunion, Lord Xavius ​​took a step back with a sneer, and the guards beside him rushed up, sarcasm and indifference shone in this guy's dark green pupils.

While the two armies were meeting, Tyrande was also targeted by that alluring poisonous snake.


The sharp snake-shaped dagger brushed across the bow.

In the deadly sharpness, Ms. Vashj viciously said to the embarrassed Priest of the Moon in front of her eyes:

"You stepped out of your cage, cutie, and you earned yourself a ticket to hell."

"Come on, bear with it, it won't hurt very much."

(end of this chapter)

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