Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1873 1. Burning Legion Summer Activity Begins, Air Split Commanders, Get Ready

Chapter 1873 1. "Burning Legion" summer activity begins, air split commanders, get ready

"Westfall Emergency!

There are demonic portals all over the area, but no legion-level rift has been found so far. The commander of Xiquan Fortress has sent soldiers to join the Yuexi Town militia to clean up the demons. "

"Emergency report from Night Town!

A large number of demon hounds appeared in the Twilight Forest and were rushing towards the first line of defense of the Night Watchmen. In addition, the mages in Night Town observed a large crack in the sky near the tower of Karazhan.

They are applying for the support of royal mages. "

"Watch Fort Military Report, no change in the Dark Portal has been observed. The news from the Honor Hold is the same as usual. The battle situation in Dellano is stable today, and the power of the demon side has not suddenly increased."

In the command hall of the royal fortress in Stormwind City, military newspapers from all over the world were brought to the command table by the communication mages, and Emperor Varian Wrynn, who was wearing lion armor, was also discussing with his commanders in a mutated form.

However, the atmosphere of the conversation among the commanders was not dignified, which seemed to indicate that the war that had suddenly started was not headed towards a collapsed extreme.

As it turns out, Azeroth's decision makers aren't just for nothing.

After several discussions, the top strategists of various races accurately predicted the action plan of the legion this time. The demons did not adopt the plan of occupying the world of Dellano and then invading Azeroth through the Dark Portal. Full bloom.

Their target priority is Azeroth, which means that this wave of Dellano world has not been able to block the knife for Azeroth.

"The overall situation is not bad. It seems that the strategic significance of the Argus expedition is greater than we thought before."

Duke Bolvar Fortagan planted a small flag representing the forces of demons in the western wilderness of the large map of the Eastern Kingdom in front of him. Before everyone's eyes, the entire eastern continent was densely planted with flags.

Let a layman take a look at it and think that the whole continent has fallen.

but it is not the truth.

The fastest demons in the first wave used the tactics of blooming in all directions to scatter troubles all over the world, like sowing seeds, and scattered them chaotically without any deterrent effect.

Those small flags on the map represent mild threats, and the real tough ones haven't come yet.

"The world of Azeroth is not big, but it is not small. Now that the demon star Mardun, the star hub of the Burning Legion, and Argus, the base camp, have long been destroyed, the power projection of the Burning Legion that surpasses the stars There have also been major problems, coupled with the lack and confusion of the command system, it is difficult for them to launch large-scale landing operations.

But don't let your guard down, the arrival of these demon cannon fodder indicates that the countdown to the real invasion has begun. "

Opposite the young emperor, His Excellency the Royal Archmage Marin personally maintains a magical communication, and what emerges on the projection is General Maraad, the commander of the Draenei garrison.

The latter said to the commanders of the eastern continent with a serious face:

"Your Majesty the Prophet had a glimpse of the future last night, and he told us that the demons in the star sea have come out in full force, and the world's defenses will face a real impact this afternoon at the latest.

This is going to be a long game, folks.

Call for support when necessary, our frigates will respond at any time, and the battleships of the Legion of the Holy Light have also been launched, and they will be responsible for blocking the first wave of demon fleets entering the world.

But we have few ships, so you have to be prepared for bombing. "

"Well, thank you for all your help."

His Majesty Varian nodded and thanked General Delaney. At the end of the communication, he looked back at Valeera Sangunar, who was wearing the Warden armor and holding the owl helmet, and said:

"What about the elves?"

"Everything is safe now."

Ms. Watchman's instructor stationed in the Eastern Continent said in a capable tone:

"Those demons who rushed out of the cracks couldn't even break through the barrier of Renault Bandir. His Majesty the Sunstrider applied for the wartime permission from the blue dragon to import the magic power of the magic net into Quel'Thalas. He is confident to survive The early invasion does not require the support of human allies."

"very good."

Varian breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked the other way.

There stood a hunched young troll with a wooden spear on his back and a troll's unique flying blade, wearing a set of natural wooden armor, with a troll-style wooden mask painted on his face With the eerie graffiti of Bwonsamdi, the troll god of death, it looks majestic.

This is Varian's old friend.

"Wojin, please also inform the God Warriors in Stranglethorn Valley, and ask them to be ready to support the Dusk Forest and the Blasted Land at any time, which may be the key areas for invasion."

"I'll keep in touch."

Vol'jin stretched his body and asked again:

"Is there really no need to invite a few loas to sit in Stormwind City? Your Majesty Varian, the demons are not stupid, and they may carry out beheading tactics against you."


Varian shook his head with a smile and said:

"This is the land of the Holy Light, and the Holy Light will protect its people."

These words made Earl Shaw, who was in charge of defending the emperor, twitched his lips secretly. The young emperor of his family is now more and more powerful in telling lies with his eyes open.

Stormwind City is as stable as Mount Tai, obviously because he, the God of the Quiet, made preparations in advance. The whole city is engraved with nightmare runes everywhere. Once the demons invade, they can be pulled into the nightmare world of the Quiet.

When necessary, projections of the Aphotic Sea can even be summoned to drive the raging Destroyer mad.

Although there is also the help of the Holy Light, most of the credit should belong to the evil god.

"I heard that you and Princess Talanji get along well. Are you going to get married after the war? Do you need me to send you a gift?"

Varian was still in the mood to joke, but the young troll chief waved his hands again and again, and said in a strange tone:

"It would be great if you could come to the wedding, but my Roabonsandy specifically told me not to talk about marriage before the war. It said it was unlucky."

"The customs of trolls are really strange."

His Majesty the Emperor curled his lips, and finally turned his head to Colonel Taylor, the naval commander, and said:

"Has the support fleet from Kul Tiras arrived?"

"They will arrive at the designated area at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Taylor, who returned from further studies at the Kul Tiras Naval Academy, replied decisively with a soldier:

"There are not many ships coming, but every ship has prepared a 'secret weapon', and the coordinates of the defense line have also been sent, and the battle plan can be executed just waiting for your order."

"Very well, let the fleet wait for orders."

Varian flexed his fingers and said:

"Those secret weapons that cost a lot of money to make hastily are our trump cards. This time, we will give the devil cubs a big surprise!"

In the command room, there was an atmosphere of gearing up and eager to try, and ten minutes later, a dwarf officer rushed into the command room, wiped his sweat and shouted:

"There is a large-scale evil energy reaction in the airspace of Khaz Modan, and it seems that a legion-level portal is brewing. Your Majesty, the demons are preparing to attack."

"So fast?"

The emperor, who was drinking tea, stood up abruptly, walked to the map, turned back a few seconds later and said:

"Is the subway running normally?"

"Everything is normal, Your Majesty."

Xiao Er, who put on the assassin's suit, played with a double-sided gold coin, and said in a calm tone:

"The Seventh Legion is on standby at the old city barracks, ready to reinforce the Khaz Modan area at any time. But with all due respect, the dwarves may not need our support to withstand the first wave of invasion.

Their steam tank troops have just finished refitting, Mechagon's new weapons are very powerful, and those insane gnomes have planted hidden mines under almost every snowflake in Dun Morogh, with the support of the Wildhammer Sky Knights .

The demons will bang their heads and bleed. "

"No, I'm not going to support them."

Varian glanced at his Master Assassin with strange eyes, and he whispered:

"I mean, if our front is tight, I'm planning to send the dwarves to come to support us by subway.

This is a good thing!

I hadn't figured it out before, but I was going to ask the architects of Mechagon to design a north-south subway line for the empire after the war, really connecting the entire human world together.

Think about it, Shaw, if our legion can go from Stormwind to Lordaeron within three days, then the empire that Marshal Lothar has been thinking about will be truly unified. "

"Uh, Your Majesty, it's good to have pursuits."

Xiao Er reminded softly with a serious face:

"I also know that you think we have a great advantage, but what about our war, your dream of empire or something, should you let it go later?"


"Bah! You son of a bitch, the devil actually touched my boat. It's really hard to sleep! Hack them!"

The majestic air fleet is flying in the Zandalari airspace in the South China Sea. Captain Gaboa, who was drunk last night, is now cursing and sitting on the luxurious chair he placed on the poop.

He berates his incompetent crew.

Tell them to quickly push the demons who rushed to the boat and fall to death, then grab a bottle of fine wine and pour it into their mouths in a fit of anger.

The Reaper under its seat is no longer what it used to be. The flagship that has been rebuilt twice is no longer a wooden ship with hips. It spent a lot of money in Mechagon to get a steel hull, and upgraded the firepower system to make this ship look It looks good, the special black and red paint for the cursed pirates makes it look like a gloomy sword when it jumps out of the clouds, absolutely murderous.

With the unparalleled firepower of this ship, the cursed pirates are now very imposing, running rampant in the South China Sea and Kalimdor waters, in the name of the Tidal Order, and receive soft monthly protection fees.


Who the hell is going to go to the bitter robbery, maintain the rules of the business route, and transfer to the big business to sit on the ground and collect money, isn't it good?

Amidst the screams of a group of unlucky demon guards being pushed down from the sky, Captain Gaboya found out this month's ledger and flipped through it. When he saw that the business of his "partner" Yulian gang was getting bigger and bigger, he was delighted tip of brow.

But when he thought about sharing part of his income with the people of Kul Tiran, his expression turned ugly as if he had eaten poop.

"Damn old Dai Lin, why did you fall to your death when you didn't wake up at night?"

The vulgar troll pirate yelled:

"I've become old bastards, and I still want to occupy the big fat of Nanhai and never let go. I heard that there are two beautiful wives on the coffin board. Why don't you send some witch doctor medicine to cheer you up? Let him come to the wind immediately."

"Then you are thinking too much, the old man is in good health.

A few days ago, he took the two queens for a ride in the sea. It is said that he personally drove the boat and had a good time at night, and he was not afraid of his old waist breaking. If you really think he's old, you're being fooled.

Let me tell you, there are all bureaus here.

You have to be careful, don't let that old guy kill you. "

A familiar voice rang in Gaboa's ears, making the "Duke of Storms" turn around in shock, and saw the evil and great Lord of the Silence sitting on the chair next to him drinking wine with his arms around a seductive snake beauty .

"Yo, why are you here?"

Gaboya bowed forward flatteringly as if changing his face, and pretended to bow down to pay tribute, and said in a strange way with his hands tied:

"You are a big shot now, playing circles with the Titan Creators all day long, if we old guys want to treat you to a meal, we have to look at the faces of those bastards under your command.

That bastard Zarak was not a man for throwing my invitation in my face! "

"What's wrong with Chi Chi?"

Bu Laike patted Xalatas' waist, squinted at Gaboa, and said:

"Didn't I come here? I brought friends."

After he finished speaking, Aridin, the king of black knights in black clothes and armor, walked out in a fog of monsters. That guy is now changing his shotguns, and he can't afford hundreds of thousands of gold coins in a mighty battle armor.

It seems that the Black Spirit Pirates have done well in the Eastern Continent recently.

"Why are you looking for him?"

Gaboya jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, swished out the pirate scimitar and waved it randomly in the air to summon several elite wind element guards.

He yelled:

"Who in the whole world doesn't know that those demons are going to rush in and strangle us all? This bastard is Sargeras' loyal henchman.

He is the enemy!

Just in time for delivery, you hold on, Bo Laike! Let me hack him to death with my own hands and send him to King Rastakhan for a bounty or something. "

"What are you crazy about?"

The King of Black Knights scolded angrily:

"We were friends who worked together before. Why did you want to kill me and dominate the endless sea after we haven't seen each other for a few days? You bastard, don't pretend, you have something to say today."


Gaboa looked at the dog pirate Bu Laike who was having a love affair with Xalatas, and then at the helpless black knight Eredin.

He slowly tasted something, waved his hand to dissipate the wind elemental guards, took out another bottle of wine and threw it to Eredin, and then said suspiciously in a low voice:

"So, this is another game?"

The troll pirate rubbed his fangs and said:

"What kind of dirty deal has our Silent One reached with Sargeras? Who is this a show for? Luring wolves into the house! Do we have to use the hands of the devil to clean up the disobedient bilge rats and create a monster in Azeroth? A world of evil gods?

Hey, great news!

I've been annoyed seeing those landlubbers for a long time, count me in!

Your Excellency Bu Laike, just say, let me go, the whole cursed fleet will go there, no matter what. I don't ask too much, after you achieve great things in the future, you can make me a 'King of Trolls'. "

"Shut up, why don't you become a mage with such a rich imagination?"

Bu Laike kicked the incongruous troll pirate, and his fingers wandered on Xal'atath, causing the latter to tremble with laughter, and said in a long voice:

"The demon invasion is true, and it is true that they are going to destroy the world, but it is true that Lord Sargeras and I have some plans, these are three things that need to be said separately.

I came here today to ask for your help, no more nonsense.

Mechagon has stockpiled a batch of 'goods', you take them over as quickly as possible, take people to tour around the Eastern Continent, and act as soon as you are told to act.

You also go up when the landlubbers can't stand it.

Although the pirates and the government are incompatible, but now is not the time to pay attention to the distinction between good and evil, and it will be a great achievement if this is done well. Don't ask about things in the depths, as the level is too low to get involved.

Anyway, just wait and watch the show. "

Speaking of this, Bu Laike rubbed his chin, rolled his eyes and twitched the two bigwigs in the current Azeroth pirate circle, and hooked his fingers to make them turn their ears.

He whispered:

"Of course we have to be a bit more aggressive in our pirate business. Let me ask you, are you interested in becoming a big one?"

(end of this chapter)

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