Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1884 12. Wild Dogs Waiting To Run Away

Chapter 1884 12. Wild Dogs Waiting to Run Away


A low-pitched loud noise exploded in the direction of the endless sea close to the maelstrom.

Under the impetus of hundreds of millions of tons of seawater, the crimson giant sword that fell from the sky ruthlessly inserted into the ground of the world of Azeroth like a pillar.

Before being sealed, the ruthless President Sa used his last chance to strike the little sister of Azeroth. At the moment when the long sword plunged into the world, Queen Azshara under the deep sea clearly heard the attack of the world. The mourning of the soul.

This is still when the exhausted and painful queen used the magic power of the world magic net to weaken the piercing force of the Dark Ripper. If President Sa was allowed to poke it down with a sword like that, Azeroth would definitely end up being beaten The fate of Sword Explosive Star.

But now it's scary too.

The gigantic Titan's sword almost pierced through the continental shelf of the seabed, causing the blood of the world to gushe out from under the rumbling ground in a gushing manner, and those flying streamers made Azshara's eyes widen.

Ten thousand years!

After 10,000 years, she finally felt that familiar breath again, almost exactly the same breath as the Well of Eternity.

The fresh blood of the world did not appear in the form of magic tides this time, but condensed into colorful strange crystals the moment it flowed out of the wound.

The queen withstood the seismic waves that exploded around the world, and picked up several pieces of pure crystal material that had just cooled down near the point where the blade fell.

She felt the energy contained in that material.

It was very similar to the operation of the arcane force she had felt in the ceremony before.

But before Azshara thought about it, she felt another breath approaching rapidly, and the queen who maintained the Naga form on the bottom of the sea immediately waved her tentacles to float herself to the surface.

The moment she came out of the water like a beautiful woman, she saw a dim shooting star streaking across the sky, with a long tail flame that rubbed against the air, and straightly slammed towards the Titan's sword that had been inserted obliquely on the surface of the world.

A thud made the Dark Ripper shake.

This impact also caused the pierced planet to feel more pain, and more blood of the world gushed out from the cracks in the earth after the earthquake and quickly cooled to form that strange crystal substance.

Like a weak wounded convulsing in pain.

But that feller had bad luck.

Under Azshara's very happy gaze, he collided with the huge sword of the Titan Sword seventeen times in a row, and then he smashed into the tumbling sea water with a bang, splashing all over the sky.

The poor Lord Cthulhu was stunned.

He was drifting in a daze and waiting for his body to recover, when he suddenly saw a bewitching Naga poking his head out of the water next to him.

Queen Azshara's five eyes shone with a common dangerous light, which made the pirates feel bad.

But before he could open his mouth, tentacles dotted with gems gushed out of the water, wrapped around the body of the seriously injured Lord Cthulhu like a snake, and pulled him into the cold and violent water bit by bit.

"I will drown in this state!"

The pirate struggled and let out a strange cry.

In the next moment, his cold and strangely passionate lips blocked his next speech, and by the way, he sent precious air into the lungs that Lord Silent One didn't need to breathe at all.

It's not so much first aid as a hot flirtation after a victory.

"Smelly pirate, you were so fierce yesterday, how dare you insult your queen like that."

Azshara's icy voice echoed in Bo Laike's frail mind, and she sneered with the queen's trademark haughtiness and said:

"It's in my hands now, and I've got to teach you the rules. Look, I'm happy today, come, my court jester, and try to please your lord."

"I can't specify it. Hey, you lunatic, I'm a wounded person, take it easy!"

And so, in the tide approaching the sword of destruction, a seriously injured man fell into the hands of an evil woman who was waiting for "revenge".

Well, he had a rough day today.

But Sargeras's sword wasn't inserted casually.

At the moment when Bu Laike was dragged by Azshara and sank into the "deep sea dream", the maelstrom that had been stable for ten thousand years suddenly began to change strangely.

Amidst the low sound of rock vibrations, the Legion of Deepholm began to enter the material world.

With the help of her daughters, the emotional pollution has been eliminated, and Master Shimu, who has "successfully slimmed down" and become the most beautiful woman in the elemental world, is also very surprised.

She didn't understand why the last barrier between the elemental realm and the material world suddenly disappeared just now.

But she can understand the situation facing Azeroth now.

If you can't help mortals fight back the demons, then once Azeroth falls into the realm of fel energy, the fate of these elemental monarchs with the world will definitely not be good.

Therefore, thanks to the "Flying Sword" rewarded by Lord Sargeras, the elemental army will also appear in this final battle.


"Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

While Azeroth is staging a desperate battle between demons and mortals, on the other side of the balance of life and death, in a horizon that is so far away that it is almost impossible to measure with footsteps, the instigator of all things, Emperor Denathrius, is sitting in his own seat in Nas on the throne of Leaburg.

He was holding that glass of bloody wine that seemed to never be finished.

With the enjoyment full of heart energy, he let his long white hair flutter, and the appreciation shown in those extremely charming blood-colored eyes made him seem to have just watched an extremely wonderful performance.

As if feeling the master's joyful mood, the bloody sharp blade suspended beside him also hummed, like the accompaniment of a soprano, making the comfortable emperor even more heroic.

There are mirrors in front of the emperor.

It was not a magic mirror made temporarily, but an eternal magic mirror made in Venthyr's depraved and luxurious style, through which the emperor could see everything that happened in the entire kingdom of death, and even in other realms.

At this time, the luxurious mirror is replaying the picture of the souls of the Titans teaming up to seal the terrifyingly powerful dark titan Sargeras into the ruins of the Pantheon.

There is also a dedicated mirror to fix the perspective on the Silent One.

Let the emperor see the heroism of the Silent One at the last moment, see how he stabbed the sharp knife into Sargeras' forehead so bravely, and how sadly he was seriously injured and embarrassed by the final counterattack of the Dark Titan.

"It's really a greedy person who can do anything for profit."

The emperor commented very emotionally:

"It's a terrible knife, so reassuring when pointed at an enemy, but also makes the wielder tremble when held by the hilt.

A troublesome guy, a guy you can't trust.

Fortunately, we don't need him anymore. "

"Don't jump to conclusions like that."

A deep voice resounded in the Emperor's Chamber of Eternals, as if it was an answer or persuasion. It was a voice that people could never forget.

It seems exhausted.

But it is not desperate, nor does it have any hope, it is very gentle but contains an explosion of power.


The emperor didn't seem surprised by the appearance of this voice.

He looked back at a very strange black mirror on his side from his throne.

This mirror is completely different from other luxurious mirrors. It doesn't have any embellishments, and the black lacquer doesn't look like a crystal grinding, but more like a creation after some dark substance is applied.

"You think we should keep him?"

Emperor Denathius was in a good mood, so he said softly:

"But why? Why did you have to leave that trouble? I told you about the beautiful relationship between him and Miss Maiev that made me cry.

Haven't you decided to make Maiev Shadowsong your 'Angel of Death'?

You said you saw unparalleled talent in that soul.

If we keep Bo Laike, if we let him come to the Shadowlands again, what do you think this guy who dared to throw a weapon at Sargeras would do to you and me once he knew you wanted his wife? "

Speaking of this, the Great Emperor pretended to shake his body and said:

"You heartless guy can't be afraid, but I can't, I feel afraid when I think of that future, to be an enemy with the famous Brad Laike Shaw.

Tsk tsk, this is not a good choice. "

The voice from the black mirror was silent for a moment, and said:

"The Eldest Daughter and the Winter Queen have made an alliance, Maldraxxus is in chaos but not enough to be manipulated by you, and if you don't plan to do it yourself, then you need this knife.


She's a good fit to accept the power of dominion as the Angel of Death, but for the sake of the long run, I can give her up, if it's worth the friendship of Laike Shaw. "

This answer made the emperor frown.

As a former brother, he understands the mind of the guy opposite the black mirror and his crazy thoughts better than anyone else. Although what he said is similar to persuasion, if the emperor doesn't listen, the result will definitely be very troublesome.

The exile has always been a troublesome character of extreme and one-sidedness.

"Okay, okay, you have a point."

The emperor thought for a moment, nodded and said:

"We do need him to do some shady dirty work, but how do we arrange for him? That's a god, Zovar, and we have to figure it out."

"Didn't he want to go to Zaresantis?"

The mysterious figure named "Zovar" said:

"Let him go.

We need a Pathfinder.

The taboos left by the Firstborn also need to be broken by outsiders who do not obey the rules of death. He can find everything he is looking for there, and we can also get what we need.

if he wants more

The Furnace of the Underworld is his final destination!

The Firstborn were there to forge gods like us, and we are there to end the stories of gods. "


The emperor's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said:

"My friend, you always say that you don't bother to use intrigue, but in fact you are the one who is best at these things, and you are so ruthless, to squeeze out his last value and give him another choice.

Don't you realize that you are actually a lot like that stubborn dark titan?

Both are the kind of horrible guys who are willing to sacrifice everything for a great cause. "

"It's really similar, haha."

The voice sank, as if falling into a deep sleep, and he said:

"If the environment is changed, I may be able to become friends with him. But unfortunately, a divided universe cannot resist the coming crisis."

"Starting talking nonsense again."

Emperor Denathrius sighed, he no longer entangled in the "language behavior art" of his allies, and changed the subject and asked:

"Is the heart energy enough for you to move freely? Do you need me to send some down to you?"

"No, the Tower of Sinful Souls is already full."

On this issue, the very high-pitched voice also said helplessly:

"The souls of Azeroth are too unique, their souls are full of anima, they still refuse to be peaceful after death, and the entire Maw is messed up by them.

and your children

Denathius, your son Reinathor seems to have found a new 'friend' during his exile journey, and he is plotting to overthrow my rule. "

"Why, he's still a kid."

The emperor was embarrassed and said:

"Let him go, with his rough level of intrigue, there will be no splashes in your domain. Now, I will give the final order to our warriors in your place.

Be patient, friends, our great deed is about to be accomplished. "


The sound dissipated.

The emperor drank the fine wine in his hand and put his hand on the trembling bloody sharp blade. He seemed to hear his beloved sharp blade complaining to him.

After a few seconds, the Great Emperor shook his head.

This handsome guy who can show the supreme force at any time seems to have revealed some weakness and troubles at this moment, which makes him stripped from that omnipotent state of God, like a child who is worried about the future old father.

He sighed, stroked the spiritual saber, and said:

"I just hope he can learn from the setbacks. After all, he is my son and the perfect successor in my heart. He is a part of me, and I pour all the good things into him.

Say no to him, my faithful Lemonia.

One day he will take my throne and become the ruler of Revendreth, but he is too young now, it is not a problem, children always need to fall to grow. "

In the next moment, Emperor Denathrius, who didn't want to discuss family and education anymore, returned to his cold godlike posture.

He sat back on the throne, closed his eyes, and passed an order to his loyal creations across the world gap between life and death.

In the extremely cold and gloomy deepest part of the Northrend continent, at the highest point of the inaccessible Icecrown Glacier, on the Ice Throne that can freeze the soul, the servants of death finally got their orders.

"He said, it's time to go!"

The hoarse voice came out of Tichondrius's mouth, and the Lich King Anduin Lothar, who was holding the dreadlord's head ornament, nodded.

The Lich King stood up, clutching Frostmourne in his hand.

The faint blue light danced on the commanding inscription on the sword body, like an order to assemble.

As the Lich King walked down his Frozen Throne step by step, when he reached the last step with his sword in hand, he handed the skull of the Dread Demon King to Faith, the third lord with beautiful blue wings. Toss.

The latter accepted the "reward" in surprise, put his former boss's head in front of his eyes and admired it, and said in his heart that it would be great to work with Master Bu Laike Xiao.

Good things are bestowed twice in three days, which is much more generous than Emperor Denathrius.

"It's time to move."

Lothar said to the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" standing in front of him:

"The world of mortals is collapsing. Those souls have nowhere to go. Death is brewing in the shadows. It will break out today. We will be the vanguard of the Shadowlands, and the rules of death will be conveyed to every corner under the stars.

The age of chaos and destruction is over.

Silent death will rule over all. "

Yrel, Ryan, and Antonidas all nodded in agreement.

Only the tall figure with a ferocious battle helmet stood alone on the glacier on the edge of the throne, and he was looking at the gray dead world from this icy highland with an ice battle ax on his back.

He seemed to be outside the upper echelons of the Scourge, like a ghost who didn't belong here.

"are you ready?"

Lothar asked blankly.

The tall figure in the black keel battle armor, covering himself tightly stretched out his hand and touched the black-gray helmet of domination. In the shimmering light of the dark green water drop gemstone on his forehead, the entire Northrend All undead have been given the mandatory order of unified command.

Countless blue dots of light lit up in the world below.

Each dot of light represents an awakened dead person. This scene is like a sea of ​​stars falling down, but without any artistry, it can only bring endless fear to people.

After doing all this, the big man replied in a hoarse voice without any emotional ups and downs:

"Lead them, Lothar, lead me, Lich King. I only have one last question for you. Will you wag your tail at the few bones they drop?"


Lothar mentioned Frostmourne, turned and walked towards the teleportation rune, his voice echoed in the cold wind, and finally fell into the ears of the big man.

He said:

"I'll bite off their bone-throwing hands, tear their necks to the accompaniment of their screams, devour their hearts and feast on them.

Be patient, friend.

The leash is about to come off."

(end of this chapter)

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