Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1961 89. Surprise Opening On The Last Day [1/16]

Chapter 1961 89. Surprise opening on the last day [116]

Burning Plains, under the Black Rock Mountain, this barren land seems to bear a certain cursed fate, always attracting all kinds of disputes to gather here.

It's like yesterday repeating itself. In the decisive battle between humans and orcs a few years ago, the blood of the past seems to have not yet dried up, and the new fight has reached its peak here.

The Burning Legion offensive is still world-class.

Nearly one and a half months after the entire Azeroth entered into an all-out war with the demons, all civilizations had exhausted all their cards and could barely maintain the current situation of confrontation. When Azeroth's resistance has not been completely defeated before the end of the runaway period of the force frenzy, the outcome of this war is actually doomed.

This world, which has experienced countless challenges, has shown a resilience that shocks even the demons. They have clearly pushed this world to the brink, and they only need one last push to push it into the abyss.

But that last step never went out.

Under the Blackstone Tower, gunpowder smoke billowed.

After experiencing a night of secret battles, the demons who tried to attack the defense line once again dropped nearly a thousand corpses and retreated to their caster camp, but the defense line full of corpses remained calm.

Whether it was the Orc warriors who were waiting for a rest with numb faces after fighting all night, or the Black Iron Dwarven Dragoons who came to change defense with a belch, both sides had nothing to say about last night's battle. It was no longer the glory of victory or the bitterness of defeat.

That's just their life now.

The ghouls of the Scourge of the Undead are carrying corpses in front of the position. Those warriors who died in battle will be recycled as completely as possible to be awakened as death knights. If they are really broken, they will be taken back to become part of the abomination structure.

Even the flesh and blood of those demons cannot be wasted.

Although the ghouls complained about the taste of these flesh and blood full of evil energy, under the undead Scourge's system that didn't give any reason or excuses, no one would care about the ghouls' opinions on food.

It's good to eat something.

If you really don't want to eat, you can go to the battlefield hungry and use it as cannon fodder, and even a brainless ghoul knows the truth about eating before dying.

In the past, this kind of behavior of blaspheming the dead would definitely be scolded by the reckless orcs and even cause unnecessary confusion. After all, after the return of the shaman inheritance, the bloodthirsty orcs also became rational. The soul is in awe.

However, the war has progressed to this point, and it is no longer the time to talk about traditions.

It is said that the ancestral graves of the Wrynn family have become conscription grounds for the undead Scourge, and now the human emperor is fighting side by side with not only his father, who is the commander of the Scourge, but also the current first cavalryman of the Eastern Continental Lu Yuan Expeditionary Army of the Undead Scourge Admante Wrynn, the commander of the division, is the grandfather of His Majesty Varian.

There is also gossip that His Majesty's great-grandfather is already in the process of being resurrected, but that is just a gossip for publicity. After all, people have been dead for so long, and no matter how dissatisfied the soul is, it is time to die and go to the shadow kingdom.

But in the final analysis, the emperor of the human empire even contributed to the ancestral graves in order to win the war, so why do you have any complaints about being resurrected as death knights after death?

Besides, the Eastern Continent's front line was able to remain in the Burning Plains thanks to the support of the Scourge. Without these undead, the orcs would have jumped into the sea with their Chief Red in half a month.

In the war years, it is also an option to resurrect the undead after an honorable death, and to dedicate a second life to one's race and country.

Still a very honorable choice.

At least the human empire has begun to promote the necessity and rationality of the profession of death knight, and the behind-the-scenes manipulator of the propaganda is said to be the Church of the Holy Light, which used to be immortal with the undead.

If possible, everyone hopes to stick to the bottom line, but in this difficult time, everyone is forced to do nothing.

"I heard that voice. Again."

The platform at the highest point of Black Rock Mountain stands like an ice sculpture on the favorite terrace of His Excellency Nefarian, the Black Dragon Prince. Looking at the battlefield, the Scourge Commander whispered:

"It's calling me"

"It says it's time."

This death knight wearing a full set of Saronite armor and a full-covered evil helmet like a frozen iron tower, making it impossible for others to see his face or even guess his race seems to be talking to himself .

But when he spoke, the icy luster shining on the helmet and the flickering runes around the emerald water drop gemstone on the forehead of the helmet represented that he was talking to someone across space.

Great Chief Red stood just behind the platform. The fat orc chief was dragged here from the bed by two death knights.

He didn't understand what happened at all, but when he saw this tower-like figure, even Red Blackhand, who was like a hob, had to put away his slutty look.

He stood there like a warrior, as if waiting for orders from some great man.

He didn't even dare to look up at the indifferent figure in front of him, for fear that the latter would pick up the two-handed skull ax that seemed to be forged from ice, and split his fat head off his neck.

He knows who this person is.

He was one of the few leaders on this continent who fully knew the secrets of the person in front of him, and about those dark and gloomy secrets, even the big-mouthed Red would not dare to reveal a word to others when he was drunk.

And at this moment, probably no one will pay attention to the thoughts and thoughts of Chief Red.

The tower-like figure was waiting for an answer.

With the characteristics of the commanding helmet infused with the death force, he can contact every soul in the entire undead disaster, and even talk to any undead in any corner of the world.

What this helmet gave him was not only the power to control the undead, but also a curse and a responsibility.

Now, the curse is about to be fulfilled, and the duty is about to be fulfilled.

In the northern border of the far eastern continent, in the capital palace of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the rulers of the seven human kingdoms are already here, and the emperor of the human empire pushed open the gate of this palace.

Wearing a full set of black lion armor, Varian Wrynn was too lazy to say any diplomatic rhetoric. His eyes swept across the rulers and commanders in front of him. That cold gaze made everyone who was seen tremble. Subconsciously stood up straight, even including the old but still wise King Terenas.


His Majesty Varian looked at the little princess representing Kul Tiras in surprise, and said:

"Where's His Majesty Dai Lin?"

"Father went to the world of death. Before he left, he told me and the entire Kul Tiras to obey any instructions from His Majesty the Emperor."

Little Gianna said so.

An old priest of Shengguang opposite her immediately drew a religious symbol on his chest, but the next moment, Faol, who couldn't bear to look directly at him, stretched out his hand to stop it.

What the little princess said was literal.

It's not that His Majesty Dai Lin was summoned by the Holy Light, it's just that the veteran general who couldn't take a break just participated in the miraculous action that was recently rumored.

A group of pirates gathered to explore and plunder the realm of the dead.

It sounds unreliable, but many people present knew that the action was real.

His Majesty Varian nodded. He turned sideways to make way for someone walking behind him. Under the gazes of everyone in the conference hall with different expressions, Anduin Lothar, the Lich King, Walking into the palace with cold death steps, his godless eyes did not look at anyone, it seemed that what existed here was only an empty shell used to carry evil power.

"The time has come, gentlemen."

Lothar didn't waste time either, he was a person who focused on efficiency no matter whether he was alive or dead.

It's as if he's announcing the arrival of a momentous moment.

This endless sentence made everyone present frown, and Kael'thas Sunstrider, the Sun King of Quel'Thalas who participated in the meeting through magic, was the first to ask:

"What does this mean? Your Majesty the Lich King, what do you mean 'the time has come'?"

Facing his question, Lothar turned his head and looked at the elf monarch who still exuded a feminine aura, but was a little more masculine because of a hideous scar on his cheek.

He replied very seriously:

"The day has come when this war, all wars, will end.

Of course, all peace comes with blood, and there is a final battle to be fought before we lay down our arms and regain our peace. "

Lothar's words made everyone in the palace visibly excited. Although they doubted the authenticity of the words, the undead would not joke.

The Lich King said that this war, which has made everyone unbearable, is coming to an end, so after surviving the tragic night, there is a high probability that everyone will really be able to see the dawn.

Kael'thas was also stunned for a moment, and then the Sun King asked:

"Have you found a way to defeat or exile the demon?"

"Not a demon."

Lothar shook his head, and while everyone was watching, he pulled out the Soul Eater Demon Sword he was carrying behind his backhand. As the cold blade rose, a burst of icy breath hit the top floor of the palace, freezing it instantly At the same time, the thick dome shattered the solid ice, and the shattered ice blocks were blown away by the howling wind thrown by the Lich King.

In just a few seconds, a big "skylight" was opened in this gorgeous palace, and the bright sky was displayed in front of the monarchs while the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

"let's start."

Lothar looked at the sky with Frostmourne in his hand, and Varian Wrynn beside him heard the Lich King whisper, but he didn't know who he was talking to.

At the same time, on the Black Rock Mountain, under Red Blackhand's horrified gaze, the indifferent Death Commander in front of him, who was as indifferent as an ice sculpture, suddenly moved.

He stretched out his hands and put them on the edge of his battle helmet.

Like pushing a heavy mountain, bit by bit the coldly shining dominance helmet was removed from his head amidst the howling cold wind.

This process seems to be short, but in fact it is like a kind of slow motion advancement.

It can be seen that it is not an easy matter to take off the helmet of dominance, even this warrior who has done great things in his lifetime must do his best to get rid of the entanglement of that curse.

That difficult posture made Red couldn't help clenching his fists, wanting to cheer for the guy in front of him.

A few seconds later, the tall figure held the helmet in his hand, and he clasped the edge of the cold helmet with both hands. In the double explosion of the power of death and some kind of anger imprinted in the soul, the soldier was caught. The Death Artifact made by the master forged rattled and made an overwhelmed sound as it was pulled bit by bit.

It was as if the soul who dared to swing the knife at the Titan was integrating the last of his strength and will into this destructive move.

Every time he used a force, the condemnation of death on his body became heavier. Every time he broke the helmet in his hand, the feedback from the death force became thicker and thicker around the Black Rock Mountain.

At the moment when the first crack burst out from the corner of the battle helmet, the sky above the extremely scorching burning plain was gloomy, and eerie snowflakes fell down unexpectedly.

And when the sharp corners of the dominion helmet bent and fell, fist-sized hailstones swept across the desolate land ravaged by the primordial fire like a torrential rain.

Red people are stupid.

Every fat piece of his body was trembling.

Not only because the old orc in front of him forcibly broke the artifact that governs the natural disasters of the undead, but also because with the actions of this old bastard, the entire sky of Azeroth is undergoing shocking changes.

It wasn't just Red who saw it.

The warriors of the entire Burning Plain, the people of the entire eastern continent, the monarchs far away in the northern border, and even the elves on the holy mountain of Hyjal in another continent.

Even demons.

At this moment, people in the whole world looked at the sky amidst the change of heaven and earth, and another world seemed to be reflected there.

Such as the power of tumbling and burning entwined on the nine heavens, it is the image of the thick curtain of life and death between the shadow kingdom and the material world being impacted and destroyed.

That is the grand scene that the over-prosperous death force will be highlighted on the eve of oppressing other domains and causing the imbalance of the force during countless years of gestation. It is a harbinger of an ancient seal being opened.

It is as if the reflections of the material stars are approaching the real world, as if a door is about to be opened from the material world to the realm of death.

They saw Maw Abyss.

They saw the tower that ruled the Sanctuary, and the spire of Torghast Sinner's Tower, entangled in chains and spikes and the power of death, was like a beacon to the world.

Like a dark giant rising from the water, it is peeling off the mysterious atmosphere and showing the original appearance of death to all the living.

The sky of Azeroth is like a water surface, separating the two worlds, but now, the two worlds are approaching, they are about to meet, and they are about to merge.


Denathrius the Great, who ran out of the Rune Carver's chamber, stood at the top of the Torghast Tower, and the countless Venthyr nobles and Oathsworn behind him could see everything that happened in the material world when they looked up.

The sinful emperor looked in horror at the reflection on the top of the Black Rock Mountain, the death orc who was burned to almost dry bones by the fire of the Titan, was doing his best to tear the helmet of dominance.

His movements are filled with a sense of daunting power.

The emperor, who had heard all this from the military master, fully understood the consequences of the shattering of the curtain at this moment. He shouted at the top of his voice, using the controlling power left by Zovall to roar:

"I order you! Stop!"


Bu Rocks Saurfang on Blackrock Mountain heard the angry voice.

As a warrior, he naturally heard the fear and panic contained in that noble voice.

As a result, the black-faced, skeleton-like old orc who was burned by the flames of Aggramar raised his head, and grinned mockingly at the Eternal Emperor in the roar of death condemnation.

He said:

"You are not him. You can't control me."


The helmet of dominion in Bu Rocks' hands was completely torn apart in the final scream, and the "water surface" where the two worlds merged above the sky boiled at this moment.

A series of black cracks unfolded in front of Emperor Denathrius like a spider web, the entire Maw was shaking, and the entire Shadow Kingdom was shaking.

And in the tower of Torghast behind the emperor, in the secret room of the talisman carver, the soldier lord who was hanging by chains and sitting cross-legged hummed a strange song, and took out the stained visor with his backhand. A shining emblem of the Pantheon.

He coiled that thing in his hands, injecting his last remaining death power into it.

Like a brat playing with a firecracker, the moment he ignites the "fuse", he throws the furious emblem far away.


Between the collision and outbreak of the force of order and death, the entire tower of sinful souls swayed.

The emperor, who was caught off guard, shook his body a few times before he stabilized his figure, and above his head, the cracked curtain completely shattered a big gap under this final blow, and the upside-down scenery was like countless broken glass surrounded Around the gap between the two worlds, every piece of "glass" reflects a figure descending from the sky with an ax in hand.


In the impact like Mount Tai's top pressure, the first death commander who crossed the curtain of life and death and fell into the Maw Abyss moved his shoulders and stood up.

Bu Rocks Saurfang held the battle ax named Shadowmourne, and hooked his fingers at the bloody emperor in disdain.

He said:

"You want war?"

"Very well, here we come. Let's go to war!"

(end of this chapter)

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