Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1973 101. You Can't Buy At A Loss And You Can't Be Fooled. We Are Notoriously Inno

Chapter 1973 101. You can't buy at a loss and you can't be fooled. We are famous for being innocent and innocent [1316]

The situation in the entire Shadow Kingdom is very bad. The Force War is in full swing in the Maw, and the countries outside the Maw have also felt the determination of the Force to balance each other.

When Revendreth was invaded by both demons and holy light, the little blue angels who had been promoted to the fort encountered an ancient enemy.

The lightless sea opened three rifts in that beautiful country. The angels and the army of hundreds of hearts that had assembled for the revenge of the eldest daughter had to be divided into three to resist the Faceless Man and Kezier's band before they set off. Come double corrosion.

The situation in Chilan Xianye is better.

But there were also other Force masters who slipped into the forest, and the Wild Hunting Group under the Winter Queen was so busy that even Bwonsamdi and his Loa children who had just officially entered the "organization" were recruited.

But the worst situation is still Olympus, the eternal city.

After Zaresantis, who represented the order of destiny, was lifted by the Dark Titan, the servants of the gods who had been hit hard were rushed to pieces by the demons rushing up from the Maw before they regrouped, because the Eternal City had The flight gate connecting the various worlds of the Shadow Kingdom has made this transfer hub a focus of contention among various forces.

Grom Hellscream, the war overlord of Maldraxxus, had to send the death knights of the most capable warriors under his command, the death knights of the Soul Chosen Secret Academy, to fight under the command of their new Marquis Bu Rocks Saurfang. the Eternal City.

But this move has attracted the attention of other fields of force, and now it is lively.

The huge Olympus has now been divided up by the five forces other than the arcane force, and the city surrounded by the five forces has started a brutal street fighting mode.

Every street and every building has become the front line. The continuous bombardment of plague, corrosion, holy light and fel cannon has turned the oldest city in the shadow kingdom into the second war hell besides the Maw.

Fortunately, the death knights under Lao Hou's command were very successful. They paid huge casualties and finally blew up the flight gate to other countries. However, it is foreseeable that the battle for the city will not end so easily. Just like this eternal bloody battle that has just started, the next peace that comes is estimated to wait hundreds or even thousands of years later.

But all of this has nothing to do with the initiator of the eternal bloody battle.

Revendreth, where Lord Cthulhu was located, was very calm. Venthyr and Nathrezim, who had been preparing for the battle, had a tacit understanding with the naaru from the Holy Light camp, and at the same time stopped their preparations for the war.

The entire Nasria Castle was filled with joy, and all the Venthyr nobles sent their most ingenious mud servants here, and began to decorate the magnificent palace left by the great emperor under the command of Mad Duke Sittar.

The fast-flying little stone spirits were sent out to various countries to send letters to the nobles.

These stone elves carry the flag of the Naglfar ship and the personal emblem of the Quiet One, which guarantees that they will not be attacked by any power in the war.

During the second period of the Immortal Fleet, the Evil of the World was also sent back to Azeroth, and the incompetent guys under the pirates have already shouldered a very important mission.

As for Laike himself, he is also busy with a very important matter.

"Where are you taking me?"

In the captain's cabin of the ghost ship Naglfar sailing in the space, Lord Aggramar, the soul of the titan who has shrunk his body, sat in front of him on the vulgar and gorgeous captain's chair with a puzzled tone The evil god who smoked the pipe said:

"You should know that I need to rest now. The creation energy from the destruction of Zaresantis hit my spiritual body. You and Sargeras will not be affected, but I can't."

"Don't ask too much, it's a good thing to ask."

Bu Laike now has a weird smile on his face, as if he stepped on dog shit and picked up a lot of money when he went out, and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

It can be seen that he is in a very good mood.

He didn't even care about the noise when the murloc gang assembled on the deck, and even regarded the squawking noise of those murlocs as a kind of "auspiciousness" similar to magpies.

He slumped on the captain's chair as if he had no bones, looked at Lord Aggramar in front of him, and after waiting for several seconds, he said:

"You may not know it, but Lord Sargeras, whom I admire the most, used his 'personal relationship' before leaving. He asked me to let me take care of his old brother.

A righteous pirate like me originally didn't want to participate in this matter of using power for personal gain.

But there is no way, Lord Sargeras still has to give you face, so I will give you a big 'discount' on the first day of the opening of my small shop.

Oh, by the way, you remember to prepare the gift money. "

"Huh? Gift money?"

After solving the obsession in his heart, Aggramar, who saw the warden's defeat and became peaceful again and began to look forward to the future, raised his head in surprise and said:

"What gift money?"

"Of course it's the share money from good friends when they get married."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, opened the drawer and took out a very festive red bronzing invitation card, and threw it to Lord Titan, who glanced at it in his hand and exclaimed:

"Are you going to get married? So suddenly? With whom?"

"Look at what you're asking! It's tiresome."

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, and said helplessly in a sullen tone:

"You will know if you open it and have a look?"

Aggramar opened the invitation, looked at it carefully, and then became speechless.

The column for the groom is Braike Shaw, with "Drake Proudmoore" as the suffix. There is no problem with this. Now Lord Cthulhu's identity as a "double-faced man" has spread throughout the six realms. The faces of the newly born Faceless Men in the sea already knew the dark history of Braike.

But the bride column is outrageous.

In addition to Ms. Maiev Shadowsong, there are also the names of Sefiel and Xalatath. The configuration of the groom and three brides is enough to shock the world, but Lord Aggramar never expected that there would be a second invitation card. Page two and page three.

After flipping through, the column for the groom is still Bo Laike and Drake, but the column for the bride has become Fenna Golden Sword. The groom is very low-key and doesn't write too many titles, but the bride's side is very exaggerated.

What is the Juggernaut of the Raging Sea, what is the God of War to protect the country of Quel'Thalas, what is the high-ranking commander of the Azeroth Anti-Demon Alliance, and the badge of the Marquis of the Secret Academy of Creation of Maldraxxus and the God of Courage.

The most outrageous thing is that Fenner got the imprint of the Pantheon from nowhere and printed it on her wedding invitation.

This girl inherited the divine power of the guardian Tyr, and Tyr was a family member of Aggramar. Now the titan spirit finally knew why Laike had to hand over the invitation to him so formally.

Even with Tyre's relationship, the wedding itself must be attended.

But the biggest problem with this marriage is the relationship between Fenner and Braike. Although with the current status of the evil god, probably no one in the six major domains would put this matter on the table so firmly, but everyone privately There will certainly be no shortage of discussions here.

Although the rules of humans and mortal creatures are definitely not applicable to gods, this is not a glorious thing.

Lord Aggramar sighed, feeling very tired at once, and at the same time felt that Fenner and Bu Laike had the courage to really take this step.

He turned the invitation to the third page.

The grooms are still Bo Laike Shaw and Drake Proudmoore, but this time the bride is Her Royal Highness Princess Calia Menethil, the heir to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

On the third page, there are densely packed signatures of the emperors and kings of the human empire and the royal family stamps of the Seven Kingdoms, which clearly shows that it is a political marriage, but it does not look like a formal marriage without feelings.

Based on Aggramar's understanding of Bu Laike, if he really had no relationship with Princess Calia, he would not put her name together with Maiev, Sefiel, and Xalatas.

"You still know how to play"

Titan was speechless for a few seconds, then he took the invitation card in his hand and glanced at the smug Laike, and then asked a soul torture.

He said:

"You and five brides get married at the same time, so do I have to prepare five gifts as well?"

"Oh, how embarrassing that is."

Bu Laike rubbed his hands, put down his pipe and glanced at Lord Aggramar, then said in a drawn out voice:

"But if you are such a well-mannered god, if you have to give it, I can't refuse it. But don't worry, I will give you a gift in advance that will definitely satisfy you.

Well, look, here we are. "

The voice of the evil myth fell for a moment, and the Nagfar, which was sailing in the space, sailed into the edge of a small island wrapped in the vast space as if piercing through the fog of the ocean.

He looked out the window of the captain's cabin, and he could see an island about the size of Tol Barad in the material world in this ever-changing "Sea of ​​Death".

Thinking that such "small kingdoms" are all over the world of death, even the eternals here can't tell how many such places there are in the inter-domain.

An island with such a small scale will certainly not be able to produce a prosperous civilization like the four major kingdoms. In fact, most of such small islands in the space are barren and barren, but the small island in front of Braike is different. It has Although the complete mountain and canyon are not large in size, they look fertile and beautiful.

At this time, besides the temporary pier built on this island, in addition to the Nagfar that is docking, there is also a spirit-style airship docked there.

The first financial officer under Laike's command, and the first big pirate born and bred in the shadow world, Ms. Way Nali is standing on the pier waiting for the arrival of her master.

When Laike and Aggramar stepped off the board and set foot on the island, the female spirit captain dressed in a cool red pirate suit saluted her leader in a dignified way, and shouted angrily:

"Your Excellency Laike, your first pirate treasure in the Shadow Kingdom has been packed, and we sent all the canned anima looted from the promotion fortress here this morning.

But no one knows how to operate that weird machine."

"Of course you can't manipulate it, it's not a secret that rookies at your level can peek at."

Bu Laike curled his lips, picked up his pipe again, and waved to the Pirate King of the shadow broker pirate faction under his command, saying:

"You can leave, the location of this place is only known to you, if I find out that there are uninvited guests here later, then you should be ready to meet the wrath of Lord Cthulhu.

My dear pirate captain Way Nally, I believe you are a wise man.

You're not going to get yourself into trouble, are you? "

"of course not."

Will Nali took off her cool pirate hat and put it on her chest, swearing seriously:

"I will keep this secret in the depths of my soul until the day my life decays and I take it with my body to the grave.

Besides, even if I have an idea, I can't get past the mighty giant guardian beast you left here. Your Excellency Drake really has a good appetite. Several spirit pirates under my command have been eaten by it. "

"Okay, okay, go and count your harvest after looting the Veil Market."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said to his new subordinate:

"Don't forget to talk to Maldraxxus about the delivery of military supplies. Now that the Eternal City has been cut off and become an isolated city, the undead do not need food and water, but they want to persist there There must be a good enough logistics officer.

I think you can try to take this business.

There is no war in this shadow country that cannot be fought for thousands of years. Doing military supplies business is a good way to accumulate wealth. "

"Ha, I think so too. With Queen Fenna's relationship, no one can compete with my pirate consortium for this business."

Will Nally put on her pirate hat, blew an indecisive whistle, bid farewell to her leader, and then boarded their airship with the most ambitious and most unruly wandering brokers under her command. It quickly disappeared into the ups and downs of the inter-domain storm.

Aggramar didn't speak the whole time, but silently followed Laike into the canyon deep in this deserted island.

He saw Boo Laike's void pet, the five-headed dragon, the Eater of Worlds, and Doomsday's death knell Drake built himself a nest at the entrance of the canyon, and he was sleeping soundly in it.

This giant beast was strengthened and blessed by Bu Laike's Life Godhead and Void Godhead at the same time, making it even more powerful, approaching the shackles of demigods and weak gods.

And judging from the generosity of Pirates to his subordinates, this terrifying dragon beast may cross that boundary one day in the future and become another top life form of the six original forces.

But after actually walking into the canyon, Aggramar's eyes widened.

He stared in astonishment at the golden machine hall hidden inside the canyon, at the forging machines full of mysterious geometrical runes, and filled with the unknown technological style of the First Born.

And the five god containers lying in the finished product warehouse.

The appearance of those containers is very similar to the five Eternals from the previous Shadow Kingdom. They are the bodies of gods made by the Firstborn, each with a complete godhead.

Arbitration, duty, war, new life, pardon.

The five power rules of the shadow kingdom, respectively for the supreme power of the five eternal ones.

Bu Laike stood in front of the five storage bins with a pipe in his mouth. He looked at Aggramar who was standing still in front of him. He puffed out the smoke ring, spread his hands, and said with a smile on his face:


You don't really think I did nothing while we and Lord Sargeras killed Zorvar, did you?

Without sending you all away, how can I move this god container manufacturing workshop completely out of Zaresantis? You don't really think a savvy pirate like me would let such a good thing get lost in ruins, do you?

Alright, now choose one yourself, and treat it as a return gift for your five gift money.

But you can't choose the battle prototype, that thing has been assigned to Grom Hellscream by default, and the fusion can be completed only after his soul breaks through the universe level in the endless battle, making him a real 'warlord'.

And the forgiveness prototype has to be transformed into my lovely wife, and she needs a container to reproduce. Ahem, you don't need to know about this.

For the sake of Lord Sargeras asking me to take care of you, if you are not satisfied with these five, I can also start a manufacturing factory to customize a container for you.

Of course, this kind of container made of phantom phosphorus is not comparable to your former Titans in terms of strength and potential, but no matter what, it is indeed a real container of gods, and it is also enough to carry your universe. soul. "

After Laike finished speaking, Aggramar shuddered.

He looked at Bu Laike and said:

"You told me on the boat just now that 'the shop is open'. What are you going to do with this container manufacturing workshop?"

"What do you think I'm going to do?"

Lord Cthulhu grinned a meaningful smile. In the background of the golden container workshop, he stretched his shoulders and said with a smoke ring:

"There are a lot of cosmic-level souls in the six major domains, but it is difficult to find a suitable spiritual container for 99% of the nobles, such as you Titans, who have their own planetary containers when they wake up. not enough.

So many people are longing for liberation, but no one can bring them hope in their longing.

But now, those times of torment are over, and the Lord of the Quiet brings costly hope to those spirits who cannot escape.

You know, I serve the Six Forces at the same time.

In fact, I can also serve those noble people in the Six Forces who are eager to go further, as long as their price is high enough.

Of course, the phantom phosphorus, a raw material that can only be produced during Genesis, is very difficult to find. Fortunately, I also dragged out the wreckage of the recycler.

Just wait until I get it fixed before the project can actually start. "

Bu Laike took a deep breath, snapped his fingers at Aggramar, and said:

"True personalized service, customers are my God, not only can I customize the godhead, but also customize the shape and function of the god's container according to customers' requirements.

For such a wonderful service, it shouldn't be a big problem for me to charge more money.

Maybe I can get away with it”

The evil god smiled, showing a smile that made Aggramar's whole body chill. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then said:

"If a certain deity pissed me off, I could find many, many friends of mine, friends who longed for detachment. Well, I suddenly felt that the career of the Uncrowned could be expanded to a higher level.

My dear Aggramar, look at our universe.

In the realm of endless stars and death, there are doors everywhere, and as long as you have the key, you are the king of the universe.


Bu Laike pointed to the golden building behind him, he stretched out his hand to hold something, and said:

"The key to the next era and the endless era is already in my hands.

Well, don't put on that frightened look, we're friends, and I'm sure I won't use it against you.

Come, come, tell me your requirements, as the first customer of this shop, I can provide you with god-level customized services, don't forget to give a good review, dear. "

(end of this chapter)

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